It Speaks For Itseif ' L" Grande Evening Observer nt iU irfeotly clear that no luau I if 1 :'i '9 K ". :J 1 ft.rJ M . cau be made ou any piece of property .on a better bals thau our offer. The transaction is quickly eousumated and I bo onat is comparatively trifling. The Road To Fortune . .. ia often reached through the medium . of a loan. If you think you aee a chance, dou't let it pass. i'ou may regret it. "Nothing risky nothing win." we've gol tl.e money and we'll ' treat you ripht. Also Homes for unto on installment. CURREY BROS., Edilora Prope Entered at tbe Post Office at La Urande, Oregon, a Second Claaa iubu mailer. jCa Srande investment Company, "1110 Adams Aveuue, La Grande, Oregon OFFICERS: Uao. Pauikb.... ..President ' J. M. BacBf Vice President ' J. M.Cuurch. .....Y... Cashier DIRECTORS: J. M. Berry, J. M. Church A. B. Conley, Geo.Ii. Clea ver, Geo. Palmer . F. L. Methes and Geo L Cleaver Asst. Cashiers 3655 rande National B nk La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transact a general banking business. Bays and sella exchange 03 all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Meat Market Stellwell & Vuudermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHEHS. Highest market price paid for all kiuds of butchers' stock Hides, pells and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Coal For Hot Weather Our Hock Spring coal will give satisfaction We always have it ou linnd. Castle Gate anil Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. We al ways have coul, all kinds and at lowest, puces. If you want wood wo can furnish you the kind that burns longest and best. G. E "FOWLER, TRANSFER AND DELIVERY Phone No 1611 Published daily except Sunday One year in advance . . . . 6 50 Six mouths in advance. . . .3 60 Per month. ..'...:... ; ....65o Single copy. .....5c MONDAY EVENING. SEPT 12. 1904 n n p a JOHN JAMISON WKSTULL ELVA JAMISON We will call for it and bring it home when promised We guarantee satisfaction and ask for a trial order to demonstrate to yoii that we un derstand the laundry business, on can slop our wagon at any lime or phone the Laundry aud your work will he called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, and cau do your washing better and cheaper than ou. A trial order solicited. Dnion Steam Laundry Whether or tu t the Local Option law will eventually make Oregon a prohibition State, time only can auswer. It w ill -however be a strong factor in tlie re gulation of millions, . That is in compelling those engaged iu the liquor I re flic to conduct their places of business' within I lie liw and not iu open deliuhce of i ;' . ' . . , It it' worthy of hole also that iu this county the' saloon vole ib not the factor it wus at one lime, no one conversant at all with the conditions, but knows that neither Judge R kin, dis trict altorney Lomax or sheriff Peuning'ou would now be hold ing their present positions ll the "Pull" known as 'the eabon vote could have prevented it', , They did all -in their power to prevent their election; And had they been 6Uiioeg?fur;onlf tic.nsin rtukeraiid Union count ies would itiut be as ihey are. ; Hd i.ot sheriff Br.iwn if Buker Ci;uiily kni w that