Si T Will J Oil I II V ...T youi iiinner today? You may niitwi-r ihi que? tiiu eaiifli (ioii; 1 j ( I .1 THE MODEL restaurant, the old standby. Our cooking is a paragon ol perfection, our food; fuulile-if and our service rapid mid cour teous. Wlinl mote cm suy, except that our'prices are 1"hhi- - ) lar? We give a Ti-gulur four j course dinner 'for 25 c ms.. , , . Come and .iy. it.. : Vou will not need the sense- of hunger to enjoy it. . MOD E ! v - ' RESTAURANT :' J. A. AKBUUKI.E, Prop. - v OPKN UAY AND NlUHT We tell weekly Meal 4 . Tlnketa, Cash...... 4-5U ' Carp-iB, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Br its - 'Roils.. - ; t To exchange NEV CARPETS for your old -ues. C.ll t , . ami 8i-o our Hue oi the latest patterns jn Carpels ,- .. and Linoleums. Bai minis : fouler Tiililf. enc-) Trunks and Valise- at Bargain Prices. ExtiV V;t' ues in a Rolled Edgo Lounge. Bg Bargains in Mauv Things. .-"' ' Itemeualter we do Upholstering and all kinds of Repair work. Carpets Cleaned and, laid . AflB, Haiten Phone 2051 Highest Prices Puifl for . Gel The Of irinlitii! ut tin- N- IhihW i Ornfery Store nl you cannot breik yuielf of ii. Our goods are always the best, our prices aro the lowest an'I our stock is complete. Besides brand on all their leading Hues. We have just re ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's and.Shoes which we invite you to iuspect. C.1..R ALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Oor. Fir and Jefferson Si. . ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are buildtug new .r rebuilding their ; home?, can ueally finish their parlois, dining rooms balls eto with a 1 to 0 light Electolore, at a reason able price, as wo are iu position to undersell any a fixture in tha Inland Empire. - We have at our ollico n complete stork of assorted styles of ceiling and wall lixlures of beautiful de i signe and finish. Also Shades ot rll designs. Wec6rdiillj,.invite the publio to inspect our 5 i Mock eirau it you are not ready to buy. Otlice open, from 7 iu t.?:80 p oT -t. " SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunter fe So. Inve -teased the McICinzie Sables nd ire prepared to ser-o the 11 bl id in a tiri - class tnuiiuf r 'Treasonable la es TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come bete for men's and by boys' kboe Plie J E. Tilt lin" i-i'our spec ialty. Here is where p. fo and I quality are combined C . PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREEj Universal Runge. $40 00 "Cliilds Bed and mat-, tress 6 75 Oor.d. Fold ng ,B d $3.25 Lees, a Butea.u 1 25 F. D. Hasten Second Huud Good. Habit T-DD hoviiiK the largest stock of "Preferred" cunned poods, Allen & Lewis special iUGMwJtltfht ndjowo. - J Farewell Surprise Rev and Mis J 0 Walker were' 'end ered avery pleasant sarprisa party lat Tuesday owning by theiraeuberB of the Slsthodlst eonR.-eiiailon. The occasion o( the party was ibe (act I hat Mr and Mrs Walker will soon tke their departure tor Union whre Mr Walker bis b.'en at.tioned for the en euelug year b.- the recent omfe-once. Tjo (luesta present at tbe farewell party presented Mr nud ,Vrs Wdlkr with a huii(Uirue , silver cake stand. The Rev aud Mrs Walker Inure be e with tbe very beat wishes nut or ly of the members if Iho ihir.h- but also among tbe gen?ml public. La Graude has ha a tow clashes be- two. n the o ii tractors and . tbe labor oaio bi8 n "'6',ly I6 la,t ia bu Idinv tbe oPy ball and tbe briok masons, plaat r-rs and atone masons iinl-m,. wl ti ll is om1, bat the trouble whs wi h the briok mo. b who recent ly dopti'd eiirbt hnusjuste.