La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 09, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    as ir
jHot Weather
' Bring your wife and
family to tbe Spokane
v Cafe lor Dinner.
Your wife . will ap
pwoiate the change
and freedom from the
I hot kitchen. You will
all enjoy the mealthe
, beet in towu. - First.
sr class service. '
' i J. P, Johnson
Depot St.,... La Grande.Or.
; ttManagement
The andernigned baa purchased
the basin Known as the Harris
Cash Meat Market and will here
after oondnot the came.
We wish to inform the public
that we am prepared to furnish
all kinds of meats, game and
poultry At the very lowest prices
consistent with first-clas articles
We have our own delivery
and make -two trips daily to the
Old Town. -Highest market
prioe paid for all cuttle, hogs and
sheep. We !tHcit a share of
your patronage and guarantee
the very best satisfaction.
.Phone orders receive prompt
and careful attention.
Harris meat market across the
track. Phone 1601.
Early Bisers
Pes triad rttel from BIHowmm,
ok Heatacbe, Torpid Uw, Ja
dioo, CHiiIimh, and til trouble arla
laf (no aa Inaotlvs or slugf Ish Hvw,
DeWM't UMlo Early Rltoro an Wf
" Tkoyootoromplljr nd navsr (rip.
TWy on m feisty thai II la a plouura
to take them. On lo Iwo oat to a
aM taaakVroi two or (our aot aa a.
las seat aad sffeotlv oathartlo. Thsy
an pwob e(lablo and absolutely
Thof tonlo Iho Htm.
ft. O. HoWlu a Co.. ClaUarfm
SM By All Druceists
If oo, purchase your ticket via the
Choice of roatoB goiojt or rcturiiini
For rates oall on your lm iil Agont
Datea ol aalei Juno 10-17-18 July 1-2-3
Aur. 8-0-10 Sai t. 5-0-7 Oct. 3-4-6.
For farther Information and leeiin
oar reservations call upon or address
A H Mc Donald
. Oon'l ARont
140 Third Bt.. Portland, Ore
City Scavensrer
Vaults, Cesspools and Wells
- Cleaned
All work done by Scovengors
N" 1ST. Mason
Phone 1841 La Grande Or.
iird tiruin-
mnr Grade
Boarding school tor vnunf! men A hoys.
Box 348 University Park Station,
Portlan d Oregon
q f SPICES o
imHiwy. r most flavor,
"l l a . . '..a. ... 1 1, ft-!--,- I
A DeaUI. FeiffaMUUT Plairt.
That certain Insects, blrda, mamnati
and reptiles bubltnally pretend to b
dead when danger threatens them la
well known fact, bnt It la generally be
ttered that this stratagem la resorted
to only by animals. In Bontn America,
however, there Is a plant a species ot
mimosa which resorts to death feign
,lng, evidently for the purpose of pra
vratlng the grass eating animals from
sating It In its natural state this
plant has a vivid green hue, bnt dl
ctly it la tonched by a bnman finger
or bv any llvine animal It collaniet
Into a tangle of apparently dead and
withered stems. London Globe.
Bonier ad tevensoa.
W. B. Henley once met Hobert Louts
Stevenson and found hla friend dis
tressed because be was not a Voltaire
or a Dumas, though he had an equip
ment which ought to have made him
their peer. Stevenson put bis "failure"
down to the weakness of bis lungs
"Perhaps you are right, Louis," said
Henley. Tvevalways felt that if I bad
not been a blessed cripple I could have
taken the earth In my hand and hurled
It into the aun."
. The Tost.
Lily Well, did you see her? Is tt
true? Is she really engaged to blm or
Is It only Idlo rumor?
Nellie There Isn't a word of truth
In It I had a long talk with her and
told her of the men who are Just wild
about me, and she never sold a word
about hlin. Brooklyn Life.
"Come, dear, kiss my cbeeic and make
op," she said forgivingly.
