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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1904)
n The ftost Stylish aand Most Modern ; - Fall Millinerv J At Prioes Far Below Any Previous Offer JL Now onTxhibition pL'- 1 Mrs-Ik :R.lF6rigst 1 I asomo bulding on Adams avenue.j . . 5 BOY KILLS CHUM PortUnd, Sept. S3 Lads at play with a rilla led to the usual tragedy at Fulton. Charles Edleman, a lad of 16 yesre, wae booting In a fluid with a rifle when Carl Loewig a ohutn came riding down tbe roaJ on a bioyole, Loewig held np hie bat lot Edlemtn to shoot at it. Tbe ballet flew . wide ol the mark, entering Loewig'a bead at the bate ol tbe brain, He died al most instantly. Edleman wai arrett ed. " - , For Sa!s Light bay baggy team (gentle) Work single, doable or eaddle. New pole , boggy and new light harness complete. Inquire of M rs E Whitney, Whitney House, Adams Avenue. FOB SALE Dairy cows. Inquire .at the Qrider farm, KFD No. 2. t f OB SALE 8 aorea ot land and houae of 6 rooms aorea ln.bearlug orchard one strawberries, stables for 6 horses and out ..houses plenty of . water SO.minuets work from P O for particulars oall at grocery store of W MoFarlaue. 9-1-10-1. FOR 6ALE A four room house oheap if taken at orioe. Almost new and residence part of town. In quire at thia oftloe. 8 20.27 A Runaway Match FIRE PROOF SAFE For sals, weight 2500, pnoe 'JKO. Call or write Lj urajia Pawnbroker Paoue 16m. Furniture For Sale And Loubo to rent apply to Mra Shearer opposite Btar Grocery North ol track. s for Rent Eight room on North Fir Street en- , quite of Mrs Shearer. , 8-tt . .. the building formerly oouupled by the balvuuon army, c'or lull par' tt.ulars anu istes inquire ol Mrs . ' b o iiuber. Aug. -11 1 1 BeautifulColumbia iverfcFoTder A.passenger.denartment.of.tbe Ore gon.Kailroad & Navigation (Company has iust.issued.abeautiiul and costly panoramio folder entitled "The Col umbia; ltiver, through .the Cascade Mountains, to the faoitlo Ocean." From Arlington to Portland and from Portland to the Pacific .Ocean, every carve of the river and every point of interest are shown while Mt kHood Mt.Aiiu.DJ8, and.Ma.St Helens, porpo. taally covered with snow, stand out in there beauty. On tbe back of the map is an interesting story in detail of the trip from Huntington to Port land and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking the beached and the dan Francisco trip by ocean- A copy of tbia folder may beaeou& send ing four oents in stamps to pay postage to A L Craig, General Passenger Agent of the Oregon 'tailroad A navigation Compan Portland, Oregon, By send ing the address of some friend in the East, and four oouta iu pontage the folder wilt be oromatlv niuiled. Real estate Snap Two acre trect, seven blocks from center of La Grande. Good six room ed cottage furnished completely and well, if desired. Two barns, large hen house and wire enclosed park over one ndred chickens, .'over 100 bearing (nit trees including winter and surn- r apples,, pears,, prunes,. peaohes and several .vuriUoa ,ut cherries, one thousand raspberries, 000 strawberries twenty live shado trees, ' lawn. nowerB and large garden ready for use, three wells, two pumps, ten shares in. good water ditch, liouse iUBured for Sj00 for three years. Part down. For particulars inquire at this office. Columbia ? Preparatory Cotnmoroial University itpi.yporcatai.muj Oourceu. Boarding school tor young men & boys. Box 348 University Park Station, Portland Oregon ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUI so, purchase your tit ket via tl.e lluH H CO SfaTEMa. ice ' ' o ates going or returning, BT PAUL, DENVER, COLORADO Sr-MNUS, orl'UEULO. For rates call on your In nl Agent, tes ol sale: June lti-17-ia Jul 1-2-3 g. 8-9-10 Sept. S-d-7 Oct. o For farther information ami -I- epi g r reservations call upon or iiddres ; Atl Me l-Mia'.d , Odu'l A ii 1 11 lid Ht , Portland, ore tADMINISTKATOR'S.SALE.; By virlue.ot.iui order and license. made and entered by the. 