-.d of Di e w i; b as the' rule at the" timi the con t' ho' vva' tjkoif on this building. As tesnlt Ibe brick work has eeb suspend, dtl.a pott two days. Mr. Slater ex e 'a to be able to proceed with ibe brl k work tomorrow or tbe 'next day. - TU- carpenter work on t'te bull ling continues. - ' John Hough, whllu stringing wire for the telephone oonipany- this after noon run a splin or iinflfi his ? ( nail, which re nit el the services of pbysiaiau to reinove.---.-':i.-.'j- -y-y- La Grande will l weV rep-esented this year at the . Suite Agr.cnltaral Colledge. The young people going from bere are aj follows: Warren Barnell, Clayton Barnoll, Forrest Ivanboe, Ralph Reynolda Uni Davis, Harry Finn. Uaiijnmin Zubcrlck, and Hugh McCull. who will probably leive about the lii of the month. ' Furniture For Sale ; And ' ouse to rent apply to Mrs Bhearer opposite StnrG-ocery North ol track . WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No ' medicine "S: can do more. WASGIVEVUPTO DIE. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. VlnrlnUt 0t 1 Bvaniville, Ind.,wres: "Forcer fivs i .nn I mi troubled wltn Bianer anc I bladder affections which caused me much pain and -worry. 1 lost uesn ana was an run down, and a year ago had to .. i .1 ntlnlu- '1 find fttirea ol nd I was practically given op to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended nd the first bottle gave me great relief, and nftor taking the-iecond bofla I wf Dtluly cured." TWO SIZES, S0c AHD !.. SOLD iND REC0MMEK0EO BY A J Hil l.. UnuTffi't "SJL? . .. r'n 'I'.''fe l,,nfclU-rli.-Mliotl.J.,f hi. ,nu,,,,..; i,, ui.ifcc th'Mli nifiti niMirtoi I cUt , tt n-1 Hi A ...i.l iii.xtr will ) tttu.le bo ion- llio HtvlsliT ml ftvolvrrl the I s I j -I rtlf' Si Im , lirHiulf. itr'nni,on watni tl VMH. vti II K No. ICV T, ImibC tl.tri. of Im tlrmuli' Orr;oti, for t h ! ?. SK'4 -.-ctl.-n . M-;1! NW,. N S K ( mvlloti Al. Towmhip Nvk f, f4oath, KftnK No, 1 37 K W .M. , lie natiien ftio follow In wftncsrm t.i i'-r -1 !:i , ccull- m rfii'vC una t' ot 1 hut lt vlfi Kntr.t It Pel g, Nc.- Ki lr.s Vrnk hwl"lrtiO BrnSluiUliom ol mivr,t, Om, ' K. W. tiuvlSf Ktu liter. r , E C Jerguson Portland do . do O E Bithel ' L C Wall and lady . ' ;, W T Hislop i ' ,!' -'J A 8 Murlow , r S' fl I av j : do 3 E Kuroh' do, do Perry f S Murphy .M . R Blumeosteiu i t 15 . "'City ' Ss'1 Lo,to Elvin A J Cortez . ' J E Muyl r B D Sevo. anoe and wife F Bates Mgr Sutton I! Sbvw u w t.iapp - Ogden , 8F Union Chicago . Oi lou -'' '"do Cove 1. 1, H 8 Cotter U V Lawrence f R Wood Mrs, Johnson Wm O Cusl'ck J M Solder j FIRE PROOF SAFE for sale, weiiiht -2500. orioe 150. Call cr wite I. a Giande Pawnbroker Ifhona 1581. XJMItBR LAND, ACT JUNE 3,- 1878 ; .OTICB FOR PUBLICATION '.'.P. Laud Office nt I Graude, Oregon Attgmtll, 10H. Nonce 1 hereby given that tn compliance will the provision otitic tu.'t of CoiifrreBg of Ji.ucH, 1871, pn titled "An act for the Bale ol itu;.'r Ian tie tn the Htatea of California, ore satii Ntivcdu, and WflshlnKton Teritoy',,, ai u-.-.dtHl to all the Public act villt omntyof Wood. State or WmoonaiD txnu ihladuv filed In tula office his swort HiiiU'iienr So. :ii60, for tbe purcbase of tbe NK'i 8WW,K14 NWflnaiotsaaiidiofBeC' tli'n No. 3 fu Township No, 5 South Uanae No, A wUl offer proor tollhow thut the land soui'tit is more vn unb e for its timber or hum tlmn for agricultural purposes, and to wIhoiUIi htr claim to said laud before the Ui'KKU-r and Utlverof this office at La (Jit ute, Ort'Koa. on Tuesday, , the 26tu dn.v r nctnuer, iwi. rl uu ines as witnettse: Raton H. Hullts. V, tlimr' lirowu, of Desterville, WIacoohIii; Loonurd O. Itullla, of 1'erry, Oregon; and Edw ird Bean ol Ia Giande, Oregon. A-tyand till persons claiming adversely tin- .iRtve debcrlbi'd lands are requested to di ) uicir cljlniH in thisomceonor before said uiiu -Jay or