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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1904)
QUICK SERVICE . in our restauraut does not mean that the food is hastily jr im properly prepared. Far from it. The utmost care is taken in the getting ready of all onr eat ables, whether your bill is a dime or a dollar. Our QUICK LUNCH means that you do not have to wait nnreasonab'y for your order to he filled. Therefore, you may be sore yf u wil be able to keep all appoiutmenta on time if you break fust, dine or sup with up. MODIOLI, RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. . OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We tell weekly Meal . Ticketa, Cash $4-50 Carpets, Window Shades, .' -Hods. - : To exohange NEW CARPETS for your old ones. Call , and see our line of the latest patterns in Carpets and Linoleums. Ear gains Center Table, French Trunks and Valise - at Bargain Prices. Extra Val ues in a Rolled Edge Lounge. Big Bargains in Many Things. x '. . 3 , Remember we do Upholstering and all kinds Repair work. Carpets Cleaned and laid..,.. H. H Haigtsen Highest Prices Paid for ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are building new .r rebuilding their homes, can ueatly finish their parlors, dining rooms . halls eto with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason able price, as we are in position to undersell any fixture in the Inland Empire. We have at our office a complete stock of assorted styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. Also Shades of c II designs. We cordially invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m. ' La Grande Light and Power Co. HOTICB FOB PUBLICATION , U. 8. Land Offioe at La Grande, OrtsreSl August 18, MOt. Notice ! !iem!y liven that tile following nimnlwlU haa fiiwl notice Of hil iDtUlillOn to make fi.ial proof In npp rtofhU claim, and that said proorwill ne made before the Uouuty Diet Clerk Of UmlUlla Uouuty, vngonu reuaimon. Oregon. oaSent. jO, ''." H E No Jf' A Stanton, of Meacnara. Oregon, tor the luU a. 4, j, and 6. Dee 24, 1 1 8, R. s E M cominuoue residence upon aud cultivation of aid land, via: . . . both of Meaeham 'oreijon, and Smith C. Stanton and James M Hays, both of Athena, Oregon. ueorge u, tinyara ano juim iw.. E. W. Ulvll KegUter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION lanlalad Traet Pnbllo lain) Sale. Notloe la hereby flvea thai in larauance ol llirnU'nnS?"; veaSS lnblmbiUonO.S, KeviStatatea. February 3S, 1 . lens, we win iocee lo.orrrat puhltoaale.a .ten o'eiyek a. m-. "l Say of Bepuimber, 1S0J. at ibis office, lit following tract of laod, lo-wlt: J bee w, Townenlp aouUi, range , fcM. Any and sit earaona claiming aiverieiy tne abovfrdicrlbeund are adviaed to Jb! t ror.ei. minaadveriy the designated for commencemf nt of said aale; olharwlae Ibelr rights wUI be forfeited. Dated August 8, ItOL B W Davis, Keglater. A A Roberta, keceJirer, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. a lau.4 om, La OtwJO Nolle la hereby given that the foil" iwine to maksflnal proof In support of his claim STid oroof will be made before the named aeltler has Sled notice Of ins i ""'" tJlMdlCiWoflha US iMnioa atLaOmnde,)riion. oa Hen. ,., h k kokkL Kimer B Oliver, ol u iTsTnaMi. Klmer B Oliver, of Mearnarn, Oregoa.rorTi.a NWH Mec-T I N, Rfc B names tbe following wllnaes jo prove hi!, continuous resldeaoe upon and UlvaUon f VOrt.nTti-r VanhSO. Orsdallali ofVeaouam, Uragou. ursoau, ttrDavla,Raltlsr. SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W.rl.'Tlunter & Sou have Leaded the McKinzie 8'ubles and are prepared to Berve the publio io a first class manner Ht reasonable rales. ' TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE . That is why people come here for men's and by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt lino is our spec ialty. Here is where price and quality are combined. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET Curtain Poles . and 'Brass Universal Range. $40 00 Childs Bed and mat tress $0 75 Good Fold ne Btd $3.25 Legs, a Bargaiu at 94 25 of e5, F. D. Hasten Second Hand Goods. In The District Court of The United States for The District of Oregon. T . ((, matter Of) I? caldah I mary ill. uaiuweil, Bankrupt. ) the matter of I Notice i f first meeting of Creditors. To the Creditors of Mary M. Cald- well, of Eliiin, in the county of Union, Bat8 of Oregon, Bankrupt: ' , u u t . 11U11UB la uurauy kitou, ana, uu vua ; first day of September, 1904, the said Mary M. CaMwell waa duly adjadioated a Bankrupt, and that the first Meeting I of the Creditors will be beld at the I office ol 'be undersigned, in La Grande, Oregon, on Monday, September 19tn, at ton o'clock in the forenoon ot day. at which time and place said ored, orl may attend, prove their ,1,1 Xs. app tint a Trustee, examine th. rfankmot. .nd transact anon 0 hi the i . bual ' nego aa may proper y come before ' sL meetiug Twenty fl.e oents muat -iiiwhus gjompany each claim filed Dat'd at La Grande, Oiegon, Sep tember Cth, 1904. V S Iv boe, ' Referee in Bankruptcy. ( 8ept.7-8) 1 Laily f Millinery Exhibition Our ready to wear and pattern hat are now on txhlbltion and w,i would be glad te have the ladie call and see nni Langtuj j. County Convention Program Wed. Morning 8:16 9:16 Devotional Berries led bjr iS. B. Stephenaon. 9:30 Opening of Convention by County Preaideoi appointment o Oommittie eto. . 9 :46 Report o! County Supte. 100 PretentaUoo of Belli, Review of Satte Minatee. 10:15 Our Pent.) and Ratormatory Inatitutlooa and Child Labor Lawi by Mra B. lie Wright. 10:30 Report of County Offioera and Committees, 11 Sohjol Saving Banks by Mra Minerva Eaton 11:30 Our Literature, MUoellan eons. -: 11:65 Noon Tide Prayer Adjournment Wed. afternoon . , ISO Exeoutive veseion - 1:45 Oonaeoration Service led by Mra. Perra Thornton 1 Election ol Offioera 2:30 Nomination of Buptj. oon8rm ed. S :4& Our Financial venture!, auo oeaae and failure by Mrs. Olive Bol ton. " ' -. 3:14i-Thr Sooial Bide ol our work by Mra. Edmund Robinson 8:30 Our Future Work, What and Howl 3:45 Fragmenta 4 Children! half boar led by Mr Hatti Clark. All children cordially invited. ' , 4:30 Adjourn to meet at 7:30 for Double Silver Medal Con test. . DOUBLE MEDALCOSl'Eiir" PKOGBAM . Mnaio . Recitations Grime's Waterloo. . . . ...Virgil Bolton What Sort of a Man . . Bruoe Boarders The Deacon's Matob .... L. 'I bomaaon Christian Lead ere. ...... .Ednid Herr While the Sabbath Bells were Ringing , . Oioil Bolton , Tba Bumaeller's Sign... .Geo. Carrey Solo I. Miss Bessie Woratt 11 ' Recitations a r. . i . t : . n n... - O.TUI.H wrtiia .0 n.BiuB..... i uruer Winch Shall it boT Dottie Push I union Oouuty. Wedding Belie.. ...Hattie MoMurray'l.0 williamj, PUUttis W'ty Ned said "No.. . .Edna lu the Jushel or in the Jug , . Clark .Enid Thomason Awarding of Medals Solo... Mies Mertie Aldrtob SOMMER HOUSE L B Stafford J R W ood fTnlnn fin, u utou , vre, Spokane . Irortla u An uu Blg Show Cbas. Gould J V Milligon Frank Bates with Sutton's W P Dodson Leo Wei s and wife 11 U Coiton I O Anderson ' LKAItbit R C Long ' , B F D Crank Mra e O Weatherby Joseph Portland do do : do -do I Telo asot ' Frank McFarland H E Nell 1905" Medical Springs Portland Sumpter Cove do do Waitsborg J R Ward S C Elder A B Conley Mies Miller Miss Conley Albert Lanndagin. Jno. A Danir '8 and wife Rawlins, Wy Wallowa Poatland A L ClemenB J R word FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms very nicely fnrnieheil. Two bl icke . rest of High School, on tbe corner of 1st and H st. FOR SALE A four room hnuae cheap if taken at once. Almost new and in beat reldence pait of town. In quire at th u offloe S 20-27 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice ia hereby given, that the co partnership heretofore exlating between the nndersigned under tbe Arm name of iMoG'oy It, In tbe grocery bu.iiieaa, at La Grande, ha. been dis solved by mutual agreement. The buaine-s ill be continued by William McFar;ne. Dated, Augaet 1.', 190 . , .fames MoCoy. 