"I'll kiss It," be answered, "bnt I
flon't think it wants any more maklni
tr . -
sow tne Inltlitl "M" Pnnetralea a
Qroat Conqocror'i Career. .
From Mnrcngo to Moscow was tho
long swing In the pendulum of Napo
leon's life, the one the greatest batUs
out ot which be came with his life, th
other the abyss which engulfed him
Mr. J. Ml "liui'lilpy, wlio Is a literary
expert on coincidences, points out how
strangely the letter M played a part In
the life of the great conqueror.
Marboe wus the flrst to recognize tha
genius of Napoleon at the Kcole Milt
tnlre. Melns opened to him the way to
Italy. Mortler was one of his first gen
erals. Morenu betrnyed blm, and Ma
rat was the first martyr to bis cause,
Mario Louise partook of bis highest
destinies. Mntternlch conquered hla
on tho field of diplomacy.
Six marshals Mnssona, Mortler, Map
aiont, Mncdonald, Mnrat and Money
tod twenty-six of his generals of dlvV
slons had names beginning with tht
letter M. .
Murat duke of Bassano, wngtha
est conlldonce. Ills first great bat
tie was that of Montenotte; bis Insl
was that of Mount St. Jean. He gained
the battles of Moscow, Montnilrnll snd,
Montercnu. Then came the assault of
Montiunrtre. Milan was the first en
mlr-s' capital nnd Moscow 'he last in
which he entered. x
He lost K);.vpt throiiRh the blunder!
of Mpnoa nnd employed Mlollls to
make Plus VII. primmer. Malet con
spired nKnitiRt him, afterward Mar
mnnt. His ministers were Mnret, Mon
Oilivet nnd Mulllen. His flrst cham
rlaln was Montesquieu.
cretnrjr of Nntloniit Union In Fa
vur of llrownlow Dili.
Secretary Charles Y. Knight of tbe
National Dairy union recently ex
pressed himself as follows concerning
the Brownlow bill:
"In company with hundreds of thou
sands of other people throughout the
United States 1 am very much Interest
ed In this bill. I have Just returned
from a tour of Italy, France and Eng
land, where I had nn opportunity to
observe the character of the roads In
those countries. Coming borne and
looking over our miserable facilities;
for getting around lu the rural dl '
trlcts, I made up my mind that It will i
bo necessary for this country to do nt
European countries have done In ordot
to g--t good nwids I. e., have govern
ment aid.
"The National Dairy union Is organ
lied throughout the north In every con
grcHsloual district which has any
amount nf iiKi-leulturul constituency.
And I nm (Irmly of the opinion that th
protft-esslve runners who are dnlrynici
will be lu favor of the Mil for national
aid. 1 am so innch Interested In .it?
success that I inn willing to use my In
flueiicc to have our dairy farmers petl
tion for the passage of this bill. I
would In- wllllnir to give several linn
drcd dollars out of my own pocket to
see the roads of this country Improve'
lllte those of l-'i-anc."
liink lllm nl Ills Word.
In the year nf l.iSl the forcea of King
Alfonso VI. ntlacked the Moors and
drove Iheni out of Madrid. It. this
connection Ihuv Is legend that lh
Kt-Kovlant. who were allies of Alfonso
had U-en i hooked liy the snows lu the
mountain passes of 1'nenfrhi and were
:hercfore late 111 overtiming tile main
IhmIt or tin- iinny. which had sat down
icfoie Miiilrld "Sliv." they Huiulnil
if (he kl-ot. "wlcre shrill we camp'''
-In siil.- II liy." n-turneil Alronso,
villi a suit, hi-liiL' angry with Ihcio
;.-,- mk.- -if tlu-i. loi.ilo. . 'I hey 1isk
th kliu: iii Ms word iim-ied ih- walls j
in,l th M nioriiiniT the banner or
S-sovIn was Hieitlu-.: fniin a turret of ,
);-. n( timiihihitiirii. !
