La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 10, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    Hot Weather
Bring your wife and
family to tba Spokane
Cafe for Dinner.
Your wife will ap
preciate the change
and freedom from the
hot kitchen.''. You will
all enjoy the meal the
best in , Uwu. First,
class service. . '
J, F. Johnson
Depot St. La Graude.Or.
The undewigued has purchased
the busin s known as the Harris
Cash Meat Markwt and will here
after condnct the fame. '
We wish to inform the public
that we aw prepare, to furnish
all kinds of meats, game and
poultry At the very lowest prices
consistent with first-clas articles
We have our own delivery
n.V twn trina daily to the
Old Town. . Highest market
price paid for all cuttle, hogs and
' sheep. We solicit a share ol
your patronage and guarantee
the very best satisfaction.
Phone orders receive prompt
and careful attention. --
Harris meat market across the
track. Phone 1601.
A DtiHth FHeTl PUurt.
Tk.f win h I ii Intuitu bird mammali
and reptiles habitually pretend to be
dead whD danger threaten! them la a
well known (act, but It la generally be
ttered that this stratagem la reaorted
to only by animal., in booth mer
however, there la a plant a apeclea ol
tslmom-which resort, to death felR
tog, erldently for th purpose of pre
Tenting the grau eating anlmaia from
atlog It In lta natural atata thla
plant haa a vivid green hue, bat dl
loctly It la touched by a human flngei
or by any living animal it collapse,
into a tangle of apparently dead and
withered etome. London Globe.
Henler iteveMom.
W. B. Henley once met Robert Louts
Bteveuaon and found bla friend dis
tressed because he wn not a Voltaire
or a Dumas, though he bad an equip-'
ment which ought to have made blni
their peer. Stevenson put hla "failure"'
down to the weakness of bla longs.
"Perhaps you are right, Louis," aald
Henley. "I've always felt that It I bnd
not been a blessed cripple I could have
taken the earth In my band and burled
H Into the sua."
The Teat.
UiyWell, did you see bert I It
true? Is she really engaged to him or
Is It only ttll ruinorj
Nellie There Isn't a word of truth
In It I had a long talk with her and
told her of the men who are just wild
about me, and she never said a word
about blm. Brooklyn Ufa.
Early Risers
aw Mti (ram BllleosnaM,
Sot Meaaaoha, Torpid Uvw. Jetia-
dloa, CTirlrni and all troubwa ana
la Irani a inaallv or slugflih Hv.r,
OaWM'a UUW Early Rlaera an -aajnaliad,
They act promptly and nave grip.
They era so dainty that It la a pleasure
la Mm them. One to two aot aa a
saM laaettvoi two or four aot aa a
- effective oathartto. They
an wk vegetable and absolutely
Tntf tenie tne liver.
B. C. DsWIU Co., ChU
- Menu.
"Come, dear, kiss my cheek and make
ap, she said forgivingly.
"I'll kiss it" be answered, "but I
Jon't think It wants any more maklnf
How tne Initial "M" Pnnetnatea turn
Grcut Cononrror'i Carver.
From Murengo to Moscow waa thu
uijik swing lu the pendulum of Napr
leon'a life, the one the greatest battle
..... iTu V.l ll
out or wiucn no enmu wilu ma u.w,
other the abyss which engulfed him
Mr. J. M. Buckley, who la a literary
expert on coincidences, points out how
strangely the letter M played a part to
the life of the Brent conqueror.
Mnrboe wus the flint to recognize tht
nnim r N minimi! at the Kcole Mill
tnlre. Melns opened to blui the way to
Italy. Mortler wns one or ma ua-ei wr
erals. Morenu betrayed blm, and Mu
wn tlm first martyr to his cause
Marie 'Louise partook of bis highest
destinies. Mettcrnlch conquered hits
. .1,,, Anlri nf fllnlnmnev.
