c If-: r a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ii . a a a a a ' o ' a n u4 J." -1 It.! ant .if- 'ft Ttfftll 4t JCWtgft Ore than they ask for when they fcav us fill their prescript- .nn. tri ti tr.,- "Kt-a-. '. ' J ''JfTwlW 'public at largaianot half so particular as we are in these mat- i . koW that our drags are both pure and of standard strength. We J5-5i"'3Uft ii oluiioes whatever, and never hesitate to pay the cost of making - ;Yout.phyjioian, writes a prescription expecting definite results; we. see to it that he is not disappointed. am 5 ! t i" T Hisbn" .1 . -U; NEWL1N DRUG CO. I. .8taplM v ' E. E. Romig I !' ?;T' : s-- -. -" ROMIG & STAPLES GROCERIES- ' A full and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and wooden ware. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery- prodnots always freah. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN . ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do tlm; namely, relieve 5 the! Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and :' at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Assiniulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CUKE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and TELL YOU The funeral of the late ' Blahard Croesen whic h took place in the Pres byterian charob tbie afternoon at o'clock was largely attended.- The yoang mo who so suddenly came to bla death aa raised in tlila vicinity and enjoyed a lame circle ot esteemed ti ieail. D L Crossen, one of the early plou- eera of this vnlley having mnde proof on a homestead on Ladd creek twenty fonr yeara ago, but for the past twelve years hsa been a resident of Spokane, arrived yesterday morning to attend the funeral of his son Richard who was accidentally killed in fc't. Louis, which took place in this city this afternoon. 0 W Noyes, who for the . past four months has bad the management of J D Casey's saw mill near HllgarJ, has returned to this "city to resume his former position as engineer of the La Grande Flouring mill which will com mence its season's run in a few days. 1 1 Quite contrary to expectations the afternoon tea whiob rill be held at the ' M E parsonage tomorrow from 2 p. m. I j to 7:30 p. m. will partake largely of a farewell moating to Mr. and Mr. J C . Walker. However, Rev. Walker will preach bis last eermon in this city next Sunday morning. He will not preach In the evening . District Organizer K G Woodcock, of the Woodmen of the World, Is in the city and will meet with the l a Grande oamp tomorrow night. He will address the meeting anil there will also be floor work to receive the attention of the members, t the close of the meeting refreshments wi'l be served A fall attendance of the camp is de sired as Mr Woodcook has something to sav to the members which will not only Interest them but will uIbo be of considerable Importance to all Wood men of the world. C T KcDaniela, the wallowa county realestate man, arrived In the city yes terlay and will return tomorrow morn ing, lie reports wallowa county in a very prospers condition aDd the farmers and stork men happy and contented. I This contentment bes rys works a hard The High Five Club will meet til's ship upon tbo nalestato men there as week at the residence of Mrs J. 0. '. lew ol the property owners wish to din- poeo ol their farms. He furtliur Btutes that there are enough buyers to pur- Notice to Builders I vlsb to inform the building public that I have opened a stone quarry on the Campbell place about two miles from town and am In a position to take all kinds of stone contracts at a great saving to the bnilder. There are several reasons why I can- tarnish this stone at a cheaper rate than hard stont dealers. . The principal reuson is that the atone Is softer and oan be cot and dressed at less expense than the hard tone now being famished the trade. The qnarry is nearer town aud on a good hard road. This stone la not only first class foundation rock but can alfo be cut at a very slight cost for walls and fancy trimmings. If you are thinking of building let me know and I will convinoe you that yon can bnildastone build in? with tills stone cheaper than with any other material now in use here. Icaiy a fall and oomplete line ot sewer pipe at all times. Jack Childs, l or, Washington and Fir street, La Grande. '''..- Ross suitings an O iserver, nounoerae EOR SALE Fl rrtidence portion sold cheap if sold of H P Lewie or Win. Grande, Oregon. X Notice. Members ol the B.uhbina Bisters are requested to meet at the K. ol P. ball Tuesday ennniDg Aug. 30 as tb?re is business of importance to he trans acted, '. By order of - . . v Cora Lewie M 15 u V FIRE PROOF SAFE Kor sale, weight. 