"1 .tnii-ii." "aid Mr. r- iciiKon. "Ihi Is
Mi Kiinplpm-r nf lliirklnnvllli'." th
ti.n 11 wh. iv I ii". d to live. He's the
illlor nl lhe K. l.o. I n telling hl'U
! leid r,n- Hies "f hi piiper fur tin
. ten yer.n I'll how th-ui t y.MI.
1 Kt:n;,-ni.i r i hi-v 1-e" -
tfl-y. il-.irii-." !iil.-rruiliil Mr.
iVrciimin. Willi n uit-iliiiiiU-iil ort ol
iiille, "I ouulil to have told yon. hut
hut they're under the dining room car
' Nature makes revelations 'through
the rxperlenoes of men so that each
generation may be better and wiser
thiin the one preceding it. Accord
ingly we love to mingle with tuosi
ho, we know, have inspired ua b
thoughts and nob or deeds.
know that I express the eiperlence -I
many when I oy, "Major John R Kel
logK waa such a man to me," for hi
life gently touobtd us with its upl ft
ingiufluenoea. Then are sermons a. i
sermons, but the greatest aerm n ,
man can preaoh on this earth is .
no'ile life. Mr. Kellogg's life w
eloquent with noble deeds, Po wbe
amidst the tremeudons demonstrate,
oi patriotism at La. Grande on lab
Fourth ol July, the veterans mar, be,
to fife and diumand something aeeiuei
to say thia would be the last time oi
earth that we could witness this sigln
with the veteran fife major in the lead,
my heart melted within me while 1
stole away and wept like aoblld.
A few days later the news flash- c
from ear to ear that the end ,woui
soon conie, for Major Kellogg was t
very sick man. ' So when with a com
panion I oalled on blm, I saw througi
the streaming eyes of bis devoted oom
panion that the ai.gel of death wa
aoon expected in that home. He kn.
it, and she knew it; but lest the nthe
might.not be able to bear up under n.
each tried lu vain to keep the secret
from the other; and. the ild solJiei
with the coaiage of his battlefield dayt
spoka of hla ailment with a smile and
heroically relied upon hla strengtti,
steadily resenting help and aid until
his limbs oould bear bimup no longer.
On his deajh bed he-sang the sweeteBt
songs of his life, tor be belonged to
the age of song u hered in by Mood
and tiankey; he was the Bahkey of
Oregon, Have you heard him sin?
Having beard him, will you ever get
away from the influence of bis aoug?
East or west, north or south, wherever
hA BHtit. nAnnln Anlnvnil thwt indnnn.
able richness, simplk-iiy and earnest-
ness of his spng, wbioh floated on
angelio wings into the lives of
Aeklng him as he lay on bis couch
what song of all the songs he had
heard or eutig during au experience of
, forty years aa leader and teach-r of
muBiu, and aa Sunday school superin
teudout he ,lk6d thB 068 he he
'bo ieved he preferred th,s. one whh-h
,., . . ., r , .... tl. .
illustrates the simpl.oity ot his ol.r
act r and his tendtnoy to strew roset
mo psenway or ineuvinu
If you're ever going to love me,
Love me now while I may know
All ti.e sweet and ten ler feelings
Which from pare affections flow
Love me now while 1 am living
Do not wait till 1 am gone,
Then ohla.l it in ice cold innrble
Kind love-woids in ioe-cold stone
If you knew -oinoone was thlr ting
For a oup oi water sweet,
Would you be so Blow to bring it?
Would ou step w tb laggard feet?
There are weary hearts all round us
Who are yearning for our love;
Why withhold f oui ihem what Natur-
Craves all-else abovel
I'll not neod your kind carensoa
When tho grass grows o'er my face;
I'll not crave your love or Irionduhi,
In mv last low rea ing place.
