La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 08, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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And fuel well bt f alin p lit ll
Model Retau u'it. Ah lie
dainties of (be day, as well - as
the necessities of life reived in
satisfactory stjl.
A Good Dinner -Is
a ueceseary . as pure air
-and water. Ic strengthens the
luner man ana enabb s oi.e to
fight the
Successful'. As true as a
word once out, flies everywhere,
the fume of our restaurant has
ppread far and wide.
- W; I. Hunter 4 So i have!
L,' a!-e I the Mclwnzie d ub'ej
,nd ire pref.iu e'l to serve ihe
ublic in a first lasa manner
i reasonable ra es '
. That is why people coin" heie
for moil's Hid ( buv.,' eboes
The J E. Tilt tin" i- mir spec
ialty. . Here is w'ihu pifco mid
quality are combined.
State News
Items of Interest From All
Over the State, Gleaned
From Observer Ivi st Of
IU3 QRflN&E !:
I Opposite tbe Souimor House
One of thu bust niusioal institutions
I in tbe state, Pour rooms used (or
i musical instruction, 15 prudes of inusic
'-taught. Dpaimeut 1, U rooms mod
lor uia a a rat giauee. i,niiareu nt cue
Bge of H and older oome on Lump every
day. Department 2, 2 rooms (or grades
4 to IS (or pupils of all egos The Int
ent ooursp beet practianl musical in
struction. M ini. nl contents (or nied-
als every (ew keeks,
E PORTER DAY Principal
MRS DAY, Assistant
J. A. AKBUOKIjE, Prop.
We tell weekly Meal ,
l ionets, iiann .
Tbe grade ot hops in Po k county is
said to le the best in years, being free
I from mould and vermin The yield in
the b at yards is from 100) to 1800
pounds to' the sure. The p'ck n are
numerous, and many ant being re
fusal employment ; -
In the Forest Grove dls rlct the hops
are flue nd ih yield is large. Larue
croui's arc goberiug in and tirouud
Po est lirove cainpin and watting for.
'ho work of picking to begin. '
J R fcYau liu, oi Pendl-'ou, commit
tod Clients liierdfiy night at tbit
pU by tart g ' morp'iliie The de
ceased wu lift., two yearn ot age an I
ljuves severnJ gr'o.' u children.
Robert Stop-tie, the man ahottubhe 1
Aithur Dlt
knqaledged in ull educational oirolna.
Eait O'Cgnnlan,
A serious 8h' occurred at New ort
by tha sea Sunday in which Jno Phis
well was stabbed several times by J O
Read,- Tbe 8; lit occurrtd about two'
women' When the inarahall at'enn.t
cd to driest Read, be was defied aud
threatened with a kulfe, and In eel'
defense was con polled to shoot Read,
the bill entering the neck on tbe left
side an l oomlng out on the right rbeek.
8e :atir Wm . Pinlth baa just com
plied the bill of exceptions in Ihe
matter of the appeal of A L Brown et
Hi, ppellmts vs linker county, ap
pellets. Mr Smith is attorney for
several oi the appellants who weie
Iti Eugene, Saturday ; bondsmen onTbe luntington SherilT
Shoe Specialist
uiht, has b e. i caught. .
' I'our Portldi.d swimmers were
client in a whlrlpml at Columbia
jiluach, M nday.nud narrowly escaped
" drowning.
I i..i r
nPDHT CTDFF t a utiW'uiiiii'Riiuni.iiii -uuaiawug oi
UCfUl aiKCCr 180 people from ail points in Western
. ' , Canada, visited Portland Monday, in a
. ' ' tour of the state of Ore a
j Miss llertha Blater, o! La Gmnde,
. : was the guest of her brothei, RJ Slat-
a')3l'Si3ixmjaSSMSSSS jcr, yesterday and until tnii moroing.
