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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1904)
V- MM rMIIMIIMIMlMM IIIIIHII School Books and Supplies FOR THE MULTITUDE. Second hand books nearly as good as new and at almost half the price THE NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY . Adams Avenue, LA GRANDE - - OREGON E. P. 8UplM E. E. Romlg R0M1G & STAPLES -GROCERIES- ' A fall and complete line of staple and fancy ' gro ceries. Fanoy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and woodenware. Frnita and vegetables in season. Bakery products always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. LOCAL ITEMS INTEREST OF Concerning People Who Come and go and Other Items of Local Interest. Phone 431 4 .. i r n now an i ure my INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Astist tbe Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Assimulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Invoked. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL VOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore BIG CUT ONg BICYCLE SUNDRIES Perties wishing to cut the prices will now huve a chance to do -o 125 Morgan Wrig'it Tubes 1 00 2.25 Morgan & Wright Tires 2.00 1.50 Q & J Tubes 1.30 8.50 G & J Tires 3.00 .26 Vulves .20 35 Vulves .2 NOW 19 THK TIME TO BUY Miss Edna Soblike has returned from a weeks visit to Portland. Mr A Brad way and (amity left this uiornlng for Ibtir borne in Wisconsin lhe W. O. T. U. meet Thursday aitornoon at the home of Mrs Mary Aidrish. Mr. and Mrs. '. Waffle have re. turned 10 the city from Pcndloton where they have been, spending the past month. Alt users Itnssull MoUully, Hurry Mays, and Elmer Aiken, of Jiseph lolt last night to attend Hill's lUllitary Acu, demy at Portland. Do not fail to read Mrs J R For rest's ad announcing her tall inilliniry op. ning. The ad apt cars iu tnia eve ning's issue of the Observer. Mrs Lula Shaw who has teen visit-, lug her patents Mr ai d Mrs R M Mephvriaou returned to ber hunie in Noith Powder this morning. A A Robeits, reoelvorof the U. S. Laud Office at La Grande, made a fly iug visit to this olty on Saturday aud returned home today. Baker City Uerald. County Clerk J B Gllham issued a marriaue lioonte this mornibgU Louis Dvnbam and Miss Una Conner. Tne matrimonially iuoliued parties both reside In Elgin. Mr. J W Scrltcr, whose son la at St. Elizabitb's hospital recovering from an operatiou fur appendl. itis, came up on the riain from La Grand.- on a visit with him. Maker City Herald. The ladies Aid Sw lety of tbe Met botllst ibuiuh give an a'ternoon tea Kilrtay altrrnoon at the .home of Mrs Aldrith from 2.3 until 8 o'olook in the t-oulug. Every bwly oordially Invited, lhe loa looks natural (gain since' tbe .sidewalks are lined ' night and morning with school children. The friends of Geo Ball will be pain ed to bear that be is quite sick at bis home. Worthy Matron, Mrs ClaraLyle Meh Mrs fcaty fccoti Aijeis of tbeUallea ' aL the ' tiaiu. this naming, ho Is t. n.Ld ttcitlaij of Ihe Eastern blar vlo lb Lev. tn Lei vay to fct Lords to alkiid the beneial Grnd Chapter. 'J he ladies"Aid hiciety of tbe Metb- i odibl cl nich ate priparltg to give a inn magi salt- oh tieti Ler Sth. . Paites I av ng aiiides to doiate will please tepotl. tu the igiui, iilee, Alutddinee Will rilidoiboE, Mary Aidrish aud A K Junt.8. Vi oik on. the court bouse is progress , ing i.icely h-day anil theie is reason to 1 beiieve that there will he no lurther tr. uble. Carpenters are now working at tbe frame work fur the roof, and ' soon the building will take iisnatmal shape'. Mrs C J McLaln left this morning for Boise City tu be present at the wedding ol Ler son John to MissXillo son, one of Boise's fair daugbteis. After the wtdding they will make t.hnirhninA in 1 Ittni.n u.hnrA Mr S iucsuiu uhh a pueibiuu wilu iuo uiebriu ligl.t plant. tf H Tatman offered bis resignation as road supervisor of toad district No. 20 at the laet session of tbe oounty court and the same was a oepted; Tbe court appointid C D Huifman to 1111 the vacancy, but as Mr. Huffman has moved out of ibe district, be Ouuld not acoept. Therefore toad ' distri.t no. 2o is without a mad supervisor jutt at present. This district Is badly in nted of at eution and the court will be obliged to do som-tbing soon, or several of the main thorougbfaies will be impassible. New Amusement House La Grande will soon bavo a new