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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1904)
3 m r a 9 S We Handle - Hotuea for all people. Many styl. s, imny prices, In uiiuiy loealitlea. We have no doubt we can suit your tastes, ant u-iapt our easy payment plan to your necessities. It is oorttoiuly wise to Own a Home ' We can and will help yuu, it you will permit us, to secure freedom rum tbe visits of tbe laudlurd, and make yoa, like liobiusou Crusce, "monarch ol all ir-ou survey." Why not be king of your castle? a Srande Snvostmeni Company, 1110 Adama Avenue, La Grande, Oregon Li Grande Evening Observer CUKRKV BKOS., Editors & Props Entered at Itho Post Olbeo at La tiruude, Oregon, as Second Class Mail Matter. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. . , , . . $6 50 Six mouths in advance. . . .3 60 1'er month .05c Single copy ...5c witluu our borders. - If tbe people of Eastern ' Ore gon really disire more people they mutt demonstrate to the wor'ul that mob violence ia not poiniitud to defy" law without swift and ample punishment, in tkit part of the stale. . As things uro row going, EasUru Oregon in making n' reputation for bloody luwleaiu-es that is a disgrace timt will cling to it for years ami hiuili r ils develop ment beyond calculation or ex pression in cold figures.' ' ' ' TUESDAY EVENING, AUG 30, !904 OFFICERS: Uao. Palmes ........President J. M. Bnurr Vice President J. M.Ciiubcii... ....... .Cashier. DIRECTORS: J. M. Berry, J. M. Otaiuvh A. B. Conley, Geo. L. Clca. ver, Geo. Palmer F. L. Mkyebs and Geo L Cleaver Asst. Cashiers . ; 3655 La Grande National B nk La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transacts a general banklug business. Boys and sells exchange on ENGLISH WOMEN NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . U. H, Utut Orth'e, Ut titnnde. Or. May U, Nolle It hereby irtvea timt In ooiiuiIUul-c Wltb tbu nrovtftlmirt of tli ucl ul lriiurtMi tif JuuH,iH7K eudilM "An wa ux Hit. mhI of innwr luiinn in inn trtitf cm tjuntorinu, ui- riotit Nevada tuu w nhlntflui iTrtioryRitl xU.ndet to ul) the liibllc Lund Htut ty uci of AujfUttt 4, IWi, r hut-be KuUU of erry. County of Union, Htau of Orvxon, Im huh aav niea in iihm umM) nomwtn-iiMUiie-uieut, No. aiUL for the mrvruui of th HU H WSiSftittun -M KIU HH S Of MwUou No. Z7t uiTownKiiin no -1 a, as,ui.a wlllottw proof toMiow that tlie IhihI In more vuluubU for Us ilmbtilor ntoni' liuti foruurtoulturul nuriKkKeK.iintl to OHtHUltli imr claim U Mild IttiiU WioiviIh' Ki-KlsUTuniHlo wlvef of ttili otrn-eut 1,h (Jrnintc, UrKin;, 011 SI outlay , the Itl uny ot AttuiiMt. UKH. She lutuit1. tt wiliR'nv-i : a. I. Ili-ttn. John J. Murphy, Kaltiti H. ItutlW, ttml Mary It. Mnrnhv, all ui IYrrv.Onu-oii. Anv mitt ull m-itumK cltiliiiitnr (ulverm-lv Hit iibovo-tlfwrilnnl lamia mv rviilthn1 in ttlc Uielroiatuti in thin omuo oil .or butora wud ihi uay 01 nuvuvi, imil It inukt-s a difference when our legislature does not elect ft United States acuator. In Jan luury our legislature meets but little interest bas been taken iu Miss Ii Anthony, who , lhe mi,tter 89 J'"' except by one all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. .iHHBBMHManBHnnaanawaaHBaVKi BOSS Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' h stock Hides, pelts and furs. .Also chickens & poultry. H Coal For Hot Weather Our Rock Spring coal will give sali-.l'i..ion We always have it on hand. Castle Gate and Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. We al ways have coal, all kiuds aiid at lowest puces. If you want wood wo can furnish you the kind thai burns longest and best. G. E- FOWLER, TRANSFER AND DELIVERY Phone No 1611 aiasBOoaiistiBaoactic(ti(tttit JOHN JAMISON W E STULL ELVA JAMISON We will call for it and' brim it home when promised - We guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a trial order to demonstrate to you that we un derstand the laundry business, fou can stop our wagou at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, and call do your washing better and cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1981. 