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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
GRANDE EVENING :1:BSiRVEj?; LA Vf LLiME III LA GRANDE. OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 7. 1904 NUMBER 256 V ? 4 'FOUND.A CAVE FULL OF MONEY La Grande Man D scovcrs a Cave in the Mountains in which there ere 6000 Pounds of Good Honey If; Blue. baa jnt returned from St. Prahorg d ,r la the mire-category of fuunv und rep .rta that the Russians are mak. Dittril .,, h. . ,.;. , ..,. Ing flnanoinl and other arrangemeuts ot oniovod h .nr th,. ri. t f raBve years campaien against the mi re duced lu recent v.ars. Japanese. They believe tb it the nati ooal resources of Russia to wenr oat tbe Japanese rill be able Afternoon Party On Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 5:30 J 'clock Master Lynn celebrat-j ed bis seventh birthday, by entertain- j ing at a merry afternoon partv, thirty j of bis young friends - ; j i Tbe invitt d .aaeiti' were the.,Mi8Bes : j Ruth Ardrcy' Bulda Anderson, He'eu ; B.irilett, Stella llodmer, Alioo Hill, There is a reason for nil this; it is a biut the only play of its cl iss that is exclusively original both in regard to its ohar-cter and in tbe manner of its construction. ' PRESSURE In tbe matter of Mary Mt'aldwel Bankrupt Drat ror-et- lilora ""t" The next rognlar to bi glv,ii by tbeC mmoroial Club will be on In.irtieii, oieua uoamer, auoo mn, . nil i r Mildred and Ruth Hays, Gertrude : ItS KelatlOn tO UlSeaSe. A :re full of boo v. snld to contain thnn.h u creat deal of it la-old and Hoffmier. Bessie Allison. Ethel Von-1' 6 X founds has been discov. r,d near partially or who Iv crystalized, nor, Mav Nell, Francis 'I nomas, Fran- Whenever auy portion of the body ' tie had wa'ers of H creek In the thllt Prt ,,,Ui-d in tu0 0Hfilf of the ' cla and Verna Smith, Gladys Miller, is injure I a swelling appears at the 4 rim mountains The find w' s made! iaT being a s-lid maes of uusar and. Agues and Jean Grant, Dorothy Ha. : point of Injury and the first Impulse a'-h r flmKaoo'bv Ihomaa U.av rlonJ'ooinb. i V ? S ' '? worth, Margaret Boorey, Irma Matin. of the injured one is to press that part ot Lu Grande. V Miltvine vat with Mr. Ilavorton on thla ouiinif and ao cord naly claims partoreili in the ilia 04 ery. The two men say they bave a small old And Tb 'y will gather the lurfi ili'pifit und soli it to the markets ill tl: larger citiiB of Oregcn Wat! untou. Anotlnr i.'teroRtinir featnte is that -and Ethel Wright. Masters: Clayton . so as to restrain the pain. thee are two kiuda of boney found in Initle, Wilson Robinaim, Prank Ho'm, l-hoy stubs his toe tbe first the deposit. Fit a couple of feet Pnl Camp' Donald Sargent, H .ward f on the opening lb- bon-y tins a diff erent taste and HppfiTa'ice fr'-m that found further back. This fret is ex- and Pained by the supposition, tint the bees have been recon'ly drawing a Ki in, Kenneth t'arpy, and Ken neth Bar lo t Be Mrton Is a hunter and prospector P" """f supply ir m tna aog- who I as been camped at various places " boo' '""ds Bn'1 lactory at L.a Grande in ll'o Blue mountains duiing th: tote the honey was marie Irom simn er Hever,il days ago while h" wild a"nera and blossoms of th huni ing along the headwaters ot Fly mountains. , oree, a smal) stream taking Its i'art near he base of Mount Ruth, many i iiA PA'IMTV milt? io the southwest ot L Grande, UNlUi U. JIN I I bo cnnie apou a awar i of bees working in an out am n a pile of