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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1904)
QUICK SERVICE in our restaurant does not mean that the food is hastily or im properly prepared. Far from it. Tbe utmost care is taken in tjie getting ready of all our eat ables, whether your bill is a dime or a dollar. Our ' QUICK LUNCH means that you do not have to wait unreasonab'y for vour order to he filled. Therefore,) you may De sure you will be able to keep all appoiutments on time if you break fast, dine or eup with up. MODEL. RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT We tell weekly Meal . . , Ttuketa, Cash $4-50 - V - A - R - Carpts, Window Shades, Curtain Poles aud Brass Rods. -To exchange NEW CARPETS for your old ones. Call and see our line of the latest patterns in Carpets. and Linoleums, . Bargains Center Table, French Trunks mid Vulise at Bargain Prices. Extra Val ues in a Rolled Edge Lounge. Big Bargaius in Many Things. Remember we do Upholstering and all kinds of Repair work. Carpets Cleaned and laid . B. B, HaifSten Pho2n0V F. D. Hasten Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods. ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are building new .r rebuilding tbeir homes, can ueatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls etc with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason able price, as we are in position to undersell any fixture in tbe Inland Empire.' We have at our office a complete stock of assorted styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beuutiful de signs and finish. Also Shades of ell designs. We cordially invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m. La Grande Light and Power Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, AUKUit 18, 1901. Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named settler haa filed notice of his inter.tion to makefixal Proof In -llpp rtolhla claita, aod that said proof will ne made before the County Clerk of umltilla Coanty, Oregon at rentlletun Oreeoo.onSept. 3O. HOI, vis II E Ho 86.8, Joel A Stanton, or Meacham, Oregon, for the lots 3.4, s, and& Decai.Tp. ls, E M . continooua reaidence upon and cultivation of To tho Creditors of Mary M. Cald-MOeoarge'o,'Hilj-aM and John Todd, both of well, oi Elgin, in the county ol Union, Meaobam, Oregon, aod Smith C Stanton and ofntA of Orenon RanlcrliDt' JameaMHays, both of Athena, Oregon. 1 , ? . P 1. m. t. i.uviD 1 Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Isolated Tmct Publle Lnnd Hale. Notice la hereby given that In pnnmance ot 1. aituia iV.m f Hat fTnm nlaainnftr Of IDA Uenenl Land offloe, under authority vented Id him by section u. o, Kevwea twtxuum, iw mndl by the ncl or Congre approved February 2s. irjt6. we will proceed to off r at nubile tale, at ten o'clock a. m.f on the ib utty u ovvikuiwi , tm-tf -----i , gec..29,TowMulpSMulh, range 36, wM. Im anil all persona claiming adveraely the abovfrdeacrlbed l.nd arc advised to nie Uielr elalDiii In thlaofflce on or nelore tbedav aoova doftlirnated for oommeneemrnt of aald sale: otherwise their r lib la will be forfeited. Dated Anguit 9, loot E W Davla, Regliter. A A Roberta, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. A I" Once, I Oninde, Orwon. A nil Oat 1,11104. Nolle U hereby jrlven thai lire jllowln- to make flnal proof In aupport of hi; claim and Uiat aald proof will be made before the KMlSerand tfeoel er of the U al La Uranrte, Ornion, on Kept. ., mrt. vlsr H K NO Sfa, Elmer B Oliver, ol Slnchain, OreKOB, forthe N W rtee 3s. T i N , Ra6fcWM. Henameithefolloln wltneaea to prove hla oonllnuotu realdence npon and eolllyatlon o( aald land, Tic Man.uel Brj-aen,' John ti.n amni Van Orail and Oair Van Oradall. all of Maaouam, Urefon. K W Davla. Relt3r SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunlpr & Sn i V,u.. Leased tbe McKiuzie 8'ables ina are prepared to serve the public iu a first class manner -it reasonable rates TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come here for. men's aud by bovs' shoe The J. E. Tilt lino is our spec ialty. Here is where price and quality are combined. C. V. