La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, August 31, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Judge Sears Issues An Order For Officials to
Show Cause Why An Injunction Should
4 Not Be Issued. : ; :V--
effort to escape from the slings aid
went down, Hia companies triad to
rescue nim bat the hornet drove
them baok end appeared to be ao;iug
together io an attempt to keep the
reaoaere away (rom the drowning b y.
A. awarin of horoeU hovered over the
spot 'where Dickson disappeared,
tinging him vioiously eaoh time aa
be oame to the surfaoe.
7 o'elook knocked down and crubvd
under the wheel. He died iustanlly.
Coroner J V Fin ley - inveatigated the
oaae today and from J M MoCauley,
living at 910 Minnesota avenue, and
Boy Bokstrand ot l!fO Monroe avenue.
eye-witneeaes, learned that de' was
purely aooldeotal and that the oom
pany'a myloyet were not to blame,
rhere will be no Inquest. " '
good aa J hn L Sullivan, Jim Curb- i
or Peter Jackson ; lo their prim".
, Look what a novioe Ootbnt made o t
of Jeffiiea in over 20 robm!,
when ' Cornell bad balc
100 par 03ot from fo m. 1 know m a
now before the pnblia who with lilt a
developing can whip Jeffrier.
Presumably at the request nf Judge
Eakin, who refua'd to bear the matter
upon complaint of A E Eaton, James H
IT . . I il.L. n a n
uuwuiuwu, . xetaa ocnuuuovur, o j
Swaokhammor and 3 A Poraell, plain
tiffs, judge Bears of Portland baa issued
an order oiting the defendants which
are all the oounty officers, to appear at
the court Jouse in Union on next Fri
day to show cause wby a restraining
order should not be Issued, restraining
them from moving their reoorda to La
Grande on Sept. 3rd. ; '
The complaint is voluminious and
charges Irregularities at every atop
from the petitions to the legality of
hundreds of the voters who ex.
pressed their wishes to have the
county seat moved to La Grande
and in ridditiontcharge that La Grande
citizens bribed hundreds of voters and
eet. Tbe complaint will be published
in (nil In tomorrows issue.
1 his d es not mean tbst a restrain
ing order ha' been or will be issued
on I he above date, but the matter
will be argued Judge Sears It will
be remembered heard tholaat Injunct
ion case and bis deoislon was reversed
by tbe Supreme Court.
' t i the warehouses . It turn d out
1 very satisfactorily in nearly all parts
of tbe State. Spring wheat cutting
ia mV along and io tbe Wiibroette
valley it is practically completed and
mostly all tbrasbed. Spring wheat
ard oat are yielding better than ex
ptoled earlier in the sessoi bo' both
oropi are below the average in quanti
ty though sbive the average in quality
Corn it d-Mog remarkably well and
that planted early is now being har
vested. Hops are maturing rather
elowly and picking will not become
geueral until next week. The crop
promises to be lighter than last year
but with favorable weather from now
on tbe quality will bs above tbe aver
age. Pasturage is very short snd ex
cept in lidejand seotions dairy herds
have to be fed about as mncb as in
midwinter in order to keep up the
flow if milk.
Apples and peaobea are' rips and
plentiful In tbe market, frcch
pronea will yield a full orop but the
Italians are the lightest in years.
General Summary
Favorable temperaturea prevailed
during the week, wbioh was dry up to
the evening of the 27th, when cl mdi
nees inoreaeed and ehowera and thun
derstorms occurred nearly everywhere
in tbe northern portion o! tbe 8tate.
Tbe rains were rather light in the val
leys but fairly good amounts fill in
the foothills and mountains. These
rains oieared the atmosphere of smoke
and a ere bsnefioial to late crops but
no-ire rain is needed for potatoes gar
c'cai and pasturage.
The fall Wheat crop has been cut
thrashed and a Isrge part of it hauled
New York, Aug. 31 Chased into
tbe Bronx river by e-awerm ol turrets
Alexander Dickson, 12 jears old was
drowned yesterday evening while the
lads with him fought vainly against
the vicious creatures in their efforts to
reach their little companion and aave
him. The boys were In swimming
and found a be mot's nest in the
brush and stoned it. Tbe furious
swsrm of insects attacked them and
they all fled every one bsing more or
leaf stung.
Dickson got into deep water in his
Pndliton, Aug. 31 A game pri
serve bas b -en secured for Hot Lake
by tbe efforts ot Dr. T. H. White, J. V
Tallman, T. W. Ayres, F. W. Wai a
and A. D. Stillman.of thia place and
W. J. Towbley and Dr. Pby of H jt
Lake. There may be others in the
association beforejil is completed.
Two thousand acres of oombim d
tulies and upland have been lease 1
fiom tbe Hot Lake proprietors and
every legitimate effort will be mad a
from now on to make it tbe fluent
wild fowl preserve in tbe Wert. ,
The tuliet ewarm : now with wild
docks and the keeper is feeding them
a aask of wheat every day and tl e
amount will be inoreaeed as tbe fowls
inorease in oumbar. Many Englii-b
jaoksnipe have also been notioed late
ly. - . -v... .'.
