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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
V-a LA GRANDE OBSERVER. VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON, MONDAY, EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4. 1904 NUMBER 254 EVENING if- 'IX TO INSTALL NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM Engineer for the Company Here fof that - Pur poseSystem to be adequate for Needs N' of a City of Fifteen Thousand Inhabitants, Which figure, it is thought, will be Reached by 1920. Mr Elam Miller ol the Engineering department of the Pacitlo States Tele phone and Telegraph Co it in the i lly coarlng data and arranging plans for the installation of tlie the teleph n system wh ch the oompany will insta 1 here. Mr Miller was teen by a Observer repoiterand in in Interview statil that work on the new system woold be commenced just as soon as he could look over the Held and make the nec essa-y I eport to his company. It was his intention to oanse the oonatu ition of a plant whi. h wonld be adequate to furnish this oily a complete service not only for the present bat also suffi cient for the needs of the oity when it had raaobed a population of fifteen thousand, In fact he has given the questiou uf growth of La Grande oare ful study and has come to the con clusion that La Grande will have .at tained a population of fifteen thunsand or better by the year 1920. The equip ment tarnished this city will be bawd noon this estimate. The oompany will pnrchaee a lot and erect a tele ph me building and thereby own their own rnme in thin city, wnen this new equipment is installed here La Grande will nave one of the beat and most modern telephone plants in in the Northwest. Capture Certain Tacoma, Mash, Sept 3 It is be. lieved that Harry Cbea er and W Melhberg, two convicts who neaped from the .federal penitentiary yester day are Surrounded in the woods near Henderson bav, and are certain to te captured unless they reoeive outside aid. A Unite! States marshal from Taooma and ah. riff's poses have join ed in the hunt headed by prison bl:odhounds. Surprise Party Saturday evening B.-roioe Ellsworth and Maggie Coleman Rave a surprise party in honor of Miss Nellie and Oscar Lemons, from. Taooma who are visiting in the city, at the borne of Mrs J Young. Various games were introduced. At 10.30 refresh ments were served and those who were . fortunate in being present will always look back with pleasure upon the ooraaion. Those present were: May Noyea, Lizzie Bunnell, Blanob Mc Murray, Grace Goodall, Fanny Gooi'. all, Rachel Turner, Geomle Robbs, Boxie Robbs. Maggie Coleman, Nellie Lemons, Bern joe EllBWOrth, Beatrice Green Ralph and Jay Reynolds Andrew and Dan AIlBtott, Earl Stults Charley Robbs, Grover Ellsworth, Jack, John, and Will Young, George Gett, Oscar Lemons, Henry Btacey, Fred Wines, as are dearly discerned, but there la I evidence of growing disposition to provide for more remo e requirement In many linn particularly dry goods stooks have been reduced more below normal and fall shipments are eipaud tag in a healthy measure. Large Sheep Shipment DrMH Lantz, government Deputy stock inspeotor went to Meacham Sat urday to inspect a large sheep ship ' ment to be made from that place. Gar rison A Reynolds will ship twenty Ave cars to Kearney Nebraska as feed ers and there will be severv other smaller shipments. CHALLENGE RACE Improbable V' r ; Glasgow, Bent. 5. George L Watson, the designer, has deolined to construct a challenger for the American oup, ow ing to ill health. William Fife has al so refused. M Linn, of Glasgow, is willing to undertake the work, but is considered too inexperienced, ai.d a challenge next year is remote GOOD REASON FOR IT Jivered by A N Mayvflle who express ed the hope that La Grande would be reorganise 1 along uuion lines as be Uruily believed that "in union there is strength." The band is there discoursing sweet I music and lunob baskets are in evl lilence In every direction ' Refresh- niente of all kinds are plentitnl and I free. l ! Every Indication now looks for sweeping republican victory in the) state of Idaho Dubois controlled the democratic convention but the party is badly split on the Mormon issue. . I Broke His Wrists County Property Moved Sunday Because on Trade Outlook Good New York, 2. Dun's weekly review of trade tomorrow will say ; Confidence increase each week as a l nninn,Knn nf f ho anrionltural yield is placed beyond the reach o' Injury end iiidnstrial undertakings are In t ..minted bv labor controversirs It is not to be expeoted that the boat ness world will suddenly abandon Its nsmaarvaMvA attitude Durabases lelng still restricted largely to such needs Fairbanks Is Stumping Kansas Ultv. Sent. 6. Fairbanks left here early today for Chicago ' The speaking program today comprises platform addresses at Lexington Juno, tlon, Carrolton, - Maroellne and La Plata. Chicago Grain Chicago, 8ept. 6. Old September wheat opened Sl.OTKt dosed $1.07; new opened $1.05, olosed II 04. Corn opened 63X, closed 63. Oats opened 31, closed 31. j Serious Accident Yesterday while Alexander Furger aon who resides on bis farm near Island Oity was riding a horse the animal became entangled in a looe nieoe of barbed wire and threw Mr. litipiTttun nit and into the wire. He received a very severe cut on the leg The wound mil decreed by Dr. Ba con who states that though the wound is a very painful one there ts no rea son to bilievo thai it will prove fatal. Mr. dories little seven year old sen who has- been very siok is raparte.i t be irucb better today. ( SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL Bovd FIdoook a lad ten veara nf age while climbing in a tree with jome s of his age on the grounds celebration of Labor Day T . I was being held This morning fell learns and WorK were d broke