La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 06, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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" i"
, I-
. j'-.
4t a Great KeMh the
..Kite was' Torn to Rib
? .,....,.
f ;' fcons but Man " Alight-
- cd in Safety
: Ah exciting inoideut occurred dur
ing me experiments lb it were being
oarrjd out by Col. Cud; with bis man
lifting kitos lit Bradford, England
Three kites were aont up to a be ght ol
2, 06 1 Not (rum a steel w:rn. 'Ihev
another tits carrying a man was sent
aloft along the ronueotlng wire, to at
tend to tbe first kites, which were
forafwh it trou'iled by the stro g wind
which was hlowiu a' tho tiui . At nn
ultltMe uf 1,I00 feet tlio kit earning
tbu linn wus taught by n gust of wind
and torn' to tibunns. ibe nan ini
; modi toly begin to full, bringing, tbe
thr o pilot kites wi'h Mm. Tne man
fall it an alarming bk od, but the oper
ator.' succeeded In steadying the kitts,
. and'ibH n,an alizlited eaMy upon tbe
; roof of a liousn 30U "yar.!s away, con
;j '.. side..bly shak-m up; but little tbe
ff ' wonje for his thrilling experitnce I
.M : SoieuiiQc American. . I
IE.. . . I
(f '.' : '
: Qnly Two Chickens
fjri-... Qi. nei-viile, V, Sept 6 Five thou
' -'.j; (and regular srmy tr i pj have he
'' . Toatj' rg'a larri ory comprising 66,0(11'
viii ore' "' Virginia IVroiB for nearly iwi
. woeL- and the- only de prerialiou n-r-vjjS
portul tlm f,ir hae- been the Ion o
two chicken...
if, : J record Is a gri'ifying stirprl
'v J even to tbe regubr, untj officers aor
:5s af. Ximpln to the iamen who
.ip." are 'to pom into tbe two maneuver
j-rf oarntu t liidrroW. ST , ? ; ;?
.r.-:f W .en tb& tarmern o the tniturM
1 ttonj vera appmachfd by army officer
jjf'f witf it proposition to!n their Uid
ijc., for inaiii'tivcrH tliny ' we're' given
fij plerjfis tlvat there 'would bi no d-pr'
8$ datp . a. Tbia promUee bve b en
d to tbe lettT.
j . New Invention
?; v'-'. .Tt dfii ami Un tpbmitriue bu'S
t-: ee)i ihreuten.i uy a atibma
S ' rln ngnulling apparatus w iioh h a
V'', . juei lueu fnerd in Houtbe'ti water .
i!,..! Tbi navigator having it in fliarge"' ro
.: riirti. that the snp-iratti- ranght and
itct rr. the et'tint'.s of thr padi li
. vbi U of a steamer throe ntilea die
i; '' taol , at night, when the htnatuer
could neither ba tmm or heard (r un
i, r the di ok. Dtaml prediotlous that
pictured a Rubnariue "aneaking up''
on a hattle-ahip and n-dtmiug it to
. FCrpirou may bave to bn ri-viaed if
the I'Xpeetaiiona of the inv.utora of
tbe apparatus are real z d; for the
marir.e then falls tnio the turiedo
i0A' closa and 1 .pes the most vuliinblfl
It at n re ol its equipment in puwr to
etlci Mi" imagination nd sinks the
nervr. One ooastwtae steatuehip O'tm
pany haa ulreidy equipped us vessels
with the apparatus necessary lot pick
ing up tbe signal ol eubmerged bolls
at dingeious pointB. Youths Com
.;;oTicia for publication
U , P, LDrt Olleo at I a Ummto, Orrgon
AuKUNt 11, U0I.