IR She was enrontefrom tlie G anile Kunde
K j to Eugene, where slie is a tutor In tbe
g State University. MIm Slater stands
r; at the bead of the women, euiaged in
B . educutonal work in tbis state, ber a
if bilities ai.d acqniremen s being ac-
Tomorrow fair. oooUr torn oi row
A No 2 East bound 9 :10p ontlme
No 6 West Mpnon time
U. 6 Uind Office At I Crumlc, Orison,
' Notice 1 heret'y uiwn that thu following
tiamed settler hail filed notice of Iiid Intfi lion
hi make fi"al prouf tit Mljip titti hie clnim, uiid
tliat sld proof wilt i-e inailo tuiTorti the 0uuty
Clerk of Uiultilltt Ouiity, On-.m hi l euaktuh
Oregon, onik-pt. 3O, HWI, vi. H K N f4(, Jl
A tanUin. of Mciinlmm. Orfuou. lor Inc I
3 4, 5, Rixl 6. So 24. 1 (t. 1 8, It. 5 K A' M ;
oontinuout reAldcticv uijou nnd cultivation of
lid lund. viz: 1
Ocorurtl), Ililymd and Mm TM, botli of!
MeuoliBtn, Oretron.uniJ KntUh v.. HtAiitou aitl
Jamea M lluys, bolh uf AUiunn, Or-on.
. . B. V. Haviii
Carp-is. VVindow Slmdes, Curtfi'n Poles and Units
To exchange NEW CAKPETS for your old ucs. Call
nud 91 e our line of the patterns iti Carpeis
uud Liiu)kiiiii8
UniVersul lliinge. $40 00
Childs Bed and irmi-
tre--9 $G 75
Good F-.ld ne B d $3 25
f 'filter Tiihle, r'n-neh Lgs, BttrgHlii M $ I 25
Tiunks and Valise-ut Bargain Prices Ext. Va'
ues in a Rolled Edge Lounge. B g Bargains in Manv
Rt-meiuber wo do Upholstering aud ail kinds of
Repair work. Cnrfats Cleaned and laid.
In Full Retreat
So far us electricity Hashes reveal
ine li "lit up n the movements of be
h Russian and Japanese a miis the do
i (eat of the Ru-siaus at l.ino Yang nu
Lg . i lie south b.uik of tin Taitse river was
t B. Haiten
F. D. Hai0tsn
crushing blow to Czar's foroi s, and
J i L Ul. tUQ HUU1U UU9BI1U nillljr ! uun
fti in headlong upon Muekdm
some Hi'iy miles f om the battle field
tbe Japs are in lo-v pursuit witli
strong flanking parties out endeavor
iug to b lug ti e retreating h rde to a
otii'.d and crueli it. The Russians will
have to cross Hunnner to leacb Muck
dull, when another fi ne tlglit will
ino-l probably tak place.
Rood that is the cause of Raker oonnty
bringing- its action against the appel
lants i .
Mrs. Ann Hendricks, a Lane oonnty
pioneer, died at her home at Hendrlck's
Fony, 15 miles east of Eugene, Fri
day, aged 71. Mrs. Hendrioka crossed
the plains in the eailv '40 with ber
(athor's (.tuiilv. They were attaoked
by Imliaiia on Pitt river and Mrs Hen.
driiks was shot with an airow through
her arm, rea l iring her u cripple for
ever afterwarns.
Tlie Ore that was raging in the green
timber in Hear creek cauvon, two rulle
from ilolbrook, nil of PrlJay, Satur
day aud Sunday, U still b iruing, but
since tb - timber on (be steep -Idea of
'io c my ni b is been burned off tbe Bie
oes not in ke much provress in the
green timber, an l will, it la thooght,
b irn itself om in a few days. It la not
doing mm b damage today, but is at ill
burning rteadily.
Six ihnuFaud hop pickers are en
cuined in the vici'dty ot Independ
ence, waiting tor the orop to ripen
suilicteiit io lie-in plckini. While they
are uniting ibey are picnioinr, a dance
b'l g an every niiiht program in tlie
Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Good?.
FOUND -A buggntap or bii'T nickle
i or silver plated owi.or can have sa:r.e
by ciilltti ; at tlii: ollice and pnyin't for
ths iiotinH.
