'i ' 1 1 ft s ... ). You'll Rest More Securely If conscious of . havlDg done what '.you aonld to (irovidc for your frleuds. r Th are 'lifter, ut ways to do this, but none bettor than to provide then; with a b me. ,,. " I '& "M jou haven 'tdoi.e this, we'd Uih'e " to anli jou one. A nnall payment 1U i ure it, ami ait.ruoid the oat lay won't U- niuh m ru han bouae lent. E.tl.er nay wo'ie bound .to pleasa you. 1 jCa Srande !nuosimcnt Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Oregon i . OFFICERS:' DIRECTORS! Uw. Pauiek ........President J. M. Berry. J. H. Church K J. M. Bust Vioe President - A. B. Cooler, Geo. L. Clea J. oI.Cbubch. .. Cashier . vor, Geo. Palmer , t F. L, Mkykbs and Geo L Cleaver Asst. CaehieiB ... ., ' , Oa Orande National B NK ,.. -!, (jfMule, Oregon -; ? CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 I Transact a general banking business. Biiys and sella exchange on I all parts ol the world. Collections a specialty. ' , IIHllllisaieiinDiitiiitli Meat Market Stellwell A Vanderthuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE - A'! - RETAIL - BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. AI30 chickens & poultry. Coal For Ho. Weather " Our Rock Spring ooal will give sati'fsoliou We always have it on hand,- Castle Gate ami Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather. have it. We al ways have coal, all kinds aud at lowest puces. If you waul wood we can furnish you the kind that burns longest and best. " G. E- FOWLER, TRANSFER AND DELIVERY Phone No 1611 n a v a a a a B e m a m "a. 1 0BBnnonaaaaBaBii ) JOHN JAMISON W E STULL ELVA. JAMISON We will' call for it and bring it home when promised , We guarantee satisfaction aud oiilv ask for a trial order to demonstrate to you that we un derstand the laundry business. )fou can stop our wagon at any time or phone the Lauudry and your work will be called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, aud can do your washing - better and cheaper than ou. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1981. 742 FIR STREET. La Grande Evening Observer CURREV BK03., Editon & Prop Kntered at the Post OtUce at La Cirande, Oregon, Second Clasa Mail Matter. " Published daily except Sunday One year in advanoe. .... .$6 50 Six mouths iu advance. . v3 50 Per month , ,65c Single copy. .5c TUESDAY EVENING. SEPT 5. 1904 OUR FOREIGN TRADE i The'present wheal crop "of Oregon is estimated at 13,000, 000. ' In 1900 there were 873, 379 acres of wheat in -Oregm estimating that theia will be sown the same acreage f.ir. the 1905 cr.ipV'it at. ljr bushels per acre will require 1,310.008 bushels for seed and to feed the present population of the state Hi 4 J bushels per capita estimat ed it 450,000 will take 2,100,- 000. ' ; " ; :v: For seed and bread' for the year while another crop is be ing made will require 3,400,000 bushels of . the preseut crop which will leave a surplus., of 9,600,000 bushels to be disposed of outside of Oregon pr6vided none i- fed to stock, . Dnringthe 12 months ending with Juuo 1904 the e sport of wheat from Oregon amounted to 3,476,453 bushels. - For the same 12 months 917,193 barrels of wheat flour ".were exported from Oregon, reducing the flour to -its equivalet in bushels al the rate of 4$ bushels per harrt 1 and we htive 4,027,363 bushelt exported in flour and by adding both quanlites it will give the exports fof the year ending with June 1904 at 7, 03,821 bushelf of whiit or ils equiva leut in flour. grease would make it wonderous change . iu iUe. appearance of this city. Von : get busy aud your neighbor wil) lakcthe hint and do a little carpentering ' on his.owu hook. f La Grande citizens who con template marriage need not leave the city now to procure their . license. This ought to make a difference in the number of marriages in La Grande We can now eocure ali the comforts of homo without leaviug the town. We will be the first