NpIIop t horrby nlvon thnt 'In com pi I hupp
with III? prov thlniif untie net. of I'oiiKrcsH of
jit :t, IK7S, cnthlt'il "An iiti fur itio miv ol
tlml T Inminlii llu-Ht)ttt'H uf Ctillfttrnlii, oriv
goo. NYvmtii. Htul WiiHlilnwKm lerrhorv," m
cxin dot! to alt t I'uiiMc irfiiul muui-h ly net
OiilruuM 4. H'X2, PhvIU U Hutu ten, r Pi-xttT-Villi
, wniuty tf WnitU, Htnli' of Wit-ciniNiii
liiiB ihifilnv II U-4l In tlilx ntlltv Ills Kworil
8tttt'll'lll NO, Ultdl, for UK' tlUrctlrlM r tllO
KK' iStt yu s:4 NVl4 iiixl l.nH:titt1d4ornio
tloti o. 2 tn Towtn)il No. ft Komli KatiKi No.
H&k. W. M.
Aui Wlllofl'or pmofto show Itiat tlio land
HOUKt't In inoiO vtiliiiitli for It Mii'lii'r or
Sloi.' Ilixii Cor itttrlt'iilturnl urHiiHt, nd to
HtPtjilsli hir vltilnt to unit! hunt In-fort tlio
lUpitliT biiJ HiH'fivcr nf this itllli't' at
Ct-a.,iU Crt'iinii. on Tuthitiiy, tbu -MU
day (-t Oct nl i , 114)1.
lVi niinu Bit witni'NHP": Kulph H. linllln,
We Henry Hrown. of iH-xterx illo, WfrtooiiMn;
LtO'nrtl r. litilllM, f ri'rry, oreiton; ana
Kdv ;ml Henn oi I.H l'inlo lr noit.
A unit nil h'Ihh)k flithiiinK Hlvonirly
tlie hihv doMi'tln"! lainlit an' rtiH uti-tl !
' HIitH'ircialm thlMoillction or bt'forviwid
S.'.lb oay ol uctobut, 11AM.
K. W. PnvlPt. HcrIhUt.
Sfccial txcursion to the World's, to pltnso tlio f.trnicrs, In oiKr
Fair. jto.lothis I ltnvo dci'i k-il to
j lo I'euver and Kio Clrando, in eon-1 . , ;.i .... i o i,
nexi.n with the Miaaouri Kac.tio. furntsh a upoctal nit nl iN.Uir.luy
n.ll tin a rerlos of wr onally con-
dtii 'rd excui8lina lo the oriirs fair
i i g June. Theeo e.xouraioua will
Mil. thiough to tit lunula wiiiioul
rl.f I'L-i- of rare. in. kinu ahui t stona at
pill ci nl points eiiiimte. Tho Hrat of
'L( M exenrnorie win leHv,. i uri.iiiiui
.'i e 7, Bml Itie rerriid June 17. I lie
rati turn l a l.iaiidp 111 be i0 to St.
Li- Is Mtid telurn hxiiurainn-sts go-
iPt Ala Ibe Denver Kio Hinudo havo
. I hi privilege of returning by a diltor-
'C:0..- ItXhTM
ioi Io to cross the continent. I he
stits arianged give an opportunity
pf.iBltlng In and about Kansas Ity.
if ion wleb to accompany one of these
nei.rsloue write at oine to W O Mo
Uri to. IJ4 Ihl d strrol, 1-oiuana, lor
blar-nluB oar reservations.
Attention Ladies
Th'iradiV Ki t inlwr 8, The Bain
b iwBore i 1 h te th-ir Fill M l
nery Opening to witieli bliil.e 'dln
of t'ulor. C'.'nr.ty ,ri jnvited t) .!
and infpect the 'arf.'s n I b v n cl
that ha ever bsi-n nliib ted in 'h
city, Tbe latent ntyiei hoin Pr'a
Now York an I San Frariui'Co trill he
displayed in profit i n a w- dedre
to particular it vi e your r o l
tpeciton regarmng qum y and price
which ranges from $1 to 125. Yon
oan net Hor i ti ii; che ion fall
mil inery before 'ouktng i ver our I'ne
' Kainb; w S ore
Next to Li Grundn Natioual HanK
l-or sal?," weight .2600, price t00.
