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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1904)
i2MBiiakaiiiss PARKER IS NOW a a a n a n a a n u n b a a n a aa d o a 1 a a a afl b n a a a a a a n a no tao n d IN NEW YORK a a a s n Reorganization of Present Campaign Methods ; Very Probably "3 . (Observer Special) . New York, Sept. 10 -Judge Parker today conferred with a soore of prom. ' inent party leaders who oalled at bis apartments at Ike hotel Astor. Im portant matters relating to the cam paign which may reorganize, methods now in operation, letters of aooeptance of the candidate for President and vice president and the disunsslon of the slate of the state ticket of New fork were inoludd In - the business Robs,Mine Owner Bedding, Oal., Sept. 16 Oharlet Cair, owner of the Oarr mine on North mountain four miles fr jm Juno x tion Oity , Trinity county was seated 4n bis offioe at the mine yeiterday afternoon ready to pay off the orew ol . men when a masked, armed man ap- pearbd at .be door of the offioe and demanded all tbs mooey on band. Mr Oarr handed the coin oer. It amount ed to $597. The robbtr then fled in to the mouutains. Woman's Body ound Cleveland, O Sept, 16. A - young woman's body was found today in a crowded trunk picked up on the lake front, It was Identified as Mrs Inez Smith, of this oity, who disappeared September 6. The police say it is certain that she was murdered. The woman recently appliei for a divorce alleging that ber husband,' Samuel Smith, was a bigamist. The Smiths have not been living together recently Oyama Buries Russians. Tokio, Sept. 16 Field Marshal Oysma reports that today's Russian position in the direction of Mukden is unchanged, and adds; "We buried 3100 Russians at Liao Yang." Notice Every Friday afternoon at half pap' two o'clock heirinnlng S-pt 16 ther will be a meetir.g at t e home of Mr Geo Blake at Island City for the Ui pose or reading the Writings of th New Oburobglvon to the World through Emanuel Swedenborg, Any one interested in knowing wtit the New Uhuroh teaobes is oordlall invited to be present. For Rent Eight room on North Fir Street en quire of Mrs Shearer. 8-tf Bids Wanted The plana and specification for Li exhibit bniluing are now in the offic ol M L. Causey and bids for its coo strnction will be received up to Tues day evening. Citation IN THE COUNTV COURT, FOR THE OOnSTY OF ONION, STATE OF ORBtiON. In the matter of the gnard-) ianship of Jeee N Kaim-f Citation. baob, a Minor ) To Jesse N Kalmbaob, said Minor, and Mary Kalmback, bis guardian and next of kin, and all other persons in ' terested in the estate of said Minor REEIVNG: " In tbs name of the state of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in tbe oonnty court of the state Oregon, for tbe county of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Qran le In the county of Union, on Saturday, the th day of OctoUr, 1004, at 1:30 o'olock, lr. the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any, you have, why the petition of Mary Kalmba'b, guardian of the person and estate of the auovo Dmd minor, pray ing for an or ler of tne court authoriz ing, lioensinit, and empowering ber to Sell tbe real property belonging to him, the said Jesse N Kalmbach. a Minor, (subject to tbe widow's dower therein, ) toit: an undivided half interest in and to theKWtf of Seo. 1, luTp. 1 8. R. 17 E. W. M and in Sherman county, Oregon. WITNESS: the Hon. M A Harrison, Judge of the county court of tbe state of gni 'or tbe eountr 9 Union, witb the seal of said oourt affixed this 7th d.y of Sept. 1901. kCt&its S B Oilfcaiu, Oierit. under consideration. An interesting feature of Parker's day was his talk With ex-Renatn'r RIM. mhUh hA hu,n connected with a call on District At torney Jerome. It was reported that Hill tendered the ornvarnnraMn nomi nation to Jerome, bnt the story was ueniea. information from a reliable SOOrOe ia to the AfTAftfc t lmfc .Tafnma ana offered any place on the state ticket except tne nomination for governor. Double Tragedy Observer Special Spokane, Sept. 16 After thanking Mrs. Bernard Sparby for his breakfast this morning John Hall turned and shot her through the breast. Then walking about fifty yards from tbe house he put a bullet through bis owu Heart. The tragedy occurred ablut six miles north of Rookford. Hall who had been working for Sparby, bad been drinking of late. No other ex -ouse for tbe crime is known. Mrs. Sparby if alive but ber oiiances for re covery are not good. Action Indorsed Observer Special Weiser Idaho, Sept. 16 A largely attended meeting of democrats was held here last evening at wbioh the resolutions passed by tbe demooratio state central committee tt Boise yes terday morning reading ' the Evening Capital News out of the party were indorsed and other resolutions passed by tbe meeting. Millinery Exhibition Our ready to wear and pattern bats are now on exhibition and we would be glad to have the