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET TC - D. Universal Range. $40 00 Childa Bed and mat tress $6 75 Good Fold ne Btd J3.25 Legs, a Bargain at $4.25 In The District Court of The United States for The District of Oregon. t- at- na , J? "I?. !n'1,11, ( Mary M. Caldwell, V Bankrupt. ) Notice'cf Urst meeting of Creditors. iublue is uaniuy Kiveu, mat uu bun I first day of September, 1101, the said ' Mary M. CaMwell was duly adjudioated a Bankrupt, and tbat the first Meeting of tbe Creditors will be held at tbe office o the undersigned, in LtGrande, Orogou, on Monday', September 19th, ifaji aj jam 0'0ock In the forenoon of .midday, at wliioh time and place Bail nvi,AUnr. mflV Btond Drove their creclUOM may Bitoua, prove meir daiaaa appjiot a Trustee, examiue , i a ( business as may proper y oome before ild mooting. Twenty O.e cents must aooompany each claim filed. Datrd at La Grande, Oregon, Sep tember 6tb, 1904. F S Ivf boo, Referee In Bankruptcy. t Hept.7-9) Ually Millinery Exhibition Our ready to wear and pattern hats are now on exhibition and wo would be glad to have the ladies call and ee (,, n . mrs iauguu.i nnonG THE CHUKOIES PRESBYTERIAN CH JRRH Preaoliing tomorrow 11 a m aod 7:30 by pa tor Rev. Eilwio Hays, morning theme; "A Friendly Invitation" .Evening theme "A Good Soldier" Sunday School --- 10 a m Jut icr Eodenvor' 3pm Sinior Eodetvbr ' . 6:30 p to "How the World ia groning batter" Prayer meeting, . Thursday 8pm A oordial invitation ia given to all who have no ohuroh home to atteud these services with us, . - , baptist chijroh . -, 1 Sunday Sahnol . ... ,10am Classes (or all ages You are invited,. Sermon . '-. 11 a m 8uhjeot, "Christianity in Earnest," 7:30 p m sermon, eubjeot, "No Longer Blind," . . '. .- , "Dome tbbu with us and e will do thee good." CENTRAL CHDRCH of CHRIST .; OPI-OSITESO WMEB HOUSE 1 OH King Minister Bible Bihool 10 AM Morning Woiehip 11 A M Preaching at Bilgard 30PM Evening Service , 7 a0 P M Sermons Morn'og, "The power of Friendship John 16:16 Evening, ' Boat notto Suffer ar.d Buf fering as a Christian." I Peter 4:16 16 r e. church; SOUTH ' Sunday Sohool 10 a m Preaehing morninii and evening Subject, evening service is "Juc'as la- ear ut." . ; All are invited to attend th:te ser vices. ' O. B. Crockett, pastor M. E. CHURCH Sunday 8ohool ' . 10 a m Epw rth League ' 6:30 pm Eorniug sermon subj-ot, "How to prove tbe Exislenoe ol tbe Great First Cause. ' Let those attend who like to think and those who think they think. In the evening his twenty minute ad dieas will be on, " How to cato.i Os triches. ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. S. Irene King, let Reader. The Christian Science services at tbe home of J 8 Page old town every Sunday at 11 a. m. All are oordially invito!. LATTER DAT UAINTS Sunday School 10 a. m. Regular services 2p. m Muiual Iinprorement Assooiatlon meets conjointly at :30 p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH . . .' Mass every Sunday exoopt the 4th at 7 andOa. m. . , Kusary and Benediction on the same lays at 7:30 p. m. Mass , on the lib bunday at 7 a. in., no evening service on tbat day. Mass on week (lays at 6:30 a. m. W. J. Wbyto, Rector St. PETER'S EPISCOPALCHUR0H Sixteenth Sunday alter Trinity Suuday Sohool 10 a m Homing prayer and sermon Ham A lay service All invited. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms very nioely furnished. Two blocks west of High School, on tbe corner ol 1st and M st. 0-17 FOR SALE EUht 1"U and 7 room house, price 11000. House alone 11100 8 lota 180 ). Enquire of J F Baker. . 6t WANTED Three good eeamttrObS. Mrs, Anna James. Sept 15 EOR SALE Five room bouse in good reBidenoe portion of town . Will be aold cheap if Sold at once.- luquire ol HP Lewis or Wm. WorsUll, La Grande, Urrgon . Oct 1 GUARDIAN'S SALE Hy virtue of an order and license made and entered ny tbe Hon. County Court of Union County State of I're gon, on September tHb, 11X14, In tbe matter of the Guardianship of the per sons and estates of Ernest N Patty, Z 'Beatrice Patty, an i I rank A Pattv. minor beirs of Thomas K Patty de ceased, and wards of tbe undersigned tbeir guardian, I will, from and after the 21st day . f October 1901, at my home No, 1416 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Union County, Oregon, pro ceed to sell at private sale tbe South ea t quarter ol Miction 31 of Township Three .North of Range 39 East of tbe Willamette Meridan In Union County Ureaou, for the benefit of said belrs and their estate, Terms ot sale, cash to me In band, Zora E Patty, Guardian of the persons and estates ol Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrice Patty, and frank A Patty, Minora. Datal