La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 20, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Rails Spread, One Car
Turned Over Four
General News
Junction City, Kan., dept. 28 The !
Pullman Motion of tbeess'bound A'
laalio Express on toe TJatoo Paciffa '
was wrecked near bete tSia afternoon ;
by the raits spreading. Tbe train wee
traveling at the rate of forty mil an
hour. Three Yn lmens lefi the track
and one at (be rear of the train rolled
O'er a fifteen foot embankment, turn
ing over three time. Ihirty-iwo per
sona were In the oar. Six war aeri
ouely injured tbe rest reoeiviog alight
but painful injuriea " , :: f '
Tbe lait two oara were occupied by
the St. Jebna oommendery and cava'
Iry eommaodery of Knight Templar
ol Providence, k I- ":'
The regular September term of the ,
United States Circuit Court of Apprala'
commei oed in Portland ' veab-rday
wiuj uugea n ui tt oxomm, ui oau
Franciaoo; Eitkine H Ross, of Lot
Anuala! anil William It flllhart ol
Portland. '- - - ; i . ' .
A boy, thirteen years ol aire, without !
beiagable to apeak a word of the ' "
English language exoept the namea of BOWCVST NO
a few towns throogh whioh be had ;
passed has jnat arrived at tltes Idaho, j .
from Arbra, Sweden. He had a label I
on his coat sleeve and una on biaj '
satchel. j !
The ' trilling matoh that was arranged . ;
Miween mowoa ano. inaaaea w oe In tbe mporUnt renoonaleeaneee of ' Japanese wUl not make a farther mov.
heldatnmpteror Bourne at "o ljeoenll, tfcnneBun,piind8amao.ofr oward Bekdeu ui til after September
time during this month, upon which interruption of SO .ben reeansaissanoe. inclosed that
matob 000 bad been placed, is now th.nn,t th.t h.t ,,, th ., .till war maaaina at Yanu! and
ht I Bentziapatla. .. No Japanese hare been
.. ., omu luuiwuia u i u u v. w . -1 umNiinw - i
nn not oocar " i:l,g"ou .mono the Raealan officers at the front Kuronatkiuhaa been order! to Issa
Heavy . Work Is i Anticipated for
Several Days
$ :
New Griin Rate
The O. K. 4 ...H. baa . made . a new
rata on wheat from Tbe Dalles . and
It points east to Mecnphit, Tent,,'
aiid common points, which went into
effect on September. 19. Tbe new rate
will be 60 cents per 100 pounds. On
wbeat milled in traisst at Denver,
the rate Will le 33 ceo is, Tbe move
ment to Memphis and other south m
points Is an extenaion of tbe preaent
wheat movement to tb Uiddia . West
toward the South. ' :.''
B. C.
. w the quiet tbst has enaed alter tl
In a oHnplid eta e in r gard to the flng , (oHaU
WUIUIUK Va fllV ItKIW V j-wmoaiaj
Still Unconscious
Kameey, Idaho., Sept 308 P Wear,
. . i ,
a promincDE rauoner, wne urououir i-
tally injured by heing bit with beam
while nnloading bay Saturday. He Una
not renamed consciousness. -
Attorney JL Band. ol Baker City U
in tbe city. -
OJSoriber baa returned (ram the
Baker City hospital when be under
went an operation for appendluitia. Be
is rapidly regaining bis strength.
Mrs. A A Roberts, wife of Receiver
Roberts, provided her condition per
mits, will be operated npop today at
the Good Samaritan hoapitjl in Port
land for appendicitis. Mr, Roberts
and Judge Ellis ot Pendleton are now
in Portland. "
Hubbard Kler hinicr, a abpmon
of Asotin county, Washington, who was
arraigned in the juetioe court at En
terprise Ore. on the charge of bringing
sheep Into thia state w.thont a permit
from the sheep i speotor, waa yetter
day tried and fined WO.