Blx marshals Maesenn, moruer, mai
mont, Mncdonald, Murat and Moncy
and twenty-six of hla generals of dirt
alons had names beginning with the
letter M. -
Murat duke of Bassano, was the
counselor In whom he placed the great
est confidence, his nrst grcai oaw
tie was that of Montenotto; his last
was thnt of Mount St. Jenn. He gained
the battles of Moscow, Montmtral) end
Uontarenu. Then enme the assault ol
Montmartre. Milan wns the first ene
mies' capital and Moscow he laet in
which he entered.
lie lost Egypt through the blunder!
of Menon mid employed Mlollls to
R.nlri, Plua VTT nrinnner. Mnlet con-
srlred ngnlnst lilm, afterward Mar j
mont His ministers were Maret, mon
tnllvet and Molllen. Hla Brat cham
berlain was Montesquieu.
Patrick Mahaney of Derby, Conn
to the course of thirty-two years aaved
$3,200 on a salary never more than S13
a, mnnfh.
Senator William A. Clark of Mon
tana has determined to harness the
tamobs Shoshone falle of Idaho and
... .i,Mm nr work.
Austen Chamberlain, new chancellor .
of the exchequer, Is but forty. Lord
Randolph Churchill waa three years'
younger when be assumed the same
post " I
. T.k- untioi- nf Rockland. Mass.,
though but sixty-five years old. la the
fatber of thirty-five children, the old
est of whom Is forty-five and youngest
two years old. ...
Mllllcon Hunt a Chicago merchant
ts tiald to have received the first train
u.j tmioht wnt to Chicago. He
Is -eighty-two and received bis con-
algnment in 1848.
Slguard Ibsen, a aon of Henrlk Ib
sen, the Norwegian poet and drama-m-
t.oa hwimii chief of the Norwe
gian delegation In the council of state
sitting at Btocmioinr.
Mr. Mabuta. the Maori king, now a
member of the New Zealand legisla
tive council, has solemnly urn"
teetotal pledge before commencing bla
career as a statesman. I
Evelyn Wrench of London, who Is
responsible for the great craze for the
picture post card, atarted business
with a capital of $250 and now Is
earning $100,000 a year.
Miss Helen Gould, with her 'rnth
Den man Thompson recently ceiebrut.
ed the seventieth anniversary of bla
r-imoi. Rnffhnm is starting as Buy-
lock In the "Merchant of Venice," tit
der management of Fletcher and Stto
nacli. : .
Frederic Remington, the artist as
tlsted In the ataging of "John Ermine
of the Yellowstone," now at me oiu
battan theater. New York.
Hcrr Conried .announces Dec. 24 as
the date of the proditctlou of "Parsifal
at the Metropolltiin Opera House, New
York. Repetitions will be given Dec.
81, Jan. 7, 14 nud 21.
Rosnrlo Guerrero, the Spanish panto
min.i.e arrived In New York reeen..i
an the Kaiser WUhclui der Grosse. She
will present "Carmen" In pnulomime
at a Uroudwny theater.
Ada Rehan has filed objections to the
executors' accounts of the Augustta
Daly cstnte She has n well sued for
the recovery of $(1,000, which she
claims as nireurs of salary.
Exhibit Room
' Arrhittct Thornton has ormphted
the plan for the exl 11 ition buildine-to
be lcated at the dtpot Carpenlera
arerjos ilgnring en the cost, which
wben computed lll be plerfd in ibe
bundB of the Commeri'ii-1 i luh t x Its
coniidertion. The boilding will be
Javy 'eet lonir, eight bet . wide nd
'weive fi'et hub. It la a very neat de-
k-n. The fide facing the trans will
be almost Ud glare, there being IS
iudows and exhibits facod thi-re
OHiinot help but attract the attention
otall. '
Artesian Well
S Ij Biooks was In Ibe oityye!trday
and stated that ibe arte.lan well prop
ositirn wlicb was started last fall bad
not teen al audited by any mean-' and
that just 08 sooi. aa har'eat wss over,
msehlnely would be purohmed and
tht nell driven.
iB , BHii.. oivnn. that the CO
ruituersliip heretoiore existing between
lur unaeriKuu uuuc
i.f M.l'oy 4 MoParlrP Hie gnoeiy
i i , .. ... i ., i.Nn(U ffn hn dts-
solved- by mutnal agreement ine
businiae Mill beooktioued by William
Murarlane. : ' U a ted, Auguat 12, 190
- v juiiira iucujr
812-823 W. AioKarlane .