OK RENT-Kurnished
rent. Api'ly to Mra. M
I30U O street. I'houe olil.
rooms foi
A- A ianiB,
For Sale
Jersej Cow P.aay -Pyymeiili
I Gei The Habil
Of trading at the Nebmskn Grocery Store and you i
& cannot bro k you.nelf of it. i)ur goods are iiKays
the best, our prices are the lowest and our stuck is j
? complete. !
, ?
S' Ra Anc hiiving the largest stock of "Preferred" $
DvSIQcS cai,ned goods, Allen & Lewis special
brand on all their leading lines. We have just re- (
fceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's y
and Shoes which we invito you to iuspect, X
Cor. Fir aud Jefferson St?. jr
9 I
IS ven liootn lions", nut buiMing Do-
j cirablf? loud io i
f 1 t-iKlit Room Ifuaau wit!; Kleolrio
$ 1 lifcjbt att'l city wator,
4 i - V D HHifilen
& 1 Second Uitnd Btore
In iho Circuit OiHtrl of the HUt" of ort-KOii for
I'nioii Comity.
LO WtlXlAMd, IMaintitT
CA8HIA. A WILLIAMS. D-jfuiidnnt, .
To Csttla A Williams, tlio atKvc nHii."fI
defeudani; In tliv mmio of thortUitn of Tc.m
you are hernhy reiniirott to ttpuctir uud auwer
il e GOUiitLtiut fllud iiirulllKl voil Iti tluiaho0-
BDlltled ku it on or hefore tho lift duy of
Uctooer. iiKH. ado 11 you inn io o uli.swi r, mr
wtiot tlmroof. tlio pint in iti will Uikit diTt
agalnttt you for tlio ilu&oimioti of lti iniri.ti;e
cintm't ox.Ktlng leuvecn you and tliojdmu
tin and for cost nnd d'htnHt'mctitH ot tins nun.
Thn NtimiitonH in ouliitohi-d in tlio I'fitcrn
Oreaon Obnorver, ft wci?Wiv uewsuno rpubltiiiitul
li Uiilirii county Oivmm, by outer of tliw llo i.
Robert Rtkhi, Jmluu of the KIciHh JudU'lul
CiRlrlot Of liio t;irtilt Uouri Oi lilt owl Hi oi
Oreiion. oiico u wtelt for six roiirimil Ivo wi-ck1.
the tlrst Dubltorttlon thuruot I o ue in itio on tho
tith day of Keplcmb'-r, 1:kh, uud the lat tiiblt-
miiiou oil mi? zi-t uiiv oi unorer. imii. which
order wan mado on the ttrd Uy of Hciuemucr, :
IWM. , . ,
' KriiKNK ASI1WI1.I..
.- Aitovnuy for IMainUlT
That the way to ' reach a
man's heart is through his
stomach. Try it by using
Geddes Bros canned ; fruits,
deli- toui beraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
from the garden."- We are
the first store the farmers
call on and of course we set ,
the choice of everything.
We always have the'frsji
est eggs, butter, etc ;;
. Special attention given n
phone orders. ; ; ; ;
Gcddcs Bros.
h'Ai S 'LF. 8 acies of land and house
of 6 rooms 4 no rip In bearing orchard
one aire in ell aw b Tries, stables for
l.' borses and oas homos plenty of
vater20 minuots wort from P O for
particulars cail ai grocery store of W
MoKarlhUe. 11-1101.
I'OUSVl.t; Dalry cows. Inquire at
the (Irider 'aim, R F D No. 2.
WANTED Pour girls or women to
ork m seamstieaa. Enquiie for
particulars at fro cent Kniitlng
Mills, Ho'iuner Illoek. tf
For Rent
All who are building new '.r rebuilding their
home", can neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms
halls etc with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason
able price, as we are hi position to undersell any
fixture in tin Inland Empire.
We have at our office a complete stock of assorted
styles of ceiling aud wall fixtures of beautiful de
signs and finish. Also Shades of rll designs.
We cordiall) invite the public to inspect our
stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office
open from 7 a m to 8:30 p to. .
