La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 15, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    I. :' ,
Senator Gorman will
"Superceed Taggord
and Shuhan.
r ' fm-r
"i " r
(Observer Special)
- Chicago, Sept 15 Judge Parker
may go on tbe pialfoim wilhin the
next eix weeks aod respond to que
tioni asked by f reside at Roosevelt la
bit letter ol acceptance according to
National Committeeman J. G. John
(odoI Kansas.
Johnson also deelared that Gorman
would bare charge of tba campaign
auperMding Taggart and 8heeban.
"Headquarter! will be opened la tbe
west," Johnson said, "aod Ibat la
. wbat Taggart ia coming to Ohioago
lor next week." . -
The purpose of tbe oommitte ia to
wag a flgbt in Colorado, Wyoming,
Jtab, Idabo, Washington, Caliiornia
and tbe atatet t tbe middle weat.
. E;opus, Sept. 15 Judge Parker
itarted for New York tonight. To
morrow be expect to meet politioal
friend. Re made do plana to Tiait
the democratic) beadquartera nor ar
rangement for bia reception of any
kind bare been made.
- First Shipment
Observer Speoial
BoUe, Sept. 15 The Brat oaiload of
wbeit eversbripped out of aoutbarn
Idabo tor tbe Chicago market left
Parma tbia alternt on.
Oliver Perron wa in tbe olty from
Lower Cove today. He baa finished
threshing, the yield being 30. bnauela
" W b inat received a $mll shipment of our FALL STYLES of COATS
and SUITS. If you expeot to bay a SUIT, it will pay you to look oar line over,
aa it will be to your advantage and you will be sure to get tbe RIGHT THINGS.
The Chicago
Adama Ave., La La Grande,
Farewell Reception
One among the most enjoyable so
cial even U o! thi season was tbe fare
well party given to Mia Daisy Whit
low by ber mother Mrs. J. Fisher at
their borne in this city last eaening
the affair blind brought about on ac
count ol tbe leot that Mist Whitlow
it leaviog to attend tbe Beate N rmal
8ohool at Oorva'.lia. Tbe guests be
gan to arrive early aod ail were met at
the doo by two young Jadieev! witb
duplicate badge for each young m an
and lady tbose holding oorreepondin g
uumbr to go to supper together and
this ereated amusement the rest of
Ibe evening. - A quartette ol young
men rendered some exoellent musio
and vocal selections were renderep by
Hiss Nellie D aqua and ' Mr Cbaa.
Oioas and also by Miss Albsita Hop
per and Maude Ootner. a. driloiou
lurch waa sai"ed and alter was more
music both vocal and instrumental.
The merry party enjoyed themselves
until about twelve oolook when they
departed expressing hopes lr tbe wel
fare and aooorss of Mis Wbitlow in
ber rew school life.
Tboae present were as follows :
Genevieve Cbristofferson, Ethel (lul
ling, Gertrude Ralston, Alberta Hop
per. Henrietta, and Francis Blum, Eva
Baker, Maud Corner, Edna Wlasler
Alberta Dates, Nellie Disqua Cecil
Wilson, May White, Leo Herring,
Lavon Zundll, - Chase Bohnenkamp,
Uot Snodgraaa, I.vnton Ivanhoe, Moees
and Louie Hants, (Ben Scott Win
Bunker, Frank Brown Herbert Pat -
teraon, Jesse Terry, Shamrock Quar
tett) Ralph Pldcock, Sidney Haldes,
Virgil Smith, Uuy and Arthur Vm
Fleet, Will Bbupse, Charlie Cross,
Muriel Cbildera, Clove Hopper. Mr
ani Mrs Stalnela, Mr and Mrs Hog
alius, Mrs Holmes, Mr White, Mr
aud Mr Mathews. Mrs Julius Fisher,
Observer Speoial
Baker City, Sept. i Pierre Humbert
Jr. a prominent citiieo of California
iaintbeoity. Mr. Hunbertis ber
lor the purpose of adjusting the Cor
nucopia mine, matter; aod should
the matter be adjusted-to the aatilfab
tioa of that gentleman, he " will - at
once resume operations, and personal
ly assume Ibe management of one of
the largest mining properties in the
' -
Wi Accaillrc Doniitcorf
51 IPyama Jtaye
ii . . -t.V
. ... k..
St Peeeraburg.Sepi. '16 Two- be
lated report bave b-eo leoetved trom
General 8toeasel,oommaodiDgat Port
Aitbur the fiist dated Augt-tt 38 reads
"Yesterday during a violent thunder
storm, tbe ' Japanese attempted to
storm tbe left flank positions near
Noone fort on Udanaban mountain ,
Tbe attack was repalsed oar losses be
ing three killed and two officer and
98 men wounded. Tbe Japanese fire
prevented the medioal oorpt (ram piok
ing up Ibe oorpees."
A second report dated September 3
ia aa follows: '-Yesterday lb enomy
waa discovered in good time our bat
teries opening fire. Fortunately tbe
Japanese columns following the lead
ing files encountered tbe automstio
mines and many of lbs m were bit
Big Wheat Sale
Colfax, Wash. Sept., 15 Wbrat
reacnei vu cents today and Ib're was
a rush to sell, the .sales being , the
heaviest ol any day this season Buy
er with beadquartera at Colfax bought
About 850,001! bushels at 7Co lo 70 1 4
forolub and red acd 7 jo for bluestem
Pendleton, Ore, Sept. 15 Only
about one half of Umatilla county's
5,00u,000 bushels wheat crop bat been
disposed of to date. Ol late tbe mar
ket has been well up, but grower are
iatb to tell. Only one fourth of tbe
crop disposed of has been shipped out.