to avail themselves of tbeglourio'ufe opportunity. . . . A great many old time popu list throughout the nation read ing the bugle call of Thos. E Watson of Georgia, populist candidate for president will breuk erom the temporary alli ance with the democratic and republican parties and 'rally nhj der the battle furled , flag of. Jhe campaign of 1892 aud 1894-the Aug that was rurreuded by the gre.it mistake of 1896,,, if. .up take it was. Aud who can blame 4 them? vThe spirit of populism is not dead and- the Oinaha platform of 1892 was the greatest political document issued to the American 1 people since the Declaration of Inde pendence. Wallowa Democrat. SOMMER HOUSE . lMPORTANT'TO; FARMERS "GR'AlN'SAbS '""GR AIN BAGS I. ? $4;75 per 100 .t By order ol I be State- Board -; of Prisou Directors, I am authorised to sell grain hags in any quantity ttve , 600 muoufiK turad at San, uDnlin.! Prfsu ut a price fixed at $4.75 per 100. Bag delivered free iu San Fran tSCorOrd'rs ,mn't' be,ecorapairied with--cash - or ex- change on San Frailoisco in full, aud also with the fol- , (jiiwiqg.alfidavil vTifjed. before a Notart'Publio or Justice VoflhVeace!;U U-li.Al -HVSj'M:x. ; MI llprAbv rprtit'v tnt T nm A- pnnunmop auininff ,-)1Qt .j.anu mat ue oav.s pruo.rea ny me: are tor toy 'own persOrial ahd 'individual "rise. i ' ' y ' . . : Subscribed and sworq-.to before metthis. . ,.day of . , . . iseaij: . -.r ?.:tk.t:.... mi . I ii , . a. i no oags are oi me same capacity as Manuara t;aicul 1 - ts,"fmd superior in quality. Don't -delay seitd in vour order today lo.J. W. TOMPKINS, Warden San Qucn tiu.Prisou, California u, . , j - S J'SapipleC.o tboje bugs; Uj fie aieii at tliis ottloe- v B B B a H1IBBB B B B II Bp U ,B .B HBBBS II v ; sja tional Ban k, w w ; ; m LAG RAN D E, K;OREGON a El a. a n .a a S3 Capital Stock fully paid ' . $ 60,000 . , Surplus fund 13.000'. Liability of Shareholder's . 00,000'' "' 5 . Responsibility - 133,000, tJ. :j u mmWtM Ann .laimrul Kunlrino' ' n tid PYollnmrA biifiiitfitiii i, u t . .i -i ft " , Drafts bought aud sold on eartern and foreign banks." ' m . J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier a BBBBSBBBBiBBBBaaBBBBBH TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri 4, gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk S.'.d Wheat, Baled Saney, Oats, Etc Toe only Seed House inUnion County. A.. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 J C Pike " Portland I I M Healy . Chicago I" TMK P..)k Joseph! 3 I, Peters do 1 A. K Tattle ; , ' i, :.'' Elgin M A Harrison Union 1 T B Johnson do S A Caatl gate Koine A V Martin Portlaod J h' Ogden ' ' Troy Idaho J Clancy Portland G Diebaan Sopnlpa I John Blo.tn iakeri'lty J B Strode t-pringBold Ilia S T C 8mlth . Portland S R McGuire Spokane THE WAR IN THE EAST The tenific fighting which the Russians aud Japanese are doing in the far off nrieul H not only challenging the admiration of the people of the west but it is arousing serious apprehen sions as to the future. The nu tions of the west have fahen in to the habit of viewing with conte upt the nations of orieu trl blood deeming them but awaiting victims of western am bition to stretch forth their hands andsieza them. The success under Lord Clive which bgan in 1750 laid the fouudatiou of British supremcy in India and placed some 300, 000,000 orientals under control of England encourng d the west Other western ttations atnSi tious to imitate England have ever siuce looked with covetous eyoa upon the great, wealth of Asia aud were abiding their lime to come out valuable pos sessions from the ancient king doms in Asia. The way the Japanese are fighting ".nd adopts in the art of war they are proving them selves to be is a'ton ishing the western world anil bids fair la make the peo ple of the west revise their op inions of the yellow race and recast thoir pr.lices with refer ence thereto and treat them hereafter as "men who know their rights, dare maintain them FULL MEASURE Chain wood by the Cord' ! 