WHAT U .il j ou t-ttVu lor you nihil: or today? You niajjiusspr ques tiou s alif It'rloiiJi l : "i j the Model restaurant, the old standby, ' Our cooking is a paragon of perfection,, our food .faultless and our service rapid and cour. (anna Utiaf mfira nan nta amt except that our prices are popu lar? We give a regular four course dinner for 25 cents. """ Come and try it. -You will not need the sense of hunger to enjoy it. ' MODEL ; RESTAURANT . .'. J. A. ARBUCKU5, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We jell weekly Meal e . ' Ttitkeis, Cash $4.50 . W - A - R - Carptts, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Brass Rods. ;, To exchange NEW CASPETS for'your old ones. Call . and see our line oi the latest patterns in Carpets . .. ; and Linoleums. Bargains Center Table, l' rench, Legs, a Bargain at $4 25 Trunks and Vuliee; ut Bargain Prices. Extr Val ues in a Rolled Edge Lounge. Big Bargains in Many Things. Remember we do Upholstering and all kinds of Repair work. Carpets Cleaned and laid. fl. B- Haigtsen Pho2n0e51 F. D. Haigten Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods. I 1 Get The Habit i fOf troding at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you cannot break youreelf of it. Our goods are always - the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock is X X complete. X fD jj , having the largest slock of "Preferred" 5 DCSIUtS canned goods, Allen & Lewis special brand on all their leading lines. We have just re- F ceived a new and complete lino of Men's and Women's x? aud Shoos which we invite you to iuspect. CttRALSTON f NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are building new .r rebuilding their home, i'hii neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls etc with u 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason able price, aa wo are iu position to undersell anv fixture in tbe Inland Empire. We huve at our office a complete stock of assorted styles of coiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. Also Shades of pit designs. We cordmllj invite the public .to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office opeu from 7 a in to 8:30 p m. ia Grande Light and Power Co. .-.1 -' J' SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunter & So.i have Lifused the McKinzie 8'ablea nd are prepared to serve the uiblio Id a first class manner it reasonable ra'eg TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE l That is why people come here for men's and by boys' shoes T'W Jg. Tilt lino is oar spec ialty i Here is whejk prfiw and quality are oombu'ed. C. V. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET 'T - E - D. Universal Range. $40 00 Childs Bed and mat tress t6 75 Good Fold ng Bed $3.25 Jefferson 8ls. State News Items of Interest From All Over the State, Gleaned From Observer List Of Exchanges Tbe Oregon Irrigation Association will bold its third anonal meeting at Ontario, Malheur oounty, on Sept. 19, 20, and 31. Extensive preparation! are being made for the reoeptton of the visitors by the thriving little city. Among the prominent people expected to be present are Governor Chamber lain, Senator Knlton, Congressman Willlsinrod, and V H Newell, chief of tbe reclamation bureau Only Ave burial permits were issued by the Kocoidor of Pundleton daring the month of Aagast. This is tbe low est reoord f.ir f.ny lne month during the past ten yia'B. - The livest ok men o( Milheur county Lave organ zed a protective association to rid theoounlrr of home thieves: T W Halllday, president ; First Bank of , Vle, vice pieaident; and JS Edwards, o? Dell, secretary. . . An unknown young man war "found dead in a city park at The Dalles,' Sat urday night, having taken carbolic acid. He is thought to have been an ex-convtet because of the prison clothes be wore. . .. . ,- " The Oregon City woolen mills ad. vpi tleed free transportation to expert spinners who would come to the milis permanently, and two young men from Indiana accepted the offer. They worked two days in tbe mills