Call r wiite Ia Grande Pawnbroker
Phone 1031.
Furniture For Sale ,
And I ouso to jont apply to Mrs
Bbeareropposite StarGrocery North
oi track. . ,
. For Rent
The building formrly oo upied -by
the Salvation army . Kor full par
ticulars and rates iuquiro of Mrs
S 0 Zuber. Aug. 31 t f
Notice to Builders
I wish to inform the bllil ling public
that I have opoo' d a stone quarry on
the Campbell place about two miles
from town and am in a position to
tale all kinds of stone contracts at a
L'-i ut saving to the huildur. There are
everal reaBims why 1 1 nn furnish this
ptonent a cheaper rate than hard atom
dealers. Tho principal roan n is that
the stone is loiter and can be cut and
drowsed at less xpen.e than the
hard aton- now he'ii; furnished tbe
trade. The quuiry is nearer town aud
or. a good hard r a I. This stono i"
0'it only firt elass foundation rock but
can alxo be cut at a vory alight coat
(or wall and fancy trimming. If yon
are thiukiug ol building let me know
and I will convinoe you that you oan
build a atone build rig with this Btoo
cheaper than wl h any other material
now in use he'e, I caiy a full and
oomplete line of aewor pipe at all times
Jack C'hilda, i or. Washington and Fir
stieete, La Grande.
FOR SALE-Family horse for sa'e
cbe tp. llorae ia gentle, good driver,
toill work nnywbere, perfectly paf
f t women or children to drive, will
Heigh about l'.U0, would in ike a gocd
horse for delivery witg n. t all un
Mra. W II llolt.,n, Hi tel Summer.
N tice i hrtby givon to all whi m
It mnv concern, tlmt ('brihfcinn u
Wurf by, Una Hlml her flnai account
as inlniinirit nit rix of tliH ontaio of
'lhnniiB N Murntif, de-OHseii and the
(Vunty iVmrt of Union oounty Oration
has -or Tu'-s ntV, th Itlb day of Sept
omb.' , A 1. lll, tt two oVlcU P M
for tho lnarlntr of au h n port
ChriBtinu W Murphv,
hopnrtntent or tho TnteTlor.
Land oiUcuul La UninU, On-Kon.
June- 2 IW4
Notice In licrchy trlvcn thtil the rollowlnu
nuiiit'ilMttl"r Iuim tlli'irnoth'i' ol his luientlon
to iiiaku nital pntot In KiiiH)it of hln claim,
anil thut sahl proot will li made hi-rorc the
Ri'tltut' T (n1 Rti'etvor of Hie li. H lAntl UfrVc,
ut l.ii Oramlc, OTeitt'ii, on AllJUlxt-. l!M. vii.
H. K. No.Ttril, VnrttiiiethtiMiilfiiiiter, Im (Ir"nlc
t,i:t'B'n, willow of John ftutrinncr. (lut'iiBoM,
for tuc Viyt K SB yet', i. Tp. 2 II.
M K. W. M.
lid numcH thr following wltnwrnt to prove
his iHintinnouti row I Ictu't' upon and culliva
tlon or Hit Hi land, viz: Krnnk lU-in off. John
Kci1 r, Oman Btrocbw, Mitmrd Kniliu alio!
La tiralldc Oregon.
K. W. DAVIS, lltlstr.
tMJiiw at. A T Iliil's Drug Sinn
La Qramlo. Oregon Phone 13UI
RosineiK O ilione 701
I have puri'be'l tlio SPO
KANE CAKE mill il is uiy i"
imilioti lo miika a spooinl effort
0f eiicli week n liioli I cull the
.. .
Ftirtuors Ultint r. 1 Ills meal
tt ill he served in
. e .. . , ..-n
rogtliar itiiiuiy iu. nnsmu
, tJ i t n,pil pV(.r otlVreii ill
. ,. . ....