Bo if you love mo any,
If it's just a little bit,
Love me now while I am living;
I obu own and cherleh it.
menas snu in nas inrongcn buoui
his home to cheer him while his wife
ministered tenderly and faithfully to
biB comfort. Some said "We are
abont to loso a good neighbor." Othori-
.said, ' He paid bis debts promptly";
i "He dlil not crowd a debtor"; "He
always helped the church"; "Wealth
did not spoil him"; ' He was a schol
ar"; "A successful teaoher"; The
Many people who
uniting lUWcilua liuui a uiscaocj nii.u ia
pioneer Sunday school teaoher of Ore.
gon"; "Who could taka file place
and suoh things aa sorrowiug neigh
bor oould and would say of one whom
they loved. Finally rame the last
hour when lfe opeued wide his eye,
touk a laat gl.uoe at the earth, then he
looked beautifully upward, and with
the kias of an auel on his brow, his
oui took wmgi). UoW sweet it is to
die the deatn of thi righteous 1 .
With mch a life beaining into ours
for all tuese yeass, we should prove
recreant to every principle oi gratitude
lid we not oneriBb bis words ot wis
Join and extol his noble deeds to
-.hers that his life may g on aa a
,-imou to mate men and womeu batter happier.
Prominent on a bill surmounting
ue borne ot Major Ke,Io is a lone
-ine Which stands on a rooky ledge
.xpused to the luriouB storm king who
m liis haunts back of Mount Emily
ins swept down on tbatio,ely tree like
i .euion guiu and again. Yet bub-
.aied by Bod and stone the fouuda
4ous ot that tree have regained flim
hile it has stood up against tLe tor.
dadoes that have swayed it to and fro
.8 they wrenched bard and strong
gainst its leasee and branohes. And
.id men who have wat. lied it through
he long years often sueak oi the uu-
ibangeableneas of the tree, shich, like
i sentinel on a hiau bill, guarded the
alley long ago when plow anu harvest -
r, sohool house and church weie yet
This noble tree ia a Bymbol of tbe
luble veteran whom we have laid to
rest. With his feet nruiiy plan leu on
the "rock of ages" he has remained
dteadfast through storms that thieal
ened tbe sohool, the state, the church
and tbe home, and he has jealousl)
guarded the sweeter influences whiob
sweep through the lives of ch.ldren anu
made thoueaudsot boys and giile nobler
aud better, hapnier and Uier tor bis
bang. My heart lifts up in gratitude
to liud for the lhe of tuis uohle mau;
and while my pen " blindly wai.dera
through my tears, 1 think of the hal
lowed influences bxplaoed before my
feet hen 1 was a boy,' and which be
jealously guarded as 1 grew into the
tren8tu oi manhood
1 know I am
but one ol the many wn" feel thus
toward this vetoian, who has stood like
tbe sentinel on the hill, ever tbe samd
loyal, kind und brave; faithful,
good aud true. 1 kuow 1 am oniy one
of ti.e many boys aud. girls, some if
whom have grown gray, who have sat
with prout under his iusiruoiious and
listened to his mmiftrutions of song.
I know 1 am only one of many who
look back to the times of chi duood,
when lie met us in the ol.t school bouse
audohupil,us Baoied hours sweetly
suent. 1 know I urn only one of mauy
who know that his instructions have
not beeu in vain and that 'we shall
oalizuour desire to asseoiate with
fanu further. And 1 am one - f mauy
tnat know when the Btorui king bos
dually passed over, and the golden
.uuce of sunset has pluied for the laat
time in tbe quivering gray of tbe
,,-Hiitifiil Grand? Hinde river which
jo crossed so oiten, and the evening
;ioml dance like plumed knights in
.lie splendid pageantry that ovevbangB
.ion nt Emily at that hour when tht.
ve-tern horizon wil seem to bid the
veury traveler oome, there -an idst
i lictous music from voioes, harp ana
ruinpet, swelling from epheie to
sphere, we shall hear the familiar
strains from his flute that have echoed
from the valley be loved, to enrich
the songs ol angels. I love to indulge
seutimeut when it will not lead me
astray. Hence I love' to follow I e
life of this uprit-ht man, for it leads
me upward. Yea, verily, man can
easily follow it up to heaven.