and then mysteriously disappeared Had The Snakes We have often beard of individuals having the "snakes," after baying gazed too long upon the wine when it was "aovoral different colors of the rainbow," but according to Tbe Dalles Chronicle there Is a whole town which had them lsat week. Tbe Chronicle says: "Snakes is what Forest Grove had all last weok, though it has the reputation or being a temperance town. It Is no ballnoinalion . either; but the real thing. Early in the week a snake show oametotown. Tbe license for shows of that character 1" higb and tbe abow meu made an ineffectual attempt to have it reduoed But the city fathers would not see i' that way and the 11 cense remained. Then a quarrel arose among the members of the company. One member turned loose tbe entire collection of snakes. In a few hours heso snakes were scattered all over town. Wherever a man went there was a big bull snake, a young boa con strictor or perhaps a rattlesnake. Now tbe show has gone, but tbe snakes re main. ASSIGNMENT OF TEACHERS All preparations have been made (or the opening of the La Grande Public Sohoole next Monday. The teachers are all ready and anxious to take up tbe treat work of "teaching the young Uea how to shoot." A new grade, the 12lh, hiwbenn added to tl.o coarse. The namps of tbe teachers and their assignment of grades are as follows: Nellie Q Neill lb la lie sale Worstell lb-la Maud DeLong la 2b Maud Iiogsdon 2b 2a Mary Tait 2a I Alice Hen son . 3b Mso Wenhaui 3b ( Mertle Aldrich a . Bessie Goodnough 4b 4a Gertrude Mitchell 4b Susan Molllroy Manuel Snider 6b Carrie Huff 5a Bernlce Logedon 6b 6a 8yra Kuhh 7b 7a Evallna Rohan 8b-8a F K NoordhofT 9 Francis A te?er 10 Alice MoKinley 11 11 J llookenberry, Superintendent, Born MYTINGKR Iu this city September 5th, I'M, to Mr and Mrs Mytlnger a son. UAVIS-In this city Tuesday Aug SO, 1004, to Mr and Mrs E (J Darts a daughter. NOTICK fOR Pl.'BLlCATION Department of the Interior Lfttid OtniMS iJk Until d. Off., July h W Notlo trt horx'l ftlvon that th follow.oit tiiiinr1 Mtllct h nlett nolle of hi intention i in the fliiltrrin aiiiiiNtriuf tiimUim, and lhl futtdtrNr will be uivle berurc the IU later and itwclverol the V 8 Ijnd Offlrc nl im Ornttde, ntron,on cm3) 1904., viw H K So. Kh7, l-ac lUrrim of 1- Ontndf Oregon, fur tit hWi WK1 HrtMlon NK NW, NK Hwtlon M. Tuwnnhlp No. , 8uuth, k twite No. a; K W-.M. He tiiuet the foUowlnpt wltntwww to prove bi oontl uoua rcftikitce tinoo nd cul(ivriou nf .W luntL Krue( II UcLouk. Net Uatrop, uam - - - - In the river front file in Portland 00 Saturday evening, in which about $50, 000 wortb of property belonging to machine shops and wholesale bouses was destroyed, the "George H Williams'' Portland's new fireboat, utterly failed to extinguish the fire, because of the Incompetency of a stoker on board. The new government dredge, Wal lowa, was launched at Riraria Saturday..-. The boat has been under ton strootion for several weeks and is now completed with the exception of tbe installation of the machinery, ' The ooroner's jury upon inquiry in to the death of the young man found dead in The Dalles last Saturday .ren dered a verdict finding that tbe de ceased came to his death by an . over dose of morphine sulphate, and bytak ingcaibolio acid, He had registered at the Obar hotel as J W Smith, Spjg- eriana. - OS-TE-OPA-THY Appendicitis, Pneumonia and Typhoid 8ucb frightful crises in life a appen dicitis, pneumonia and typhoid lev. f are the result of blockaded nutrition that is to say, interrupted nerve or1 blood supply .in definite areas of the xnatomy. In appendicitis tbe s at of interference is near the union of the large and small intestines, in tbe small vestigial, or remnant, stomach known as the vermiform appendix; in pneu monia the inflammation is In tbe lungs ; in typhoid fever It is in the lining of the intestine). Osteopathy lifts such blockades and removes the causes of inflammation wherever they are estab lished, and, if it I applied in time, it aborts the onooming of these localized inflammatory maladies. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land OHicfl, 1 Qmnde, Oroeon. MaV. 14. 1D04. Notli'A Is hereby BTlTon that In comullance With tho proflBloQHof the act of CkniKrewi of June 8, iH7 en ii i lea "An aci lor tnti nme oi timber landtt in the Utates of California, Ore (n.Ti. N nvmla. nnd Wiuthlnirton Torrllurv. ur extended to all the Public Land StateH by avl or August 4, isw, nezeitmn u uuuier, or i Urande, County of union Htate of Oregon, hui this dav ffli'd In this office his nworn statement No. 8104, for the purcbaseof the HE'i SW4 Sec. 21, and NWJ4andHWji NW Ol eeoiion a, ip nu r( Kaiiife nw), n n m. And will odor proof to allow that the land Rtinn-ht. im in ore vi luablo for Its timber or Htfinn thun for imrloultural tjurrjoneH. and to etttabllaU hlo claim to said land before the KeKiRter and Receiver or hub oince ai u& Orunde, OroKon, on Thursday, the 4th day Anoint 1WU. He names u witnesses: Jack McCarty Elmer Haling, John Smith, and Frank Utr Any and all persons claiming adversely the above donor (bed Unds are requested to file their alulrns IntUlBoiTlce on or before suld 4th day 0 August, IBM. , B. W, DavU, BgUtr. Piano Tuner Have Prof. Hendrioks tare yoar piano. Il will pay rou to do so. Tun ing and repairing carefully done We kindly solicit yoar work. Oct 3 Prof. Hendricks tOR SALE 8 acres of land aad house of 0 rooms 1 aorta In bearing orchard one aire in strawberries, stables for V horses and out bouses p lenty of wnter 20 minuets work from P O for partioulars oall at grooery store of W McFarlbne. 9-1-10-1. FOK SALE Dairy cows. Inquire at the Grider farm, H F D No. 2. For Sale Jersey Cow Rasy-Paymeots 1 Seven Koom House, out buiMings De sirable 1 oca' ion. 1 eight Room House with Klectrlo liilht and city water. F D Haltten Second Htind Store. Furnished Room Centrally located con erof WnBhlng tou aod Cth Streets. Known ne (to. Ball's lodging house. 1 FOR RENT Furnished rent. Applj to Mrs. M 1306 O street. Phone 061, roorDB for A Aiani8, 8ept 1 FOOVD A buggy tap or burr nickle or silver plated owner ran bave same bt ralllntat tht. nil ee and psylns for MIMHttMIIIIIIIH Contest Notice. United States band Offloe. La Uraude, Oregon. . July, 8tb, 1904. A sufficient contest atUdavi having been filed in this office bv Polemna Y. Boutin, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 7U9I, made Oct.awr JOth 1897, for EH 8EJ4 Sooiioi.s 8, and HW'H Section 9 Township i SouthKange 30, E W M. by George Cooper C ontes tee, in whieh It is alleged that stud George Cooper has wholly adandnned aald homestead entry for more than six months last past, and further that said entryman bus abandoned said entry for more than four years last past and that he never made any improve ments on said land, excopt a Bmall house, and that said alleged absence from the land was not due to his employment in tbe Arinv, Navy, or Marine Co ps of the United States as a Erlvate soldier Officer, Seaman, or arine. during the war with Spain, or rlurinu anv other war in which the , United States may be engaged Said parties are hereby notified to 1 B O . . 1 appear, respond and oner evuieiira ; touching said allegation at 10 o'clock . a. in , ou Augart'JStb, VMi, before the , Register nd Receiver at the United , States Laud Office in La Grande, Ore : SS- .. ........ . . rue earn oonie-iaiii uuvu, mmpc affidavit. Bled June 14th, 11104, set forth faots wbich show that utter clue diligence personal peivict1 ol this not'ee can not be msde, it is borehy ordered and direeted that such notire be given by due and proper publication. T llllameon axent and attorney for contestant. EOR SALE Five room house in good residence portion of town. Will be sold obeap if sold at once. Inquire of H P Lewis or Win. Worstell, La Graqde, Oregon, Oct 1 SOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION II. 8 ijitid nrfiiu. at 1 Grande, omton. August IH, IUM. Hot 1m la hotvi'v siven Ibat th-- rollowuii: naniHl u.tllir hM fili-rl mttire ot his ilHUIllitm to make final nmof in Kupport uf lain claim, and