Old ae tlera in Wsllnwa county pro
nounce this dry spell tbe longest In
the history of that oonnly, there hk.
Ing been no rain f oi over a month.
Tbe Stevens County Wash., Pro
ducers A as elation opened their second
annual county fair at Oolsttle yeter.
day. The aom of 1 1 6,000 in purses
and prix e has been bung for the event
The 80th aeaslon of the Sovereign
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows was open
ed ye'terd y morning in the Lyceum
theater at San Franciaoo. Tbe daye
ees.lon was merely routine, but Bos
ton, Cinolneatti and New Orleans have
entered the raee for the next gather
ing. , -'
la the report from St Petersburg that .heavy winter clothing in the middle or
about one seventh of the officers in October. Toe Raeaian troops have al
regiment's guards. ' stationed at the ' ready exoKahged the summer Khaki
Sudden Death
Davenport, Waah., Sept. i0 B ook
Anderson aged 17, a son of Deputy
Coouty Auditor, J W Anderaon ol B
ned himself in the high-Biihool gym
nasium eight times 8.turdy, waited
to table sat down and lell off onto
tbe floor dead. He wae koowo to have
heart trouble. He was a great favr rite
capital, will be dratted -Into service
with the regiments at tbe aoena-of
war. The Japanese are reported ad
vanoing slowly upon tbe position a
held by the Russians in a line extrnd
ing about twen y seven mlec. There
are no dv elopments at Port Arthur
for ordinary cloth uniforms
. , -
London, Sept. 39 A dispatch from
Toklo to the Neva Aceooy says:. ,
at.An,. RhmU. ttivott made' a - aortic
beyond reporU futile of a eortie by the - mPortA -thar September 18. and
attaoked the Itzsban fort. Tbe light
ing lasted some hour. , Toe Rnasiana
were rapniedd with heavy lose.
garrison against tbe height which re
ently fell Into the bands otthe Japan
ese.' : ' ' i! ' '.Vv f::
St Peterabnre, Pop 90. While ta-
slattni that Kuropatkin baa sufBrlent
troops at Mukden to oontest the Japa.
neee advance, the war oraoe admiu u
ie not likely that a deolslve battle will
be fought there. Everything goes to
show that the main Russian position
Is now at Tie pass. Offlolil reports at
toe war office are to tbe effect tint
Short Strike , ;
Winning, Sept. SO The strike by.
the Canadian Pacific biiier makers
and helpers lasted only two days. The
men are returning to work ti-day. The
a'rlkers Mil receive an increase of I
cent an hour. . . ,
Panhandler Arrested.
-Benjamin F Endlcott tbe "pan
handler" ahnbas been doing a land
office basinets in tfeattle and other
polntav By aoilotung money to carry
him to Hot Springs Ark. for the treat.
ment of tnberculoals of tbe lower
limbs, waa arrested in Wallace, Idaho
yesterday wh leolrculatlng his petition
and placed in Jail. An examine io"
bv a nbyatcian allowed him sound and
ha will nrobalbv be tried for obUiu-
tng money nnder false pretenses.
Madrid. Sept. 20. The Correspond
encia ot this city pubilabad a dispatch
from Bilbao today to tbe effect that t
Rnaaian crueer was seen off f'ape' St
litrie and she fired two shots and took
Doaseaston of a merchant vessel, anp
nosed to be a British steamer. There
is no confirmation report. .
Water Famine
Ukiah, Sept. HO-UklaU is expe-
ienclng a water famln Nearly eve -y
well in town baa been dry tor the past
three or four days something anbeaid
of in the history of thia vicinity. The
creek is dry for two miles a'tove Pkiah
from which the wells are indirectly
Tbe adjourned regular meeting of
tbe city oounoll will take place tomor
row evening.
