v- ! 6 i i -: f X I dlNM HIIHIUWIH M ! 'School Books and Supplies FOR THE MULTITUDE. Second hand books nearly as good -as new; and at almost half the price THE NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY Adams Avenue, : LA GRANDE OREGON E.P.8tptM - E. E. Romig ROMIG & STAPLES -GROCERIES- - , - - A fall and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries ' Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, granitetoare and wooden ware. FrniU and vegetables in season. Bakery products alwaya freah. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 ......... J, V.? i How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS 13 A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS 'yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people - There is but one way 16 do this; namely, relieve - the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Astist the Stomach and Diges tive . O.rgaus in Digesting and Assiuuihitiiig 8uBoient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Invoked. There in but one remedy'that will do 'this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to. know more about Kodol, come in aud WE WILL TELL YOU WILL T. HILL, , Prescription druggist La Grande, Ore LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning i People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest." Deputy sheriff I' rank Pby has re tained Iiom Baker City where he turn ed over the Union county prisoners during tbH Interim rjnlr. d u bring-! ins nvoi tbe cells and placing tbem in " the new Iml'din.'. I Prof Day, at.d wife ret'imed f ron , Ladd Cunyon yetb-r.lay where they , nave been CAtnping far the laet 0 weeks They will open lh IjTOrande School of mns'O nixt Monday 8 10 i.'ircuit J .d.i) l.ukiu L over today and so neit the Gunirloff residence on J .Third streit. It was not hi intention to move f.vcr nntil after the'Octoier i tern, of court but may oonolude to j come enoiM r. ' A 11 the ti sobers of tbe La Grande t High fohool ill miet at tbe High T 9 hool Central building Saturday A , afternoon at two o'oiouk for tbe pur x ' pose cf reacivli'g the'r registers and ( obtaining instructions as to tbe work during the coming term. . Mr W M Whl.eanold Union veler: n who now rrsidi s at Durkee Oregon vas in tbe city yesterday for the pur pose of ptuding un examination by I)r N jMo'ltor in rogflrd to matters oon- eerningliis pi'ni'ion. Mr aud Mrs I J Mytinger, of Little Buck Arkmsas, accompanied by their daughter Miss Eythel, arrived in the city yesterday and will remain here a fetv days the guest of tbeir son Mr F H Mytinger, the popular railroad con ductor. Mr Mytii.ger is a representa tive of tbe Arkrusas Carpet an-l Furni ture Co., one of tbe largest ooncerns of its kind tn that state, and is making a tour of the west. Rev O B Crockett of Kentucky Con ference liar been appointed to the M E Cburcb, South, ol tbis.ity and will preach Sunday morning aud evening. Ex mayor MoWhirter who has been very sick for the past two weeks, com menced last night to rapidly sink and as we go to press all liors of his re covery has boen ahanoned and the end is expectod at any time. . Miss Dootie liidout.one of Portland's most successful milliner,,, is in the city trimming for Mrs. J R Forrest. Miss Kidout w,.s here last ieason with Mrs, Forrest and made many friends who will he pleased to krow that she will be here again this season. Medical Lake Tableta Twelve Life Remedies' TThim ihe water of Medical LJie.Wajhington, Ul . evaporated, residue of pure white crystalline powderremainsin the retort, luetuij chemical anilysu of this powder howaj that it is composed of the twelve moitj important medical agents known to science. Nature, the great chemist,' tningled the life-giving, disease-curing ingredients for the healing of the na tions. They are twelve Life Remedies one for 'every., month in the year,' therefore for "every day and all time ! Medical, Lake Tablets are' nude from this white powder and every tablet con-! ' tains Its due proportion of the twelve life remedies. J Dissolve one tablet in a glass of water and drink a sparkling beverage which cools the Mood and ttlaulttei the kldoeyi aod liver to healthy actloo. lip (5 t aStfiTS Zlc A BOX. AiX MUOQIST9. MCDKALUUSOAf CUtES SUNBtllN. tit Medical Lake Salts M'f'g. Co., Robert Smith oame up from Port land this morning. Si E Bryan catne up from Por tland this morn'ug to remain a few days 'flie regular Band oonoert will tako plnoo tomorrow evening. Thore will be a dance at ths Corn men lal Club tonight by the membeis of the Club. The pubtio-fountain is certainly well patronized by both pedestrlaus and teams. The lo'al mills are paying 71 cents (or Korty fold and GO cents for club but very little ia being offered. Parties from the valley state tLat our harvest is jutt