- :' " 1 ' '.
HOUSE TO RENT The proner per
son ran aecore a orat cihss resmt-noe
In good part of town b, inquiring
of 1 N Wilson at l it resldem-a on '
Birob streif,. - - ; 2t
LOST $3- i ' - ' " "'H P'ess
leave . otoee ind get liberal re -war'!
' . ' ' : - 2t
For Sale
Light bay bniy team (gentle).
Work single double or saddle. New
nolo buirirt- and new liuht borne
oonipbte. Inquire of Mrs. Whitney,
Whitney House, Adams Aveuu. ,
Moyer Abraham
A H Lovelace
Jamea Stutt
L U Wilson
'B E Cunie
."' do
LOhT The crown off of a Knight
Templar's emblem with a aecung or
five small diamonds. - Finder will
please Kave at J M Berry's Btox
receive reward. , ' tl
(juiy ao) ;
New J"ork Silver 5H 5 8Union Poiflo .
I5 5-8,Pfd931---!
I'hioauo Sct wheat opener w 8 '
n 89 5-8 and clow i at 90 1-1 Biley
m 60, flax I. 7 ) 2,noithwe?tern 51.44
Man Fr. nsor '.'ash wheat $1.87
Portlan i-wheat Walla Walla 67;
BluestemTi!; Valley 78.
. I atlle Beat steers 3 a $3. ir'-, me-
iium 3, oows $2 a 2,25. .
A Kohdle
C R Hill
C Swaikhnnmer and wife
A Koscb and ntle
0 M Lauer "
1 F Bates
H ii Akins and wife
Geo W Lamoruan
b DJones
r' H Uiggins
J W lrnin
B Cbancey -
W H (Jline
V U Bell
1 Denver
Wheeling, Va
SannfBide Wash
I wish to Boy to my Iriends and ihr I
publi that I uuve a large. crop hi
peaches this vear. Our early tvaoi.m
wiH be ripe lu about week ur 10 da ye
trum this ume we can sell yuu a more
juioy beaer tlavoitd peaou aud cheap
er ibao you oan buy itieui alttr they
have been snipped in Iroai oilier par.B
! Then when you pay for 20 lbs you
get 20 los good pouud measure.
J K Kellogg.
Ladies Shoes Shine d
At the Quality oboe store Lext door
to J M. Berry's, by an experienced
Liner. 3t
Bv All Druceists
If so, pnrohnso your th-ket via the
ro(;Fi6land f iasco sYbXbMS.
Choice of routes going or returning
BI'RINHS, or 1'UKllLO. :
For rates oall on your Im-al Agent -Dates
ol sale: June 10-17-18 July 1-2-3
Aug. 8-9-10 Sei t. MI-7 Oct. 3-4-5.
For farther inlorniniioii aim rn-opm,
car reservations call upon or address
A II Me Donald
Oen'l Agent
140 Third St., Portland, Ore
CHtv Scavenger
Vaults, Cesspools and Well?
All work done by ScnTenRers
1ST. 1ST. Maon
rhono 1841 La Urmulo Or.
Columbia i'r!Vr"!rv
University r;r
l$m ros anTAuna ji i 'on roes
nnonilnir sehool tor voting "' " boy.
Box 348 University Park Station.
PortUn d Orrson
E-i Lfjl ?, .(,
A Uu(ll! ir SaBi;
1 viinji!. rrtitf"!? n
lllli i Id IllSMrtlTOTPf.fTt'
iMietarr of National tlnlom In Fa
vor of tlrowulow UIU,
Becrctnry Clmrles Y. Knight of tlw
Natlonnl Dairy union recently ex
pressed himself as follows concerniua
the Urowulow bill:
"In coiupiiuy with hundreds of thou
sands of other people throughout the
United Suites 1 am very much Interest
ed In this bill. I have Just returned
from a tour of Itnly, France and Eng
inmi whore 1 luul an onnortuulty to
observe the character of the roads In
those countries. Comlns homo and
looking over our miserable facllltlcf
for getting arouud In the rural dl
trlcts, 1 made up my mind that It will
be necessary for this country to do ni
European countries have done In ordei
to get good roads L o., have govern
ment aid.