La Oralule lor 2o ee.tta. lien
in the eily 'all at the Spokane
Cl..n.liei..xll.-li, h.,v Koo.l a
lueal you can buy lor 2 rent,
I)Ftf MRFI! nn nav ciuh
lUM I..M WO pit t at n
for huttT, t c;s it ml ohiekct's.
IK , r,ntiin
. ) 1 .H-aUU
' ."
DrUn A I),.,,
rOrUanU raptr
Tells a
That Baker City
R? a C !noH Town fnr
U6 d lOitU lOWn Of
Four Years.
H K Brown, of Baker City, the
sheriff of Baker county, who bus caused
oonBternation among tbe gamblere, ea
loonmen and many menhants, was a
Portland viditor yesterday. Mr. Brown
came to Portland to meat Mrs. Broun,
aho has been in tbe hospital bore for
the past month, bat who ia now con
valescent and able to return to her
home . She left laBt night, accompany
lug her bin-band. '
Mr. Brown was waiting for the bus to
take him to tbe train when he was
asked about Haker City and the oon
ditions there. & -.
"tlow is the gambling situation in
your town?" he was asked; '
'The gambling situation," replied
Mr.. Drown, speaking as though he
meant woat he said, "is just the same
as it will be for tbe next four years.
The gambling houses are coiod, and
tbe saloons are closed and tbey will re
main so for four years at leaBt. 1 will
be sheriff for two years more and Mr.
Lomax will be Proaeoutiiig Attorney
for four years and as long as either of
us is in olllce there will be no open
town lu Baker county."
' Will it not be a hard task to keep
the town oloa-d, in face of tbe BiiBtorn
Oregon conditions?" tbe ebcriff was
M-kod. "What started the agitation?'-
"Tbe airltatinn was started when
Jii'lge Knkln ordered Sam White, then
District Attorney, in open court, to
tiring indiotme its against a conple of
ambleis who were viola ing the law.
While letused. Thtvanltalion has been
going on for two year and Sam White
was nominated on the isaue and wa
cf a eilbvit The agitation'wns tart
1 ilfli. Mm m.tinntv nf tliA . nonnln '
R.J to close ibe tuwn, 'and it ia
r.g.. r.jr Ih'.i inuj iril v to rule."
Then Mr. Brown digroed a little
ai.d told of some of the ancient history
of tbu city and county of liakor Ac
cording to the statements of tho officer
iiia-iy more tli u one hull of the people
iioluding iho bu-itieSH m n, want the
gauiblli-g ilused. 'ibey conaiiter it a
letiimeut to tho county lit large to
have yambliua- go-uji on and are taking
the iUnd tbey liave becuuse they con-
Island City, Oregon
Young stock ulways on Laud, and always glad to
have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for
the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicea before
buying Botue where else.
Wo have now two fine young Berkshire boars ou
hand, July pigs ready for use only '-20. For short
time only.
We want your Hay and Grain
'' ".
i .
We will take all you have, no matter whether it is
only a few tons or if it is several hundred tons.
We want all the hay in the vulley and then some.
V&Wtt WS&SWs. ire'3'Sg'
Half a Carload of
New Wall Paper.
We have just received half a car load of the newest
and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000
rolls. This is trfore paper than any one firm ever
thought o' bringing into this county in a single season.
This paper Is all for sale and must bo sold this season. We
hava brought two Oret class paper hangers direct from Chicago,
ho are without oubt tbe nijst ekl I hi I workmen in Eastern
who, with tbe llv. first class n. hangers in our em
ploy, gives us the best working 'bein.aud Eirpire.
Stackland &
sidor It lo be to their best interests to
dj so.
"Now, say," continued tbe man who
bai stopped tbiuga, "took at Buuipter.
They are having a trial no up in lb t
couutry where a man Is accusal of
having killed another oue Sunday after
noon while in a ilruuken brawl iu a
sale in. This U a nice s'ate of aflai-s
where Ibey have laws prohibiting the
keeping of saloons open on Suuday.