Yanruuver, B. 0 , Sept.. 13 Tbe
Jipaseae are planning to es'abiisb a
great arming and industrial eolouy in
tae Canadian Northwest. . H.. ,
' 1hey propose to purobase a large
tract of land and when thai is done
will probably apply for a further grant
from the govrnmeot. They will then .
bring several thousand Japanese to tbe
coast. ; One ol the plana is to aupply
103? tor tbe Grand Trunk P.oino in
western railway building. Another,
pi n ia to supply farm' hand in Mani
toba and the Northwest.
- Hrg Johnie bbea ' and ' Mrs Lena
Johnson left this morning for Dove
where they will spend iwt weeks Mrs
Johnsons parents.. Mr and Mrs Adam
Crossmao, -I y i : v . ' :
1 1 - s i ' i t : - s t t i:- "f . i 5
W have just received a .mall nhipment of oar FALL STYLES of COATS
bSOITS. ir you expert to bay a SUIT, it will pay yon to look oar line over,
as it will be to yonr advantage and you will be sure to get the RIGHT THINGS.
The Chicago Store
Adams Ave., La La Grande, Oregon.
The following is an extract ot a let
ter written to the Eugene Begiatei by
Hon. Harry B. Miller, ot thia state
who is now consul ' of New Chwang
which wae in possession ol the Rus
sians when he went there but is now
in tbe bands ot the Japanese. He
certainly led a strenuous life during
the transformation period.
"Thus we paseed from tour years of
Ruasian rule into an unknown future
Tcndavsaffo we felt as though we
were in Russia Russian gunbiat, sol
dier, band, administration, telegraph
poetoffice, and hundreds of Russian
flags flying everywhere. Now we have
a Japanese administration. Japanese
soldiers, guoflosts, torpedo boats
transports, merchant steamers, sailing
Jbips, junks, and Japans flags every
where, and note single Russian flag
to bees. n. .
It waa a sort ot a lightnieg change
act from Russia to Japan.
It was distinctly RuieU before and
is jertalnly Japanese now.
On Monday nigbt I gave a farewell
dinner to the Russian governor and
prominent Russians, and the follow
Ing Sunday I entertained at dinner
tbe Japanese governor and prominent
army officers including General Fuku
shlma, and some captains In the navy
I have been enjoying all sort ol ex
perienoei. For 24 hours I waa tbe ad
mioisirator of this city ol a hundred
thousand people." -
Yours truly
H. B. Miller.
fill 'SHAW 'ft sf: mtimn J
New Dress
L-tk 5
Osteopath is Sense
How often may it not occur that
tbe denotement and atrophy ot
vital tuottiont which bava renJerd so
many human -Uvea wretched and
worthless, are oauaed by soma alight
yeelebral displacement, or almost
nnnotioeable curvature ol the spinel
And In such oaaea the replacement of
the Involved vertebrae, or alignment
of tbe eplnaf column, is all the
"doctoring" seeded for the return of
health, courage and Joy to Individual
racked by needles suffering onto despair,
A most excellent fall showing of new dress good in- ,
eluding the most popular weaves and colorings novelty
suitings in eiugle suit patterns, Broadcloth, Voiles Ela
minea, Flannels, Fancy, Plain BriUiantiaea, Beautiful'
Black and White Mixtures, 'Pin Checks, Etc in fact, a
collection of curth beauty and rare worth that you can
feel atsured of finding just what you will, want for yonr
Fall Costume, be it a Tailor suit or Evening gown, at the ,
most reaonable of Fr PrioeV J"
MenY Fall Suits
Our suit department is more
complete than ever. .Nothing
but the products from the best
makers and designers is accord
ed a place on our tables. You
will easily convince yourself of
this fact if you will step in and
"xamine our suits you will
FECT FITTING with hand
made col urn and shape retaining
fronts. . ' ' .
$6.50 to $25
For Men, Women and Child.
ren.'; Onr shoe sales have more
than doubled in the last year.
Why? Because we sell nothing
but reliable Bhoes and stand
back of every pair Shoes
fit Shoes that wear Shoes
at prices you can afford to pay
I- :