' Tbe construction of a olub house
and blinds is going on now - and. will
b pushed to a rapid completion, -n
tbe olub bouse tbe keeper will reside
and he will be aelected for bis alert
ness, viliganoe and acquaintance with
the state game laws. Every infringe
ment upon the eapcoial rights of " the
proprietors will be vigilantly prosectiii
d. .
. Tin shooting grounds are about
one-half mile from Hot Lake hotel
and the entire preserve is adjacent to
tbe institution. .
The marshy feeding ground is along
Hot creek jnst below tbe springs and
it never freeses over during tbe cold
est weather.
I .
Spokane Turns a Cold
Shoulder to Advance;
Agents And Terms;
Them drafters
Hand To Hand Fight
Mao Vang, Aug 81 The battlenear
here today became terrific toward even
ing. The Japanese pressed forward with
crest force and rapidity, hand to hand
fighting developing. One of the Jap
anese batteries bas teen dismantled'
Do the boys need a Suit, Cap or Knee Pants. We never have had as large
an assortment of BOYS CLOTHING as we have now. We nan suit you in
quality, fit, style, and price. We only ask: for an examination of quality.
Oua Boys Clothing is selling at prices never before offered in La Grande
and we are positive that a comparison will convince you. Boys Knee Pants,
Boy 8 Blouses, Boys Caps, and Boys Shoes. " Call and see the BARGAINS we
are offering.
The Chicago Store
Adams Ave., La La Grande, Oregon.
Spokane Aug. 81 Sixty-nine of the
business bouses of tbe oity. eomprising
most of tbe large dry goods, meat and'
grooery bouses, bare signed an agree
ment not to Install any' system of
trading stamps in connection with
their bnalneas. The paper with toe
binding agreement upon it was cir
culated by E. N. Ourey eeoretsry of
tbe grocers' association and be says
nearly every bbtineas man be ap
proaohed put bis name down without
The trading stamp advance agents
are having a bard run for tbeir money
in Spokane. They bave been canvass
ing the stores of tbe city for two weeks
and seem to Lave been rebuffed every
where. There have been instances in
the east where large and reputable
conoerns in a oity have been given
trading stamps free by tbe companies
for the sake of idvertidng the stamps.
It was rumored on the street yeetii
day that the advance agent bad made
suoh a proposal to the Ciesoent Dry
Goods oompenr here and; weru turned
down. E B. Peterson manager of
the store, said : "No such offer was
made to us but we bad a talk with tbe
trading stamp men when, they flret
came to town. We were given to un
dersrand that we could make very fav
orable arrangements with them if we
wished to. It was hinted that w
could bave tbe trading stamp privi
leges at our own price."
Mr. Corey who ia also secretary 0'
tbe state grocers' aoorcitioo , said
"Grocers as a rule do not look 'avor
ably upon the trading atamp proposi
tion. The state and national associa
tions have oonde mued it. They con
sider it is a graft and wh in you oam
to figure tbetbing out it is nothitii
but a graft. When a man is invriglei
to give from 8 to 6 per cent of bi
gross income away Desire advertising
that be will do it, he is ready to gi
broke. Tbe trading stamp peopl'
need to work the different onlareJ
aiamps on tbe grocers particularly--
Walker Minn Aua. 81 The execu
tion, of William Obouoaid in tbe Oass
oounty jail today is tbe first execution
oh record to take place in this auto on
a day other than the oustomary Fri
day. Obounard killed bis wile at
diss Lake leit winter after drinking
SO glasses of whiskey. ""
New York Auk. 81 Billv Madrid
does not share the opinion , that Jef.
tries is in a class by himself,:. The vet
eran manager says: . ,i
. "I feel certain that Jeffrloa is not so
Not since the myetarione murder i f
Miss May Wallaoe a P. ndlelon schor l
tenober, six years ago, has suoh a per.
plexing orime been brought to the at
tention of ' Cm Hill ocun-y officials,
aa tb" killing of Christopher Oolum
hui Kilts.
Pittsburg Aug. 81 At To'olorlc
this morning Frand Uippold, aged iS,
nfier a night's dtbauoh, went to Ma
bnme at Hoidelburg. He wi nt to the
room where his 8-year-old son, Frank,
was sleeping, and chopped tbe lad to
pieces with an axe. .. .
The Great Fashion Center
Newberg , Or. Aug. 81 Mrs. Dora
Everest Dodge of Ohebaleni Center
was thrown from her buggy yeatrrday
afternoon about 4 o'olock and sus
tained injuries whiob caused her death
about 10 hours later.
, She and her son, a small boy, bad
been spending tbe day with a neigh
bor Mrs. Westfall at tbe foot of Obe
balem mountain and bad bitched up
to return borre when tbe horse be
came frightened and started to run.
Mrs. Dodge was thrown out striking
on a pile of rock.
Annual Election.
The ladies of the W 0 T U will meet
at tbe borne ol Mis Mary Aldrich to
moi row afternoon at wbioh lime the
annual election of officers wrl be held
and arrangements considered for the
holding of tbe cuuuty convention
whioh will be beld in tbis city on tbe
1 20 and 21 of Beptembar.
Portland Aug. 31 Albert T Clark,
aged aeveo years, was struck by a
City A Suburban street car on Missis
ippi aveune near Monroe last nigbl at
You is for Fall Trad.'