ladies call and see hem. .Mrs Langhli For Rent Furnished rooms to rent. Inquire of Mrs A U Stover, Hilts bouse north of tar shop Phone 1801 S, 16. Special Excursion to the World's Fair. The Denver and Rio Qrande, in con oeotion witb the Missouri faciilo, run a aeries of per onally con incited exourBions to the World's fair i'trtng June. These exourslous will run through to St - Louis without shange of cars, m tking short stops at prinoipal points enroute. The first of hese exoursions will leave Portland J-ine 7, and the second June 17. The rate from La Urande "ill be 860 to St. Loiia and return Exoursiomsts go ing Ala tbe Denver A Rio Urande have the privilege of returning by a differ ent route. This is the most pleasant way, as well as tbe moBt delightful route to cross the oontinent. '1 he a'ops arranged give an opportunity of visiting in and about Kansas city. II you wish to accompany one of these excursions write at once to W O Mo Bride, 124 Third street, rortland, for sleeping car reservations. In The District Court of the United States for the Dis trict of Oregon n the matter of) Notice ot J G liitz, the first meeting: bankrupt. ) of creditors. To the creditors o' J O Ritz, of HII gard, Union county, Oregon, Bank rupt : NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that on tbe on the 8th day of September, 1934, the said J G Ritz was duly ad judicated a l.antrupt, and , that the first meeting of the Cre-'ito's will be held at the office of tbe undersigned, in La, Ore. on, on Monday September 19, 1901, at two o'clock in tbe afte noon of said day, at which time and plaoe said Oredito-s may at tend, prove their cl.ims. appoint a Trustee, examine tbe Hankrupt, and transact such other bnsine'S aa may properly tome betore said meeting. Twenty fire rents mnst accompany each claim filed. Dated at La Krande, Oregon, Sept ember 9th, 1901. r S Ivanhoe, Referee In Bankruptcy. Sept 10 13 Dr. I' A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Pbone 1361 Residence phone 701 H a a a The 9 a B n. a - t BLOCKL AND BROS. Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and TOLANDCHINA SWINE. - Young stock always on hand, and always glad to ., have you call and see our hogs, as we brerd them for the Fat mor, and ask you to compare oar paices before -buying some where else. . . "' r' '- We have' now two fine young Berkshire boars on hand, July pigs ready for use only M0. For short time only. . .; .-, Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Half a Carload of 9 New ) ) 0 '. ( (a ( 'i (a We have lust received half and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 ( rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever I (nought o' bringing into this county in a single season. J This paper la all for sal and mast bt sold this season. We t have brought two flrat olasa paper bangers direct from Chicago, ho are without doubt tbe m t skl-lfol workmen in Eastern who, witb the flv. first class : bangers already lo our em- . ploy, gives os tbe best working ' tbe Inland Erpplr. ' Stackland & PAINTS. eibS j Observer Does all Wall Paper. a car load of the newest - mm s McLachlen AND GLASS ! Kinds of Job ; .. . ! ... .iAii u.i.i ' IDDPttBBD BBDOODODD HOOD - - ' '.'! ... i) (,-')i!:;iij-l WHITE R0SB FLOURS- 'B - Js milled witb the idea of pleasing'every dealer'a high B olasa trade-cu8ton""-i who appreciate qualjty ' "TJhe (B name of the Pioneer FlouriDg Mill Co. guarantees re H liability and highest grade in every sack of flour B bearing the White Rose brand. """" "L' "r"' '"If Pioneer Flouringt Mill Co. iBiiiiflBBiaapa una door Take Trophies tbi-ne nronnd the aide to point of hrlaket, work tbe skin carefully awar rem the ho.e of the hnrns. hen the ear Is reached rot off those to sknil afterwarda remove the flesh whenthe eye Is reai-hed ran tbe finger In ftoui the outelde and mine up the yoild to avoid outtlng It b an tbe tearplt H reached wbl h is near th oorn of he eye, work tbe skin oat of tbe OHvltf with the point of the kn fe h en th r-orner of the mouth is resobed oat through and expoao the tooth, 'eave all tbe blaok lining mt- tb' lip - also all the oartl'egn on the nose. Halt neavlly and roll op for U hoars '.ben dry In the shade Uulea salted well and dried In the shade your work Is alleliiei Use nothing but salt Out as muoh ot the flash olf tbe bead a posslbteaml ' work the brain out the hole at bank ot head 9-ire the andsr jaw bones bin drying the skin kenp It from wrinkling 1 will also moant your trophl nt reasonabl prices WM HAWS Taxidermist a B Work n p '.S.i B . , n Garc ofTYoui f will pay from 12 to $10 for male desi heals hat I led according to directions. The dotted Haas on baol of neck and head show where to rip the akin. To blew your game out the jugular as low down as possible, never cut the throat Commence to skin by making cut from the hose of the horn to back of the head thence down the back of the neck to top of shoulder! B ' lid