"The Nntlonnl Hairy union Is organ
lied throughout the north In every con
grraslntinl district which has any
amount of agricultural constituency
and I nni firmly of the opinion that th"
progressive runners who nre dalrynioi .
will be In favor of the hill for natlonnl
aid. I am so much Inlerested In Its'
iieccus fl.nt I nni wlltlnir to use my In I
Oui'iice to have our dairy fnnucrs petl !
Hon for the passage or this tiui. I
would lie willing to give several lllln
dred dollars out of my owt, pocket !
see the mads or this country Improve
like those of I'niiu-o."
r.,U Mliw lt Ills Word.
In (lie year of M the forces of King
MfoiKO I atlai ked the Moors and
drove lliein out of Madrid H. U'
miniiectinu there Is a legend that tin
Kegovlnns. '. "ere allies or Airooo
had lieeu elieeked l.y the snows In the
t l.-tu.nrrln mill wor
llliioiiiiioi nii- ;
tlierefon- Into In overinklng the mule j
l.ollv of the ariiiy. which had snt down
l.,-fore Madrid. 'Sin-." I hey Inquired ,
of the King, "where shall " i-allip
..i.i.l. In- " r,.tuilii-d Alfonso ,
xltli ii sneer, being angry with them j
teenn-e of their tanlines. J !
Hi- kin',' at his wonl. .nrrled the walls
and Hie iwM uiorulug I he banner oi
Ognvln nn H-siting from a fnrrej of
Hie gtue of liuadalalara.
0ou Ofnusvlt rnlles3.
Borne of the excavations at Nl?r"w
ahow that the Babylonians had nruiU
plication tables five times nB long aa
those commonly used In schools. Most
little men and women, for' Instance)
do not have to go further thau twelve
times twelve, but the llttlo Babylonian
children, says Dr. Herman V. HIV
precht. who superintended the late ex.
cavntlons. had to go as far as sixty
Union sixty.
Niniilinroil fragments of tablets bear
Ing these "luul'.lpllcntlon tables" have
been found, sonic few of wnicn go as
. i .inn times 1.800 But these
were evidently only tot astronomical
purposes. Those old astronomers seem
in hnvK felt hurd lircssed for time.
ami when they were calculating the
distances of the new stars they found
ami their stie, they did not want to
take the time to multiply, and so Jual
referred to these table Inuitons.
tearful Simplicity.
A new bouse which bus just been
erected In a western city Is an example
of modern slu-pllclty In the way of
decoration. Bwauty of colors In car
pets and wall paper hns been sought
and beauty ot Hue In furniture, but
there Is very little of what we call
brlc-n-brnc, jnd in some of the rooms
there nre no pictures, but plnster casta
above the mantels and In the larger
wall spaces. It is a relief to go Into
uncluttered rooms and have a chance
to think or read without the distrac
tion of pictures and cblnaware.
Piano Tuner
Have Frof. Hendrioks tur.e your
piano, li will p.y von U, do bo. Tun-'
itigand rtpaiung caiefully done. We
kindly solicit your work.
Oct 3 JCrof . Hendricks
For Sale
Jersey Cow F.asy-Pyments
Beautiful Columbia
River holder
A mmsi nter diuailtuei.t of the Ore
gon Kailroad & Navigation Company
ban just issued a beau'.ilul and costly
panoramio lolder entitlbd "ibe Col
umbia Kiver, through the Casoade
Mountains, to the haoitlo OiOan."