rocks. i XLe oil prospector, wlio is also in of a beehunter, PRISONERS Oregon tate Fair Tickets will be on sale at th O. R. & N. ticket office In this olty for the Oregon State Fair Sept. 8, 10, and, 15 The rate will be one third fare for the round trip. some in ot a Deeuunter, socnieu h me., un I made an iuvetUatiou. He fontlil thnt nn nttllRlinllv larL'A cnlonv r,f he,-., van 1 naterl in ,'ha cleit of the 0 M P ia De,s fr lu J F flir, deputy ahi-rilf of Unl'-r ountv, arrived in the city to 'ay with Union oounty. The removal of the njiau.erB was or de ed I'.v Judge E:ik;n on account if the movinj of tho county sent frum Uni n to I a'Orran 'e Tho iriwneri arc lioo. Sullivan, Thos. Utady, C H Barnhart, Harry" S-riith, Geo. White, KYe'Di io Jjino? Mod ary and Frank Foster. Tlicy are n l chimed wit bu lary i xenpr Ha nil B't forcU tle stealing and Uirrv Smith for lr c n y in a i uild uk Tlioy uill b" kopt liei'i' lint 1 the nniv ( ouit House and jail iacumplitcil ut I.a(irn l.-. Depu ty herifF l'h alone brought theoight m-n up fr :u Unionand had no trouble Shoriff Kr. wn will look aft -r their iniTiirrtn h; hia ima elrv until thev are . The log, if the supposition la trie 1 or ri tn ne.l to La Grande. Her was buried in the landi'lid and, a'd - rook -and that there was evidently a l irge 'tore of ho. ey hidden there. Al or n great deal of trouble and worl. 'ho colony nas smoked out and b-ok n up and Hie treasure nnrar'ne I. V he i tho In-go sioue'- that had served ai ai oieoing foi tho mountain hivo had I e n removed,, it was (oui.d that tliay hid b mouth of a cave roU;hl e d to he about six feet join.', four 'ect wido and throe feet high. Th i cure is 'ippareuily the Tjavity left by the I'u ing away of an old log, as it is V th. foot of a cliff on ground evident ly Jefirsited at sometime In the past il a i id-lidj frm t e bij;h m untain a jov . due. rntti 'l?, formed the cavity which au latrn found by the boon and a ilized. It t. comput d that tb re is at least ! iXX) oonds of boney in the cavo, Socialists Notice All members of County Central Committee and Local I.a Grande are I urged to attenda meeting in the Lewis Building. Tuesdav Evening, he. tern be r 13, at 8 o'clock. Business of im portance. Bird F Lewis, Sect Lon Campaign Poil 1 1, Sept. 3 A prominent banker Married Alien and Schoonhoven In tie Cove September 6th, 1901, at. tbe borne of the bridea parents Mr and Mrs G E Uorpe. Mr Iruman Allen and MIes vlnrie S. hoonhoven. by KeV P B Hays pastor of the Presbyterian ohurcb of La Grande. Many friends were pre sent at the ceremony which was fol lowed by a reception. Tbe yonng people are held in tbe bigbt of etteem. Tbei wi I make their borne in the G. ve. Hoyt's Best Comedy "A Texas Steer" which iacons'der ed Hoyt's 'est comedy cornea to Stew ard's Opera House Wednesday Sept 21 It ia the mo t inte eating laugh prt 06R FALL STYLES " ' ' j bave just received a small shipment of our FALL STYLES of COATS and SUITS. If you expent to buy a rJUIT. it. will pny you to look our line over, as it will be to your advantage and you will bu uure to got the RIGHT THINGS. The Chicago Store THE BUSIEST STORE IN TOWN Adams Ave., La La Grande, Oregon. When thing be doei is to take Srm hold of it. Why? Th re is an Instinctive feeling lti!a him that he can lessen the pain. A good Arm grip on the toe does lessen tbe pain. It rest-aius the rushing of the blood into the injured tissue and tbaa lessens the Internnl presanre on tbe nerve endings. The