0 OOBDBESBB! BBDD9D Dfl D B 0 1 0 0 fl flaTD D 0 0 0 B 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o KUROPATKIN . IS RETREATING : n a Vithstahdmg the AViserdble Condi tion of the Roads. li3 13 s HI l r If' H ."I ! ifi 3 & V 1 It Mukden,-6ept 6-Tbe retreat of LilO Yin j Taktl) Uoneral Ku opatkln's army Is being jnjon (ttpt. ft Forced by the oatrled out In good order, deiplte the iu lor llraew 0, hd Jigt, to terrible condition of the roirie. Long fl, th, mUltA atroagbold lln.s ol ommlssarlat wagon., drawn ,b4ndoB hBtod, by t aniln mules, horses and . . . the Im locks, a e stralnlnK their way north ell bis set pWoe la oroer w teoepf jm t; in- soaking oo, up main ro.d encircling w.b which .rnm Venial Behind them come lon( Oama was weaving about bis mj tiuipsof artillery and baok of iliem Oanenl Kniopatkln is in full retreat K.... .nn' ,ni The Ja-ar.es" are udod Mukden. Straining every nerve hanging on Kuropatkln'" flank', keep- j to encompass Bis destrue'lon before In I he K'isslnns engaiied in A ooutln-: eM1 nt9 , pi409 otialety the Jap- The Observer Does all hol res' guTrt aotlori. The progress of tho repeating er'ny Is e. essarlly , tlo but the hoad of the oin.miesarlat tra r.s h.ve already paasei through Mukden and are continuing toward the r.orth Xbo mtln Japanese army U march iof t.p al. ng the roads e a' ward of the Knvhin lines of retreat which converge at Viukdeu. Another Japanese foroe is nls headed for Mukden from the ;iomr.l from the direction of Llao ii Mmhi' Onmi seems to be n ui.. Mi n fnp Mukden.- Hs evl hn urAt uiDerlorltr In hum- k.m unnlall in artillery. As this eiori th mrraHDondent of the as soolnted press i an hear the booming ot the Japanese gnus, fourteen miles Ironi Mukden. KUROPATKIN'B ARMY SAFE St . Petersburg, Sept. 7 The asso . tiMia t nnt.horizel in the name ( t tli gonoial statf to deny the report of the annihilation 01 noropaiKiu re guarJ. According to the latest n.l.l.-na receired no RussUn foroe had lieen : ut off and it la believed that thero is little danger of the Japanese intercepting Knropaikln below Mukden ansae are praising hard upon him. Ao-1 oording to the latest but uuomoi 1 r pjrts received aooording to a dtspaten l.nn Ut Pafciraluinr. KaroMikin eon tioues the retrograde movement and ouly the rear guard of bis fleeing army is engaged. t.i.n Ynoir ii in the band ot toe Japanese, . .... Kinds of Job Work man nit being: obtained in a natcrsl way nd is as muoh a part of be body as any lunotion Woman Fights Duel Champion of Oregon At thednlling 01 1 '-t w mou ocourr- a I us Bourne on Labor Uay the prin- ("oiple event war the maioh b.tween MoLeod and Anderson lor a puts 01 $60 It was not so much the pi in that created an much ioteiest in this eontest as the fact that it was aoham nionahlo matob. MoLeod won easily drilling 27-6 8 ioohei In 16 inljutes while Aaderacn only drill -a twenty two inohes. MoLeod now ola nsi to bi Obim pion of Oregon and is ready to meet all aspirants to the honor, It is re ported that Mr. Ben Wood - of Baktr City is willing t baek a man by the name of Madden against lbs obam nloh for the sunt of $600 and if this mnnnt la aovared the aontest will Qi. veston. Tel. Sept. 7 In k pistol Hxht i.t Bal(iu today two men wrre hot l a woman. Tin rouble begin when A. M. Tyler ana r.'n -M emuuua wi" - over or If. Both were arretted and probably t pulled off at ome eatly i. iha i.lal twlnnul fnr- fthla j- . lUNl gRVr b 'fids the trial being set (or nioit.ii1!,'. Tly mat in the Justio'a oouit and the wo mho pulled a revolvi-r and anthontiug Ht Tyler who pr-mp'ly rttl at d. It. tho .uailldeTl.rweshtt three timts ud -oou died. Bob Campbell an m ifceut bjstander v.a almt iliroujili the left breaal jurt aoove heai I. U is lile ib depird ol Soliciting Students Mr Lcuis Oarr Sutherland ot Well A'a.la a junior member and re preaei.iative ol Whitman Oollfge is a till oi in our city today si.l oiling land fnr that univeriity ol learn ing. Mr. Bulberliod reports that . n . ru ir.lnnn and tactics will b' ti.as.lit tberd lor the flrt time this )ar tj a Uniied Slates army ofBcer i nd tliat the entire school is in a most nourishing o.mdition. T.ie oil - sens have aubcfib)d lor a gymnasium ' ileptriment and the laot thai $1600 00 ul ti e amount Decenary was made up in flliuen miuute shows the interest the pi ople ol that city lke in their colli t;e and their Intention to make il do li.en' proud. This is Mr. Suther laud'e fl.et visit to our city and heei presuf biniaeil al bemg ohaimed with its b auty and nearness. OS-TE-OP-A-THY 41 a a a a 3 il a a NOTICE OF; PINAL 8BTTLBMBNT. w. ; u K-..hu clvan to all whom Murphy, haa Bled her Buat account aa sum i ii ibmi v. . , i Thomas N Murphy, deceased and the UOUnCy UOUn l UIIWU wwmj ... Tnu.i th nth itav ol SeDt- emb, A. U. lwW, at two o'clock P M I ...nBHsniiiiiiifiaiiaiBaii IIIIUIBI att BBIIIB-BBBBBBHBBBgl"IIB a.': a . a a a a a a :i i a m m a m a S3 9 43 IS ra m a 153 E3 a a S3 a m a a x a BP) a t . 1 L. I .. .. .