Dealers are anxiously awaiting tbe
time when all that has been . purohas-
ed can be moved, Hauling continue
as rapidly as .tbe dusty , roads permit
an a a large part of the crop it In tbe
warehouses. ' '' ' ' '
r :
Rnf Citis-stitn IWrw. ...
iJivuuMvii s-rwpa,iuivi
to bits. We repulsed the attack with-j
in an nour. uur losses were one ol-1
fioer and seven men wc unded."
St, Petersburg, Sept. 16 Wbile the
situation at Makden is improving the
state ol affairs at Port Arthur it grow
ing worse, Tbe army there ia in a
critical position who no meal oi flour
The ammunition supply is Insufficient
for a long resistance.
London, Sept 16 The Rome cor
respondent o! Ih Exobange-Telegrepb
wires that a self gram reoeived there
from Tokio states that tbe government
in reply to a request from Field Mer-
snai uyema oas promised to sent re
inforcement of 100,000 men and 821
i guns, by October 1.
His Administration . En
dorsed. Eight Hour
(Observer Speoial).
Denver, Bept. 15 The republican
state eleotorial convention met today
and nominated a full state and con
gressional tioket. Governor James H.
Pesbody, inoumbeot, was renominat
d. The platform endorse the nation
al . platform tbe administration ol
Governor Peabody was endorsed and
bis efforts ' to rel nke tbe tpiria ol
lawlessness wbioh would turn the pop
ular government into irresponsible des
potism and treason."
The platform fledges that the can
didate will restrain all exoesse
whether prautioed by capital or labor,
Tbe eight hour law was lavored.
Mr t K Romig and ohlldren left
this morning for Baser City where Mr
Romig already Is, and will make Baker
their bom. They will be greatly
missed here.
Portland Markets
Tbe bop market etill romaine Arm
and buyers are offering from 25o to
26)e per ponnd for 1904 hops, but tbe
prodnoers seem to be holding btok In
Ibelr selllnt- and watting for further
information aa to Ibe quantity and tbe
quality of this year's crop.
The local market I glutted with
eastern egge ol every quality and this
has a tendenoy to depress the prices.
Local receipt were not large today,
and on aucb eggs tbe prioe remains
about the same a It has done for some
time paat. . .
The price of oat atlll oontloues Arm
with a tendenoy to a raise, but the
high, prioe i causing many of the
farmer to use barley Instead of oat
aa a feed stuff, and this may have tbe
effect of holding tbe market stationary.
Tbe wh-at market atlll remains the
same, uoaffectcl by tbe alight slump
in wheat at Chicago yesterday. Indi
cation are that there will be a very
mall foreign shipment, most of the
operations bains confined to tbe east
ern part ol the United Stetes. Miller
of U coast, although they are not
saying much, ar taking all offer at
th market pticas as quoted below.
The price on most of tbe staples r-
main tbe same as quoted in tbia paper
yesterday, and are aa follows: . ' .
Wheat, export price. ... ! . ..79c to 85o
Bar ay, best. . ........... t, ,22 to $23
Oat .... i ........... . .26.50 to $27.60
i Ha, timoth.... . .. sir t am
:Buttr, best creamery. ..., ;...27)8'o
Butter, ordinary.' 2o
Ega, per'dozen... 23oto2Go
!Chicl"n8' Per Pond WH"
Apples, best, per box ...$1
I IVanhes, best, por box 40o to doo
j Beets, per aok. ,. $125
i Cabbage, per pound.... . 2o
'..$2.75 to $3
Oowa ..i....... $2
Stag....; $a
Hog, best... ... 6.60toto.76
Hog,' feeders , ;.:..!$3.95
To Aid Irrigation v
Observer Speoial ' :
Washington, Bept. 15 The genet al
land office has directed on sooount ol
tbe Ptyeite Boise irrigation proieot
that 4 480 sores of publio land in th
Boise land district be withdrawn from
all form of disposal.
Hint to; the Wise. I
- irv? Sharp, Shrewd Buyers Make
iU':i 'IC ''i'- ;'.EBrly S'leotions. The Top
1 fOTS Notch Values Those That" j
,' ' " " t j ' Strike the Popular Fancy sell
iOk i A outfirst. W? fully rtalize ' Ibe'
.. JjSltl Ifti truh of this and act accordit-ii-
' lif 1 ' 'y- I' i" equally true in your
. i'J'j ' ' oafie therefore, if you would
jJil ' 1 V choose from the truly , choice, .
a M M noa:e ynr eleolions early '
Are nearly all here. They are the choicest lot it has
ever been our good fortune to offer. Style, fit, finish
and workmanship to please, ia such varieties of material
that you cannot fail to find -'YOUR SUIT" here. Prices
are also most attractive. J 'J
$9 TO $25
Ladies Street Hats
In all the popular shapes now
on display. .. Out priciugs will
be an agreeabls surprise to you.
Light in weight, comfortable
and fashionable.
Misses and Childrens
School Dresses.
Qood serviceable worsted
R-1, blue, brown, etc, in
and piaids, neatly made
trimmed 1.2u to 1 75.
Stray Lock
NOTICE: Suits, jack
eta, skirts and long coats
ot all kinds made to your
measure. About 800
samples to 'elect from,
All man tailor work.
The Confessor of Colo-
; rado Mine Explosions
Maybe Pardoned.
. Observer Special
- Topeka, Kan., Bept. 15 Tbe Tope
ka authorities expect to make an eV
fort thie week to get posseasloa ' of
Ri bert R imanine who contests 1 com
plioity in the Vinnioator at d . Iodi
pendenoe mine explosions. Romaiue
ia now eerv'ng a term in the KattO
state penitentiary for robbery. Every
effort It being made to have tbe gov.
ernor patdon him anno obstacle all
be exp-riended in returning blm to
Colorado.'"- --..' - . .-.i-t
Hand Bags