js,i;n3ir 1), Ull. 0:t 21 DICK P SUTTON'S BIG SHOW When a man aeas the great big red pointed figures on (be dead valla about town denoting extremely popular prices in connection with a theatrioal performance, he should . not, even, it he thinks his taste is of a very superior quality present hla orlttoiam of snob a show, after having teen i aa is he were sitting in fodga.oent upon Rich ard Mansfield or some other .creature ot Tbeepain world with such rare gi ts as to be able to ello t the applanse ot the cultured men and women ot met ropolitan life. He ahould bear In mind that he la being oBVred some thing for comparatively nothing and that if it serves to pleaw him for an hour or two and incidentally' give bim an insight, whether It be in ex aggerated form or not, into a lite that does not enter into his dally exist ence, bis money has been well expend ed. Tbe Sutton company will present for the opening play "A Ruined Life" a comedy drama In four acts: Tbe latest moving plotores and specialties will be given. SOMMER HOUSE Gua LerneoU J Langley RB Wilson H A Brink J F Graham Q N Smith R Gordon N A Nellson . ROLouk W Van Jones - . Spokane ' Portland " '- ,' .- , do do . . do .' do do do i do Boise, Ida do A Hatoblnson . GH Ellis J R Oliver . ' do do Mr REldrlcb H J Hesselderz ' Baker City R A Kuner Ban Franolaoo Glook MoGlook B B Norment . 8 P Buswell S U James Gagonsville Richmond Va San Franoiaoo do -City Portland R B Curdiffe HBEsson John Lewis was up from Summer- vllle Today stating threshing in hla locally la orer and the i ielda very fair. Wm Baker threshed 1400 bualiela from 40 acres. Dense Smoke It was so dark at Albany at noon Thursday on account of amok.) tbat the lamps were lighted in almost eve.-y home. ... WANTED: Work ot suykiud, goo ing preferred, by a young, able-bodl"d married man with good reuommenda tiona, and ianot afraid to work. Apply at tnis office. Furniture For Sale v And house to rent apply to Mrs Shearer opposite Star Grocery North ol track. FOR SALE Dairy cows. Inquire at . the Grider farm. R t D No. 2. FOR RENT Furnished rooms (or rent. - Apply to Mrs. M A Adams, 130 O street. Phone 50J, Sept fOlt SiLE 8 acres of land and house of 6 rooms 4 aorae in bear lug orchard one acre In strawberries, stables for U horses and out housaa plenty of water 20 minuets wore from P O for particulars call at grocery store of W Motarlane. 9-1-10-1. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE S, 178 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. B. Land OOlos, La Urande, Oregon. Augu.l 6, IBOI. Nollea la hereby given that ,1a oouapllaoeo with ina provlHlonaof the act of Cocgreaa ot Junea,la7a.ent4ledMAnaol Cor the aala or timber landa la the HUtea of Ualiforula, Ore ton, Nevada, aod Waabtnuum Territory," aa extended to all the PublloIau.d HUttea by act of AQgual 4, Una. Mary Doberly. uf Viaaua oounly of Umatilla, mate of Oregon, haa tliia day filed In this otlloe her aworn slate menl X4o-Slfitt, for the purcuaaeot the titt'i NWiaud fcHSWU Section IS In Townabip Na iboulb, Itange No. aa, B. W. M. And W1U oiler nroof tai ahuw that the land touglit la mora valuable for Its timber or atone I baa for agricultural pnrpoaea, and to eatabilab her claim to aald land before the tteglauir and KeoelVer of tula ottlo at tat Unuide, Oregon, on Moaday.UM 24lh day of October, lam. Hbe nameaaawltneatea: Netl MoDivUt, Dan iel Madden, of Pendlctoa, Oregon; Joeopn Uohertv. ltornyMcLanglilln,ofVuiyn.Oreaon. Any and all peiaoua claiming adveraeiy Hie aljove deaorfbed landa are requeated to Hie their elalma In ttila ofTloa on or before aald IMth da of October, 1WH. KWlJavIa, KegUter. Script Script Ollt-edsed for rent trfertie, upprorsxl, nn rem i allied. rUaviy far tmmlil4 use my wtiejre. Ixrwmt price, k F.A F. B.RHyt CtumberolCoinniro6 Uldc, fonLttiid. Or. THE BARGAIN STORE HAIR P0MPAD0K FRONTS HAIR PIN3 A handsome line of Tailor-made, Ileiidy to wear Hate, for Ladies, Misses and Children E M Wellman & co Adams Avenue. Upposlte the Sommer House, bne ot tbe best musical Institutions In tbe state. Four rooiro uxed for musical instruction, 15 grades of music taught, jjrpaiuieut 1, J rooms urea for tbe 3 first Krades. Children at the age ot 5 and older come one bour every day. Department ' rooms for grades f to to lor nupua or all ages The lat est course best practioal musical in struction. M mival oomestu for med als every few