'Honorable County Court on September 10, 1904, in the matter of the administration, of the estate of Angie A )Vood, deceased, I will from and after October 22nd 1904, at my . office No. 1110 Adams Avenue, La.(irande, Union County, Oregon, proceed to sell at private sale lota numbered eight (8), in blook No. 60 in Chaplin's Addition to the City of La Grande, Union County, Oregon . Parties desiring to pnrohaae said prop erty may deposit sealed bids ou or be fore said dute, together with certitfed check for ten per cent of the amount bid for said property as. a guarantee that said oiler will be complied wilb in case the offer is accepted. Wo offer will be considered for a sum less than $1200, Terms of sale, oaah to me in hand. J . K. Wright, Administrator of the estate of Angie A. Wood, deceased. Dated September 17, 1004. IN THE UNITED STATES D1TRICT COUKT FOB THE D1STKIOJ'' OF OKEGON. n the matter of i Notice ot first ' . J. 1). Kerr . Meeting of bankrupt. 1 Creditors To the creditors ol J. L. Kerr, of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, Bank runt. NOTICE IS BEHEBY GIVEN, that on tue utii uay oi eept- ember, 1004, tbe said J. D Kerr, was duly adjudicated i bankrupt, and that the First meeting ol tbe i rod i tors will be held at the olllceof tbe undersigned in La Grande, Or.eguut on iuesday, September 27th, 11)04. at ton o'clock, in the forenoon. oi said day, at which time and place said Creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the rJaukrupt, and trausact such other business as may properly come beiore euid meeting. Twenty live ceuts must accouipauy eacholflm Uled, Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Sept ember 15, 11(04. F. S. Ivanhoe, Referee iu Bankruptcy The Stewart Opera Houae will have the the New York success "A Runaway Matoh" by Hark E Swan, as an attraction for next Friday eve Sept 30, is conceded to be one of tbe very oleverest .of farce comedy' Compositions that has ever been presented ou the Americon stage It is brimful of tbe moat ludiorous situations and laughable soenes while the lines are brigut and olever and at ino same time there is nothing that would otfeud the most exactiug. the producing company is compuBed ji -lever people, many of whom ap peered in the original oast when the pi uj was preaeuteu in New York uuie it was a reigning s ic es for an, eutiie season Among- those figuring in -tbe prinoipai roles are to be mention ed the Messrs Walf.ed Wilson, Jack Preutia, -d Perry, Frank Adpieton, ' B riender, I Douglas, and the Misser Claire Washington, isiuise Neyers ' and Myrle Buuu. Tue organization la under tbe uirection of the well known . firm of Muller & limes. Mr ios Mai ler has directed and mauaged many ot the highest claaB theatrical and opetali cal and operatlo attractio e that have been offered tbe Amerioau playgoeis during the present decade, among: WiAiEl): tVorkof auyamd, coo -wnioh are to be mentioned the Pollard tug preferred, by a young, aulo-bodi'a Lil'iputioo Opjra Company Tivoli married man with good recommenda Road Company ' and Nance O'Neil tions, and is not auaid to work. Apply Mr Thomas Bates oome of tbe famous at tills oiilce, ' theatrioal family ot the same name. J " 4 . V JTiSWlITO OPERA nWE, THREE NIGHTS STARTING V THURSDAY SEPT. 22 DICK SUTTON'S' BIG SH0W HuLoE TO ItENJ. ine ,ropi per. . son i an seuure a oral tiasa resiuenoe in good part ot tuu b Inquiring i J - iison at i u residence uu liliCh street lit rurniBhed rooms to teui. Inquire of Mrs A kj stover, tlilis house north 1 of car shop f none 18G1 S, 10. FOft KENT FurniBiied ' rooms for reut. Apply to Mrs. M A Auams, 1300 O stieet. rnoueWa. Hept rOrt RbNT Housekeeping room very nicely furuisued. Two blocks aaetui ylgu Souool, on the corner of 1st and M st. 10c 20c and 30c cents no more 20 PEOPLE 20 BAND and ORCHESTRA Change of play ea.oh and every night A Ruined Life A Pair of Black Eyes Dow by the Sea N w . unvi'ltie ., . S-i.iliiti. S 'iig Moving Pi 'ti'iea heiwti.