L ii , i. WHAT 1 ,,u' !'r You may answer this qucs tiou satisfactorily by dining THE MODEL restaurant, tbe old standby.1 Our cooking ia a paragon -or perfection, out food . faultless and our service rapid and cour teous. What more can we say, except that bur prices are pnpu- lurf Wa friira a w. r. . . 1 .. f . .. WUISD UAUUOIT lur t cuius. Come and try it. You will not need the sense of hunger to enjoy it. y MODEL ; RESTAURANT J. A; AHBUUKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND SIOUX ! We tell weekly Meal Tickets, Cash.....". $4.50 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS!!! Fine Quarter suwed 3 piece Hud Koora Suit, Beveled French Plate Mirror 28X40 inches, $25.00. Cost 50 and is as good as nw. - . 2 Blue Flame Oil Stoves. 4 bargain You may have them on trial. , . , 12X13 ft 6 in Brussels Velvet Carpet,. 25. . Cost . $45, isntw. Look at this ; SHADES, CURTAINS and CARPETS We hove a fine linn of these goods new, also linol eums ou which we suve bur customers mor.ev. Remember we do Upholstering and all kinds of Repair" work. Carpets Cleaned and laid. H. B, Hasten Pho2n0e5, F.D.Hafeten Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods. Gel The Habit Of trailing i-.t the Nebraska Grocery Store and you cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock is complete. Besides having the canned goods, brand on all their lending lines. We have just re ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's and Shoes which we invite you to inspect. tO. 5. RALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are building new r rebuilding their home, can nently Finish their parlors, dining rooms halls etc witii a 1 to 0 light Klectolore, at a reason able pricr, as wo are in position to undersell any fisture in tin Inland Empire. We have at our olBco-ii 'complete stock of asvorted stylos of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs arid finish. Also Shades of t il designs. We corditillj invite tho publio to inspect our stock even it you are not ready to buy. Ollice opi n from 7 a m to 8:30 p m. La Grande Light end Power Co. SUMMERVILLE LIVERY f . .' .'- . ,. I. Hunter fe Sio;i have Leased 'tho MclCituie S'ables snd are prepared to serve ihe public ii n first olass manner it reasonable. raUs TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That ia why people come lieie for men's and by boys' shoos Tlio J. E. Tilt line is our spec ialty. Here is where pricfl ami quality are combined. C. V . PRESTON; Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET 1!! V-Vure largest stock of " Preferred" Allen & Lewis special Jefferson Sis. BATTLE is'now RAGING No One Knows Who the Victors Will Be Japs Seem to Have the Advantage.' A mr-sango to the Obeerer at 3 oVl iek i fa that t ie big buile at Port , A'tlmr ia still raging with viccorr by no means assured to eu'x r of ihe con'e-tm t. 'However when i K s ' t oloret it will bi 'ound that Ihe J t pa nr-ve have seemed several points of vintage. Th; I imm are reported in I - 20,000 ki led anil wcundort abjiit ftvmtly divided. The Jpa tnd.iy cap tured tea big guus and 20,000 ' small arms which wero left on the field hy re tenting Kuaiiauc : . COUNTY SEAT CASE Hearing 8efore Judge Sears Began This Morning' Will Prob ably Close Tonight. The hearing of the injunction suit brought agalust tbe olDoers of Union county to ri'str.iu the removing of tho county records to La Grande from Un ion, was begun before Judge eara of Portland at Union today. At eleveu o'oleck n. m , tbe argument for the plaintiffs was opened by Attorney Joo Long of Portland, lu which he main tained that the geuoral act of I ho li gls- applying to the removal of county sents, dues not apply to Union county, and that as the spe.ial act was do tared unconstitutional by the Su preme Court, the act of the County Court In calling on elect Inn was null and void. At the time of going to press, Mr J D slater bad arisen to ad dress the court in behBlf of (he dt lendnuts, aud ho will be followed hy Attorneys Joe Bnker and W Jl luunacy Tho pn bahilitlea are that tho argu ments will be closed tonight. TONS OF WHEAT TO CHICAGO Fl'ty thousand tons of wheat from the Inland Empire have been sold on the Chicago market thl.Tyear, ncot rd- nr to tbe estimates of f? B Caldorliead traveling