Hot Weather MEALS Bring your, wife and family to the Spokane ' Pafe lor Dinner. , ,. ' X, Your wife , will ap , jreoiate " the change End freedom from the hotkltohm. You will all enjoy the meal the ' best in town. First ' class service. I SPOKANE CAFE J, F. Johnson Depot 8i La Grande.Or. e or Management. The undersigned has purchased the bnsin so known as the Harris Gash Meat I arknt and will here after oondnot the same. We wisn to iniorm tne public that we an: prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistaut with firet-clas articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town.' Highest market price paid for all cattle, hogs and sheep. ... We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive, prompt and carefol attention. ' Harris meat' market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER " TEIIMOUI UTTltriLU. raHst (rem BIHotumaas, n--.,-..,.. tmU 1 . I. lib 410, DUalnaM, and all troubhM aria- lof Irani an Inaotlv or siugpan nvar, DaWIM'a Unto Early RUcra aw m- Thojr at aramplly and mm frlpa. Thay an m aaiaty thai Itlia pleasure lo Ww tkant. On lo two hImi ibM laaattn) two or (our ului Masai sad olloetln oathartlo. They ro wa veaatable and ahsolutabjr Tkoy tarda tho u w. fBt PAR I D SNLT Wf Mm : Bowitt a os., obioK;) SoM By AH Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS If bo, purchase your tirket via the RfMTKlaTjAND FRISCO SVfaTEMS. Choice ol routes going or returning via 81'. PAUL, DENVER. COLORADO 8PRINUS, or PUEBLO. For rates call on your local Ajtent. Dates of sale: June"16-17-18 Jaly 1-2-3 Ann;. 8-&-10 Sept. 5-6-7 Oct. 3-4-0. For further Information and rliepjng car reservations call upon or address A H Mo Donald Gon'l Agent 140 Third St., Portland, Ore Cifrv Scavenger Vaults. CessDOOls and Wells Cleaned All work done by Scavengers 1ST- 1ST. Mason Phone 1841 La GrnnJe Or. Columbia University IWI.I MS CATALOG'JS Collegiate, Pn-parntnrv Commerc al at;d lirnni- msr (iinle Conroes Boarding school tor room men A hoys Box 348 University Par Mauon Portland Otter C, SPICES, O fil?tt1NGPCWDR, tbifflftfK-y. finesr Flavor, Ufl?: nt livaelii DtMrnhy', Price' EarlyBisers A Deatlt Feigning Plant, That eertuiu Insects, birds, niamniali and reptiles habitually pretend to bs dead when danger threatens them Is a well known fact, bnt It is generally be Ueved that this stratagem is resorted to only by animals. In 8onth America, however, there is a plant a species ol mimosa- which retort to death feign ing, erldently for the purpose of pre Tenting the graaj eating animals from eating It In Ita natural- state this plant has a vivid green hue, bnt di rectly It is touched by a human finger or by any living animal it collapses Into a tangle of apparently dead and withered stems. London Globe. Hl7 qii SteTmon. W. E. Henley once met Bobert Lools Stevenson and fonnd bis friend dia tressed because ho was not a Voltaire or Dumas, though be had an equip ment which ought to have made blm their peer. Stevenson put his "failure" down to the weakness of his lnng& "Perhaps you are right, Louis," aald Henley. "I've always felt that If I had not been a blessed cripple I could have taken the earth In my hand and burled It into the sun.' . The Teat. Lily-Well, did you see hert la U true? Is she really engaged to him or Is It only Idle rumor? .Nellie There Isn't a word of truth 1 In It. I hnd a long talk with her and told her of the men wbo are Just wild about me, and she never suld a word about him. Brooklyn Life. Menu. "Come, denr, kiss my cheek and make ap," she sn Id forgivingly. "I'll kiss It," he answered, "but I don't think It wants any more riraktna nut" slow the initial f!H" Panetaatea fke flrcut Conqueror's Career. Froiu Marengo (o Moscow was the long swing In tbc'pcndulum of Napo Iood's life, the one the greatest battis out of which he came wlUi his life, tU other the abyss which engulfed him Mr. J. M. Buckley, who