weeks, . E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY, Assistant Furnished Room , Central! located corner of Wasblnn- ton and 6th Btreeta, : Known as Geo. Ball's lodging house. ' For Sale : i One good second hand , Kimball piano. ' For Particulars enquiie of Mra Ingle or Phono Vtf Kesidenoe Cor. of 3rd K - ACUTE RHEUMATISM t TV Deep tearing or wrenohlng pains, occasioned by getting wet through; worse wheu at rest, or ou first moving the limbs and in cold or Anmo weath er, ie cured quickly by Ballard's Snow uniment usoar u eson, uiuson utty Illinois, writes, t'eb 1611102: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain In my ba k. - It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of itallard'a Snow Liniment cured me." 26c, 60o, 1 00. Sold by Newlin Urug Co. MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP Thera's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Uf all tbe Halves you ever heard of, Buoken's Arulta Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Soros. Bruisos. Cuts, Boils. Uluorn. Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 26c and guaranteed to give atisfatrtion by La Grande Urug Co., and Newlin lirug (jO.. Druevlat. . HARD WALL PLASTER . Ouly costs about 5o per yard more than common plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing aa it can be used in . zero weatber Being flexible instead of brit tleas all sand mortors are it will dent like wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking' Doors, windows, pipe boles, etc are eueiiy cat through it It is a non conductor of elec tricity and thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath It contains no acids nor chemicals to corroda - It will not burn nor disintegrate by fire beiug a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister . Parties having plustering to do should consult me regarding this olass of work Estimates cheerfully given E. REISLAND, Phone 371 SEPTEMBEp R MEANS OYSTERS LOY Serves t him any style you wish SWITCHES It ATS NEW COMBS SCHOOL CAPS ; WEATHER FORECAST a - : . . Tontgbk aad a Tomorrow fair, ooolar tomorrow i THE TRAINS . aNo a East bound 9:10 p aa ootltna , No 5 West 8:6 p'm on Uma , LfiM That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. ',; Try it by ., using Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden.- We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. . ;: We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given ; to phone orders. ' Geddes Bros. , UUK DAVIV Kuum - Is open for yonr inspection. : In faot we . will be pleased to show' you through onr eatire establishment. Everything is kept scrupulously neat and clean and we have no heeitenoy in showing the most fastidious how our meats are handled.. We now have the latest improved sausage maohine and san sell you sausage in all styles. ': Bock & Thomas MY SHINES Are like tbe 'Smile that won't oome OH." I bey are put on right and stay right. I nsa only Whlttnore's pasta aU'l guarantee tbat If alter thirty daya trial yon rind tbat It haa In any way way injured the leather I will present the oualomer with a $5 pair of shoes purohaaed at any store be may select. It yon desire really first olass work call and get a shine. Ladies won a specialty. Remember tho place, Krt ley's Barber Snop, where everything is first oUbb from the boot black up. JOE B. WILLIAMS. Sacred Heart Academy La Grande, Oregon. ' This well known Institution, oondnolod by tbe Misters ot tit. Krancis, affordaexoellent eiluoatiouhl advantages. Mtlslc, draw ing and painting optional studies. Preparing young ladies for tbe profess ion of teaching a specialty. Boarding and day e hool opena the Brat Monday in Heitomber. b'or catalogue address Sister Huperlir. Aog 4 Ort 4 OREGON SUQjpIalNtt Union Pacific Tlaaa NehfMlul LAOBAaDB. NO. S 6:50 p. m. no.s. 8:80 a. m. Sail Laaa. DanM. ffL NO. a. 8 SO a. no. NOt 8:0 Worth. Omaha. Kanaaal i' aaBia. uaioaao Portland. Oallea. Pen- NOl. oietoa .vaua waiia. llavUHl. Va mam, . NOt a.OSp I Oollai, Moaoow.Hpo- aca j iu kana. TU Hpo- Portland, Dallas, Vmi dleton Umatilla Wal-I NOt B:S pm MO S :90 a I mia, Lwlaun,Oolni Hoaoow, WallaoaWar aner, npokaoe aod other polnta eaataad norm Tia apoaana. Niirinallri 'aland CUT. Allesl, exeeat Honday loonnecttoaa at KTsIa uinier. ana rrin ai kX p 9:19 a m vltb ataire for point In Wallowa oounty Ooean Steamers between Portland and Man tTraaelsco erery fly days a. .';TiJBaV W K. a MOOBK, Agwt