fretght agent for the W Jo C R. All previous record breaking eblp- niouts pale Into liiBlgnlneanoe when ! compered with this great tonnage est. . A rblpinent of 50,000 tons menus over a mi,lin and a half buBhels-of wheat. W. C. T. U Meeting Tha annual meeting of the l.die of ihe W. 0. T U. of tbia city was held jeaterday at tbe borne of Mrs. Mary Aldricil re following efflC'-ra were elected Mrs. M. K. 3lphenon Preaident Mra. Mary Aldrioh Vice rreatdenl lifts. L. Thonwon eorplary Mr. H. M. Hmiih Cor. Secretary Mrs. Jmeph Palmer Tfeaauret The next meeting will, be held two weeks for last Thtirad iy a!t the hoj e 0( Mra Aldrioh. Arraof eniente weru also made for entertaining the csunty o invention cf the W. C. T. iT. which wiP l.s be d in tbia c ty on ti e 20 and 21 of this 1 month. 'SOMMER HOUSE- rn Patkei' s"'' Mrs ti U Parker P A Palmer ' ;.- ,- '"Lnstine do ' lmbler do Sao Francesco City do -. . Union O Kirtly ' ' C IloaIeirs J Feerboll , A A II belts & wife 3 (J Peuuington Fanni Harris H Sfjwift '- - 1 Elaui Milter -. Lostine ..-.. ;,irS . y San Francisco .Willsville v. Peon walla Walla Chiraga do H P PoitlaDd ,.'-' , . Walla Walla ... Portland O L Varkcr .-(.-. ". J J Waif Leopold & Pain ' Jillim J.ieob M Uaswoll Arthur Lithtesttn W like & wife , Jo' n Clancy J Newull Chas Kuaijerson A Newell Jacob.O Malleiy Ohas Peerdy do .... Spokane Imble Hutle Portland Chicago J M lloeley FIRE PROOF SAFE Kcr'sule, weight 2300, prloe $60. Call "r write f.a Grande Pawnbroker Phone 1581. For Sale An extra good cow and oalfc Inquire at the Oil Town Store. P Smith. Furniture For Sale And house to rent apply to Mrs , Shearer opposite Star Grocery North ol.track. Furnished Room Centrally located corner of Washing ton and 0th Btreeta. Known as Geo. Hull's lodging house. l''Oiv KENT Furnished rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs. M A Adapis, 1300 O street. Phone 56:1. Sept 1 For Rent i'ho buildhg formerly occupied by .the S dvinion army. Kor full par ticulars and ratos inquire of Mrs S V Zither. Aug. 31 t i FOUND -A buggy tup or burr tickle or silver plated owner can have saaie by calllu Mil thi office and paying for this notice. WILL CURE any case of I1IDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE that is pot beyond , the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. WAS G1VCX UP TO DIE. B. Spiegel, 1?04 N. Virginia Rt., Evanfville, Ind., vmrea: "ForovwBv. years I was troubled with kidney ant bladder arTcctlons which caused m. macs pain and worry. I lost fletbapd was all run down, and ywu ago had to abandon work entirely I bad threoof the l est physicians who did ma no good and I vrns practically given np to dl. Foley. Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second boru I waf sutiuly cured. TWO SIZES, 50c AUD tLOV I OLD IBD RECOMMEUEO IT A T HILL, Dtuggist , , Contest Notice. -United States Land Office. ' . La Grande, Oregon. ' . July; 8th, 1004. A sufficient contest altidavi having been filed in this ollice bv Poleuiua Y. Boutin, contestant, gaiut Homestead entry No. 7G9i, n ade Ocliiber 30tb, 1897, for EK sE'i Sec.ioi s 8, and S) HWii Sectiun 9Towiifchip South Range 30, K W il. bv George i:oper Contcs tce, in which 'Mr. is alleued that said George Cooper has whody adaodnned said homeatead entry for more than six mouths last paut, and further that said entry man has abandoned said entry for more than four year lost past aud that he never uifldtJ any improve ments ou said land, except a small house, aud that Bold alleged absenoe from the laud was not due to his employment in tho Artnv, Navy, or Marine Co ps of the United Slates as a private .soldier Ulllour, Seaman, or Marine, during tbe war with Spain, or during any othe r war in whioh the United States may he engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, ret pond and offer evidence touching Baid alienation at 10 o'clock a. m , on Augint auth, 1904, before the Register and Keceircr at tbe United ; States Laud Ollice in La Grande, Ore j goo. t he said eonle tant having, in proper affidavit., a led June 14Ui, I'M, set forth laota which show that after due diligence personal hervic- of this notice ; oan not be made, it is hereby ordered: and directed that such notice be given by due and proper puhliration. K Davis, iiegister. J T illiamson aueut and attorney for contestant. KOR SALE Five room house in good r aid cn co portion of town. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. Inquire of HP Lewis or Wiu, Worstfll. La Grande. Oregon, Ort 1 NOTICK KOIl rUUl. ICATH-N U. S Iuod Ufftcc ut La Graiido, (Jicgon, August 1H, l'.tfM. Notice Is herct'y eiven timt the rul.'owini; uamed settler ba filttl imtire of It is imiiitinu 1 to liuke final proof in -upjmrtof hi fa clrtiin, .itul iliai laid yrof will i-e nmli1 lefore the County t'lerk of Uinllilltt County, l)r !in ul IViiilleton Ort?Ron.OnSept. 3(1, IvOI, viz 11 K tin 6i, Joel A olaiilou, 01 iMea 'iinm, .iti;on. mr ine pus a, 4, 5, and C, Sec 24, 1.. 1 , It. Us K M He Haines thu followinu wit nc.t.scs to unive his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: Civorce 1), Mil yard mid John lthrt, b.-tli oi Mcacham. uruL'on.and Snntli C. siantoii and Juiiich M tl:iys, rmllt of Atlu'mi, m-ou. r.. . 1 rati KegiMcr. icmoL miK Opposite the Souitnor House, One of the best uiuaical iiirititutioiib in the ft a to, . Kour rooms used fui musical inulruotion, 15 grades of music taught. Depatuiont 1, 2 rooms ufed for the 3 first grudei?. Children nt the age of 5 and older come one hour even day. Department li, 2 roinns for gradi 4 to 15 for pupils of nil hhos The lat est ooursH beet practical musical iti Btructiou. M ibi-ul ooutofiU for med als every few neeks. E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant HARD WALL PLASTER Only ousts about 5n per yunl more than common plaster, ami worth many times over. ADVANTAGES No danger if freezing as it can be uger! in zero weather Being flexible instead of brit tle as all saud niortors an it will dent like wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe holes, etc nro easily cut throuuh it It is a non conductor of elec tricity aud thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to briek, stone or common lath It contains m acids nor chemicals to rot-rods It will not burn oor disintegrate hy fire beiug a pcrfeet prote-iiou for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister Parties havinc; plastering to do should consult me regarding this class of work Estimates chenrfully given . " E. REISLAND. Phone 271 AFORETASTE I OF HEAVEN f A totn h of an Angel's W'iiijr Sorbcllo Sandwiches LQY MAKES 'EM WEATHER FORECAST . J Tonight .and i j tomorrow fair,.ooolr, tomorrow X X THE TRAINS aKo 2 East bound 9:10 p m ootims , T No 6 West 8:5 p m on time . 4 That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by . using Geddes Bros canned : fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the' farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone ordnrs Geddes Bros. OUR BACK ROOM Is open for your inspection. In fact we will be ploused to show you through our entire establishment. Everything is kept scrupulously neat and clenn and we have no hesitency in showing the most fastidious how our meats Hie handled. We now have 'he latest improved sausage machine and san sell you sa'.'sage in all styles. Bock & Thomas MY SHINES - Are like the -'Smile that won't come ntf. I hey are put on right and Btay right. I nee only Whltmore'e paste and guarantee thut it after thirty davs trial you Bud that it has in any way ;iy injured the leather 1 will present (hecuBloniBrwithato pair of shoes purchased at any store lie may .elect. If you desire really first class work call and get a shine. Ladies worn a specialty. Remember the place, Krrt. h-y'e Hurler Shop, where everything is first r iw f,om the boot black up. JOE B. WILLIAMS. Sacred Heart Academy l.a Grande, Oregon. This well known institution, wndiicted L th" listers of Sjt. l.'rnCi9( affords excellent eib'catioin.1 advantairee. Music, draw- .. ...... ,..,,, .,,,5 optional studies. on "rr!!T,,,,! ",die8 ,or Profess. -. ....... . opeuiauy. uoardina and day school o,. the drat Monday S s. "'':r- tor cologne address OREGON oUivioNPiciHr I'El'AaT Tim nhftal LA OHANbl. MOM p. m. tt,Ht!l.LM' 8DTer Ft, NO. a "orth, Omaha, Kanaa. 90a.ni. tar. . Its p-tn NO I. VV1. ra dlpl,n 'i?MA.Pi NO S.W p i kaneannu ""'"Pol bia,LewlatoB J tr&ISJ No a fcariPwi I :! a n.Er.'""' "Kit. in WTffL.1"1"'' I .t :TT JniTl u.riu r"m9r. between p MEATS fWM , ,u.u rraoeuco evert n. j ani 1' C. MOOBB. At