-n Acta The Qreai Tiain Robbi-rv . ' ; '. ' " -. : .' .. . " . - " . . ' ' ' : : ' - : . ;, . ; . . FARMERS -ATTENTION Citation 'Kariyisfrs n rM0VI UTTII NUJ f aaMk ratlaf (rem inooanaw Slot .. TorpW Ur. Jui '. pmlrrtT n all treublM arl inc Iniollv er sluifti ' OsVln" UU14 Early Rlura a. Tlwy aet snmpfly n ntr rnjx. Ti,y an ss lrr that II Is a plaaiof. M m ttm. One to two Mt aa a mM aatfre; ! ' 0' " -h (at etiaotln oathartlo. They In Mrky wjaiable and abaolataty kvalaaa, Taaf toale the Uvea. MMIID !. sv B. C. Wltt a, Co., CKUaaJ" .IN THE COUNTY OOURT, FOlt THE COUNTY OF UNION, STATE OF OREGON. In the matter of the guard-) iauship ol Jeese N Kaim- Citation, bach, a Minor ) Z To Jesse N Kalinbacb, said Minoi, and Mury Kalmback, bis. guardian and next oi kin, and. all other persons in tereated in the estate of saul Minor i KEEPING : In the name ot tho state of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to .il pear in the count) court of the state urego.i, tor the county of Union, at t. e court loom thi-reoT, at La Gran !e in the lounty of Union, on Saturday lie ah day of Oi toLdr,'l0O4, at 1:30 i do. k, I' the afternoon ot lbit duy. hen iiinl there lo show cause, if auy.j have, why the petition ol Mary h.iIh.Ijh h, guaidiau ol the person au ii the nve intined minor, piny n i- r ' I trie mU't auiiioriz. e in ii euiioweritiK her I n ... i i. i. 1 1 bctoi.Kiiig to hi i i m N halinliai Ii. a M inn I in h" w ..o iv N dow- r ti.erHin, - i. -oil lb.: i- tT.nt in ti e "ti i "I 1", in T. 1 ' ii. IT K ,M., and Iu She n,i.n i-oni.ty, ijre-;ou. I , ,;,tii. Hon M A Hurni-.ii, Jui'ge ol ih en tity court of th. -lit of (l'""-!'Ji'i '"r ,he TOU itv jf L ii ion th It. i- B'ul of said court .....m.I h. ?tl ti s ol I ' I - T : I I .fnli an , C erk. UMBElt LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 MJTT11M I.Y1R PllHl.l(!ATION U. P. Land ouloe at X-a Urande, orctron August 11, lUOl. Mntlce 1h horcbv irlvon that In comDllauce wltt the provlMlouH ol tbe uct of (Jongraui ot Juaeo, is8, eutuiea "An uoiior tne Kuie oi tliuoer lauds lu llio Htauw or California, ure gon, Nevada, and WaaliluKIOD l errluiry," as eMeuded to all tbe Public Land Hlutes .bjr act Ol A ilgusl 4, litilif imvia u augueu, oi uuxier ville, couniy uf Wood. HLtUi of Wlsconmn una inladHy filed In this odiue his sworn atiitti'nent No. 3160, for tbe purcliau of tbu Mh.', SW. Mb.!i W)iud LoUSwd lofeuo tlou Nairn Township -No, 5 douth llauge Mo. ass.. w. m. v Aad wlllofTer proof to show that the land soutrnt Is more valtiablu for tut timber or utonc tlian for airrlcuitum' purponea, aad to wtMOIIsli her claim to said land uorore ttie iumtur aad Receiver of tbla otlloo at La Uniade, Oregon, .on Tuesday, the 25tb day of October, 1LOI. Ha Dawes ss wltnesnes: Italph H. Itullls, W. deary llrowu, of OexUsrviila, Wisconsin; Leonard C bullls, of I'erry, Oregon; ana llojin. nl iM flrande. tlri'iiou. Any and all persoua clalmlug odvoraely ttie aoove described land are requested to die tbelr claims In this otflco on or before said iHU day of October, 1U0I. a. w. Davis, Beglster. , LOST The crown oil' ot a Knight . Templar's emblem with a setting of five small diamonds. Finder vill please leave at J M berry's stoiv u.'l receive reward. if LOST 3T i. ' ,.d. v.njei will pleas leave - rus office and get liberal re ' wai.i - Ut LOST On the streets of La Grande, an abstract of title from the office of La Grande tnvestment Company. Find er will please return to otlioe ot La Grande Investment Company. I have purchased the ' SPO KANE OAFE and it is my la Jieution to make a epecial effort to please the farmers, In order to do this I have deoided to furnish a upeoial meal Saturday of eaoh week whiob. I call the Formers' Diuner. . This meal will inolude all that the- market afford p atid will he served in regular family style. This will be the best meal ever offered in La Grande for 25 oents. When in the city oall at the Spokaue Cale aud