both ot nis vt n I Atoll tor was called and set the broken Donated. ibJ,ea- i ' Many of our citizens haveaskod hy the county seat rooords were moved over from Union Sunday. The friii olpal reason was lhat all the teams, one dozen or more, were dontited, (as the county could not pay for such expense) and the men donating the services and teams bv going on Sunday would noti be compelled to lose any time neither would they discommode I lie building that is now going on all over the oily and as Monday was a 1 gal holiday the officers could take advantago of the time to arrange their ollicoa so wheu Tuesday mornlnu came they could tako care of the business. ; It was not be cause La Grande could not wait, for she has certainly been taught a long lessoq in patience, it we remember correctly there has been about 30 years of it. Shortly after nooa yestxnlav tl.e doz en or more teams b gnn to arrive Irom Union with too oouutv seat roooril and by evening the records Mere all stored in the vaults of the city hall. The ilerk's, recorder's aud aessor's oQioos are in the temporary buiMing slong side of the city b.tll whore tlioy can have access to the vaults which are completed. " The sheriff's nUloe ia in the rear of the FarmorsA Trailer hank. The treasurer is expected to arrive this afternoon ami wi 1 also be quii'ter- ed for the next few wottks in a room adjoin! g Ihe slior.fl'V The other olilcei liuvu net jet been decided upon. '" ' Several teams went over this morn ing to 1-ring over t Ire balance of the ollieo fixtures and with -the OX' option ol the jail everything p r taining to the cooiny seat Kill be In l a Grande to. lay. Born MYTINGER In ih'B city September 5tb, 1904, to Mr and Mrs Mytinger a son. - ' - UAVIS-In tbts city Tuesday Aug SO, 1UO-I, to Mr snd Mrs El 0 Davis a dsuglner. - General News The entire portion of Gem Idaho was swept away by Are a few days ago entailings loss of $11)0,000. For Sale Jersey Cow Easy-Pay meots 1 Seven Room House, out buildings Da. slrabla local ion. 1 eight Boom Houae with Eleolrio light and city water, F D Haitten Second Hand 8tor". ' OS-TE-OP-A-THY Proper cdjnetment ot the tissues of the body, secured by Oateopatblo man. ipnlatlon alter abnormality has devel oped, lnaree s free flaw nf nutritional fluids and forces of the bodyand tntt meats health. Women aooustomed to Invalidism And a new hop In the tender m nutri tions of Osteopathia angers. They re lieve pain, normalise . function, and overcome tome of the most chronic Ills tbst are the portion of woman. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dillinger bavs moved to Huntington where Jok is running switch engine. OPENS NEXT TUESDAY Do the boys need a Suit, Cap or Knee Pants. We never have had as large an assortment of BOYS CLOTHING as we have now. We ean suit you in quality, fit, style, and price. We only ask for an examination of quality. Our Boys Clothing is selling at price never before offered in La Grande and we are positive that a comparison will convinoe you. Boys Knee Pants, Boys Blou-es, Boys Caps, and Boys Shoes. Call and see the BARGAINS we are offering. The Chicago Store THE BUSIEST STORE IN TOWN Adams Ave., La La Grande, Oregon. A Fierce Battle. , Tjkio, Sept 5 It w ollioially tn nouueed that the Japanese toroes oc cupied Lino Yang al 9 o'clock this (Hunday) morning, U Pt turrb irK, Sept, 6 (2;30 a m) Tbebuila of Liao V ing wnich b gso with the Jtpanean sdvancn nn AugUBt 24 the day nf ilin ' chriiu ning of the Czarevitch and concluded Bat urday September 3, with the reteat ot General' Kuropatkin is believed to have been the longest and th blood lestol birtiry. N.lmorom in the fighting uptet the theory evol ved by experienoeB in the Door War that a modern battle must necessarily be fought at long range. Both sides repeatedly came to haud-io-hand en counters in bayonet chargea and the men of both sides were often no near each other that tncy cool I diaiinguieh features and heir words ol com nand. NEW MINT OPENS AT DENVER Deover, Sept. 6 The new Unit -d States mint In this city was opened today with a president's eatute ol 21 guns and raising ol the American Hag cvor the building by Oeorse E. Kubsrta director of the mint, nf Washington D. O. The mint will not b.;!n coinage until July 1, 1905 M ho appropriation has been made ' y cor gr t cover the cost of coinagv, t r.n.k M. Down er bas beer appointed aunt riutendent of the mint. Labor Day Picnic The labor day pionl - given today by the etone mas ma and brick layers un ion was s iuo wi in t very particular. There were about two hundred i crs"iis present snd all tad a moat eijovab e time. The addrcsa of weleoins was de- -Boys' School Suits- The first and most important point in fitting the boys with school suit is WEAR. Boon omy is only seoond in import ance. In making our select ions of boys school suits we lay especial stress on these points, and haviug the choice of th . beat products on Ihe market we " are thus enabled the best that experienced designers and skill ed workman can produoe . at truly Economic il Pricings. ' . Boys' Knee Pants ruiis from 2.00 up. Boys' suits with long pants from 4.00 op. See window display of 4.60 to 5.00 suits. Advance Styles in Ladles' Street Hats. The early comers are here rod open for your inspection. . They are in ell the shapes that comply in ell respects with the most exuding dictates of fushion. New Girdle foundations in black and White 15o and 25o . , . New Chiffon Collar Foun dations, new approved shapes, IS and 26o Suotls Hip Forms, as sorted colors and nises, 60o :.i33 New, Ladi s Tailor Suits and Coats Our Fall purchases in this department is far ahead of any of our former efforts. The earlier shipments are coming in and you will agree with us that .these early arrivals are "BEAUTIES." Come in and, see them. l -t 9 ' '4 P. vh t a - r it