John B Horner.
Feather pillow on road from Starkey
to La Grande aLout Aug 1 Under will
please return to the Obsever Ottlce.
are neglecting symptoms of
stops Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds un the wnrn-niit- Hoc., ..
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not and
the poisonous waste matter Is carried by the circulation to every part of the body
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action etc!
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
How to nnd Out.
You can easily determine if yonr kidneys art
out of order by setting aside for 24 hoars
bottle of the urine passed upoo arising. If
upon examination It Is cloudy or milky or has
a brick dust sediment or small particles float
about in it, Tour kidneys are diseased, and
FOLEY'S K'DNEY CURB should be taken
at once.
A TjHILL, Druggist
Notice is lorety given, that the co
partnership heretofore existing between
the nndersigned under tbe brm name
of Mi Coy A MoParlane, in tbe gr,oery
bnsineea, at La Grande, baa been dis
solved by mutual agreement. The
business will be ooutlnued by William
Me tar lane. L ated, August 12, 190.
Jumrs McCoy
8 12-923 W. AioKarlane
For Sale
- Light bay buggy team (gentle).
Work single, double or saddle. New
nAia hnvu nnd new liht harness
oomfilete. Inquire of E Whitney,
Whitney Alouae, Aaams aveuun, -
LOST The crown oft' ot a Enlgbt
Templar's emblem with a setting ot
five small diamonds, r inner vni
please 1. eve at J M Worry's store mid
receive reward. tt
I wish to say to my friends and the
publi that I Hue t large crop oi
D- sobes this year. Our early feaohea
wtU be ripe iu about week or 10 days
from this time weoan sell you a raoie
ju'oy better flavored peaon and oneap
, er than you can buy tbem after they
have been shipped in Irotn other pans
Then when you pay for 20 lbs you
get 20 Iba good pound measure.
I J E Kellogg.
The World's Fair Route
Those anticipating an Eastern tlip, or
a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo
sition Bt bt. LuuiB, cannot allord to
overlook the advantages offered '' by the
Missooai Piouuo "Bailwax, which, on
account, of its various routes and gated
ways, ban ueen appropriately names
The World'-: Fair Koute."
PaBsengdia Irom the Northwest take
tbe Mlaaoual pacifiu trains from Den
ver or Fneblo wim tho choice of either
going direct through tbe Kansas City,
via Wichita, tort Scott and fleasant
Two trains dally from Denver and
Puehlo to St, Louis without change,
carrying all classes ol modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten
daily, trains between .Kauaaa.Oity aud
St LouiB.
Write, or call on W. O. McBride,
General Agent, 124 Third at, Portland
for detailed Iniormatioo nnd illustrates!
literature. ' tt.
Mr John H C-ullom. Editor oi the
Garland. Texas. News, has writteu
letter of congratulations to the manu
facture ot uuamoeria.u-s npugu xie
uiedy, as follows : "Sixteen years ago
when our brat child was a baoy he waa
Bubject to cruupy spells and we would
be very uneasy about him. We began
using Ubamberlain'a Cough Remedy in
1887, and finding it Bucha reliable re
medy for colds aud croup we have never
been without in tbe honse since that
time. We have live children and have
given it to all of them with good re
suits." lor sale by all druggists.
gbtful Route, Daylight Ride
Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons.
A Golden Opportunity See
nature In all her glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. The first is
found along the line of the
Denver & Bio Grande Railroad
and the latter at the St. Louis
World's Fair. Your trip will be
one of pleasuremake the most
of it. For information and illns
trated literature write
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt.
Portland, Oregr j
kidney trouble, hoping "it
tviuntjr 11 uuuic 111 unc Ui
6. a. Burhaiw Teatlfiea Aftnr Fm.t. v....