be hd a Lomax behind him iustead of a Sam Whit", he would never have attempted In ol force the lawa in that county, and it is r,oi, unre isonatilo to preiruiue unless disMtct attorney Lomox kii'-w'thut should it beneccessary to carry iheta-ea into the cir cuit court .that he would find a judge who would be governed ti the laws asthpyare, lit would have hes'ia'f A to have pioteculed as he (Mil. Had white been Miiceseful for rccleiliit last J u in' it goes without saying ihal shenff Priiuiugion' wo ild never have cotiMtkri d the i.-i-u. t ce ol llie ordt-r lb t x-ill In- trade v:tuiii a very few day, lotireru ;ug the enfor. i mcir tf the laws vv It hi n his juiisd'rli n SCHOOL BOOKS; STArniONERY; DRUGS La Grande Dru' Co. and Red Cross Dru Co BRYAN IN POWER "As matters were managed at St Louis and ur novt- managed at Esopus. the Democratic pBity will come out of the catopaign uot only with Roosevelt' elected but with Bryan restored Xn dom- iuance in the party by "the' slupiditv aud fatuity of a Demo cratic campaign raouaged by his enemies.'' New-York Sua. In dodging the itivi'a'iou to act us judge at a baby sdow, Judge Parker gave ind eaisone of wisdom. .But to his" letter there ought to have been a P 8 suggesticg Davybenet, to whim .s o one wno is aeaa uoming i of importance not tven the wrath of the mother whose darling didn't win the champion t eanty belt The democrat io n .tional camp aun committee acknowledge that they ar short on both money and issues The jnottey shortage is giving them the most concern however. , ". 'I be state ilectinu in Maine is held, today, but since. the Ver mont incident there is not hint h iiHlional .importance' aU- ched to it. " '." ' " ' PHONE 1U8I. 742 FIR STREET. aaakteeiieslk 15 c I m o n n I r. o t n t c r) O i TURKESTAN ALFALFA 9 The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gallon. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Baney, Oats, etc. Tne only Seed Hduss inUaioa County. A.-. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 Th' aU ntinii i f i.h i hoard ol sclioo' il hectors is called lo lb fact ih'it ..i. in' of the sclvnl build iiis in Ihit city are tqutprd -villi telpliones. Tlii-J '8 mis taken econoiny. In - justice to lite pupils, parents, and leathers audi building sh uid betquiped wilt) a phone during the ichnol imf. As t matter of protection o the pupils a phone is a nec- epi-i.y. Und-r the pn f cut sys tetn tlinnld one of the pupils be injured or become euddendly ill the only wiy to no ify the parents or ail a d. ctor w uld lie to send rotne one, A-liile if llii-ra wi a j il;on iu the building both roc- lor null parents fon d be no'ined within a vi'ry few niin lies. Th'S disrict is er' inly wedtLy iinuh lo p .y iife do'lara'o fi.rn;l. the p -Iro'i of tlii- dii Ittct wiili Hie pri'euon wiih lb"y justly entitled. In The District Court of The United States for The'"" District of Oregon. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS GRAIN BAGS 4 GRAIN BAGS $4.75 per 100 By order ol I be State Board of. Prisou i Dlreqtors, I am authorized to sell grain hags in any quantity) utove 600. manufactured at San iuontin Prison at price fixed at $4.75 per 100. Hngs dolivered free in San Fran eisco . Orders must be uocompauied with, cash tr ex change on .San Francisco in full, "and alsd with tpe fn- lowing allldiivil vended before a Notary Publio or'Jnstioe of the Ptaci;; . "J. hereby n rtily that I am a consumer 'resioibg iu I........ . .and that the but s ordered by me are for my own peroust and individual use " ' " I: .. Subscribed and.swora to before me this. . . .rlyi ol. , LSeti ;. . The hag ar of the same capacity as taudrd;vfli)ltat" Ips, and sttpiirior in qu ilitv Don't delay lend in your order today ', J W. rOMPKlNS, Wurderi" Sin" Quen- till Prison. Cnli'nrr.ia . . . . .. Siimple" of Ihosj b R8 to ho seen at tl a orUo -r-. . .('rr; .' ill las m a a a .s a & Hi "um vwsr' vs- Ncitional Lianlc. ' - LAGKANDE,: OlXKtjON I'n iy Viiiil 'A Ihi.lltw''' . liJ IIIMk ' C'ti i ' hI S u'-k Silt ides luud -..;. Lia! i'ity of Slnm-holih is Ucsponsil'ilily We do a general bunking and t-xrlmnae" rnsn,f tH. 1 I) 1 1 f llll'ljitll .1 I'f H" ! Mil .llllll lili(.h ll,l.k. il'.lX'll, , I J,I)(0 ' JO-KI'tl PALMt'-K, I'lesidcht " .1, W SCKIBilK, OaBliiur 1 3 1- 4 1 4 tf: a: i a s b b b s s fis a q'b e a a'tiWM'n'm'm' In the mHttnrofi N.tireif Mnrv M. Caldwell. V Hrst rnee inc of i roilMoraj a t- ' Bankrupt 1 To the Cr.dltors of Mary M. Cald well, of Elgin, in t ho county ol Union, state of Oregon, HankrnptT Notice is hereby given, Tl at no the Hi st day of t-eptomber, IBM, lb sa d Ma y M. Oal lwoll xas duly adjadicated a I ankrupt, and that tbe rlrat Mi-etlug of the I'reditora will l e bold at Hie orluwol he uudornliiMcd, in hi (irandu. Oregon, on Monday, September' tilth, '" I'M I, at ten o'clock In iho forenoon of said day, at which time and place said j crodl'Ors may attend, prove their, laiaia, app int a ' Trustee, Vxaniine the ilanki upt, and transaet ancli o her I tisim as as may proper y o.ime belore said meet I nit Twenty rl-e cents must acaompany omih claim filed .- Dnt-d at Lt (Jrando O.enn, Hep ember Uth, 1IK)4. 1'' U I vn hoe, Refer'a in Htinkruptcy. Jriept.7 91 I FULL Chain Wood MEASURIL by the Cord culiiri . ct to iho cord. IH-n ch : d yy i lniin w"o. : n -r cor I, Tin i. i-hciipei ihui ly the. loud. You p.'V fur vlmi yn i i-i m d ye wlnt' yjti pay f'ir. Phone 571 H. W; NIBuEY I Uaily For Sale Jersey Cow Pasy-Pi-yments Script Script A Kev Ch-iioi"' Mnru;aiiis lii tytW- loWft 0)i.iitf,v Ken I llstiflt'e'. " i ai '. 1 J 1 1 K'll III ! I -.111 I I I II II I U I (I) ilna r h r I '. U1 in fjll -mvii vhna-.. 'Ill' IIHi:in 2.51 . ill ulll MiirK. mi , ..1 or lmi'1. I. )l .nu 11 hi jiii- urn i'i MLr..i.-it il iv.ilur ll . llilh ul il'i: - un:,l bariralD ul i.iVK) Zt'l mith.iJ a i-l .-irt hi u-iim'Ii it ti.e iiiici in nieu'iuir; uitim n .11 -411(1 0M1I111.I1I n . kixiiI b 1 . -1-. 'in t mi 1M1 iy Mn lie imt ai i s plnee will UUe KiiVI t.i esiMe I 1 .ia le 'i 1 illi ll 'r'V. Ii CO 51') (itr a'VO ' ' -j . ' 4 la rea. IA) uf ir iiidp 1 1 .1 - 'ri e l.i ir mir.