Is a literary expert on cnlneldi nces, points out how strangely the letter M played a part il the life of the great conqueror. Marboe was tlie first to recognize thi genius of Napoleon at the Ecole Mill tnlro. Melas opened to him the way to Italy. Mortler was one of his first gen erals, Mnreau betrayed blm, and Mu rnt was the first martyr to his cause. Mario Louise partook of bis highest destinies. Melternlch conquered him on the fl?ld of diplomacy. - Six marshals Mansenn, Mortler, Map moot. Mardonald. Murat and Money and twnty-stx of his generals of divi sions hnd names beginning with tnf letter M. .- . Murat, duke of Bassano, wag ths counselor In whom he placed the great est confidence. His first great bafr tie was that of Montenotte; bis last was that of Mount St. Jean. Ho gained the battles of Moscow, Montmlrnll snd Mnntarran. Then came the assault oi Montumrtre. Milan was the first ene "proles' capital and Moscow 'he last Id which he entered. He lost E-rypt through the blunder? of Menoa and employed Mlollls tc make Tius " 1 1- prisoner. Malet con spired against hint, afterward Mar mont His ministers were Maret, Mon allvet and Mollien. His first chan Mrlaln was Montesquieu. OA1RY FARMERS IN LINE. vcreturj- of ntlonal Union In Fa vor of Drotrnloiv Ulll. Secretary Charles Y. Knight of the National Dairy union recently ex pressed himself aa follows concerning the Bran-mow bill: "In company with hundreds of thou sands of other people throughout the Unltc.d States I am very much Interest ed In this bill. 1 have Just returned from a tour of Italy, France and Eng land, where I bad an opportunity to observe the character of tho roads Id ; those countries. Coming homo and looking over our miserable facilities 1 for getting urouud In the rural dls-, trlcts, I made up my mind that it will oe necessary for this country to do as European countries bavc done In order to get good roads I. e., have govern- ment aid. "The National Dairy union Is organ used throughout the north In every eon gressionnl district which has any amount of agricultural constituent, and I am tlrnily of the opinion that th progressive farmers who are dalrymot will be iu favor of the hill for national aid. I am so much Interested in Its success that I am willing to use my In Qucnc to luive our dairy farmora pet! Hon for the p:is-i;isre of this bill. I would I)'- n-illhig to :Av" s"v,-ral hun tired Gollars out of i:iy owl pocket l see the roarls of this country Improve ilke tho'ie of France " A unnlnt Mill Tnld. T'd" i :i-til:-i' s!wot,v how tin tmhv clri- of -'mi: a--i were dressed. Can i-otl Im .bie this small, dignified per on n-iiriPii; or t-ino-hi or liid'll--inv' J . .. .'. vV 1-1 I -. 1., IS.U: I.t.A . . !; ;,:-.:ilr--V :;I.e W:l a ';, Ir . tl... I'rini-.-si Iiili la ,., i ' ::. IV. i-f S;i; !!. Ar. III'!- - ii.' In .j.-. u. . -ii up in tii. i, ;i, i ,;. (.. : ii i- 1 A SUCCESSFUL INSTITUTE HELD Elgin was the Scene of One of the Most Suc cessful Gathering of Teachers iiver ; Held in This County. Elgin, Ore., 6ept. 1, 1904 ' The teachers' institute dosed here at noon today. This baa been a very successful In stitute, ; The weather bas been all that oould be desired. r The inatiuotors are all men ol large experience la sohool work. Monday evenining State Supt. Aokerman de lirered an address entitled "Toe Boy" in whioh be made strong plea (or the boy he said he eouid tell Just how to raise boys because all his obildrcn were girls. Prul. Ackerman la very much in lavor ol retaining the Pierce- Eddy Eduoational Bill on the Statute j books ol Oregon. . .. Tuesday' evening our own Prof, Hockenberry delivered a fine address on "the Knight of the Hour'' to a largo and appreciative audience. He made a-etrong plea for manly and womanly purity. L. it. Traver principal of the Balera sobools Supt. Ackerman President Frenoh ol the Weston State Normal H. J. Hockenberry of La Grande and