La Grande Light and Power Co.
Kigbt r.iom on North Kir Street
quire of Mrs Shea'er 8 tf
EOR SALE Five room h ue in good
r. sidence portion of town. Will be
sold cheap if ld at once. Inquire
of H P Lewis or Win. Wor.l-ll, La
(iramle, Orgon. Oct 1
In The District Court of The
United States for The
District of Oregon
In tlie matter of 1
Mnry M Cold well i f first meet
liiNikrupt ) ing of Creditors
To tho Creditors of Mnry M. Cald
well, (iffCliiin, in tho county of Union,
Blato of Oiogon, Bankrupt:---
Notice, is hereby given, That on tbo
Hirst day of Feptembe', lflOl, the said
Mury M. Onl Iwotl was duly adjudicated
a Hiuikrupt, and that tbe Urat Meeting
of the Creditors will he held at tlie
otliceof be undersigned, In !j Grande,
OreRon, on Mouday, September Iflth,
UWI, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, ut which lime and place said
crocli'ors may attend, prove their
rliil'Jis, app lint a Trustee, examine
the itwnkriipt, and transact such o h r
I'liaineHS as may properly come before
snld minting Twenty Ave cents must
aieompiny oach claim Hied.
Dnt'il at La Orande, Oregon, Hep
leintor fith, 1304.
P 8 Ivauboe
Ito.'er i i.i . ankrnptcy.
1 ( Sent. 7 )
I Duil) f
liMllBK LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878
'J.P. Lanu ornceat I Uraodo. Oreaon
Aagtuit II,
Noi lee In hnrelvv alven thai In eoinnllance
will 'lia iirovlHtitiK ur Hie ml of Oaigrew of
jt.n( i, iwi, enuueu -An aci lor ine mie oi
li-uu-r InmlH In IlieHlaleii of California, Ore
aim, Nuvtnln, unit Waaliliialon Territory," a
i- ii i.oea to ho vnc I none itnamaieH ael
vill-. iNinnty of Wood, Hute of Wiwonion
n.i4 nil day tiled In this offiee hi, awora'
.liitri'oein No. :ilfiO, for the nurchane of Hie
NK'J W,HK NWiJaad UtaniMofei.
lion No. i la Township No. 6 Mouth Kanae .No.
Ii h. w, M.
A .i-l will olTVr iriKf Io -how fiat the land
KqU'itl t more valuable for lu ttiehei or
lonf limn forusricultuml ,HrKKea, and In
wnt'iilNli herelalin to Kiild land heiore the
Iti'lltrter and lUx-elver of tltlH ollloe at l.a
Un ole. Orrvon. on Tiieaday, lliu JC.lh
dt-y or m-toiM-r, uioi.
il i anmtN n- wltneK-e-: Italph II. Unlit-,
. Ilenry llrown, or la.-XUrville, WIm-oiihIii.
l.c"iiirl (.'. lnilllH, of Perry, Oregon; ana
Kda'Hrd Hean 01 l.a Uiando, Oreaon.
A.vand all pernona rlalinlntf advcraely
the arove dw.rrlhed land- arc roriiiit4d 1.
Ill?ielrrljlmq In thliioineeon or before aaid
iitb lay of October, lam.
K. W. Davla, ItiKl.ler'
Furniture For Sa'e
And I oueo to rent apply to Mrs
Shearer opposite StarOiocery Nrlb
of track .
Only costs i.linui 5; per yard
more than commou plasler, and
worth raunv times over. j
No danger of freezing as it
can be used in zero weather
Being flexible instead of brit
tle as all fund mortors are
it will dent like wood when
struck or jam nod, instead of
breaking Dour;, windows, pipe
holes, etc are eaiiy cut through
it It is u uiiri conductor of elec
tricity and tli u? prevents siiort
circuiting II adheres equally
well to brick, Monti or cnturann
lath !t ttiiti'iii' S no aciiU nor
chemiculs to rtorrods ft will
not burn nor disintegrate by lire
being a perfoct prolc-ctimi for
wood frame work K will tinder
no comliiinii pit or blister
Partie huving phcd-.Ting !
do should conduit, ni'j regarding
this chisi of w'rk Kstiniutes
cheerfully given
F. REISLAN0, Phone 371
Ml 111 I IMWaWslsMSMWMSl
' Is ojicn for your inspection.