- Till. H a grent birifRlrt. , I IMIiieli-4 ul linn l.illil il Jl I trl- iu r -I'll 'M 4re ;i l-v lit lllu fan iy KI.II, Wu nnVf lo nili-'r ill Hi nl ri'.u 1.411111. I' or mrimr paniiiuiari a lurita., n n itnil aooil ulliliinlitliiaa. SI) amn in tall lllt jl il'i: - V uriMI hai M'DonalcJ ulMicioN M'DR,niel i WALLOWA. imMI JiAM.IJltflMri'fl 4 I A HELPING HAND alone Otlt-etlicrl for rent rKoruc, appro veil, un rftuntiifi), rnily for iiiunedtiite tine any )ht. luwtwi trice. K P. A K. li.Hlley, tiHinhcrol Com me ce Hldit, I'ortlmid, or. L'f illEK LAND, A T JUNE 3, 1878 .OTICB FOR PUBLICATION 'J.c, lautl utltceal La Urande, orettoii August il. itfOI. NoiIpo i hrrrhy nlven thai In oomplliini'ii .Mil llie pruvlxl'itiH ttfllie act of CtmuteMt tii Junet, nt, hi titled "An act for the tutte it iImio'T UiuIkIii Mm-Httitf or Cdllfornl", uw iit-i. Xvudii. nl Wiishlimlnn Urrllur ! u t.tlptl to all llie t'ulitlr, iMm Hustvo tiy act ii A 'ii(tiL -I, Int2( iNviil (-HiiK'len, of Oi-xtrr-villi, omutytif Wootl, Hutn of WiMOotiMii ; nt tli'lity (IIimI in id In oinn hl irori ' lii."ri(nt So. AU), Iur ill? nun;! aw of the) NK4 SWt4. HK NWnnrl a1 nl fofnncl loll No. i In T.iwnalill- No. 5 Hon tit Kuiitfc No. ( ft K. W. M. I i-l will offpr proof lo how Ciatthe land j rllu'llV IB lllMi-tj n unlink mr iu liiliwci Wimp thin for ii(irlcu)tiirHV urjkoiww, Htid Ut wiHOilnli lit-r cliilni lo mild luud before the , li.'KinU'r ami lMfiver or tntu onto ai in Mi'iiitlo. Unicon. ou Tueaday, Uia 'i:h ! dy f (cut)r, IH0I. J ll: mi in en a wlinonHm: Italph If. I'liHI-. Ill W , inry lirown, of Dcitei vill, WjiNintlt. I l'frnrd (' Itnllln, of 1'i-rry, Oreyoiii anl i lturd Item ol la Uiande, nrt-non. AyunU all purwmit ciHlniintf aavtrmiy tin- fif-ove deHcrllMil Umln re rrHld it fli . thnlf niilma lit ttilu nirioii nn nr Kuffir mu Id Tih Kliitntil in ni:h''H dayof (clobr, J j K W. Oavla, Hiter. Anl 1il:e lew on uniy nvru Atlxour 8Min ner friendH Iwive Yon can nevtr knew ilo The surpn-einft tovh! iron -ii-pp Of a helping himipn htiru By Irma T Jonea. How -.Mir to my ir' is Ins u1 1-fnMlti.inP I tv.ishb inn I Tout mothm' tis -1 t wuh on vvt"u 1 wa toy, , With ita zini-ciw ro I ri.U'j.4 t h - U n-4 t.( 1 1 p uy i.i . A id sjip bi i loi m ii u jI 1 t t y otitl'1'4 i i iy. ' J Of ttimod h v 1 . t -ri 1 1 be w uvi w irin ( h)r kuiuUefi. Aa ovor 111 rid 'a nr I m'io ivi lid rut. t ne nr il for t Ii jv di ) 4 huln I nil t 'Ii nUtli4rfi T3 il l fn iio it? 1 nli Ii ir t th ii a' r i-i ttie tub. riMKU I I'ho oM f t'lito-ti'd wi-,)ijimr:t ; - r .. zi Tuviwd Btitiln;iri ; 2 The bauk-hr'ak in MHhb ;tii thut 'oo.l iu tha tub, . 2 Som ' foUs ivl vttv ki'.K ibj it U t: t tlitti imi IdriiM, r A 'I 1 9 y ttm f" WhI' H' t :i I r'ntU M evM y (I t ' Hut trlM h -m Imip, h I wi I h v n tiot iti tii-r At 'ioiiv, wih'h-8'i tl f (. m s nip h i'N riA'tiy, I know ibftt Hih w 'sit tii in i -;iii) la uuo t o iBitr On all of our etotfi -a t kii ii ti-iii nnii rub Till the b it t.Mi mi I b ri iu ) nr lo-w nfi l won out v ' Ky tli old ( alit im I a- tHhb mrd Hi it toot I t:i the tuba U'a are hut thn ol 1 fttihitiiibd Ki'id, ydtl've wu'ltPf' ilrkiifF s, KH'leii prone Hiiud tbet.inrr.i Fred G Lawsoa Wholesale Ueoler In HAY and GRAIN IN CARLOAD LOTS. Slater Bldg. La Q rande, Or ABC LAUNDRY PHONE i85i City Property For Sale Find LocaieJ, Well Impioveil s-Ktwrn . House For Sale. Also Other City l'roperty,r At CRANT & liliRRONS i o,ig uru to get control of tba flre,E7 j uut ma wind tiaa tbe beat of them andj'