A.J. Bender of Union all did good work as instructors. The following resolutions wtra animously passed : Resolutions Wuereas: The rieroe ISddy six dollars per capita bill has been the means of giving the children of the public sobools batter facilities and thereby greatly furthered the cuu-e of education theiefore b) it. Resolved: That we the leaohori of Union County in institute assembled do endorse said bill and urge its con tinuance. Resolved: That by these resolu tions we hereby extend our hearty ap preciation and thanks to Senator Pierce and Repiesentative Eddy aud to all others who wore instrumental in the passage of said bill. ReBolveJ: That a oopyol these re solutions be sent lo each of the Sena tire and Representatives of this dis trict and oounty and a cop bs fur nished tbe oounty press, 0.0. Maxwell, 8. N. Ayers. Wi L, Tucker, Oomrrittee. Be i i resolved : By tbe teachers ol Union ouunty in institute assembled that we extend our thanks. to tbe peo ple of Elgin for their courteous treat ment during tbe week. That the tbaoka of the Institute ba extended to tbe truale i o' the Pres byterian church and school direotrn of E'gio for the use of their reep?o iva buiiinge. . . v , Inf? our appreciation of the services rendered by the Elgiu Hotel which were ol a character to call forth thin testimonial. H. J.. Hockenberry, A J Bender, o- W . Ayree, About Completed Toe men who are securing the data f drifting ilPBiyiT' lnl5A515 i TOWARDS LMQy'MfciU lUlllSM)LS Many people who are neglecting symptoms of drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is of the possible tonnage along the terri tory adjtomt to the proposed electric Hue have about oompleted their-labora and the work will soon bi tabulated and put in proper shape. The work has been thoroughly tsken for herein lies the faots whether or not the re turns on the investment required will justify the expenditure. Cow Wanted Owing to the fact that my cow will not be fresh Ibis year I deire to secure a good cow tor her feed end care during the winter or possibly might trade my Jersey for a fresh cow. For particulars apply at this ouice. Lost Feather pillow on road from Starkey to La Grande aUiut Aug 1 finder will pleane return io the Obsever Oulce. ACUTE RHEUMATISM ' Deep tearing or wrenching ains. occasioned ,by getting wot through; worse when at rest, or on first moving me iimrjs ana ineoia or damp weatn er, la cured quiokly by Ballard's Snow Liniment. Oscar O'eson, Gibson City Illu ol8, writes, Keb 10 1902; "A year ago I was troubled with a iialn In my ba k. It soon got bo bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me." 2ic, 60a, tl 00. Sold by Newlin Drug Co. Beautiful Columbia 1 River Folder A passenger department of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company bus jui-t issued a beantifnl and costly pauoramio folder entitled "The Col umbia Hivor, through the Caeoado Mountains, to the Paoiflo Ocean.' troin Arlington to Portland and from to the t'ucitlc Ocean, every curve ot tho rivor and every point of interest are shown while Mt Hood Mt Adam, and Ms St Helens, porpo tually coroi'od with snow, stand out in there beauty. On the bank of the map is an interesting Btory io detail of the trip from Huntington to Port land and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking ibe beaches and the San Fran, isco trip by ocean- A copy of this folder may be secur-d by send ing fnuroeuts iu stamps to pay postage to A L Craig, General Passengtr Agent of the Oregon 'tnllrnnd & navigation Coinpan i Cortland, Oregon, 1'y send ing the address of tome frleud in tbe East, and four cents- iu postage the folder will be promptly mailed. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Jauo IIhII, decoacod, estato. Notice ia hereby givon that the un der Igne I, has by order ol the County Conrt of Union county, Oieon, been appointed administrator of the estnte of Jane Ball, doceased. All poisons having claims against said estato, ere hereby xqulrid to P'esont the estno, pn perly verified, or with vouchors, to Btiid administrator, at 1j ia residence in La Ginnde, Oregon, with n six months from date of first publication of ibis notice which is August 31, 1004. George Ball, Administrator of tho c-t'ito of Jane Ball, deceased. Aug 31 Sept 3 1 fm WM'iriMTT!?VfTlIlTig) stops Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc, If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder '1 'rouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. . Yon can easily determine If your kidneys are out of order by setting; aside for 34 houra a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S K'DNEY CURE should betaken t once. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is l ereby given, that the co partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under (he Urm name of MrCoy A MoFarlane, iu the grtoery bnsineea, at La Urande, baa been dis solved by mutual agreement. The business will be oontlnued by William Merarlane. U ated, August 12, 100. Jamea McCoy v 812-923 W. Moh'arlane For Sale Light bay buggy team (gentle). Work single, double or saddle. New pole buggy and no light harness complete. Inquire of Mrs. E Wbituey, Whitney House, Adams Avenu LOST Ths crown oft' of a Knight Templar's emblem with a Betting of five small diamonds. Flnlor will please have at J M Berry's store and receive reward. . tf Peaches I wish to say to my friends and the publl that I hive a large orop ol peaches this year. Our early Peaches wi'l be ripe iu about week ur 10 daya from this time we can sell you a more juicy better lUvoitd peao.i aud oueap er thau'you oan buy tbem after they bavi been (hipped in from other parts Then when you pay for 20 lbs yon get 20 lbs good pound measure. ' J R Kellogg The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a'visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot allbrd to overlook the advantages oO'ered by the t Miasorvi Pacinc kailwav, wincu, on account, ot its various routes and gated wave, baa been appropriately names The World's Fair Route." Pasoengers from tbe .northwest take the Mibsoubi pacivio traiua from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct ihrougb tbe KaneaB City, via Wichita, Fort Suott and Pleasant Hlllr Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo ' to St. Louis without change, carrying all classes oi modern equip ment, lucluding electric ugiiteu obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains between .Kansas City and St Louis. Write, or "call on W, O. McBrlde. General Agent, 121 Third st, Portland for detailed inlormatiou Hnd llluetrate.4 literature. tl. Congrrtulations Mr John 11 Cullom, Editor of the Garland, Texas, News, has written a letter of conirratulatioaa to the manu facture of Chamberlain's Cough Re medy, as folio wb: "Sixteen years ago when our lirst child waB a ba iy he was subject to cruupy spells aud we would be very uneasy about him. We began using Clmmtierlaln'a Couah Remedy in 18H7. aud finding it uucha reliable re medv for -oldsand cr.,ut we have never been without in the tionse since that time. We have hva chil.ireu and have given it to all ol them with good re sults," For sale by all druggists. ghtful Route, Daylight Ride Dizzy Crags, Deep Cunous. A. Goltleu Opportunity Sea nature in ull her glorious beauty, mid theu the acmo of man's handiwork. The first is found alonp , the line of the Denver & Bio Grande Ruilrond and thn latter nt the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most of it. For information and illus trated litoratnre write W. 0. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. Portland, Oregon kidney trouble, hoping "it kidney trouble in one of G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years. G. B. Burhut of Carlisle Center, N. Y., write : 'About four rearm ago I wrota you ataHng that I had ben ntirtl? eurd of a aevara aidnty troub! bf taking lata than two bottlaa of Foley' Kidney Cora. It tntlraly atoopad tht biickduat acdlmant and fain and ymptoma of kldnay diacaao disappeared. I am glad to aay thai have nver had a return of any of thoia aymptoma during tho four eara that hava elapsed, and klflny or budder troublt.1 rtny recommena roiey a V or Bladder trouble." Two Slzea, 50 Cents and $1.00. SOLD AND RECCKHEHDED BY HOUSE TO KENT The proper per son ran secure a Drat claaa resldeuon. In good part of town by inquiring: of J N Wilson at his reBldeuce on Birch street. - 2t LOST-tSR in bills. Findet will pleas) leave at this ollloo and got liberal re l ward. ' 2t, THE MARKETS - , - V (July 30) New fork 8ilver 58 5 8Uulnn P.oillo 95 0-8,lfd931-2 Cbloaao Sept wheat opened 89 3 8 a 89 5-8 and closed at 90 1-4 Bailey 43 a 60, flax 1.17 1-2, northwestern 11.24 San Francisco Cash wheat 11.37 Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 07; Bluestem 72; Valley 78. . Cattle Best steers 83 a " $3.25; mo. dlum 3, cows 92 a 2.25. Real estate Snap Two aore tract, seven blocks from center of La Grande. Go d six room ed cottngx furnished completely and well, if desired.' Two barns, large hen hnnseand airo pnol'Sed park over one dred ohiokens, over 100 bearing '"'It trees including winter and stun- r apples, . pears, pruues, peaches and several varitioa of oherriea, one thousand raspberries, BOO strawberries twenty five shade trees, -lawn, dowers and large garden ready for use, three . wells, two pumps, ten shares in good water ditch. Uouso Insured for 8700 for three yeara. Part down. For particulars inquire at this office. AN OPEN LETTER To the public: - We wish to oall the attention of those not already aclvleod that we hare established a wood working plant in La Grande equal to any In the country. We believed the times and conditions demundfd such an enterprise and we nave Bpont thousands ot dollars in e. quipment and Improvements, - W e are not only prepared to fill your orders for mill work but we can fur nish all kinds of lumber on short notloe. II you bny In quantlty so we can fur nish iu car lots to be delivered direct we oan give vou prompt shipment aud at prices as low as the lowest consider ing the quality of the stock and the promptnesa of delivery. The prioe varies as to the amount you buy and the coat ol handling. Before planing your order, .outside submit your proposition to us and bob if we oan handle your business to please you. . We are a La Grande institution but we do not elnim auylbtng on that no o uut only to have au equal show with our compeiitor. After establishing an expensive lo cal enterprise we want the business to keep our 20 odd men at work.' We are not biggiug for favors but lo Oal entorprias should be built up to employ our people at Ijomo instead of Bending all the money away for stuff maiiufaotured iu other plaies. The monev sunt awuv does not onme back to ai and it builds np other com munities at our expense. Yours for business, -' Stoddaid Lumber Co.. Lodge Directory. EAGLFB L Grands Airie ivi F O B HitvU evury Kri.lay atyhi la K of (' halt at t ZD vumnn Dreinern invitvd Uiottenu, C V UockweU, W JP AN May vllle. W 80. if Cttl KHTfflm Off AMKUIPA-JlnnFt Mnlfl Marion, No Vi inela favb Tueilay Id Ullt'i balL Urotberl are luvlUid lo ntlotid, il Hulinttr (Jbluf Ranarr. 0 J Vanderpool, Kco Hco. 10 0 PLft Ornnde Lodae. No IS mnta In their hall evarvHrnurdav nitfht. Vliltlnv nixm bera ourdially iovited tu attend. a tit Kiuuuart w u H E Coolidtfe. Sec. A, P. A A. M. La Gran.U Ma No 41. tneeta every 1st and 'Ard Katur- day ul each month. ' A U Williams Heo, O D HulTmiio W. M. will wear away," are ita worst forms. 11 I am evidently cured to stay cured, and Kiaoey i.ur xm any Buaertog iron I ft , mi ""'yi- AT HILL, Dru?i8t ri oat u tm uuaiuvM ui tne uarAnpatn-1 '"liimi ina