8 12 9 3 - W. Mol'arlane. GUARDIAN'S SALE By virtue of an order and made and entered try the Hon. license County of t're- I Court of Union County State gon, on aeptember oth, 1801, In the r'tO' ' 'he Goardianablpol the per- sons and estate of Ern -at N Patty, Z ratty, an 1 Frank A Patty, minor heirs of Tbomaa K Patty de ceased, and ward of the ond-raigned their guar Iran, I will, from and after tbe 21t .lay f October 1901, at my home No. .1116 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Union County, Oregon, pro. need to sell at private aale the South ea t quarter of Action 31 of Townablp Three .North of Range 39 East of the Willamette Merldan in Union O-mnty Oregon, for tbe benefit ot aaid belr and tlieir estate. Term ot aale, cash to me In band. ' Zora E Patty, Guardian of the persons and estates of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrice Patty and Frank A Patty, Mlnoi. Datel dep;.nijr Id, 1901. Got 21 Portland Markets There la a larite tupply of the lower gradea of creamery batter In the mar ket, and prloea In tbla Una have ran down to i3H per pound, bat the fancy fend better grades still remain at the former price of 27 Ko. Fgga atlll remain about the a ame, the beat local etoolta being firm at 25o, while the eaatern shipments are sell ing atone cent nnder tbla figure. The arrivals of lo-al stock are very email.'" There i a good outlook for the . en tire local poultry market as the larger dealers are almost oat of atock and are picking up everything that comes. Good, fat ohlokenaoommand the high est prioe In the poultry market at the present time. Business in the wheat 'market Is praotioally at a- standstill at the pre sent time on aoconnt ot the slump In the Chicago market making the ruling pride in this territory too high to permit of buying fur eaatern shipments The fat mere are not eel ling at the pre' vailing pruje on . the market. So things an at standstill, watching the Chicago market. . ' Today's wholesale and revised quo tat io. 8 are aa follows. ..v, HAY AND GBAIN Wheat, export price........ 79o to 85o Bar.ey, best. .22 to 123 Outs ........"..........26. to 127,60 Hay, " timothy.... ....'......115 to 110 B OTTER, EGG'S AND POULTR1T Butter beat creamer? to 27)1) Batter, ordinary ................. .20o EgaB, per dozen ........... .23o to 25c Chickena, per pound.... '..12o to 12)o FRUUS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes per owt... 11.25 to 11.40 Onion, per owt .... .....11.50 to 11.75 Apples, best, -per box .11 Peaches, best, per box ..... , Beets, per saok... Cabbage, per pound...... . LIVE STOCK 40o to 70o -.1125 .....2o Steera. ....12.75 to 13 rv.WH 12 ..........11.75 ...,.12 .....15.75 to (0 ..13 95'to 14.20 Bulla Stags Hogs, . best., Hogs, feeders SUMMONS. IntU801 rcultOourtol thestate of Orcoa tor CASSIA. A WILLIAMS, Defendant, defendant; in the name of the Hut of regou you are hereby required to appear aud annwer M.c complaint lilod agalnat you In the above endtled suit ou or before tbe ilat day of October. 