uctooer, iwt. B. W. Davis, Register. TlMUEBtAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.S. Iand Olllec, lArande, Oreuon. Mir. u. 1M04. Notlco is hereby given that In compliance with the priwlsloiiKof the acr of Congress ol .him 3, 17, entitled "An act for the iale o: liinlK-r lnnd In the States of Oallfunttii, Oie- tiii, t jvuiiii, niiu nuHiiiiiKiuu iwrnorjr, n eti'ttled lo ml the Public Land Slates by act it ' Aiiirutit-i. !Ki. MiMeklall O COtner. of li (iniliue. County of Union, Hlttte of Oregon, iihh i did u;y men in unit on ice uts swn n of iSciUm i n Noi i. Kan.e SO Hh. K W Al. rtnu win oner piiHii ui miow inui iiic iuiiu Miuuiit is tiinre V) luahie fur lt Umber or Htoiu- than lor agricultural purposea. and to'llsh 1 1 in claim to Mild land before the Hcf'tsior una Kit-elver of this oltlce at la umnie, unon, on lliuifeday, lue tu day Annual, Urtll. up n ii mi'? an w inesscn:. juck Aici'nv Klmci -Halt hit. John Mmilli, and Ki'alik ll..r ri-. all . f l.a urjiide. Ureeoo. .a mifi hi uersonu ciuimitiit auvorfeeiy me ahnvi! ilewribed lmds are requested to file thiircliilms inthisoiiicu on or before sain 4II1 il iv of AurukU linn. v tu w. uar is t nefrisier. Piano Tuner IImio 1'iof. Hctiilrioks tn o )uur piano. It will piy ron t i do so. inpnud repairing ca efully done kindly solicit your work. Oct 3 Prof. He. drlcks i-'il; SLt 8 acres of bind and honse of 0 rooms 4 aons in bearing orchard one aire in straw lurries, eUihles for i: horses and oat bouses p lenty nf vter'20 mlnuels worn from PO for particulars call ai grocery store of W .MclarlMie. il-1.10-1. b'OK S .1 Ii Dairy oos Inquire at the (.i-iLCr lurin, B F D No. 2. For Sale Jerai j Cow Hlasy-Payments 1 S ven Unom llua, out buildings De sirable Iocs' ioi. 1 eiiiM Koniii I Ion an with Llectrio lizbt an 1 city water. K D Uaitteo Second Utind Store. Furnished Room Centrally located corner ol Washing ton and 0th Streets. Known as Geo, Ball's lodging bonsp. ; FOR RENT Pninislicd rooms f..r rent. Apply to Mrs. M A A ams, l.'HW O street. Phone 60:1. S pt 1 FOUV0--A btutuv tp or Imr nUl'4 ot silver l.tttnl owt er ran hae a e l.y callinciit 1 1 j i - ollVo ind pnyliw for tLia notice. , SOMMERHOlliE: The Bargain Store I . " t."tiftl line of Street tints, nohy ehapes. latest colors. A w80rtme' ( Veil. od Vl Drape., l,.oe collars, School ,j . !,tpr Rrnwn lt'l. h,... . ..A u..;.. o.. i , - "-' E W Coming Events j.v comlnj eventa oast their shadows : befoM;" btthe'"oomingeTeuta" In j vour atoia will not cast tbuir shadows; uapv fnp nnlniB thev am etfectlv.-lv al- rertised in advance. Good Price The'J&dford Mail saysJobn Dally of Eagle point, Oregon, .has ooutraoted hla oron of Yellow, Newtown piupius. Ha,,,l'8!esiimttd at 3000 boxes, at 1.25 ier box. EOR SALE Kiro room house in go jd r-Bidcuoe portion of town. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. Inquire of U P Lewis or Wm. Worstell, La Grande, Oregon. - . Oct 1 NOTICR FOR PUBLICATItm , S Land Office at L& Grande, Oregon, " August 19, 11)04. Kntlrtu JuTr.'v uiven that the following named si-ttlcr has filed notice of his inusi limi to make final proof In Kupportof his claim, and that said proof will 'c made before the County UierKOl unillilia ltUluy, ureguu nt i euuivivn Oregon. onHept jO, 11)01, vitH E No Kdill, Joel A blanton, ol Meacliitui, Oregon, lor me ii.ia a. 4, 5, and 6, l-c 24, Tu. 1 rt, R. K w M Ife names the following' witnesses to prove Ins lanrt v.X- Oeorgu U, Hilvnrd and Jolin to-iu, notn i Moiinhnm. flrL'in. mi ft Hmlth C. Stanton uMtl James M Hays, both of Athena, Oregon. keg inter. Opposite the Somuier House. One of the best musical institutions in tbe state. Pour rooms used for musical instruction, IS grades of musii- taught. Drpatinent 1, z rooms urea for tbe :t first grades. Children