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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1904)
From Union REPUBLICAN I. Q;rnirie ' twling pretty gtif4 . tbif . . k. At r yearn and yeere il la thecoiioiy-ai-el with all that 'h. name imptiPK. Holler, you r-cl H your mm. Tb n un y J,"'i'' i loe'd in tr C nmincUl t b L O "Ml' the bn ft 1 u.iid n 8cni- r b i V awl lb halnnre o' in, flic r. wra on the em r h' u f KfoniiHa, rttiiiptnit "U iid 1 1 qu.iit'-fa nr ouinvl' t d. Ibe cm niy taet of XJnic o arm ty i DfilL6 ande Judge Scare bav iug rvtuhbed -o ooDiinD the injuiio timi ar.d county pr- perty wa moved tu Li Urmid tha merit. It ia under- iiOL'dibat the mf era involved in lb recent euUnl-itiTe ti the location ol the county-eeet will be further tea ted Id tba supreme court. Ooe ol the bardeet things to bear In onnneoti'in with ibe tranaler ol Ibe coouty-ieat ia the departnre of esTeral ol tli beat families ol our oity. To ay tbat weahall ieatbemhnt faint ly expresses tbe aitua'.ion and while their placea will be fU-d by otbera. It will b- a long time belore we aball bn CO -ne accustomed to the new order ' ol things. ,')ur old Irienda and neigb-re will alao experience painful period . in having their old borne, iu Union aid t'jebwt wishes olconotleaalrieoda go with tbero Quod-bye. old , Irienda and good luok to you. ' BOOUT Tberecorda ol Union eoooty were removed Irom Union to La Qrande Sunday, September 4tb. Tbia ia pre- oiaely what the people of Union have (tared afoot tbe railroad waa built, leaviLg Unioo aome two and a ball milea on the aide Now the realiae tion thin wbatT Towna are built, by people not by nature. Reeouroee are neoeeaary lor the upbuilding of a oity. Union baa the resources but what bave the people done and what will they do? There are many suk geationa that oould be offered , but they have been offered many llm-l. There are abundant eigne of future evelopmeot euoh aa railroad buildirg opening up a very large and very pro fitable timber belt, the aeeeeeion of more laotoriea but what will we. dot Will we encourage tbeae various en terprises? Do we want more people and more business or lewer people and leu bjainoaa. Let ua make up our minds. Tbe opportunities are plenti ful enough il we takn advantage ol Ibem. Let ua decide what we a ant tnen get it. The Parker Boom Tbe Demoerate bave been claiming that the New England Stetea were giving Rnoeveit but a ball Dear led supp.rt. Tbe return, from Vermuni ahow tbat I bare ia no haaia tor tb a contention. Th R'p'.b' oo candi date for Governor otrried Vtrmm t t-y luger pi rnliiy thn fur many v r and i be following d spatoh ehnw. ! the Park r B om i a myih and. iti the B -dm for Ro sev. 1 in r- l v, Wi ne R vr. nil Vl 8 ! ) Pmotiolly e mpletea returna Iron tbe vole for State Bepreeentatio (. aho tbat tbe next Vermont Hon of Re ireaentativea will oniain 20i Repnhlioana, 80 Democrata and 3 I dependent. Laat er tbe Oemooiaie had 60 mambera in the House. OB Cove Prunes Stackland and Hanoook o! the Core have pnrohaeed twenty five oar loada of prunea in the orchard, wbiob they will pick and ehip green. It ia stated tbat tbe grower will realize ab ut IIS per ton lor tbeir fruit. Tbia will give employment to quite a number ol pickers and tbey ar- alraid tbat . they will n t b able to aeoure aa many aa they may need. For Rent . I be building formerly ooeupied by the Salvation army Xor full par ticulars and ratea Inquire ol Mra SO Zuber. Aug. 31 1 1 - FOR RENT Furnished rooms. In quire of Mra: A K Jones, corner of Third and Adama Avenue. , 0-10 ', Land Being Filed On CodkI 'erable land haa been .led bn in Ibe Wailowa and Blue Monntain For. at reserves recently restored to entry, m atly for its timber and atone very little elng go d for agrioaitaai purpose, and best ol land will be tak en np lefore long. 361) aoies have been taken for Its timber and stone, MK aoies in Mript, no boniest ede, all oi which lulo the Blue monntain reserve excepting 40 aoies timber and stone entry in W alio a. Special Excursion to the - World' - . , Fair. . .: The Denver and Rio Grande, In con nectlon wltb tbe Missouri Pacific, run a aeries of per-onally oon douted excursions to the World's fair d -mug June. These excursions' will ron through to St. Louis without ohange of cars, making short stops at prinoipal points enroute. Tbe first of bese exonraione will leave Portland J ine 7, and tbe second Jnne 17. - The rate from La Urande 'III be 160 to St. Loiis and return. Excursionists go ing Ala the Denver A Rio Urande have tbe privilege of returning by a differ en: route. Tbia is the must pleasant way, as well aa the most delightful route to cross tbe continent. 'I he e'ops arranged give an opportunity of rialtlng in ana about Kansas ;ity. 1 1 von wish to accompany one ol tbeae excursions write at once to W 0 Mo Bride, 1:14 Third street, Portland, tor Sleeping oar reservations. New Phone Company P L i rooks, who is Interested in tbe new telephone line that la now con nected with every point In the ' alley, work 'I wiring this oity will commence next week. The poles, at least quite a number of them, are el ready on the ground. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Ni tice la hereby given to all whom it may concern, that Christian W Murphy, has filed her fi ai aocnunt as administratrix of the eataie ol Thomas N Murphy, de.