La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 19, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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to Invent your Booty, are foot Glad
ol it. Glad your bank aoeoont ia ao
big you've got to dojomajbing with it
We'd like tojbr. jrort an noma real
aataw. , Batata internes inAe
I(woriu a)JU ..wuu ...uuru,, uy
got imsm nergaina,tn rati anaie.ior
jcaah buyer: Ceme im and get partio
ulara. We'll btip y o gat nea at a
mall eommlMioa for oareelvea
Don't delay ,Ail don't - last
La Grande Evening- Observer
CUB RET BEOS., Editor Pro pa
Mal&fancje jfnvesimmt&
1110 Adams Avenue, . - La Grande, pregon . .
' OrTKpSBs , ... . OIBKOXQESi . ..
On fJOUj.v. ...... ...PrsaridW. .. M.Bevry. J. ICOhuruk. , ,.
J.M.BaBST...;..VioaPrattdcnt iLB.O90UrtQm.UClM. A..
J. M.Cauaoa. oeenler , ar,.u jrauaaf i 7J
VMiTittf OeoIsClMVei- Aait. CaaWtrt . ,:,
La O.Rande
La Grande, Oregon
. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 '
1 raiicu a tauwal banking business;' , Bnyajstd aallt trch tnge to .
' ail pert of tiw world.''- Ooliettioos specialty.
t ..' a . e: . f
a aossciaaas
Aim ' w k ST :ll
Vvc will call JuT:;it ailtfiiit;
home vylnpro
WV guarantee eatittfaxitioD ni oulv for a -trial
order to demonstrate to. you thai we un- ; -
1 deriiaud the launary business. rou can atop
nur wagon at any tfme.prphone the Lauudry
ninl your work ji1Vbr'cjijed;fpr at once. ' -We '
make a specialty .of foully washing and Cad
do your washing better and cheaper 'than
on. - A trial order solicited. - '
I n ion Steam Laundry
PHONE 1981.
Batarad at the Coat jQffloa a La
Uraoda, .Oregon,, mm .!fiaooad Claja
Mall Matter. . ' :
Published daily except Sunday
One year, in advance. ... . . . $6 60
8iz months in advance. . . .8 60
Per .month. ... ; ..".v.... . . ..65c
8ingle oopy . . 6c
The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without Irri
Red Clovcr.s AIfa.fa and all kinds of
Garden Seed in bulk
Seed Wheat,' Baled
Barley. Oats. -Etc-
The only Seed House
inUnion County.
A. V. Oliver
Phone 1571
The Triumphantly successful plsy
A play to be proud of. With a great oast
May Stockton,
As "Bossy"
Will 11. Bray,
"Original Minuter to, Dahomey'
Harjy B. Emery,
At "Maverlet: Braader"
And 20 others, with the famous
Wednesday, Sept 21
CharleV'-W Stevenson. '
I. shall love bim when tba world la at
'i bia feet
": With lie cheers;
When tba plaodita of tba many aoond
' '. ingaweat,
" i WUbtafrfrtj.,-
I aball lore bim with a love that will
'' not Hit,' , ,.. , i c '
Whila tba ihrona of lovt is bidden in
tb aky,
And an earthly lort aball light a ,ho.--;
man eye
' . ' With itoteara
1 (hall lore him when tba aorld baa
' j turned away
Aa it will
To the hero of a mca Imiariqoa day
- Love bim still ' '
Whan th'K'a not a i-mlle to greet bit
saddanad faoa, :c .-.
And tba vaan bare left on bim their
weary iraoe, .i
When another aita within the worthy
place .r. f: " v
;,, .He should flU
for I love him now with lore that't
axioleartn .i- ...
Love'a divine 1 4- lt . ..,
All my life and all my tool't immor
tal birth
In bim thine;
Be it lover, friend and hoaband all
in one, ' ".' '
And hit klndneaa unto me ia never
dona," V ''J
Andthroogh bim alone my laatlng
joy 1 won.
He is mine I .
..- : :at r : -.: :
La Grande Drug Co. and Red Cross Drug Co
would . be 'abort in circulating
medium . this ear, As it Js . , we
have. .large ..revenues from our
never failing supply of timber,
of frpit, hay, beets, cattle, horses,
hogs jpjn JJie payroll in this city
of at least $240,000 annually is
no small factor in the resources
of the entire county.
. t Unless something js qna . at
once for the Proebeatl bridge the
rouniy will Jbe under Uie neces
sity of building a new bridge,
ttis saily in need of repairs
The beet crop will Boon begin to
! move and the bridge in its pre
sent condition will not last long
when this heavy hauling begins
From present reports from
the bee' fields and from the large
land investments the sugar fact
has recently made, it is not pro
bable that the question that has
in the past received considera
tion, relative to the removal ofi
the factory will ever again bo
mentioned. .