see exactly how good a meal you can buy tor 'id cents, REMEMBER we pay cash for butter, eggs aud chickeus. J F Johnson. THAT TIRED KEELING If you are lanqnid, depressed and incapable for work, at indicates f lint your lUer is out of order. Uerblne will assist nature to throw off head aches, rheumatism aud ailmonts akin to nervousness and restore the enerKloe aud vitality of sound and perfeot health J J Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writes, March ii lifji: "l nave useu Heroine for the past two years. It has done me more good tnan an ine aoctors. wheu 1 feei bad and nave inut tueu feeling I take a dose of Uerblne. It is tbe beat medicine ever made for chills and fever " 60cts a bottle. Sold by Newlin Drag Co. Position Wanted Young intu etpruucil in goners merchandise and bookkeeping desirea position. Moderate .salary. Refer ences furnished. Address L, P O box 01)7, city. i8 17 Bids Wanted The plans and specification for iLe exhibit building are now In tbe oQJoe ol M. L, Causey and bids for its con struction will be received up to Tues day evening. City Scavenger , Vaults, Cesspools and Wells ' Cleaned All work doue bv Scavengers : N- N". Mason Choue 1641 La Qrande Or. Teams Wanted To faiul lumliei from Ladd Canyon to La Grande for particulars enquire of Wm Ormond orUtoddards Planing Mill. Bept. 10 26 Lodge Directory. EAOLKa L (Jranda Alria aa F O 1 DIMb every Friday nlitlit In K el V' ball sr. a m Vt-Ulns brathera Invited U. alteo . C O Ituokwali, f a. tl tuf villa, W Boo. fOREBTKRS OP AHRRIOA-Oonrt Maid Marlon, No 'Z2 meeU eaob Taeidar la Klk'a bAll, Brothers art Invited to attend, .11 Helsner Chlsf BaDKer. 0 J Vanderpool Keogno. IO0 P--LaOrando r-odun, No 16 rrseo, .n their hall evory Hai urday ulitht Vial tug nim bers eordially invited to attend. l K Klnolurt N U H E Ooolidge, Baa A f. it A. M. La Grande Lodge o 41. meets every 1st tnd 8rd Batnr y oi each month. A C Williams 8eo, .. ' CD Uufrmaa W. If. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern tiln, or a visit to tbe Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the MisaoDu Paomo Kailwat. which, on aonount. of its various routes and gated ways, has oeen appropriately names The Wnrld'i Fair Eoute." Paasengera trotn tne notnweat isn the Miasouai rAinrio trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the ohoioa of either going direct through the Kansas Olty, via Wichita, Fort Soott and Pleasant Hill. ' - Two trains dally from Denver aad Pueblo to Bt, Louis without ohange, carrying all olaeses of modern equip ment, iuoluding eleotrio lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas Oity and St Louis. Write, or call on W. O. MoBrlde, General Agent, 124 Third at, Portland tor detailed Information md Illustrate" literature. tf. ghtful Route, Daylight Ride Dizzy Crags, Deep Oanone. A Golden Opportunity 8oe nature In all her - gloriou beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. The first is found along the line of the 1 Denver & B io Orande Railroad and thn latter at the 8t. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most of it. For information and illas trated literature write W. O. MoBRID E, Gen. Agt. Portland. (Inter time III I .-ubji'i' it ; il,d to Dr. I' A CHARLTON' VKM'.MNAKY MJKGEoN, tt- A 'I' IMI " !r"i! H'l'r- La Grande, '"g'ii '' 13''' ' llesideuce j.ho;ie 701 1 When your lungt are sore tnd Inflamed from coughing, Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. FOLEY'S lociv cm im stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never tailing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. ' Thi Doolors Said Hi Rad Consumption-A Mansions Curs, L. M. Rurgles, Ressoner, lows, writes: "The doctor ssid t hsd con sumption snd Tsot no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting ol blood and the paia in my lungs and today I am sound snd welL THREE SIZES 25o, SOo, and 91.00 REFUSE SUBSUITUTES SOLO AU RECOKXERDED BY A THILL, Druggis SoW By All Druggists