"1 am not luatilutiig a reform,"
concluded Mr. Brown, "I am simply
!,e foicing the las that are on the
books, a id it iat Iheieqaest of a large
part 0f the people, if the inhabltauts
of uaker county do not warn uie in
enforocd, they can take then: off the
bonk, but as long as Ibey are there
an1 eM'tr ' or L""oy U"'MX are lu
0(Hc0 ,bey will enforced to tbe
let tor. Orogonian.
China and the War
Brussels, Sept. 5. The "Etoile
Beige" publishes wbat is aliened to be
the politiial w 111 of tbe late Li Hung
Chang, addressed by him to Lnng-lu,
one uf tbe moat influential counselors
of tbe empress dowager uf China. It
appe.ra from this document that Li
Hung ( hang foresaw the present war
between Kussia and Japan, aid advited
tbe Chino-e government to join the
mikado's army in tbo event of the Jap.
aue-e being victo iuUB, ittateaJ of re
ma uir.g i.eutrnl and a simple spectator.
k i9 tonsequently considered likely
thai, the empress dowuger intends to
fol'ow Li llui g Chang's advice, and
that the Chiiiree aroiy placed on tbe
Mutichitria frontier, under General.
Ala's command, will shortly take an
active part in events in the far east.
New Abstract Office
-it, C. R. Stitz arrived in ttie city
la": evening and will continue the
wnk which be has bad underway iu
Union lor Beveral teke, in prepar
ing a set ol abrtrot bwks of Union
comity. Mr. Heitz is iu the employee
ol the AbetrAct and Till J Co., which
baa eimilar offices in many places It
is no u all undertaking. and Mr. Seitz
ex ect-to bave the work completed
ic rb.ut one year.
Umatilla Wheat Crop
The wheat orop in Oregon Ihti jear
lias been enurniotiH and tall but little
hurt of the reoord year of 1901. Ol
the total wheat orop in the sta'e of
O 'gon, Umatilla County produces
nearly one hall of t e total yield. Of
the elates of Waehiogtn-- Oregon and
Idaho, Umatilla cou n produoes
0 'i- ninth and tber - ia b a one county
in the three etiitca credit M with a
yield greater than Umntill , nnd that
is Whitman Couut)
OF 1904
The OregJtiiau'a estimate of tbe
wheat yield of 1904 in Or.'gou, Wash
ington aud Idaho, based on returns re
ceived up to September 1, ia as full lira
Ore 1 950,000
Washington 27,650,000
Idaho 4.500.100
County Bushels
Umatilla 5,000,000
Sherman 2 000,000
Gilliam 1,200,000
Morrow 1.100,000
Wasco 1,000,000
Union 350,000
Polk 350000
Marion 850,000
Benton 3(10,000
Yamhill 300.00"
Li nn 2fiV
Wa.-hingtnn 250,000
Lane 250,000
Other ooniities 250000
Total Oregon 12.950,000
W hitman
Walia Walia
4 000,000
Frank iiu
G.i field
Sp kane
Cnlun bin
Other counties
Total Washington
T.nal, tnree states
300,000 1
27 650,000
Capture Certain
Tucoma, Masltt Sept 3 It U be
lieved that Harry Cbea or aud V
Moihberf!, two onuvicts who oca pod
from the federal penitentiary yesti-r-d;iy
am giuioiindud in tho wood a injur
tlenilerson buv, and are certain to he
captured unlet? tbey receive outeido
Hid. A United States mtu-shal from
Jacuiim and nberilf 'a pos-es have join
Js milled with the idea of pleasing'every dealer's high
oluss trade-custom--- who appreciate quality. Tho
name of the Piouuer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees rt
liability and highest grade in every sack of flour
bearing the White Rose brand.