C. B. Borhana of Carlisle Center, N. Y writes:
"Aboul four ynra a( I wrote yon atatla lhat I turf t.a aotlralv
ra of . ..r. kldD.y troabl. by Ukln, lm lh two boltlM of
rol.y'o Klda.y Cur.. It atoppo tb. brltk-dui. wdinrat aa
palo .ad .ymptooi. ot klda.y SIm.m dluppMml. 1 am (lad to , ,h,,
1 ha.o o.y.r had . raturo of any .f tho.. .yoipw,,,, iun, lh; f "I
yaar. that bay. .lapaad. and f am nld.atly cir.d t. a".y curid ?od
Two Sfies, 50 Cents and $1.00.
HOUSE TO RENT -The proQor per '
son ran secure a flrst rlaas residenoa
in good part ot town by inquiring
of J N Wilson at bis residence . on
Blrcb street. 2t :
LOST 13? T ..6. C Ifljei will pleas
leave ms office and get liberal re
warn 2t,
(July SO)
New fork - Silver 69 5 8Union Pi oiflo
115 5-8,Pfd93l-a .
I 'hioairO Sc;t wheat opened 39 3 8 .
a 89 5-8 and clone i at 90 1-4 -Buley
a 60, flat L.7 1 2, northwestern tlM
San Fraoiisoo Cash wheat - (1.37
Portlan l-V. heat Walla Walla 67; '
Bluestem72; Valley 78.
attle Best steers 3 a $3.25; me-
lium 3, oows 82 a 2.25.
Real estate Snap
Two aore treat, seven blocks from
center of La Grande.' Go d six room
ed cottage furnished completely and
well, if desired. . Two barns, large hen
hnnse and wire enclosed park over one
dred ohiokens, over 100 bearing
''nit trees including winter and sum
apnleB. pears, prunes, peaohes
and several varities of oherries, one
thousand raspberries, 600 strawberries
twenty Ave shade trees, lawn, flowers
and large garden ready for use, three
wells, two pumps, ten shares in good
water ditch. House insured for (700
for three years. Part down.
For particulars inquire at thia office.
To the publio:
Wo wisb to oall the attention of
those not already advieed that we have
established a wood working plant ia
ua uranae equal to any in tne country.
We believed tbe limes and conditions
demanded suoh an enterprise and we
have spent thousands of dollars in e
quipment and improvements.
We are not only prepared to fill your,
orders for mill work but we can fur
nish all klnda of lumber on short
notice .
If yon buy in quantity so we can fur
nish in cur lota to be delivered direct
we can give you prompt shipment and
at prices as low na I he lowest consider
ing tbe Quality of tbe stock and tbe
promptness of delivery.
The prioe varies as to the amount
you buy and the cost of handling.
Before plaoin your order outside
submit yuur proposition to us aud see
if we can handle your business to
please you.
We are a La Grande institution but
we do not claim anything on that ao
o ont only to have an equal show with
our competitor.
After establishing an expensive lo
cal enterprise we want the bueineSB to
keep our 20 odd men at work.
We are not begging for favors but lo
cal enterprises should be built up to
employ our people at home instead of
sending all the money away (or stuff
manufactured in other places.
The monev sent away does not oome
back to us. and it builds up other com
munities at our expense
xours for business,
Stoddaid Lumber Co.
Lodtje Directory.
BAOLR8 La Uranae Atrie o F O & meets
every Friday nlnlit in K ol i- lall t 8 m
VMttng bretheru invited ti aite -C
O Bookweli, W JP a. N ayvllle, W 800.
Marioo, No 22 rtieeta eacb Tuesday In Elk's
halL Biottien are Invited lo attend.
. , -tl Helaoer Chief Runner.
0 J Vaoderpool, keesec
100 F Ia Grande lodge. No 10 t ee
their ball every tiat urday ma-lit VKI .,e n.i
bera uordially invited to attend.
S E Rlnchart N U
II E Coolidge, Boa
A K.&A. M. La Grande Lodge
o 41. meets every 1st nd 3rd Satur--y
ol each month.
A C Williams Seo,
0 D Huffman W. M
will wear away." ara
lis worst 101018,