191H. And if you fall to o answer, for want thereof, the plalutill will lane decree against you for tbe dlnnoluilou of the marriage contract ex.sllng between you aud tbe plain till and for colli and disbumouietil of thin suit. Turn sumiuous Is published In the Euntern Oregon Obaerver.a weekl newspaper publiahcd , TJnkai uaDtI Oreaou. bv Ol Her of Hie Uou. KibertKaklu, Judge of the Eigbtu Judicial DUurlot of tbe ulrcutl Uourt o. thu State of Oregon, once a week for alz consocutive weeks, the drst publication tbe. oof to be made ou the Dtn day of Heploinber, imi, aud tht. last publl- oallou ou the 2ist day of Ootober, JllOi, which EUGENE ASH WILL, ' Attorney fur 1'laiutlff ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, la narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, aa followe: '1 waa In an awlul condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back ' and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physician had ' given me up. Then 1 waa adviaed to uscElectrio Bitter; to my great joy the first bottle made a decided im provement. I continued tbeii use lor three week, and am now a well man. 1 know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to ry them. Only 60 cents, guaranteed. at La Grande Drug Co., and Newlin Drug (Jo's., drug store. UMBER LAND, NOT1CU FOR ACT JUNE 3, 1078 PUBLICATION S. Land Office, La U ramie, Oregon. AUgllkt O, Notloe la hereby given that, In compllauoe with lbs DrovUloneof Ibeaut of Coaruas ol June 8, Uhs, entitled "An act for tbe aaie of umlier laud in the nlatee or tjallforulu, ore on. Nevada, and WaahlnaUin Territory." aa extended to all tba Public LMLd utatoa by act or Auaoal 4. lblft. Marv Dobcrlv wf Viuaun oounty of Umutllla, tat of Oregon, haa this day filed In Una otlice ber sworn stale, inenl No. aide, for tbe burobaae ol the nliiu N Wji and WV4 Hecllon is In Towuablp Na reoulb, lUage No. K5, IS. W. M. And will Oder proof to abow thai tbe land eoogbt la mora valuable for lie Umber or noue inan lor agricultural purpoeea, anu wj eatabilab bar olaiDi to said laud befoie the' Hegleterand Heoelver of tbla oUlce at iM 'iranda, Oregon, on Monday, the IHlu day of Ootober, IHM. ' Sbe i.aaiee as witnesses: Nell MoDlvltt. Dan iel Madden, of Pendleton, Oregon; Joaeph Doherlv. Barney McLaughlin, of vinion, uregu,,. Any and all peiaous clalrulug adveraely tbe above deacrlbed lands are requeaUHl to Qle Ibelr claims In tbla offloe on or befora said Mtb day of October, lux. bVimtIs, Keglster. Script Script Gllt-odged (brent rewrv, approved, uo reHialried, ready Tor imuiUiaiLe tifte any where. Luwml prlcw. F F. ft K. B.RJlej, Chamber ol Commerce Uldg, 1'onUtod, Or THE BARGAIN STORE A new bnilt and handsome line of American PATTERN HATS E M Wcllman & co Adams Avenue. tchool tojk Opposite the Sommer House. ' One of the beat musloal inatltations in the slate. Four rooms used for musloal instruction, 15 gradea of music taught. Depaiuient 1, 3 rooma used for the 3 first grade. - Children at the age of fi and older oome one hoar every day. Department 2, a rooma for gradea 4 to 16 for pupils of all agee The lat est course beet practical musloal in struction. M lairal contests for med- aJa every few srenks. .. E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY, Assistant Furnished Room Centrally located corner of Waahlng- ton and 6th Streets. Known as Geo, Ball' lodging house. ;;;,; ... ; ; For Sale . 