; ll If 1 11 . t! Hot Weather MEALS Bring your wife and family to tbe Spokane Oafe lor Dinner. " Your wi fe will ap-' preciate the change and freedom frotn the hot kitchen. You will all enjoy the meal the ' beat in tcwu. First' class service. ' SPOKANE CAFE J, F. Johnson Depot St La Grande.Or. Change of Management. The undersigned has purchased the basin s known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after condnct the same. We wish to inform the public that we sir prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry At the very lowest prices consistent with first-clas articles We have our own delivery and make two trips doily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cattle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share oi your patrouage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meat market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER Early Risers ' m IAMBUS uttli nut. Par ease relief front Mlleasiwas, Ik Headache, Torpid Uvar, Jaua dlaa, Dtsslnsts, and all treublaa aria lag Iraai aa Inaollvs or sluggish Uvar, OaWM's Uttla Early Risers are an- eaaallea. Tksy act promptly and asvsr gripe. Taey are aa dalaty that it la a pleasure ta tabs raeen. One to two aot as a M auatrni two or (our aot aa a slnmt and effective oathartlo. They are awst vegetable and absolutely ilsstk They tonle tha liver. rasp-AMD ewiv sv CCDsWltl 4 Co.,CHiaaJ So" Bv All DnitJKists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS If so, purchase your ticket via the ROCK ISLAND FRISCO SVbTEMS. Choice of routes going or retorninit via 6T.PAUT,. DENVER, COLORADO 8PRINO8, or PCEBLO. For rates oall on vonr local Aeent - Dates of asle: June 16-17-18 July 1-2-3 Auk. 8-9-10 Set t. 8-8-7 Oct. H-4-o. For further information and rlr-eninp car .reservations call upon or address A H Mc Donald Uen'l Agent 110 Third St., Portland, Ore CHv Scavenger Vaults, Cesspools and Wells Cleaned All work done by Scavengers ST- IN". Maon Phone 1841 La Grande Or. Columbia University CollrRinte, Pri'mraTMr Com mere h1 B"d Cirnii- APPLY FOB CATALOGUE CcU'WS Boarding school tor young men Si boy. Box 348 University Park Slaiion, . Portland Orrtjon niM POWDER, (toil) 111 fairy, rmesr flavor. ijsti Mi Umih.hiwhtii Prices II 3 twIJiSET&DEYSRS B i;.nlJITLANDO!lEC0N. j A Dnih roiawiaar naurf. ' That certain bisects, birds, maramau and renrilea rmhltnaltv nrotntut ha dead when danger threatens them Is well known fact, bat It Is generally b stored that this stratagem la resorted to only by animals. In Booth America howerer, there is a plant- species at UKCh.'t dem ,el ITtSr. slSFlnanrlV rnm iha snoa-uuA. o? ".. vrw rating the gnat eating animals from anng it. In Its natural state this plant has a TlTld green boe, bat dl- tactly it la touched by a human Sneer or by any living animal it collapses nto a tangle or apparently dead and withered sterna. London Globe. Healer aud Iterenaoa. W. B. Henley once met Hobert tools Stevenson and found his friend dis tressed because he was not a Voltaire or a Dumas, though be bad an equip merit which ought to have made him their peer. Stevenson pot hia "failure" flown to the weakness of Ub lnnaa. 1 "Perhaps you are rieht Louis." said Henley. "I've alwaya felt that If I bad not been a blessed cripple I could bave taken the earth In my hand and bnrlad It Into the sun." The Test. Lily Well, did you see nert ' to tt true? Is she really engaged to him or Is it only Idle rumor? Nellie There Isn't a word of troth In It I had a long talk with ber and told ber of the men who an Just wild about me, and she never sold word about him. Brooklyn Life. Mean. "Come, dear, kls9 my cheek and make ap," she said forgivingly. "I'll kiss It," he answered, "bot I don't think it wants any more making au! - . . I ttovr tbe Initial "M" Punetvatafl TJM Great Conqaeror'o Career. . From