PRUIF WANTED O " . ' . ia - 'k -- ' - v . . " '" :' ;' , '-' ' ' a " V- -'. ' " ' - ' ' " V.' if - :. . -" . FOR ST. LOUIS Three Telegrams Received From St Louis Fair Which Should Receive Attention of Every Fruit Grower. 1 .. ... : . : The Mltiwlng letter and telegrams n certainly self explanatory and the opportunity a oold be .embrtoed. The re it oertaiuly no ohanoa t loose ny thing in fact if wo uoderetood It, t looks like it wuuld result in id ae inal profit in addition to tbe adeerlte lng that we would derive Irom suoh an i Mbit. " We bae a rsumb-r Iruit growers la t is immediate lioioity that shuuld iiiketliii matter up and ' push it tI rogb to completion. Tbe worst Vature to often in public matters that wtant Is et ery body, business ia no i.ods' . " - . . ! .There should bi tome oonoerted i-nkion wlitrjhy Mearrj Staokland' and Hancock will bs advised aa what por tion of the car this eeotion can and vi ill aopply, ..': I :'. Cove, Ore., Aug 81,1994 Kit, Observer, La Grande le'ar Sir; ... """V Enclosed find tbree telegrams Uioh explain themselves, pleaae no lily tbe Uni n County pablio through your paper repeatedly to tike .bold and telp us put out a oar load of our finest fruit ready lor packiog 1 weeka liuiice not one or two boxea eaolt but ir m a tew up to 20 or 60 oratee or t..xes wbateunr tbey bare of extra liie and qna'ity every grower gets oredit ft r bie own fruit and fair play for nine. Tbe amount remitted for the I'M- by Mr. Qslloway will be propor unned to all who put in fruit and no h dy will be ljosere beoauee after pay tig the freight and no ejm. half tbe rosssales should leave all of ui f' ir nrney for tbe fruit this iecertainly our i poitunity to advertise Union Co. Oiegon. Remember a whole carload ' aborted fruit on exhibition at onoe r I to our credit ad no coat exoept r he extra care required in putting op f he lieat in tbe beat manner, Let ne kmw what you will put np for the car f each kind of fruit soon aa poaaible Stackland and Hancock Adrian, tural Building, ? -Worlds Fair, 8t. Louis, Mo. ". Aug. 31, 1904 K'.t) JjjSlaokland: ' V; Can Cove ship now car of I ninea'plume, pears and apples we iyjr3ghtaml return one Lai! of t oeedi we c alien '. f . i Cbaa V. Galloway Cove, Ore. Aug, 31, 1904 Cbaa V.Galloway, v Agricultuial Bldg. Worlds Fair St. Louis, Mo. impossible now will ir; get you such car two weeks later. Karl J. Staokland jf riculiursl Bldg., Worlds Fair 8t. Louie, Mo., Aog. 81, 1904 K irlJ. Stackland ; j' Two weeks later eatisfae i ry, frill telegraph Oiltber Secretary .! Oregon Agricultural Commission to yay freight, get oar ready, letter .1. Wlow V Cbaa V. Galloway . FOUND A buzirrtao or hnrr nfakU orillver plated owner nan hava nn by calling at tbi. offlce and paying (or inia notice. EOR SALE Five room bona in good residence portion of town. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. Inquire' of HP Lewis or Win. WoratelL La Grande, Oregon. Oct 1 Notice. Membira ol tbe Batbbone Sisttra are requested to meet at tbe K. of P. ball Tuesday evening Aug. 80 aa there is business of importaoee to be trans acted, By order of Cora Lewis II E 0 FIRE PROOF SAFE for sale, weight 2000, price ISO. Call or write La Grande Pawnbroker Phone 1681. For Sale An extra good cow and calf. Inquire at tbe Old Town Store. F Smith. . Furniture For Sale And house to rent apply to Mri Shearer opposite 8 tar Grocery North ol track. Furnished Room Centrally located corner of Washing ton and 6th Streets. Known as Geo. Ball's lodging house. FOB RENT Furnished rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs. M A Adams, 1306 O street. Phone 663. Sept 1 From Sumpter Vr . W. B. Swackbammer arrived ne yesterday morning to pack up 1 1 rsrnsl iffect. Her husband ietnow in the bank at La Grande. A. B. Brownie tbe engineer now in cl urge ol tbe surveys for tbe Union, allows elf tt cic line passed through ti. Canyon City ywterdxy wheae be is mi iingortant witness in tbe pending i-iiation between the Keystone and I'liuity companies. Mrs. Joseph 8cbw in returned I nine yesterday morning alter a very jsya.ile visit with tho 4loddarda in I G nde and the Mosses in Ptndle t The "ftout" whioh Sumpter .as put on Mrs. Shwartt ssys impress. people general. y on tbe on laid e a.u inng Reporter. For Rent The building formerly occapied by tbe Salvation army. For foil par ticul ars and rates Inquire of Mrs S O Zuber. Aug. 31 1 f NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notioe is hereby given to all whom It may concern, that Christian W Murphy, has filed ber finai account aa administratrix of the estate of Thomas N Murphy, dereaaed and the County Court of Union county Oregon baa set Tuesday, the 0th day of Sept ember, A. D. 19i)4, at two o'clock P M lor we Hearing or sum retort. Uhrfalina w Murphv. Administratrix. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. lAnd Omoa at 1a Grande, Oregon. June . 190,. notice Is hereby given that the following named eettler haa riled nottoeoluts Intention to make flna) proof In support of his claim, and that Mid proof will te made before the Keclnu rand Receiver of the tl. B Land OfKo. at La Grsnde, Oregon, on August 4, 1904. via. Oregun, widow erf John Rtulsinger defeated. fox the EU NEU a ea. i2.Td.1S.. B. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence opon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: Frank Beinitoff, John Keller, conart etroener, aunant Kaiun au 01 La Grande Oregon. E. W. DAVIS, Register. Dr. V A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701 SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunter & Son have I J .1.- If L;...;A Ri.Klaa I Ltueeii tut? iiivi.iii I i nd are prepared to serve the ublio ip a nrst ciass touunor n reasonable rates. FARMERS ATTENTION 1 have purchased the SPO KANE CAFE and it is my iu tetition to make a special effort to please the farmers. In order to do this I have decided to furnish a special meal Saturday of each week which I call the Farmers' Dinner. This meal will include all that the market afford and will be served in regular family style. This will be tbe best meal ever offered in , La Grande for 25 ceaU. When .in the city call at the Spokane ' Cale and see exactly how good ' meal you can buy tor 25 cents. REMEMBER we pay cash for butter, eggs and chickens. J F Johnson 'I The Observer Does all Kinds of Job Work 4 a m a a a u a m a V"OBBlB.ICIBmiSlirill HHBDaOD 'I .'2 m a m a a m s a a m El a JB- a B a m a 9 B BLOGKLAND BROS. Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and POLANDCHINA SWINE. Young- stock always on hand, and always glad (o have you call and see our hogs, as we brerd. them for the Farmor, and ask you to compare our paicea before buying some where else. We have now two fine young Berkshire boars on hand, July pigs ready for use only 20. For short time only. iBBPllBIBIBBBBBBBBBBfl We want your Hay and Grain AND WILL PAY THE ( HIGHEST MARKET PRICE We will take all you have, no matter whether it is only a few tons or if it is several hundred tons. We want all the hay in the valley and then some. A. V. OLIVE R WHOLESALE and RETAIL HAY and GRAIN DEALER Half a Carload of ! New Wall Paper. : We have just received half a car load of the newest ! and latest wall paper. Half a carload mean 20,000 roll. This is more paper tiaan any one firm ever thought o bringing into this county in a single season. i TMs paper la all (or sal and saawt be sola tela season. We , tare brought two flrat olass papaw hanger direct from Chicago, who ar without dovbt tbe moat akl lfnl workmen In Eastern 1 who, with tbe Bt Brat elaea P.O I ban (jure already la oar era. t stof, trews as the boat working tnn-r s 1 he Inland Empire. ; Stackland & McLachleh i PAINTS. 0112S AND GLAbS WHITE ROSE : FLOUR 8 lllBU The Ifl n.illprl will, tl.n f .,1 i i ,v ui i.-irusiug every aouitir .. quality. 1 ue naiue of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re liability and highest grade in every sack of flour bearing tbe White Rose brand. a m B E P;oneer Flourinoi Mill Co. S I n km 1 1 t I ) ( ) ) ( ) I S ) Take Care of .Your Trophies 1 "'"layfrHn Kiono for male deal hea.le hand, iwarrorhn, to direction,. The dotted lines on bark "I nrck ,! hoa 1 ,how where (o rip (he Ma To be( il ro"rC"14clltthejlJa,,ow down as possible; cm the thr,t. Oornmence to skin by making ;h " h"""-! the born to back of the bead iniJDce down th h.i, i .1. ... . to li-e ernnn.i th ,11 e to i r, ( i...., . . m the hr-e ,.( tt., ,,. 1..... .. "h ' V wr tbe akin cnrefullr awy a-hjiiii,. 1 on 'hose to skull, In rroin tnttrnlt i thn nnritr renfVapd cnt llrU.n nil 1 houra Wusn HrT ill L'iU miiA 1 1 n VM,le your work la alielost hole Bt U:l1nl' ShB Plble"' r-m the hr.e ..t the horns h..V, ti . , ' "ork tbe skln roful aftrwnrjj r.n .,ra th 8"h' rtJ t . . " "'"rhed rut off those t : '"H. an I r1Se ,ln t l, h7 wj'-hed ran the BiiRor r.j,.riwhi hi. n.arth "rr f. r ""ttl.n, It hen he t. with the point f th(. kn f- h .n 1 1'"!5'e' wor.k e skin out of th thr,,.llih nd V, V. . ".'."T . ' th" m rem . - canreK. . n th now. Salt , " V"0:. Ilnln n the 'T' o.rthe'hlVs.b.e'anl drjimr the skin keep ,t fro-a wr nki, 1 , Se the under jaw boaes hen , reawnabU prices "lkl'U( '.'" al,o mount four trophl at ...... 1 JOTC I 1 mount your trophl WM HAWS Taxidermist i-.SV. A T HILL, Drugdst