action of the boy in grabbing bis to to the piiiposoful movements of a brainless frog when trying to tub off some 1 ritant material piacod on Its leg by an experlmontor in the pbyai , ology of tbe n-rvoua system. It is dono without thinking aud is there fore instinctive. Whe'i we hive the stomach. ache, w at do we do first? Bond forward unp presn bard nguinst the pit of tbe stomach. Thin reatra ns the pain nnd it la the exp rienco of iniiuy people that, it gives relief Examples could bo multiplied proving that solf-manl-pnlution by pressure is in-tiuctivo. Now let us look at tho loveran effects of iTOfifUro, or rather prodanro intens ifl daud Iouie continued If ia the universal expert nee of tirtnlcind that au extr mity nn a-m i.r a leg "gooi to s'oop" when retail. ed in n cramp, d posit. ou or hung over the hack of a ohalr or edge of a soat. Wh it caused ti e peculiar phenomonon we designate as "going to sleep?" Kvcrybedjr knows It is c;iued by pro sure. . nd what do wo do to got re let Komove the iT'Sauro. Pressiro restrained the clr.nlutloll of the iim a a well aa the nerve in pulsus wh:ch stionld have pasirod freely io its extremity. rnotli er : oiut: Whore did o fool too elfo t of the prea tire? Not at tho point nil re It was applied but at (ho ud of tl e limb, the fir gers or toes. A nerve-bundle coutaiua r.o ve struud hich govern uiolio-, aeusn lion und soar, tiuu In thn ur u of its dislriliiition. I reasiiro, if i; I' nao. restrains .11 of those no I in I ' i - case t of (be "s'eoping fo t," wo cauuot stnnd on it, or 1 avo a ua uni fi-olii'g I in it, until the prosai c l removed and the nerve impuhus nro rua orod. Why didn't we etimu'atc tliu a im pulses with drug? The cuuto of the trouble was so plain that in tlnct act ed instead of false tcacliiu. . -.j... Every nerve-bundle In tho wily has tbe same functions a-i'tliose to the ex tremities. It matt' ra nut whether the stomach, lungs, or extremities aie considered; motion, sonant ion aud se cretion in all pii'ts are uudur the con trol of the nervous system. Fvery disease known to mankind is simply a picture of tbe chniitee wrought in the function of uerve atrrnda and tbe tissues totitrolled by them. Piessore is a laro factor in tbe causation of diaeas. Toe examples jaat stated wbioh are cotrimon to everybody are iulllo ont to linll. nto to tbe average reader that a i-ystoin of medicine based en the study of th structure and tnnotlou of the body has a breadtb of appihatiob V.I1I1I1 far out strips anything bleed upon mere drug action. Remove tho pressure is the keynote of the Osteopathic cyatein oi medicine. The application of tiiis principal requires a kuowlodge of the normal human bjdy uich exceeds that required of any other school of medioine. Probab:y the reu-on (.lateo pathy hai become so po,uUr Is tbe fact that tbe averug to no who r. ns. ns notes tue largor fact i jiirt mmitiotied and then makes tbe loyitiumlo deduc tion that when mut. n, 60osation or aeoretion it aisturbed io any p rtiou ol bis nody, be it lung, boweia or ex tiemitles, it ia due to a change in the nerve Impulses and the circulation, these two reacting upon each, other, and both being subject to varying pressures. To relieve permanently is a question of correcting pressure. That is the business of the Osteopath ic phyalcian. Osteopathic Health. ' Dr. Moure, S immir Lldg. In The District Court of The United States for The ' District of Oregon! j Noti.vo . f Hi J Ing of I red To the Creditors of