Mnrcngo to Moscow was the will! swing In the pendulum of Napo leon's life. Uie one the greatest battle ut of which he camo with his life, tin other the "abyss which engulfed him Mr. J. M. Buckley, who ia a literary expert on coincidences, points out bow strangely the letter M played a part In the life of the great conqueror. Mnrboe was the first to recognize thf genius of Napoleon at the Ecole Mill tnl re. Melnfl opened to blra the way to Italy. Mortler was one of bis first gen erals. Moreno betrayed blm, and Mo rat was the first martyr to bis cause, Marie Louise partook of bis highest destinies. Metternlch conquered bin on the field of diplomacy. Six marshals Masscna, Mortler, Mar mont, Macdonald, Murat and Money sad twenty-six of bis generals of dirt alons had names beginning with tbs letter M. Murat, duke of Bnssano, was tha counselor In whom he placed the great) est confidence. Ills first great bat tie was that of Montenotte; his last was thnt of Mount St. Jean. He (wined the battles of Mopcow, Montmlral) and Montereau. Then came the assault of Montmartro. Milan was the first ene mies' capital nnd Afoscow 'be last in which he entered. He lost Egypt through the blunder! of Menon ni'.d employed Mlollls to make Plus VII. prisoner. Malet con spired against him, afterward Mar mnnt His ministers were Ma ret, Mon tnlivet and Mollicn. His first cham berlain was Montesquieu, OAIRY FARMERS IN LINE. Seretarr of National Union la Fa vor of Bruwulotr Dili. Secretary Charles Y. Knight of the National Dairy union recently ex pressed himself as follows concerning the Brownlow bill: t "In company with hundreds of thou sunds of other people throughout the United States I am very much Interest ed In this bill. 1 have Just returned from a tour of Italy, France and Eng land, where I bad an opportunity to observe the character of tbe roads in those countries. Coming home and looking over our miserable facilities tur s-eiuuK arouuu .u t. r .u.u . trlcts, I made up my mind that it wdl - be necessary for this country to do at European countries hare done In order to get good roads 1. e., bave govern ment aid. "The National Dairy union Is organ Iced throughout the north In every con gressional district which has nny amount of agricultural constituency, and I am firmly of the opinion that th" progressive fanners who are dairymct will be In furor of tbe bill for national aid. I niu so much Interested In Its success that I p willing to use my In fluence to lutvp our dnlry farmers perl tlou for t!u- passage of this bill. I would be willing to glv sei-ernl tiu-t dred dollars out of my owi, pocket t see the roails of this country Improve like those of France." TiMik Mint nl llln Word. In the yeirr of l.jfcs the forces of Kin Alfonso VI. iittiu-lii'il Hie Moorr and drove litem oul of Madrid, it. till" connection there Is a legend that tin Segovlnns. who were allies of Alfnnxo had been cheeked by the snows In lli mountain passe of Kueufrln and wer therefore lute In overtaking the main Poi'y of th" urin.v. which Itnd sat down before Madrid.- ' Sire." they Inquired of the king, "where !i:il! we eninpV" "lu-ii'li' the eliy." rptunird Alfonso with !i ai-cr. help', itngry with them ncttm1 "f th"lr -tnrdiin"w. They took tli!- Wing at Ills word, curried the wall ni the neM mnrn'.iig the li.-MmiT ot rieg-.ivia wa filiation from n turret of Ihe grt.e of iJuarlalaliira. Tnrl. i:d Mr. I'.'riTuuiti. ' er i.r lliirklnt-vlll this if , (he ( i-'s lllr i I u to live. 1 1 lllllll' . 1 B ii-i tcl'in'j lihr, . p:i."n rm 1 1 M- them t J"! ri-up'' 'I )ln I. litl t ooulit tt.'i' it ro ii mr The Panama Canal When it was found that North and Sooth Amerira joined and presented a barrier to ocean navigation between Europe and the Orient, the idea ol cut'lng a ship canal was Boggled by """no". H de la Serna ear- if.,, b rnnul rnnt fn.m rhnruron In Panama. Many lamys have been made aoroas the Isthmus with the view oI pieroing it with a oanal. The United 8 la tea had engineers down theie collecting data in 1849. 