$4,75 per 100
rhe sidewalk on Second street
needs attention very, badly and
should receive the attention of
the proper officers. Second street
is used to a great extent by the
school children but in its pre
sent condition it is only a ques
tion oi time uutill some child is
seriously injured. Then it will
be too late. Now is the time to
fix this walk belpre some one is
1 By order of the State Board ; of -Prison .Directors, I
- am authorized to sell grain bags in any quantity above
600, manufactured at San Quentin Prison at a price ,
fixed at $4.75 per 100. ' Bags delivered free in San Fran.
cisco.1 Ordrs must be accompanied with .. cash- or ex y
. ' change on Sin Francisco in full, and also with ' the fbl-
' lowing affidavit verified before a Notary Public or Justice '
. of the Peace: y "'? '7- :c.s
; "I hereby certify that I am a consumer. residing -
in .and that the bat s ordered by me' are- for'
ray own personal and individual use." t
aeaaseaases '
Subscribed and before me this.. of....
Seal ' " " ; .
'"' The bags are of the same capacity as standard Cslout- -'
tss, and superior in quality. Don't delay send in your
rder today to J. W. TOMPKINS, Warden San Quen- '
r tin Prison, California. '
. '. Samples of .theae bags to be teen at this offloe.
Special Excursion to the World's
Fair.. .
The Denver and Bio Grande, in oon.
neotion with the Miaeoorl faciUo,
w.ll ran a aarlea of per onally oon-
ducted ezoarBlons to the World', fair
during Jane. These excursions will
ran through to St. LkuI. without
change of care, making abort atopa at
prlnolpal poinu enroow. i. ne on 01
these exoursion. will leave Portland
Jioe 7, and the second June 17. - The
rate from La Urande rill be $60 to St.
Loiia and return Gxoaraioaiata go
ing Ala the Denver A Bio Urande have
the privilege of returning by a differ-
h-h&j. This la fka m.iafc rt I It a. M t
aw -a1I ftha mndt. ffaliirhtfnl '
rote to cross the oontinent. I he
atopa arranged give an opportunity
Of viaitlng in and about Kansas (;ity.
If too wish to acoompany one Ot tb9
eiouraiona write at onre 'to W C Mo
Bride, 124 rnlrd street, fortiaaa, ior
ttlaeplng oar reservations. "
60c, 76o, and 11.00 Children 35c
nn aa'ra Unnil.v mnrninc.
Vai .w " 4 e- g
Pull Down The Fag
If the present Democratic plat
lorm means any tning out . to
oatch votes, it means that if
Parker is elected he will follow
the precedent Cleveland set, in
Hawaii and pull down the stars
and stripes from over the Philp
pine Islands or else exterminate
the five or six millions of natives
Here is what the Democratic
platform says: "All men under
the Ameripan lag, are , enHed
to the protection ofthe , institu
tions whose emblems of the flag
s. If they are inherently, ,un
fit to be members of 4he Ameri
can body politic, .wherever, they
may exist a people incapable of
being governed nndei American
laws, under the American, ppn
stitution, the territory or people
ought not to be a part of the
Amsrioan,vdoinainl?: tl.i
Should Judge. Parker be elect.
ed .how can he effectuate., that
plank in the platform? He will
have to do one of three things.
1st determine ;tVt iUft J iv
Filippinos are inherently fit to
become citizens .of the United.'
Stateii., ;
2nd determine that the Filip
pinos are inherently unfit to be
members of the -American body
politic and therefor the country
they occupy aught not to be a
part cf; the ar
and order, toe nag puuea flown .
8rd holding the natives unfit
to become members of Aineiican
body politio and therefore not
entitled to the protection and en
joyment of the institutions whose
emblem the American (tag . is
and therefor aught not to be a
part of the Americsn people,
but as the flag, now floats,, oyer
them and he will not order it
pulled down, they must get out
of the country, or be exterminated.
Farmers'- and Traders
National Bank,
Capital Stock fully paid $ 60,000
Surplus fund - 13.000
Liability of Shareholders 60,000
Responsibility . 183,000 .
We do a general banking and exohange business.
T rafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks.
J. W. 8CRIBER, Cashier
Chain wood by the Cord -
128, cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain
wood (3 per cord. - This is cheaper than ty tho load '
You pay for what you get aLd get what you pay for. .
Phone 571.
Notioe is hereby given to ail whom
it imay concern, that Christian W
Murphy, has ftlad'her flnai account
aa administratrix ) of the estate of
Thomas N Murphy, deixtesed and the
nnnntv itanxt ol Uuion countv Oreaon
haa set Taeeday, the 0ih day of Sept
ember, A. D. 1904, at two o'clock t M
lor the bearing 01 an. n reion.