2500, price K0. Call or write La GranJe Pawnbroker Phone 1581.. . LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest. WILL A. WE Te HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore Gnlling Mrs 0 E Slack and daughter, Miss Noma, left yesterday for Burlington, Iowa, to visit Mrs. Slack's sisters for some time. They will also visit rolu- tivea in Galesburg, Illinois Weather Eorecast Tonljht and Wed nesday fair. Cooler tonight with light frost. The Ladles Aid Society of the Moth odlst church will give a tea at the pur-, soilage next Wednesday aftornoou from 2:30 nntil 7:30 p. m. The Ladies Society ol the B ol L P will serve Ice Cream with Cake anil Coffee, next Wednesday Evening Aug. 81, at the home of Mrs D W Jackson at 1307 Madison Striet east of the truck All are cordially Invited to attond . Frank Johnston, a prominent Bheep owner from Boise, Idaho, who bus been ut El,ln for some time on business lu regard to the sheep Industry, arrived in our city yosterday afternoon and will leave shortly for Pendleton.. Commencing tonight the Soveuth Day Adventists will hold a carapmeot ing in this city on the vacant property on 8th and N streets, wbioh will con tinue nntil Sunday, September the 4tb' A cord al invitation is extended to all to attond theBe sorvh ei. Joseph Maxwell, the old soldier who was taken over to Union last evening, was committed to the asylum bv Judge tlnrrison and Sborltf Pennington passed through with him on thU morn ing's train unroute to Sulem. The sisters' school will open the first Monday In September. As all know the Importance of b9ing present at the beginning of school, try to be on band Monday. Mr and Mrs John McDonald, of wal lowa, are in the city on their way to Kan Francisco where they will attend the Knight Templars conulave which will meet in that city. ; .The Clock " - ( ' is eometblng that is Indispensable to the borne. It marks -the hour for aris ing to cope with events of the day,' anil the time lor retiring at niuht... There Is 5omerhi about the clock that I, ..... - . heart of all. It will some day mark the hour of death. My clockeara of handeomeappearanre mat in detign, and made ol nicely pulifhed bronze noial ornaments Prices from tl.OO to UM0. '.) U Peare Union Co'u leading Jeweler KextNewlin Drug Store. Wach re pairing a Specially. j. H. Pcarc, the Jeweler REFRIGERATORS j "WANTED V WANTED wnr-jyj jjg 0f geccm i Hand Goods . Remember that we will pay you caih for noytlung you huvu to sell ' :h& bah furolsh you witb anything in our line cheaper than anyone tlee in, tou. , Set Work ll'arueai $V(( Lady's biryolf, 12 CO, Gent's Bioycle 5 00, Bed room suit, 10 00, Cari ontprs tool ' chest 2 BO, trunk 2 00, Henting stoves 150 ami up, Wood bed bteds bOv, Lttdits diuunind rinjj clieap. Ma'ui loanetl en oollaU rula. The La Grande Pawnbroktrs .:.-...23k.-"sz..Cofncr Fir and dams Wmber still bay nd ..11 .19 kind, n ,53, chase all of wallowa county could sellers be found. Charles Biixnell and son Warren aud I.uto Derriuger roturnod yesterday from a twenty one diiya trip to tho i.Miuain. Mr. Barnoll tailed at the j Observer ritllce aud ordored his name '. pbu'e.i upon the daily subscription list and irn Idcutnlly told wlrat a splendid time ho and the boys lutd Charley is no B:OU:tl wh"U it C0m03 to CKBtillg a fly and It is a motul certainty that the Mirifiin Is short several floe trout on aououut of Mr. llarnell'B vinit, Tho party brought home a seven gallon keg full of salted trout, and there i not ouo in the keg whit-h will measure under fourteen inches. Allen & Aliou have leased cheir wood sawing machine to 8am Fow oett who will continue tho businotjg and flniah aU order taken by the late firm ol Allen & Allen. j Mr an I Mrs E A Holmes of W.I-1 Iowa are in the lity today the guest of Mr and Mrs J M Berry. They are on thetr way to dan Francico where Mr Holmes willatiend Mueio Conclave whiob moitj in that oit;'. i Mrs. 0. T. Boo in acoompnnietl by her stu: Arohie and dauahter Koouey expect to leave thin evenimi for Port land." lbey will also visit Irieods and relative! in Albany before returning. The La Grande Lodge No. 10 101 F yes'erday purchrsed a water wright from J M. Clark of Old town and will soon have their cemetery uuder irri gation,. W'at-r fnr the Odd Felluwii cemetery has long beeu needed aoi' trustees of the 1 jdte are to be congra tulated for their action. We are sole agents for the ICE KINO, galvanized and porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch, or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. Noted As An lee Saver Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and prices E. ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers HOUSE FURNISHINGS L1202 Adams Ave Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 Mens Shoes A full lino of the (mtious Walk -Over $3 50 and $4.00 Shoe Hanen & Sod, none better made, from $5.50 to $7-00 We only carry these lines but we have them in a variety of styles and widths and we know we can please you. KOSS & ANDREWS ffTTTTTTTTTTTTWTTTTTTTTTTT GET Til E ClIILDRLN READY FOE SCHOOL Only a short time now until the Full term begins and they will need a new Hat, Dress, Suit, Shoes ot other Wearing Apparel, Tublets, Slates, Pencils, Pens, Ink, etc. , We have them all and at right prices. Good Children's Cups.. Gotitl Children's Hose Good School Shot' .$ .15 Lead Pencils, nickle tip , .8 Pencil Tablets, 250 pages . 1.00 Good Pens, per dozen flnnil Titlr no, tmttlo Good Penholders . . . . '. " qj A large slock of materials for children's dresses, from 5 ceuts per yard up. Good School Pants 25 Good School Suits 1.50 01 05 04 3kW V; The Golden Rule Company Largest Store Smallest Prices Bead the Daily Observer ti It I?'