Mary M. Cald well, of Elgin, in the county of Union, a'ato of Oregon, Bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given,' Tt at on the Hirst day of Feptembe-, 1WW, the said Ma-y M. Caldwell nnaduly adjudloated a I'ankrupt, and that the t irst Meeting of the Creditors will I e held at the otliceot he undersigned, In La Grande, Oregon, on Monday, September 18th. 1!X)I, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of morning on important tnldday, at which time and place said creditors may ' attend, ' prove their claims; appdnt a Trustoe, examine the Bankrupt, and transact euoh o h'r business as may properly crme before said meeting. Twenty O.e centi must a'joompany eaobolalm filed. .. Dat-d at La Grande . O egi n, Sep tember 6th, 1904. Rofer-e In Bankruptcy. ( Sept. 7 9) " ' ) Dalit i f. -M.rv .', : t- j r,, . The city i-ouucil meets ton'ght One 1 v" t h. r..l..l.l il .... is comparable - ""-y wm nave w tviiw.iu.niu in mq UlC.I.10n OX a mayor to succeed mayor ' foiey who will hand In h a resignation at this meeting. ,..,, Thursilay night of this weok A marriage liaceuse waa Issued hy tho oounty clerk last evenlm to F it Berry and Miss Carrie Worahum, both. of Union. .-..:;.;:-,:-'. A T Hill aud S N BdtJD have re ' turned from their outing up ti e rlvor. They walked from Prospect ranch to Hllitard and .you should hear th.nn -giro a description ot the a enerr, Mea-era McUall and. Hull who went with tnom returned a few days betoio them. . . , . . Mr P E Enloe.went to Joseph this - business. . '. Assessor Morton expects to hare tbe tax roll completed and ready to turn over to the county clork by the mid die of next weak. The county board ot equalisation , oon lBta ot the judge, clerk and assessor will bi in session all next . weak for the purp se of adjusting ns . amenta. ML Cauiey Is preparing v sever l boxes of choice applos for shipment to tbe St. Louis fair - Thin fruit wau . arnwn on tho Sandrlde farm of S liV; Rlahardson, possihl) h I.e. kno . n ra .. the . MoHoldrlok place, tut many years it waa thought that the Said--. : ridga waa not adapt d to fruit, growing, but the many fine oominerolal orohar la, now growing has ex plod, d this theorj . Boys' School Suits- 4' Tbe first nti'l tuosl iiuj ortun'. point in fil ing 0m boy-t with n rthoil auit is WEAR" ; Boon-" 'oray Is only -eco id in import uuco' In in.ikiiii; our tiolecf . io is of )m va a li'iol f nils wn lay etipttriil -ire-'! on Uipsu ointe, i inl bivi .r -no" choice of tbe nest proilti-'i tin fir-market we ure .thu-t eiiii'i.' t lin , beat , i h at expni ie.iccd .le.sioiiHi'8 and skill vl w-irkiiiiii Can pto'ltioe at niily .E iionri-nl I'rl.Miij, li-tva' K r e I'otitj snilH from '!' i ; : i. i no p. Sf.- vvn ll W $5.00 suits. Io: ig puuts rli-'jilay of 11.60 ? Advance Styles Street Hats. Ladies' Tbe early comers are ) here end open for your nspeciion. The are in i'U tbe shapes that comply iu all i "poets with the most ex icting dictates of afnshion-. New Girdle Foundations - in hi u.-k and White 15c nud 25o New Clnff hi OolUr Foun dnti mis, new approved bhiipert, 15 and 25c is oils Hip Foriiu, as sorted colors and izes, 50j IN jv Ladi s Tailor Suits and Coats (Jui Fall purchases iu this department is furaheid of any of our loriner efforts. Tbe earlier shipments are coming in and you will agree with us tlint .these early arrivals are "BEAUTIES." Come in and see them. a -i . : f: . '; l-.' f't . ; - Mt : i" t t, ' ' i t " '' ' .1 I . -f, 4 - it t I f f 1.