about one half oumpMed. A special meeting o! the Jolity Whist olub Is callud for Friday after noon at 3 o'olook at the home ofAIrs Book. Water Superintendent Gilman hns just completed the laying of 80O feut of 2 inch mains on M and Tth N and 5th streets. Superintendent Woodhouse states lie has tbe factory all in shape to take cure of tbe largest beet crop ever grown in Grande Hondo valley. The Knv J D Glllilan, the new pastor of the M ci Church, and wife arrivi d on last evenings train and will ocoupy the pulpit next Sunday. Mies Deoker, of Nampa, Idaho, who has been spending a few mouths I Wallowa county passed through tbe city last night on her way to Lewiston wheie she will enter school. Still Retreating. St Potersbura, Sept 8 The author ities niw believe tho dunger of Field Mnrahul Oyania cutting oil' Kuiopat kin ia praoticully pass, (1 - The whole Russian army will probably read, Mudkeu tomorrow night. Kuropat kiu bnve been n arching north nlnn, parallel lines both armies greatly ham pcreu by the heavy road". The Jup an- so are in a rouh roglin and the i.uasiaips along tho Hut country bu they are emburraso 1 by the high Chinese corn. Tiieo is constant fighting ut the Jtiis?iau roar and along tho oastern wing bui nothing of im portuuue has occurred since the retreat 1 bi'gnn. Kuropatkurs luteations rt;- arding Mukden protnbly djpou! on the Japaursd. T ere U co.is'.dcrabie evidence that' if Kuropatkin is com- pel ed to move on be will in;tko a stand at Tieliuj where tho Russians wintered last year. Tiellng Is 10 mll-s north of Mukdou and easily defended. BI BARGAIN on New an I Sconrl Hand Goods. 7 inch tea plalt'a 40'', - :i.h il n nor platps Oon, nhieb is just ni'p-' n f t.ii r-irul ir priro. Ouiinr 5 I 0. M .uiloliu $0 0 ). Remember, w lmvi' t vpry hi in i!w line of Furni ture, Har-'w rc, ("torl-cry a JcwUy. 1000 '" ' l olllt - siiclii o,' i l'C:l), Mrs. J. R. Korreie will hold ber an nual millinery opening Saturday dept 17. Do not fail to attend. Read her ad in tomorrow's itaue. Fall Suiting I-Jas Just Arrived Come in and get first choice, We have tho lt,rgct and best this year that we have ever hai and our prices are 10 )er cent Lower than Portland Prices First Class Work Guaranteed ROSS & ANDREWS Carrier Pigeon Freed A homing niuron, bolonu to Mr Sam W'i liiimaim of the Dalles, was todny brnnbt to Lu Urnude liy Master Joe Whitby, who liroi'tit the oarrii-r biid to tb Oi8erV''r olllce to turn it frte (or its lui; Uluht home. At ex a tlv 10:64 A M tiie pi.eon was sot at lltierly. immcdla o y it started circl lug, avoldn the t"lei;rapti and tele nbone wires, and sottintf higher made two circles and then started due west on lis long and weaty fright to itsbume. MAKES A CI. KAN SWEEP Theie's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly Of all the Halves you ever Ueanl of, Buok'en' Arnha halve is tbe best. It sweeps away and cures iturns, Stores, Bruiees, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 2ou and guKfa iteed to give satisfaction by La (.Irainle llrng Co., aud Newlin 1rug Co., Druggist. The Clock is something that is iiidispeiiFal lo tc the borne. It marks tbe hour for aris ing to cope with events of the day, and the time lor retiring at uij. ht. There Is Someth1 altunt tbecbik that t. uo heart of all. It will some day mark the hour i f death. My clocks are of handFomeappearance mat in defign, anil msde ot nicely polished bronze metal ornaments Prices fri m tl.OO lolS.UO. ;J H Pcare Union C'n'ii leading Jeweler Next Newlin Drng Store. Wau re pairing a bi etially. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler REFRIGERATORS We are sole ageuts for the ICE KING, ga1viuized and porcelaiu enamel lined; will not break, scratch, or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. Noted As An lee Saver Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and prices E. ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Ave , MimOitll HIM HtHTtWrWHWH i M ltlllBMt.im , CiET THE (HILDRKN READY FOR SCHOOL Only short lime uow until tbe Full term hegins and they will need a new Hat, Dress, Suit, Shoos or other Wearing Apparel, Tablets, Slates, Pencils, Pens, Ink, etc. W'e have the in all and at right prices. ' !',! M ' tii il on rpllntenils. The La G 1 ande Pc wnbroktrs Cortvi l b J'ld dam Remmnbtr we at-U h-v and ll all! kinds ,p. .rg. l Second Hand G t,i. j J - riionesaos Good Children's Cat s -15 Good Children'. Hose 8 Good School Shoes ' 100 Good School Punts 2" Good School Suits !-60 Good Penholders A large ttok of materials for children's dresses, from 5 cents per yard up. Lead Pencils, niekle lip qj Tencil Tabieis, 250 pBges 05 Good Pens, per dozen 04 Good Ink, per bottle """ 'or: 01 Boad' tho i'aiiy Observer The Golden Rule Company Largest Store Smallest Prices' WMIMHIMH i t4 lf4 mMt'MiiniHiiii imiiniit