at tho age of Tr-atid olfleroome one bnus evcrv day. Oei artmont 2, '2 rooms for grades 4 to 15 for pupils of all ages The lat est cotirsf best praoticd mutdual in struction. M isiral oonlests for med als every few sreeke. E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant HARD WALL PLASTER Ouly cosU alioul 5 it yaid more than common plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGE No danger of freezing as it can he used in zero weather Being flexible instead of brit tle as all paud mortors are it will dent like wood when struck or junnued, instead of breaking Doors, window?, pipe holes, etc are eiif lly cut tlirouli it It is u nun conductor of elec tricity and thus prevents short .;... i ... i.nHnB ....... well to liriek, stone or common lath It c'nnlains no aeifh nor' cheniiculs to e.orrods It Will not buru uor disintegrule by Bret being a perfect protection for. wood-frame work It will under! no condition pit or blister n...i ' t urner, inivini! niHSiei ing do should cousull me reenrding this clnss of woi k .... r i. p;.:...': cheerfully givcu e. REISLAND. Phone 371 AHF0RTASTE OTEAVEN -A touch of an 1 Angel's Wing Scrbello Sandwiches LOY MAKES 'EM sv. it mi ii nist cntj, Wellmaii & co damd Avenue. WEATHER FORECAST A Tonight and J Tomorrow fair, cooler tomorrow J THE TRAINS A ANoi ICust bouu 19:10 p niootime A No 5 West ' 8:5 p in on time . That. the way to . reach a man's heart is through his stomach.. Fry it by using Gedde . I'ros' canned, fruits, deli iou-s beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radislns, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the . fanners call on and of course we get the choice of everything. .. We alv ays have the fresh est eggs, t utter, etc. Special attention given to phone ordi ,ij - 3 f2 Geddes Bros. i,i!L;!itlll' OliPx BACK ROOM Is open lor yti'ir H'- Cfillon. Ill l';u'i we ! pleased lo show ymi tliiiHit;)i o':r entire i siiiblisliniei.t. Kverythiug is kept scrupulously neat and i-loiin and we have no luileney in showing llie uuisl fiislidious lent' our tne:ils Imnrllt'd We IH'W have 'ii - l itei-t i'lVproved s iii--iige niaeliii.e nml sell you aii'.'sage in all styles. OQCR 6 1 UOmaS L'J J'. MY SHINES Ar like. the. 'Smilr tlipt won't come loll." bey ;ire pul oo rlllt aid slay I riit'il. f 11. fllllv WIliflUMT ...IJta . . J - 10 ; an-i iiuarameu that it niiurtb ilv dura trial yon un i ibat it has in any way "J"" I l ho U it liHi- I will ptosai.t om.-r wi't. h .t jiair f r-lioes piirclMifO I at iiiiy -i -ro l o may ai lt-ct, U u:n .iro paltv UiHt clips work mill ki- a hit. oo. l.O'lii'8 worn h 8i't'oia!:v. lipim nihor the placo, Kp-t. hyV i .-ii r S op, whoto everyihinp ti- !' i f 1 1 im tile liutit b!ai-k up, ' .OK II. WILLIAMS Sacred Heart Academy ! ;i tir-.'ilt-, Uieti 'ii. Thin wM kt.nivn instil -tt pin, rttmliuMet. by tue i.i'f-s tit : iiM-is, alffinlMcxot llRiit (M t'Htitii;.l :i i'. i;ih,'vs. Musif, ttravv- it (? :i:i'l pa i . i i 1 1 r optioual h u.tiea. rr'.irin; ijniiji 'adioa fr the pr-.fHP-ion i 'ca--hit. a vpfoialty Ho.itditi a- (i da- a iiml t na Uio lirt .Mundny in of ti;ailn r Kor cVnlojMie fuldrea S's'er Snpt-ri r. At -ft 4 Oi-t t Wii'rt.m-x t A OI'.ANIjK. NO '1 'r p m. N i . P. P -t- ii in. pa'.t I. ike, 1 -it' W.trth. 'm,j.n Kr ;'lrV, ft. lo ..h i ft.. mud Kut. NO. ,. ft .'Or . ; ( j 8 .tn P. utfiil, Pni'ns !in-t'-H. W' Wl!.iJ la tH, I'd moroi ,: i mi..;.- .N 1 .If-. TU Mpol IV.-t1JI!.rt. Piilif-, Vt-v ! ' ' 'I' '( ti I'tnsi jilt, ui 111 n, !,t'M-titi,(V tf.ul M --. ixi w :i.i,' u,o " i' in rt .i. i- md o l.i r p iiii- t ! fir-c, r.:.i:y , ., ; Min.lny ,. I,,.,, 1 :.'. n m wi'.: - ; i 'or I. 'm.! j ill. ' i Ocean Steann n 'iwb I'oriiand ua Ban rrancin o ivury live days E. C. MOOKE, Ageut