P;oneer Flourinoi Mill Co.
til n nrnim.1 tlm .1.1.
rum the V turbo, i," ,' r""0tl1 work tho Bkin carefully .Jjjv.y
afterwards roinovo he fit h , , ' r"r,iB ml o(f fjH-
. the outside and rat u "i f"',1, y" '? r ,'8'1 rn" tllu Anger ffTTom
reached whi. h I, near t of -h "V'"1 '"l""" 11 n en 1,9 teBr',U "
with the point of the kn re h , .i "ye- work the Mn 0,lt ' the cavity
through and evpoae t,e trcth i,i ' i'i'IT,"' I1" n,"11' 18 roncbedl cut
the cartilage n lh no s,.l 7 " ,nB ''I""" nlng on the lip also all
the VuV, saUod-,,,? i , ,1'n 'T ""' "F ,or w hnur8 1'0n dry '1
Use nothing but salt t , u . 4 r i'" i, 8h,"l 5-mr work ' "el,",t
i work the b'ain out the .u ?H?h olf ths ' possible:.!!.!
inrymg the skin keop It from wrii.n,.
. reaaouauie prices
by rprlion;'
Surprise Party ,
Saturday evening Bernica
bllswortb and Maggie Coleman gars ''
asurpriee party in honor of Mi'a 1
e!lle and Osiar lemons, from Taoiiua
tvho ara visit inn in the oity, at the
borne of Mrs J Young. Various games
were introduced. At 10.80 r. fresh
menta wi re served and iboaa who
lortuuate in being present will alwavs
iook ubuk iiu pieaaure upon tbe
occasion. Those present were: Jiliiy
Noyes, Lizzie Bunnell, Itianoh Me.
Murray, Uiana Goodali, Funny Good,
all, Hacbel Turner, Georgia Hol.b' "
Koxie Robba. Coloman, Ncllli
Lemuns, Berntce Ellsworth, Beatrice
Green Ralph and Jay Reynoh's,
Andrew and Dan Allstott, Earl Slulta
Charley Bobb, GroTer Ellsworth,
Jack, John, and Will Young, Heorge'
Gett, Oscar Lemons, : Henry Staoey -Fred
Wines, "
Serious Accident
Yesterday while Alexander ' Furger
son who resides on bis farm near
Island City waa riding a borse tbe
animal became entangled in a loo?e
piece of barbed wire and threw Mr.
Kurgersnn oil and into tbe wire. He
received a very severe out on the leg,
The wound wi decreed by Dr. Ba
con who states that though the wound
is a very painful one there is no rea
son to b lieve that it will prove fatal.
Trade Outlook Good
New York, 2. Oun'B weekly reviaw
of trado tomorrow will say;
Contldtnce increase each week as a
lnrger pn portion of tbe agricultural
yield is placed beyond the reach of
Inju'y and Industrial undertakings are
lees interrupted by L.bur controversi s
It is not to be expeo ed that title bu-i
Dos world will suddenly ahau'lon its
cniiBervative attitude puroh su heing
still restricted largely to su. h needs
as are clearlv die erned, but there ia
evidence of a growing disposition fo
provide fur mire remo e requirements
lu many llni a particularly dry aoods
stocks i ave been reduced mure belo
normal anil full shipments are expand
lug na healthy measure.
To California
A considerable ebate of tbe crop of
Oregon Kurtlott pears ia going to Cali
fornia thin year where canneraare pay.
ing 30 per ton. Oregon cannerieB are
paying $15 por ton at Willamett
Valley points.
Eroke His Wrists
lioyd Pidcock a lad ten years o
Hfo while climbing In a tree with eon e
oiber boys of bis age on the grounds
wheiethe eclebrutiou of labor Day
wus being held This morning fell
aud broke botli of hia wrist", Dr N
Molitor waa called and set the broken
ed lu the hunt headed
Take (arc of Your
I will pay from &! to $10 (or male deei heads banii.
leu according to directions. The dotted lines on back
ol nvck ari boa 1 show where to rip the skin. To bleed
your game cut the jugular as low down as possibl-i
nevpr rut the throat. Commence to skin by making a
cut from the hoac ol the horn to back oi the head
thonie down the bu tt nl th n...b . r .i.,i.ior.
. T ,. jttw boa0, uon
' mount your tropin
ead Hie Daily Ubserver
I 1