1854, 15S, 1870 and 1875. The French took the scheme in 1879 and in 1881 work was beitnn and af er dinging 12 oi the 54 miles at a oost of 8200,000,000 sold out to the United States who as will be seen from the i following telegram baa begun work I down there and ths , projeot of 375 .. m , Mobile, Sej.t. 12. The first cargo of lumber to leave ibe United 8taes for use on the Panama canal was taken from here today In the schooner J O Clifford. The lumber was contracted for by the Panama oanal commission and will ba landed at Colon. Pleasing cere monies marked the departure of the vessel, looal patriots making tha event an oocaslon tor some displap and ap propriate exercites. Snake River Bridge Work on the Snake river, wagon bridge at Weiser, Idaho, to connect thn two states of Oregon and Idaho, is bolnn pushed rsdldly, three of the piers are completed at the ends of tbe bridge, and one of the river piers. When oomplrted it will be the onlv wagon bridge oonne tins; tbe two states across the mighty Snake. Portland Chosen St. Louis, 8ept. 12 At tha closing sesrioo of tbe Hoo Hoo annual meet ing held today in tbe house of Hoo Hoo at the World's Fair, Pot Maud Or was seleoted lor tbe next annual meet ing. The following officers were elect ed: 10 Snark of fjpivere,0 BRourke of Petervburg 111 , Jtbberwook, A. H. Putter of Portland Or. Ladies Shoes Shined At the Quality shoe store next door toJM Berry's, by an experienced hiner. - 3t , Piano Tuner Haye Prof. Hendricks tore yonr piano. It will pay rnu to do so. Tun Inn and repairing ca.efully done We kindly eolioit yonr work Oct 8. Prof. Hendricks Lost Fea'ht-r pillow on road from Ptarkey to La tirande at uut Aug 1 finder will pleaiie return to the Obsever OLQce, HOUSE TO RENT Tho proonr par son ran seonre a first class residence in good part of town by inquiring of J N Wilson at hie resideoi-e on Biroh street 2t LOST taf r 'jajei will pleas leave ' - nis office and get liberal re ward 2L THE MARKETS (July 30) New fork - Silver 68 6 8Union FtoiSo l(& 5.g pM 93 1-a .... . Chioono Sept wheat opened 89 3 8 a 81) 5-8 end cloned at 90 1-4 Barley ' il 50, flax 1..7 1 2, northwestern tl.'24 Hm FrunUsoo t.'ash wbeat (1.37 Portion I-wheat Walla Walla 67; Bluestem72; Valley 78. tattle Best steers 3 a ff3.-5; me dium (3, cows $2 a f.2.25. - ,tr TOWARDS Many people who are drifting towards Bright' s Disease, whicn is NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice ia l ately given, that the co partnership heretofore exiaiiDH between tbe undersigned under the tirui name of Mi Coy A MoK.rli.ue, in the grxoery niisiiiees, at i,a t.ranue, uae been ata aolved by mutual agieenient. The business will be outtinued by William Mutarlaue. D ated, August 12, 1U0. Julilre McCoy 812-823 YY. aior-'arlane For Sale Light-: bay buwy tam (gentle). -Work single, double or sadille. New pole buggy and new liht harness complete.' Inquire of Mrs. E Whitney, Whitney House, Adums Avouuj. . LOST The crown off of a Knight Trmplar'e emblem with a eekting of five email diamonds. ITin ier v 1 1 1 please 1. ave at J M Horry's stoic , 1 receive reward. tf Peaches . I wish to say to my Iriendt and tbe publi that I bi re a large orop ol poiohea this tear. Our early fenoliHS wiU be upe iu about a week 01 III days rum tula lime we can sell you a ruoie juioy be Her lUvottd peaou anil obeap er than you oan buy tbeui alter they bave been shipped in from other par.s Then wben you pay fur 20 lbs you get 20 lbs good pound measure. JR Kellogg The World's hair Route Those anticipating an Kaettrn tun, or avielt to tbe Louisiana Purchase expo, siuoii at bt. Louis, cannot atlord to '. overlook the advnutages ottered by tl.e 1 L. I)...,.,.. U...U..V u.l.1.,1, aoi-ouni. uf its vaiious routes and gated wayo, nan ueyu ai.prupriHUiiy names Ihe Vt 'irld' rnr Kouie." pasrenKMr iroiu iho Northwest take the MtssoOBl rai iriu trniuB lroin Den ver or Pueblo ill. tbu choice of either going direct through tho .Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and. Pleaaant Hill. 't wo trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to 6t, Luuis without change, carrying all clunseu ol uiouern equip ment, luciuding electric lighted obser vation pailur vale uining cars, len daily traiua between Kansas City and at Louis.' ' i . ,( iir ft u-n-t.i. mrnie, ur c.i uu it . jt uivuiiuv. General Agent, 124 Third at, Portland for detailed inlormatlou Hud illustrated literal are. tf. Congrrtulations Mr John 11 Cullom, Editor of the Uarltiint, lexus, iNene, lias written a fuctiire ol Ub.uibeiU.u'e (Jouiib Ke- meuy, aetuliows: "bixteeu years ago whru our Urt child ws a bauy be was subjtti.-i to cruupy spells aud we would be very uneasy auout liliu. we began given it to all of them wltu good re suits." ror sale by all druggists. ghtful Route, Daylight llidt Dizzy Crags, Deep Cunous. A Golden Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beauty, aod then the acme of man's handiwork. The first is found alonp the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and tlm lnttfir at the St. Louie World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make tho most of it. For information and illus trated literature write W.O. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. Portland, Ortjgi neglecting symptoms of USlllg UlinUlOurtalU'a (JUIlUll riemeOy in .i"S . w.o ,M om,ii..o w pity UBhaga niw. i'midiiiiik ru HinuMi. 1S07, and finding it nucha reliable, re to A L Craig, General Passengir Agent oal entei prise we want the business to medylo. .-uidsandcr. upwe bave never 0f the Oregon 'tallroad & naviga ion i ke6.P J" ? J "8" .T.i.h.,t In. been wlthoui in the t.ouse stu.e that ,.., L.,,., n.,.n h. ,i We are not b. gging for lavotsbnt Ip- i w. t,UUa hu .-i,,i .,i i,v..i t ompan. I onland, Oregon, hy se d- 0l eutornris s should be built on to I mmim d bgase fitons rro-ularitlpt. Rtrencrthfns the urlnanr onrans and builds ud the worn-out tissuta of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter Is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits tbe whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily determine If your kidneys are out of order by setting aside for 34 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising;. If upon examination It la cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles Boat About in tt, vour kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S K'DNEY CURB should be taken at once. A T BILL, I j working herd to get control of tbs fire, The Bainbow Store Excluive ' 1 School V . 1 1 District 76 )) District 76 School Shoea need no praise from ub. Thousands of satisfied customers throughout the west 8Dd northwest testify to the fact that it is tie : world's greatest sohool shoe. Appreciating ihe very liherttl patronage hrslnwed on u", we will, from this date until October 17, give a cou pon with each purchase of District 76 Shoes. This coupon will entitle the holder thereof to a chanoe lo secure free of any ctat whatever, the tpleudid football which we are now showing in our window. The lucky holder will be decided by a drawing at our store at 4:30 p. m., October 17. Yours always for the beBC goods and lowest prices ' THE RAINBOW .tH.t.H.I.I. Beautiful Columbia River Folder A passenger department ot the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company has just Issued a beautiful and costly panorhtnio lolder entitled "The Ool- umbia iiiver, through tbe Garoade Mountains, to the Paciflo 0.an."inlsh all kinds ut lumber on short rrom Arlington