-.t an. h ruriA't Christina W Murphv. Aaminiairau-ia NOT10B FOR PCBI.I0ATION. Department of the Interior. una umoc iiw Jl':v ten. Notice ! hereby liven that Um ,a""jj namoa aettlcr iim nira nm .... to make rlnul pro.il In unport or hla claim, and that proo" 1?",'. ii .55SL5T uiiatiT aim r. 1 loll via It. B. No.TNlS, VarrarelliaMUtMuset. tivrande Oieg in, wirtowollobn Hmtaingcr. ejaae4. for Su Ahhkh KS SKK ec. Ii Tp. J a. R. "lie mm the following wlU.ce. to prove Keller, i:oo,n bhwt( i UWimiUBI.... Ra.a,. BLOCKLAND BROS. Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and FOLAN DCHINA SWINE. Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we brefd them for the Farmor, and ask you to compare our paices before buying some where else. . We have now two fiue young Berkshire boars ou hand, July pigs ieady for use ouly 20. For short time only. BBBBBBB Div Y A CHARLTON vw.TWBINAUY 8UR0E0N. Office at A T Hill's Drug Store L Grande. Oreeon Fhone Woi Residence phone 701 ANAEMIA An Osteopathic axiom that "tbe 11)0I is the lile ol any tiitue' leade us to a serious consideration ot our maimrces In the treatment ol tboe lornie ol nialuutritioo commonly pokt-n ol a anrmia. It is a well de-1 moHlrated (act thut suoh oaeea treated Oeieopthiolly and lakes in time are twaya b n( fitted and it is a laot enua'.lv well established that the lid oho l physioiant ate helpless in these o.ser. 01 the old-time classic, Iran li not apl to b- abioibed, and arsenlo la a poiion antagonistic to animal lile and prone to caune I. tty degeneration iosttsd ol stimulating normal pnioeis- ts. -. Ti e Ostopalh put nothing tntn iheejslom to birden Ihe organs ol eb!ntlon and loaw the subjeel .weak r in the end. He adjusts the tneel Inrry ol the body anJ .tlmnlales do.man loroes into aoileliy. This lawsiuei loros and strength to per- FARMERS ATTENTION We want your Hay and Grain AND WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKETJ PklCE We will take, all you have, no matter whether it is 7 only a few tons or if it is several hundred tons. We want all the hay in the valley and then some. A. V. OLIVER WHOLESALE and RETAIL HAY and GRAIN DEALER I WHITE ROSE; FLOUR Ts u.illed with the idea el' plfiuiiigevery dealer's high fl class trade-ousto""--" who appri'ciute quality. The V name of the Pionutr Pkiurii'g Mill Co. gii;ir.inlees n D liability and highest grade in every sack of flour B bearing tbe White Rose bra -d. P;oneer Flourinoi Mill Co. El fl fl a a ta o in l have purchased the SPO KANE CAFE and it is tny in tention to muke a special effort to please the farmers. In order in An ihiu T Imve decided to furnish special meal Saturday of each week which I call the Farmers' Diuner. This meal will iuolude all that the market affords and will be served in regular family style. This will Ko that bast meal ever offered in La Grande for 25 cents. When in the city call at tbe Spokane Cale and see exactly how good a meal you can buy tor zo cents. REMEMBER we pay cash for butter, ecus and t hickens. y . v. . a a a J r Johnson. : Half a Carload of New .Wall Paper. 1 (m vr W have lust received half a car load of the newest nd latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 rods. This Is more paper than any one firm ever thtwsht of bringing into this county in a single season. Tbat paper ts all for sale and mast be sold this season. We hat Uenght two tret elaas paper bangers direct from Chloago, who are without doubt the moat akHfnl workmen In Eastern VIU the a, first olaae Pj I banners already In our em. lloy gleeeae tbe beet working Cm. i ihs Inland Bvptre. Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. 0I12S AND ) ) ( ) ) z t :, GLAbS 2 Take Care of Your Trophies I will pay from ft! lo(10 lor male den heads ha-.iP led according to directions. The dotted lines on l k . ol neck and hea l hn where to rip the akin. To blt'ol your game cut the Jugular a low down as posslbl i usver cm the throat. Commence to skin by inaklnit cut from the hose ul the horn to back ot the head ihence down ihe tm-k ol the neck to top of slioil'S rs thi-nw nronnd the side to point of lirlskot, work the Bkin oarelully aw.y ro m the ho.e of the hnriid. lien the fr is rem hed rut off thone to skull. afterwards remove the Och wh.nthe eye is reached ran the Bnger In from " thn outside and raise up the eyolld to avoid cutting It h en 'h9 tcarpit M rvnenea wni. n is near 10 corn-or 'be cva. wnrt t w 1 n nut nf the cavrv with the point of the knife h tn thtu nrner of the mouth Is reached r it .ormwn ano expose ine twin, leave all the black lining on the lip also nn the eartllctto on the nose. Salt imtvily anil roll up (or '21 hours :hen d'y i'l the shade Unlem salted well and dried in thn sbmle your work Is al'eliwt Use nothing but salt Cut as much of the floeh otf the hnnd as posiblm I work the brain oot the hole at back of bead Shvb the under jaw boons h.n drying ths skin keep It from wrinkling I will also m rant your trophl at reasonable prices WM HAWS Taxidermist