-eased and tbe County ilourt ol Union county Oregon haa eei Tneaday, the 6th day ol Sept ember A. D. 181)4, at two o'clock P M lor me wearing or su n report Christina W Mnrphv. Administratrix. MOTIOK FOR PUBLIUATION. Will Have No Run We have been informed tbat the Union dryer will not be operated Ibis year owing tb the Isot that prnne growers oan realise a better price from shippers than the dryer oan afford to P- In The District Court of the United States for the Dis trict of Orejon n the matter oil Notloeot JO Kite, r the first meeting baikiupt. ) of creditors, To the creditora o'J G Ritz, of HII gard, Union county, Oregon, Bankrupt: NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that on tbe on the 8th day of September, 1914, the aaid J U Ritx was duly ad indicated a I'.annrupt, and that the flret me. ting of the i:reitor will be l.eld at the offloe of the undersigned,, Orowon, on Monday, 8epiember 19, 1001, at two o'olock in the afti noon of said day, at which time and plaoe said C red 1 to -a may at tend, prove their . cl.lma. appoint a Trustee, examine the llankrnpt, and transact tnoh other bnslnea as may prnperly tome beiore said meeting. Twenty Bvs cents must accompany each olalm Hied. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Sept ember Oth, 1904. f B Ivaoboe, Referee In Bankruptcy. Bept 10-13 Depnrtment of the Interior. Land Offloe at La Grande, Oregon. June XV, ISO4. Notice It hereby given that the following named settler ba (lied notice ot hi Intention to muke flnal proof In aupiwrt of hli claim, and thatftald proof will Le made before the Reglit rand Receiver of the IK 8 Ijknd Office, t La Grande, Or mm, on Anglirtt4, 1904.. vii: H, K. No.TW2, Vargarethar'tutitnffer, La Grande Oiegnii, widow of John Htutxingcr, deceased, for the KM HK & HE MeC, UL Tp. 3 B., H. He nttmeri the following wit nemos to prove hi continuous raatdenoe upon and cultiva tion of aald land, vts: Frank Bein' off, John KelWr, Cod art BUotber, Mlnard Katlln all of La Grande Oregon. JL W. DAVIS, Register. Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office il AT Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 7U1 FARMERS ATTENTION I have purchased the SPO KANE CAFE and it is my in teiition to make a special effort to plbnse the farmers, In order to do thin I have decided . to furnish a speoial meal Saturday of each week which I call the Farmers' Diuner. This meal will include all that the market affordpaud will be served in regular family style. This will be the best meal ever offered in La Grande for 25 oeats. When in the city call at the Spokane Cale and see exactly how good a meal you can buy lor 25 cents. REMEMBER we pay cash for butter, eggs and chickens. J F Johnson, B H a u a a si . "" m " m m a : j H ia The Observer Docs all Kinds of Job Work 91 a D a FIRE PROOF SAFE .i Kor sale, weight 2500 prioe SW. Call or w lite I,a Grande Pawnbroker Puonel581. ..... a a a w H a a a a m' 'A BLOCKLAND BROS. Island City, Oregon ' Breeders of BERKSHIRE and FOLANDCHINA SWINE. Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have yon call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmor, aod ask you to compare bur paices before buyiug some where else. We have now two fine young Berkshire boars ou 1 hand,' July pigs ready for use only 20. For short time only. We want your Hay and Grain AND. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET. PRICE We will take all you have, no matter whether it it only a few tons or if it is several hundred tons. We want all the hay in the valley and then some. A. V. OLIVER WHOLESALE and RETAIL HAY and GRAIN DEALER Half a Carload of I ! New Wall Paper. ! t We have just received half a car load of the newest i and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 i rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever i thought of bringing into this county in a single season. I I 1ls paper le all for sale and most be told tula season. We . 'bar broagbt two Brat elaaa paper banger direct from Cbloago, who are wttboat doabt tbe mjat tkiiltol workman in Eastern ' vbo, with the flvk flret elaaa i bangers already In oar am. pof, alva natba beet working .ibetcland Bivplre. ! Stackland & McLachlen ! PAINTS. 0I12S AND GLAbS WHITE ROSE E FLOUR Js n.illed,with the idea of pleasing'every di nltr's high. olass trade-custo-' who appreciate quality. The name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re B liability and highest grade in every sack of flour D bearing tlie White Rose brand. n P;oneer Flouringi Mill Co. Take Care of Youi Trophies T will My from 2 to tin (7. mi lu i. I .... Kwruinj to uirvctiona. Tlie dotted lioea oj 01 anci atid lies hor where to rip the akio. your game cut the Jugular a low down aa poalbl i never cot tbe throat. Commence to akin by making -cut from the hose ol the horn to back ol the head thence down tbe baik of the rwk t i ..ia... 5.,.S?lioi,,L!! .,,tolt work thkl oarefnlly .w,y afterw,. romoVe the 8e,h ZZZXZ ll lV ')rl tbe onUide and raiae up th nye ld to avoid out tlnViI h F. 'n !" reached wh. h 1. ne,r th oornr ol ! ,h. eve work the sklS nt S .hTJit.','. with the point of the knife b an th ,-orner of the month I? T J through and ezpoae the teeth, 'eare all the l.laok ll.?l n d "n ine anane uniew salted well and d-led in th sba.le vour work i .iiAinat fflw KiiTOKfiVM &ta.? inioviMuw uriiiM - WM HAWS Taxidermist