In fact we will be pleased to
show you through our entire
stablisbment. K very thing is
kopt scrupulously neat and
clean and we have no hesiletioy
in showing the moat fastidious
1 1 1 1 w our meats are handled We
now have- 'he latest improved
musngc machine and san sell
you Hir.iauge in all ityles. '
Bock & Thomas
A toil
h of n;i
'j Win -
Are like the ''Smile ttut won't oome
oil ." . hey are put on right and slay
riitht. I nsn only Whitmore's paste
an I vuaraniee that If after thlity iIuvb
trial you Mml that It ha in any way
way lnlnreii the lestner 1 will piosout
the cualomer with a S pair of slioes
pnri'liaaeil at any store M may select.
It ton desire rrallv Brat olass work
unil hiiiI get a shine. Ladies wora a
specially. Remember tb place, Kpt.
hy'e ilmlier Shop, where everything
is II 'at c:ii.s from the boot black up.
acred Heart Academy
I a tin, ndo. Oragosj, This well
known institution, conducted by tlie
lativs of Si . I'Yiii'Cis. affords exoellont
e, cHtioiinl auvnntagW. Music, draw-
ii u ami painting optional e'U.lles.
I'r'.'iriiiii voiing ladies for the profess
mo if tnarnina- a snecialtv. Boarding
in d ilnv B' hool oiena the first Monday
in eiintemher. PYir eetaloirue aiinrnts
Sister Kiiportw, Ang 4 Oet 4
The Bargain Store
NO. 2
f):.V) p. m.
NO. It.
t:.t0 a. m.
Ha It Lak. Oenvtr Ft, I
Worth, Omihi, KidhiJ
City, Ht. liila.OhUffo
Id cut,
Laud Oinre, Ln (Irandr, re.,
n-mrd acttlcr iuii filed uotlce of bis inteuuon o '
h ake dual pr.w.fin auiort of Ii claim, und Hi I
, i or. Mil whl L made before the ItCffWcr
nd IWrdverot the U La-d tjmov i m
t.r4fdit)rivon,oa Atifiml lyiH.. rit II K No.
ft', , I'itatc iiainn, in u m nn i' urTion, ror the 1
fWHK'i .( Ion . SKI ,NW'i, SU X K'4 !
Hfcticii Al. Tow unit I p No. ht Huutn. Kaiiii No.
17 K W ..M. '
llf mmd tin- followlne wltneaHn to pr ve bis 1
tia'i a-jut rr-Mfi-oie uon and tolti'ion of;
Hub h beautiful line of 8treet Hats, noy bhaes. latost
juiV.'iwi A new afsortmoat of Veils and Veil Drupes, lace collars.
ritf Miuwtiia; i
II .'p. Hutter Browo Bella, Purses Hnd Waist Bets.
colorn. ,
TimA rUitierttl
il. liaJ). 1
O It-Lou, Wall Wi
filfni. Moeow,BK-l
Riiiiv aunw
j.u 4 llh Tte BpO-
i'lirt and. tteUJt. f
a io ton wai
lul i. Lewliton.OoLtexl
Mmnw, WaJlacWarl
di;ra HpokMtt ud
o hfr point Mflud
norm tii npoiana,
E W Wellman &
v-.iunally i,,nd cur. AUeel,
v-.., imoier, am auann
, nunday eonnaellnna at Elaia
j i ;r. a m with .taw. forpoiats
1 in waonw. wwy
NO. i.
H)a. !.
S fi .In
WO a
ailla ia
dams Aven
i ouau Huamers betweea Portland and
dan r ranclfco every a days
E. C. HOOKS, Arat
frank fthtUnrom, IVa Hhalntrom of Hllxtrd, Ore.
K. W. IMTta, hentatw.