Christina W Marphv.
Mr John H Oullom, lEdltor of the
Garland, Texas, News, baa written a
letter ol congratulations to the manu
facture of Cbamberla.n'a Cou.b Ke
uiady, aa follows: "Sixteen years ago
when our first child was a ba iy he waa
anht ... In Irnnn. an lla atlH nil 1 .1
I be very nneasy aliout him. We began
lamberlaln'e Coual
1887. and findini it such a reliable re
medy for raids and we have never
been without in the honss aioce that
time. We have five chil iren and have
(Iven it to all of them with good re
snlta." r' all druggists.
A Few Choic Bargains in Wal
lowa County Real Estate
(1) 200 acru of land, 12J aires o tp ibh of cultivttln, til 0
in fall town wheat. Home. iacn al )-.h,- ouii tin .- V It
soa pan $2,60)
r3)240aorea.aiatlercfaardt tauiue. bam and good Outbaltdloga, 80 aenaio' fall
own siatn; anul Itream of watr flow through place A (treat bargain, at la .600
8 24O acrea of rsnd part ol wblofi is the finest of meadow; good htraae and
outbuilding, soodha- sheds, auo t.)nt ot bay can be out on be place will take
S360 in cattle In trade on this propertT. Price Sloper acre " - 'K"r
4 160 arres. la) or oaoioe land Prf..-e 110 per acre. Thla is a great bargala.
3 I60aete4of flue land at SIOper acr Theteare a lew of the many anapa We
uavc to ravr ui a way Bum cmaw oargaina. ror lurmer paniouiani auunjaw.
M'DR.nlel tS6 M'Donald
e How dear to my heart it the old-fashioned washboard
Tnat mother need to wash on when ! was a boy,
a With its zinc-covered ridgea the suds used to play in
e And soip baoiles gsmbot-d to n,j childish Joy .
Orttimes hive I at:hei her when wearing her kuucklea.
a Aa over th ridges i ir duds she wO'ild rub,
e I ne'er will forget how aha S'dashe I and hi slatherep
The old fasnioded wash board that stood in tue tub.
The present y ear demonstrates
tba advantages ; of 1 Jiving in a
country where the resources are
diversified. 1 If we were depend
ent entirely ou wheat a , many
sections of the state are we
timber land, act june 3, 1878
U. H. iADd Office at 1 Urande, Oregon
Auguit II, 901
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
wltl the Drovlalons urthe act of Oongreaa of
JuoeS, IrTa, entitled "An act for the ante ol
UTDU-r lanaa in me nutten ui tauiiornia, ure
CO a, Nevada, and Waahlngton Terrtlory," aa
e- tended to all the Publlo lAnd Htatea by act
ul A oguat 4, 1X92, ilTld c Sugden, of Dealer-
Ttue, couniy oi nooo. suie oi wiaconatn
haa thla day Hied In thla otrtce hi, ewora
alHtcnent Na 3160. for the purchase of the
M'8, HF. NWWand (x)U3.mj (of wo
thru Na a la TownahlpTfo. fi South Range 14a
16 Ik W. M.
KMi will offer proof to ahow 1'iat the land
soairnt la more valuable for lu timber or
atone thao tor agricultural purpose, and to
-suollsh berouilm to aald land iHifore the
Kegtafor and Receiver of this office at La
tl-a ide, Oregon, "on Tuesday, .Xbe SSUi
day of October, lUOi.
A3 aamea as wllneaeea: Ralph H. Bullls,
W. tlenry Brown, of Deiurville, Wisconsin;
Ijeonard C bullla, of Perry, Oregon; aaa
hVlward Dean ol La Orande, Oregon.
A iy and all perKons clalinlng adversely
the a Dove described lands are reqa-ited to
Ale their olalms In this o trios on or before said
BU day 0 October, UOs.
St W. Davla, Ragla tar. .
The old fashioned washboard;
Tie zl. if-covered washboard;
The back-breaking washboard that stood in the tub.
Some folks alway- kiok about up-to-date laa Idrias,
And Say they wear oat th-lr clothes every day;
Bat give i him to me, ao I will have a bot dinner
At home, with the em-U of tue soap suds away.
I know that the wash ng machine is muob easier
Oh HI ot our clothes than to take them and rob
Till the buttons an I bisnms am lost and worn oat
by the old-fasbionel washboard that stood lu the tub.
We are not the old fashioned kind.
PHONE a i85i
City Property For Sale v
Finely Located, Well Improved 5-Room, House ,For
Sale. Also Other City Property,rAt