amusement bouse. The new enter prise will be known as the Fru.tdole Amueement Hall and will be located in tbe Pioebilel grove. This beauti ful grove has baen leased by Mr. V. Edwards, a gentlemen who has bad years of experience in tbe armueeiuent business in Salt Lake and Denver. He now has a force of men at work clean ing up tbe grounds nnd building a daDciog hall and expects to abe rsady lor bu-iness by next. Saturday night at which time he will open the season wilb a graud ball. Workmen are also' at work building bull houses swimm-j ing pnuUaud a lake for boating, it is hiiititetition to keep tbe plaoeopeu the year around and have snmethint. doing there at all times. It will ba a tmrt of his plan to make his pirk a first class summer result where camp en may spend the hut months injoy 11, K i be delightful shade and beauties oi the running water and at the same time be in touch with their business tu the oity. It is his expeotanion tu nave tiieatrioiil eotertaiumunts in tbe theater building as soon as Ire can Be cure the people. Mr. Ed warda wishes it to be din atiuotly understood that tbe Fruitdale Amusement Hall is intended to be a ol an moral resort for families and that gamb'ing, or drinking will not be oliated on the grounds. Hi I quor il be sold or allowed on the place ud none but ladies aud gentlemen re invited to visit tbe r rounds or will be allowed to jeinain theie. An officer uloihed wiih complete authority will be puuisbed at once. Tbe musio next Saturday evening will be furnished by the fJeileun Orchestra and the management of tbe dance will bs un der the supervision of Messers Win Hawkins aud James O'Neal. For Rent House for rent enquire of F 9 Ivan boe. Sept. 9 "i'i VV I i " ' j i -o - r . 4. ! U -i t Twelve Life Remedies hih the water of Medical Lake, Wuhington, it evaportted, a residue of pure while crysislline powderremaintin the retort. Careful chemical snalysii of this powder shows that it is composed of the twelve most important medical agents known to . science. Nature, the great chemist,1 mingled the life-giving, disease-curing ingredients for the healing of the na tions. They are twelve Life Remedies one for every month in the year, therefore for every day and all time I Medical Lake Tablets' are ' made from this white powder and every tablet con tains In due proportion of the twelve life remedies. Dissolve one tablet in s glass of water and drink ' s sparkling beverage which cools the blood and - stimulates the kldoeyt and liver to healthy action. " USUTS&AMX.ALLDtUaOISTS. MEDICAL LAKE SOAe CURBS SUNBURN. !S. Medics! LaKe Salts AVfg. Cd.t.$5t2 Fall Suiting Has just A.rrivecL " Come in and get first choice, " We have the lbrget and best this year that we have ever had and our prices are 10 per cent -. 1 owcr than Portland Prices First Class Work Guaranteed . KOS8 & ANDREWS WATCH MAGNATIZED . In these days of the increasing nse of electricity the danger of having your watoh magna tized is Kroater than in tbe past. Iam in shape to demagna ize your wati h right away and put it in as eooil shape as when it left Ihe factoty. Ibere is no neo-sslty of running the r'ek of having your watch lost or brcken sending it away when you can gat it made as good as new at home by a practiclo woikjnan at a low cost. . J. li. Pearc, the Jeweler . HOUSE CLEANING T.AVE The nnual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Mattings, Window Shaoe, Pictures, Etc , will bear your most critical investigation. Our stock is complete. Our prices right. R ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 9-1 I Residence Phone 367 ! HOUSE FURNISHiNQS 1202 Adams Ave The La Grande P wnbroktrs Corner Fir and t'ams Remember w still buy nd sell all' kin.le ,p .,. 5 Sacond Hand Goodajl J f.ione 1501 - - - afc aaasfcafh afcafc saVshsi tfcal PTtTTTTTI A WHOLE' CARLOAD OP BARGAINS During tbe past thirty days we have received MORE THAN 28000 POUNDS of merchandise of various kinds These goods were purchased by personal selection from the best markets aud factories iu the east and west and we now assert, without fear of successful contradiction, that we have THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDIST IN UNION COUNTY And are prepared to offer better values in all lines than ever before offered in Eastern Oregon ifoad the Daily Observer The Golden Rule Company 1308-1310-1312 Adams Avenne Largest Store . Smallest Prices IIMHIHIIHIMIMIitHKH mil ,,,,,,