h:ir uiri nronf will lie m.ide bufore the Cuutlty nut-lr nf llmltilla. Cimiitv. Oregon at Pendleton Oregon. On Sept. 3O. 11)01, viz It K No 86.11, Joel A Stanton, of Meachain. Oregon, for tno lutu a. 4, 5, and 6, Sec 24, T. 1 S, it. s E w M Me liailleB inu iiiiiowiiik wnilcnnts iu ure it'i, coniiuuous residence Uion anil cullivaiioti of said iBnd, viz: ueort-e u, Hilyara anu jonn n.ia, ihhii -ji Menchain. Orenon. mill flmtth t:. Stanton anil James M Haya, botb or Athena, On-gou. Register IA QRili Opposite thoSotniner House. One of tbe best mubiuul inatitutiona iu toe state. Four rooms used for musical instruction, 15 grades of mu-ic taught. Depaimeut 1, 2 rooms ured lor tbe nrflt graUos. Children ut the age of 5 and older come one hour every day. JJepartDient z, 2 rmmis tor gnua-a i to 15 for pupils of all aos The lut est course beet practical musical in struction. M isit-al conlests for med als every few Keeks, E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant HARD WALL PLASTER Ouly costs about 5o per yard more than common plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing as it can be used in zero weather Being flexible instead of brit - tie as all sand mortors are it will deut like wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe holes, etc are easily cat through it It is a non couductor of elec tricity and thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to'briek, stone or common lath It contains no acids nor chemicals to corrods It will not burn nor disintegrate by tire being a perfect protection for wood frame work It will undev no condition pit or blister Parties having plastering to do should couault me regarding this class of work Estimates cheerfully given E. REISLAND, Phone 371 A FORETASTE OF HEAVEN A touch of an Angel's Wine Sorbello Sandwiches L0Y 1 1 MAKES 'EM j "Vww 9 w w m 9 " v" J WEATHER FORtXAStv, : Toi.lght-.aad Tomorrow fair, ooolertuuorrow t ' " ' I THE TRAINS 9 No 2 East bound 0:10 p moiitiuie No 5 West ' OiK tlma.A - i That the-way tq 'reach a mans heart is throiigli his stomach. Try it by using Geddes1 Uros canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radish, just fesh from the garden. , We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything.. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. . . r (. Special attention given to phone orders. Geddcs Bros. tin-' r OUR BA&K ROOM Is open for your inspection. In fact, we will be plnaeed to aliuw you through our entire establishment. Everything is kept' scrupulously neat and clean and we bave no hesitency in showing lheti(ost fastidious how our meats me handled. Wo now have mih lutest unproved sausage machine and fun sell you sausage in all styles. Bock & Thomas MY SHINES Arc like the ''Smile that won't come otr." I hoy are put on right and slay riKlit, 1 nsi' only Wliituiore's paste and guarauioa that if utter thirty days trinl you tin. I Hint it Ima in any way way injureil tho leather 1 will prosant 1 t" " L e8 I if you desire n ally tirst class work . "1 " 'hil"!' La.lics worn a I ni'ernmy. ueroemlwr tne iiIhoo. Kirt. ley e i.art'rr onf where overwtliinir i- -t fiirn the hoot black 'ip, 'OK I!. WILLIAMS Sacred Heart Academy in Iregnn. Ibis well Known itiucii'iiinii. ei.nd'ictei Hu ih i'eriiii. i tiiecia, annnlsexcellont dl ictitioii 1 uiiviiiitaices- Music, ilrnw- u ti :iul na 1 1 - i ii ur optionjil s'n.lion rrepariin: niiiin ni'liea for the profess ion ..f trat hiiiK n ppecialiy. Hoarding and day a htioi npons the first Mondiiv in September. For catalogue adilrets bister Super! r. Au 4 Oct I OREGOft S&aorLiiM Time Hhrrt.U LA OKANDH. ta!l Lite. Olmitt Ft. No. i Worth, Oninlift, Khhhib n ('lly, St. lioniH, ( MfRin v, ' i JJ"' It" hallHi, IVn. tiieloii, W'hIU w ii a, lyton. Ho nn-nn Nfi khiif nnnt P.'Tf? ft ra a ith Portland. IhiI, r-pf). dlctou (Tinntllta WHj. lultt. i.(wiitnTiti'oih NO B dtifr. Ml tot 'l l tDl. t'rfn h t Other rxuiltd r tiorili vi Sp4 tn Wnllii Ocean Steamers betw 4ftn r ranciero every rtvi r 1 IKl'ABT j 1NO.S. i H rorliHnd ISO I. NO S