Ituiii Arliuatun to Porllaud aud Iroin
forlland to li.e 1'aclUc Ocean, ev,ry
ure of the river and every point
f interest are idiown while Mt Hood
Alt Auanir, and Us St Helen-, po.po
vuaily covered wnb snow, stand onv
u ibeie benuiy. On the back ot the
iniiD is aii interesting Biory lu rlo'.uil
ol tne irip from HuntiUiton to I'orl
land and Irorii Portland to tlie ocean.
not overlooking .he beaches and the
San V raiuisoo trip by ocean- A oopy
uf this foldor may be seound by send
ug four cell le in stamps to pay postage
m A L t.ralg. tieueral PaSBengir Agent
of the Uregou 'iallroad & uaviga ion
Ooiiipant oitland, Oregon, hy send
ing the addrtBS of tome Iriend in the
Last, and fonr oents in postage the
lolder will be promptly mailed.
The World's fair Route
Those aiiticipaliug au taauru ti.o, or
a.viBit to the Louisiana furchase expo
ailiou at bU Luuis, cannot aUord to
overlook the advantages ottered by the, p.f.ivi.! kxiLwAV. which, on
act ounv ol lta various routes and gated
wnyo, nas oeu appropnaieiy uauina
Ibe W'iria' rrir itouve.
uau.un...j irnit. thu Northwest take
. . . i ... in.. trHiim Irnni I)t.ll-
veror fueblo mitu tho choice of either
going direct through the Kansas iiiy,
via Wichita, tort Bcott ana rieaaaur,
1 wo trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to Bt. Louis without change,
carrying all classes or modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor caio uiuiug
uuily train between Kansas City and
bl Louia,
Write, or call on W. O. McBrlde,
beneral Agent, 124 Third st, Portland
lor oetailea iniormauou -uu uiuaw.
literature. u-
Real estate Snap
Two acre treot. seven blocks from
cooler of La Grande. Goi d six room
ed cottage furnished otimpletely and
well, If desired. Two barns, large hen .
hnnse and wire enolosed park over one
d red chickens, over 100 bearltg
'nit trees including wintr and Burn
er apples, peaiB, prunes, peaches
and aeveral varitiea of cherries, one
tbouBand raspberries, 500 strawberries
twenty nve snaae irees, - iaw. noneia
and large garden ready for OBe, three
Wens, IWO puuilis, leu Bunreo in guun
water ditch. House insured for (700
for three years. Part down.
Cor particulars inquire at this offloe.
Mr John H Cullom, Editor ol the
uarlanii, lexae, ((own, baB written a
leilei ol cungralulalioos to the manu
facture ol uimiwuau vuuku
meuy, as follows: "sixteen yoaro ngo
Klien our Brut child was a bauy he was
sullied to croupy spells and we would
.... ,,nuuuu mu-.nt him. Wa beuan
using Chaiuherlalu'8 Couab Kemedy in
lB7, ana nnding it sucna reuauio
medy lor .vldsaodcruup we have never
u.iiin.1,1 it, i.Iim i.onae siuce ttiat
UTOU n.ii.ww- -
lime. We have hvd chii .run and have
given it to ail ol them wun goou ro
sulta." tor sale by all druggists.
To the onblio:
We wish to oall the attention of
those not already ndvi-od tnat we hare
estnblisiied a wood woiking plant in
La Grande equal to any in the country. .
,1 - I It A . L- .: .. A .u.nJt.lnna
demandi-d suoh an enterprise and wa
hnim aiuinf. ihnnannrla nf (loll&ra in fl.
quipment n i improvement.
we are nov oniv prepareu 1.0 un your
orders for mill work but we ran fur
nish all klndB of lumDer on enon
ll yon buy ie quantity so we can fnr
nisb in car lots to oe delivered direct
we can give you prompt shipment and
at prioes as low as the lowest consider
ing the quality of the stock and the -
promptness ol delivery .
'el... ..!... .... .1 .... u f, fhc ananiinfc
you buy and the cost of bandiing.
ueiore placing your onior uumiuv
Bubuilt your propoaitlon to us and see
il we can handle your business to
please you.
We are a La Grande institution bnt
we do nst claim anything on that ao
o unt only to have an equal show with
our ,-ompeiitor.
After estanlishing an expensive lo
cal entei prise we want the bueiness to
boan mi, 9fl nil. I mATI nt Work.