1 One good . second hand Kimball piano. For Particulars eequiie of Mra ingle or Phone 1727 Realdenoe Cor. of 3rd K. 1 , ; ACUTE RHEUMATISM Deep tearing- or wrenohioi Mlns. occasioned by getting wet throagh; worse wnea at rest, or on nrst moving the limbs and in cold or damp weath er, is t ared quickly by Ballard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleson, Gibeon City Illinois, writes, H'eb 18 11102: "A year aso I was troubled with a nain in mi be, k. It aoon got so bad 1 could not bend over. One bottle of Baiiard'a Snow Liniment cured me." 25c, 60o, i uu. Doia oy newua urug uo. . " MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever beard of, Buck'en'a Arnica Halve is the best. It sweepa away and cures Burns, Soros, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Utoera, Skin Eruptions and Pile. It's only 28c and cuaranteed to sive satisfaction bv La Grande Drug Co., and Newlin Drug jo., vrnggiac, . , . ; , HARD WALL PLASTER Ouly ousts about 5o per yard more than oommon plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing aa it can be used iu zero weather Being flexible instead of brit tleas all sand mortors are it will dent like wood when Btruck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe boles, eto are eaeiiy out through it It is a non conductor of eleo tricity and thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath It contains no acids . nor chemicals to norrods . It will not burn nor disintegrate by fire being a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister Parties having plastering to do should consult me regarding this class of work Estimates cheerfully given E. REISLAND, Phone 371 SEPTEMBEp R MEANS " OYSTERS LOY Serves them any style you wish y ' WEATHER FORECAST . , Tonight and k Tomorrow fair, ooolar tomorrow . THE TRAINS aNo 2 East bound 9:10 p m ontlma No 0 West 8:5 p m on Urn , That the way to reach a ! man's heart is through his ... nr .. 1 ' ; siomaca. 117 11 uy usiug Geddes Bros canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. . We are the first store ; the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything., We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc .r , Special attention given to phone ordftrs, : Geddes Bros. V LLAIrJ it- i(W CLAIM 11 ... 2?, r OUR BACK ROOM Is open for your inspection. In fact we will' be ' pleased to show you through onr entire establishment., Everything is kept sorupulously neat- and clean and we have no hesltenoy in showing the most fastidious how our meats are handled. We now have the latest improved ' sausage machine and san sell you sausage in all styles. . Bock & Thomas MY SHINES Are liko the "Smile that won't oome -olf." i hey are put on rltfht and ty rliilit, I fise only Whitinore' psate ami KUaran r thut if altar thirty day trial you I li t tat it has ' in any way way injure, tfc) leather I will present the oualom i w u a (5 pair of shoes purchased a, sm store lie may seleot. If you dfsiio ivally Urst olaas ' work oall and get a ahine. Ladles wore a specialty. Remember th plaoe, Krt. ley' Barber 8 iop, where everything ia Urat ulaas from the boot black up. . JOB B. WILLIAMS. Sacred Heart Academy La Grande, Oregon. Tbla well known institution, conducted by the Mister of St. l''rapcis, afforilaexoulleut ednoatiouhl advantaite. Music, draw lug anil lahitlliu optional aiojiea. Preparinv young ladle for the pmfew Ion ol teacmni a iipeoialty. uoraing and day S 'bool uehs the nrst Monday in Meutember. Kor catalunue addraas Sister buperlir. Aug 4 Oct 4 ..A U 9 . . M'T.. ;m Oregoa Union P4CiHr Tim NflhiHlnl LA OHAKUB. NO. 2 8:U) p. m. NO. S. I:) a. m. Salt Lake. Denver Ft. Na i. twin, not S p.aa Wnrtb. Omaha. Kansas! ICU,, HI. louU, Cbloagul ma Ksjit. Fortlsn. IMIIee, l'en-1 HOt, t:N n aieioh vane wana, l)AyuQ. I'omerot, HOI . p m 'Joints., MoMw,Spo- kbui auiiia .uu ilb via Bpo- Kaoe. Portland, Dullea, lrn-l NOt MO S nana m lnla.lwlUm.Oollkl nicion umainia wai- lloKHiw, WallaoeWar 1:1 pm aner, nimsns snu Other polnla ewitend DUTIII via r,mauv. Nnnally 'aland CUT. AlleeL sicrai Hunday HIS a irnrner, ena p.iRin flnnnaf-tlnna at Elaln n k30 p wltn atiMte rorpointe in walluwa oimnty Oooan Bteamor between Portland and San Vraaelwo orory Bv day S, 0. MOORE, Agsat . I 1