to Portland and from I no,t1i"-.. u- s,.i. J! ... r. j t, ia I It you buy In quantity so we can fur- Portland to tbe Pacific Ocean, evi ry ntBb lu car lots to be delivered dlreot carve of the river and every point we oan give vou prompt shipment and of Interest arehown while Mt Hood f1 Pr'0" ," " 't lowet o5'af . . . . . lug the Quality of the stock and tbe u.mr, uu0, r i" tually covered with enow, standout In thnrn hnanlv. On IhA hnek of th i. - in,.oi. ,.. . of the trip from Huntington to Port- Ittnd an(1 Irora Portland to the ooean, not overlooking the beaches and the San I'Tnn. is'oo trln by ocean- A oonv of this folder may beseouri-d by send inn the address of some friend In the East, and four oenta in potage the t i,i. -hi n nj folder will be promptly mailed. Lodfe Directory KA0LK8 Ln UranO.Airie i1( F O K meets every Fnday nlKhl la K ol 1- nm ttf I VUitlni. br.th.ru Inviutd U .tta- C V IlociwtU, W r o. N ..irllle, W Sea, rMREHTKIW OP AMKRICA Ooort Mild Marlon, No 22 meet each Tueaftsy La .Klk'l lull, urouivni are invivou ui aiiau, 1 Uclaner Chief Banner. O J Vandapool, Keouco, f O 0 F La Grande Lodg", No 16 ne Ihelr hall every ra urday ntsht. VJit -l-g D.t bera coniJ.l y laritcd to attend. S K Klnehart N U If E Coolidge, Sao. A K. it A. M. La Grande Lodge 3 41. meets every 1st "-Ed 3rd Matur .y ol each month A V Williams Seo, 0 D HuffmaB W. U kidney trouble, hoping ult Kidney trouDie in one ot O. B. Burhane Testifies After Four Tear. G. B. Burhans of Csrllils Center, N. Y., writes) "About four years as 1 wrote yoa staling that I had 000a ontlrsly fnretf of a oovero kidney trouble by taking lose thee two bottle, of Foley'o Kidney Core. It entirety etonoed the brlek-duel eedlmeot aol riln end .ymptome of kidney dleeaae dleeppeored. I an glad lo aay that here never hed a return of any of thoee eynptome during the four ears that here elapsed, and I am evidently eured reetay euml, eng eertlly recommend Foley's Kidney Care va aay one auaTerlag treat kidney or bladder trouble' Two Sizes. 60 Cents and $ 1.00a SOLD AND RECCHKENDED BY ZZZ Druggist 0. ' ' . . s ' ; ' 4 . : , Agency AN OPEN LETTER To the nubllo: We wish to oall the attention of those not already advlrad that we have estiiblisued a wood working plant in La Grand equal to any in tbe oouulry. V. e believed tbe limes and conditions demandrd suob an enterprise anil w bave Sient thousands ot dollar, in e qnlpment nn I improvements. f Bra not i-nlv prepared to fill vour orders for mill work but we can fur- ipt0m,tel!ode1Tj, The prioe varies as to the amount VOU bUV and t"6 t'OSt Of handling. i Before plaolnit your order outside submit yimr proposition to as aud sea if we can handle your business to please you. Wr are a La Orandn Institution but e do not i-lnlm anything; on that ao-' ' o nut only to have an equal show with our eompeiltor I employ our people at home Instead of 1 Bonding all the mo.iey awuy for slnft mninfoturfld lu other ulaoea. The money sent away "does not come bark to ui and It builds up oiber com. niumtles at our expense yours fur business, btoddaid Lumber Co. Real estate Snap Two aore troct, seven blocks from renter of La Grande. Go d six room ed cottog.i furnished oompietely and well, If desired. Two barns, large hen house and ire enclosed park over one ed red chickens, over 100 besrlcg Mitt trees Including lntr and sum- r apples, peais, prunes, peaohes and sevrral varitles of olierrles, one thousand raspberries, 600 strawberries twenty live shade trees, lawn, flowers and large garden ready for rise, three wells, two pumps, leu shares in good watei niton, uouse insure.! ror fiuv for three year. Part down. For particulars Inquire at this offloe. will wear away," are its worst lorms. i o Hi :inii jsl-", !xh ' 'ed Id. ihe - ng . ha -.in .;o- )0 ii '' ' '6 ' . . v is 'n d t bat the wind baa the beat ol them and