1 1 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-incit dry chain ' f wood $3 per cor 1, This is cheaper thau ly thu n-.fi. ? I You pay for what you got ai.d get what you pay f.r.' " ' f i Phone 571 H W. NIBLEY Good Price The Medford Mail Buys John Dally o( Er.gle i'olnt, Oregon, has oo tr acted his crop of Yellow Newtown pippins, eaunmted al dODO boxes, at 91.3d. per Fairbanks Is Stumping Kiih:i8 City, Sept. B. Fuirbanka left here early today (or Chicago The speaking program today eoiupriaea platform aiUlrees at Lexington Juno tion. (.'arroltoii. Marooltno and t,a Plata. Coming Events "romlug ovt'Utn oaut their fba.Iows before;" but tho "coniinK oronUM in your uture will not cunt tboir sliailowH very fur unlorB they are effectively ad rertisod In advaoce. n A Few Choicw Barccaina iti Wal- I Iowa County Heal Bstate (I) 200acM of Ian 1, l2M'6j-6inbli or caUlv.itiati, 11 1 aO In fall eown wheat. urn an I rh r ihi r Diipan $2,r( .v (-I nfre, nrniil on hflnl, h.'tirw; latin un'l r.xl ombuHiHfi, 0 acnw iti f.ill town Kiam; HlU tli ulruim of w.ilfr Aom 'hr-Uti pltPc A it-al linr.titi 2,0 n.-M's of 'anil ptrt oi wlilcr! I ho II Hot nf IiK'ii'loW; h h"itw ntttl OlltliUili;ilf4 RiltMl lM nhriils. liiim of ItxyMu lw (jilt UU UlU iU'C Will lulCe frVrt) iii uattlv in traile on thU limitnty. 1'rlcu Jill m ai'rn , .-.', 1 IMta.-n-n. laiof dji.flw J.vid-l'rf-e SI'I per ii.-n.' Thin is a KfnU lujfnlll. 5 l'lhi..n4 af lino Kind at $ kt jwr nor Tlii-nu mf .1 tiHv of iH irimiy sutis Wu li,ivc lo offfr iu Mi way ot'riMl iliHc t.iPKiil.iH. Kot ftirtlnY iiaitlitulni s fl'Miufli, M'DPiniel WALLOWA, Sc. M'Donald ORHUON. Now that Ihe ccunty seat q lettion is settled and the cili- ' ziiis of La Grande wil, not ha-e to combat this gi eat nlatttr of I public interest let the property owners devote a little time and attention to the side walk A few planks and a few nail and a little elbow Labor Day Picnic The labor tiny pioni- given today by tb stono muB ifie aud brick layers un ion waa a fiUO:e?s in every particular. There were about two hundred persona pnaent and all bud a moat eitjoynble time. The address of web otno wqb de livered by A N Mayville who express ed the hope that La Grande would lie reorganized along union lin"B as he Gnnly believed that "in iinidii there is Ktrenutti . The Land U thore diarouisinn awet music and lunch basket are in cvl deme in evory dinetlun KefreHh intuitii of all kinds are plentiful mid free. How d-nr to my heart is tho old-fuabionoj wuahb nrl ltifit mothnr ubb1 tn waab 011 when I wuh 11 hoy. With Us zinc-covered ridoa ihriBiids us.d t play in And soap bul'iles gumhol d t.t it.y childia 1 jy Oftt imes Imvh wntt-huil her wiuiu w -ariiii her kutii:klea. Aa ovnr lb ridos oar dnda ahu would rub. j I ne'er will furi(t. how six hIuhIio I and nIm Hlnt.lii)rp , The old fusliiomvl wasli board tint st U in thu tub, ! - CHOhUr I Tho old fashioned washlKinr 1; I T:ie zl.ic covored waHhbmrt; I 9 The baok-breuking wuahboard thut a'uod in the tub. 9 - Some folks always kick about up -to tint - fnuJdi-i'ifi, And a.iy they wear out tindr clothes ovny I 5-; But iiive thorn to m-, ho I will Inve a lint ilinm r At home, with tbi Bin 11 of the soap B'mIij uway 1 know that thowanh;n machiuo is muoh 0:nlr J Un all of our oiotiu-3 tmtu to take th. in and rub . , Till the buttons an I hernia an; hint and worn out hy j;he old fiahione 1 wanhboard that Mood iti tin) tub, We i(re not thu old fntdiionol kind. IABC LAUNDRY ' PIIONE v i85i Fred G Laws on Wliolenole Dealer Id HAY and GRAIN IN GAKI.OAIt LOTS. Slater Bldg. La Grande, Or. r City Property For Sale Finely Locateil, Well Improved 5--Rik)hi -1 lou.-e For Sale. Also Other City Property .TAt j CRANT & HERRONS SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, DRUGS AT La Grande Druy; Co. and Red Cms bruo; Co i w