Ua um. ..n I., i, i . I ii it fnr Iquri, hilt In.
oal enterprisi-8 Bhomd be built up to
employ our people be noma insteuu ui
sending all the moaey away for stnrt
1.. nlh..,a .
Tbe monev sent awav does not oome
bark to ui and it builds up oiher com
munities at our expense
xours for ousiuusb,
Stoddaid Lumber Co.
FpB'ht-r pillow on road from Starkey
to La Urande aiout Aug 1 Under will
pleaae return io the Obsever Ooice.
ghtful Route, Daylight Ride
Dizzv Craes. Deeo Carious.
A Golden Opportunity Sea
,. i r
nature in an ner gionoue
heautv. and then tbe acme of
man's handiwork. The first ia
found along the line of the
rinnvfir A Kio Grande Railroad
and tlin latter at the St. Louie
World's Fair. Your trip will he
nnfi nf nleasure make the most
of it. For information and Ulus
trated literature write
, VV. C. McBRIDE, Gen.Agt.
Portland, Oregt
Lode Directory.
KAOLK8 La Grande Atrie 159 F O h meet
every Friday nitrht m K ol I tall 8 ; m
TUillllK uivuirjiii luviiw v a
C C Uookweii. W i a. N atayvllle, W Beo
Marion, No 22 meet each Tuesday In Ellt'i
halU Hrotben are Invited to attend.
O J Vtudorpool, keobec
IO0 P I Grande Lodge, No 16 it ee j n
their ball every Ha1 urday uight. Vis) uig nem
bem cordially Invited to attend.
S Kino hart N ti
H Cooltdge, 8M.
A b A A. M. La Grande Txxige
o 41. meets every Ul nd 3rd 8atur
y ul each month,
' A C WiUitnuSeo,
0 D Huffman W. M
ilfUPl firiry. FmcirFhvor,
rfi Mt ltmvith,lfiowr,a!i!i?ncn.'
1 ncl.
I .,u :i - .ilr1 Mr. IViKinon,
Mr K'.HMuvr of llMrkln.-vlIK" tli.
t.iwn when- I u-'l to live. M",-
Miller nf lire ' " I was tellinS hbu
,vp I111I 1 lie lli'-s of hl ihm- fur He
l:Kt leu ve il-. I'll linw then1 ' '""
Mr. Ki;..l::er fI- '""-
V liv. Hem e'." : J i ,-r -1 1 f "-t Jir
f,.,. u- -n. wltl. 11 111" .i.t'iiwll - .
M le. ' I mmlll to Ii ve U ;d you but
but U.ev're unrli-r the diul.ig room car
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are
a?IZ to Jarda Bricht's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.
uiiuiutj v wmm Am
stops Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs p.'tfuilds up the wi.Xut Mssuet II
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidn. strain out n
ho nnisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every oart of the body. 2
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
JVlUiNC, T urNiC u( uiicc. as 11 win uuic otiin. uiouiuci m icw uctys nu prevent m
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
Q. B. Burhant Tettlflet After Four Year
v. o. omnaiu 01 vmrusie wencer, n. Y.t writes
'ABont roar jrtari aco
Dim tn Find Out.
Yon can easily determine if vonr kidney, are
oiit of order by setting aiide for 34 hours a
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If
upon examination it Is cloudy or milky or ha.
a brlck-dutt sediment or small particles float
about in it, 'your kidneys ar. diseased, and
FOLEY'S K'DNEY CURB should b. taken
at ooc.
"About four rtan ico I wrote you itatlog that I had been entirely
sure, of Mvoro kldnor tnub!o by taklof Ion thao two bottln of
rolay'o Kl!r Cure. It mtlraly atoppe. tba Mck-Suat aaeimaat ao.
pain aod aymptorao of bldoay dlaaaao diuppaarad. 1 en .lad to oay that
1 hava mm bad a return ar in, af iKm 4.... . l .
yoare tbat hava alapard. and I am ovldantljr cored toatay cured, and
haartlly reconnnand Polay'e Kidaay Cure le ear aoa aufertea freei
hidnav er bladder tnubla.
Two Sizes, E0 Cento and $1.00.
A TBILI, Druggist