742 FIR STREET. D aatlIltl)ilKIIIIIII D O n fi n D D D D O n a a n a a a a n has just returned from Europe whi'hor she had been attending the World's Congress of Women held in Berliu, gives this opin ion concerning English women. "English women are well in formed on politics and talk of them, and indeed, of most sub jects of general iuterost, much more than American womeu. In Scotland and Irejand they are doing the same thing aa in England." .. . . ! Judge Parker, the Democratic candidate, in a recent magatin article says: "tho educated mn in England talk and seem to take a livelier interest in politics than do the college men in the United Stales." It seems from the foregoing tbat both men and . women in England take an interest in uublio affairs and are neither too indolent to rend upon polit ical questions nor too self opin ionated to talk about things and measures that do, or may, if put iu operation, ellect the general welfareofthe British Empire. While the British gentleman nod lady feel proud-of their citi zenship iu what they believe it tbe greatest empire that now is. or ever has been, on tarlh, they also feel a personal responsibili ty in all public affair, and keen appreciation of their dutit s as citizens, to give their country the full benefit of their iudivual brnin power and make no stint thereof, or shirk from tlieir duty to do what they can to create in telligent publio opinions on public questious Public opin ion hi England is the soil in wnicn Imperial policies are grown and no man or woman there, is ashamed to take a part in forming tbat public opinion and in cultivating the lield in which old Englaud's glory ger minates, in fact he or she feels proud of the opportunity to do so. or two aspiiants for the speaker ship and president of the senate. TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. kBROME GRASS Kcd Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc Tho only Seed House inUnion County. Oliver Phone 1571 Gentlemen visiting respective headquarters of Messrs. Cortel- vo j and Taggart'are expected to bring with them assurances . of the safety of - their respective stales. A Georgia darky has just beeii liberated from a box car in wnlcn lie hart been locked up six days by accident. But then the oar was loaded with water melon. Undoubtedly m the- effort to increase the Republican major ity 1'oinTaggurt haB sent Bourke (j'ockran into Vermont to Jdit tneears 01 tne grouuauugs,' Fire. Proof. Safe ' For sals wt. 2500' prioa HO. fjall Of writ La Orauda Pawnbroker. fbou i p; , norioB iva nmuoATioR, V;': ' . DyeartniMit of tk tntertor. . UwdOffloealL Ornod. Oroon. ; namwliKlllor liu Hied n&tkwol hU InUntinS i5l ''.'"..WP rfhta claim. ; i to mitke nnal proof In niDDOrt Mid that mid proof will ta mads brhra i i - j - ' his ptaltn. mnii mi ,Land Office, i DrK-m. wnlowof John HtutaiOirrr. darMid. ,UI-- IionjiioUiroliowliii( wWauim to 'MtJh&' -. hi. aJiilinunuiiTeldonc upon khd outtlvaT "sl, : t onofiialdlaad. vlft IVaik BotaboSr" Jna j r I taS'nS'o"' M"rt M j K. W. DAVIS, RcftoUr. " l IBBlBBaBiDiHBHmOOOBDd "Be- B a m B B Farmers' and-'Pradem r National Bank.f V LAGRANDEi .RfeOON , Capital Stock fully paid 60,000 t ' ' ' Surplus fund - - . " --18.000 r ' Liability of Shareholders ; . 60,000 l Responsibility - . ." 188,000 , We do a general baukiug and exchanej),usitieis Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. ' " '""TuSEPin? AXKERTPrelld mi ' ! " " " ' IBiBlBSHBBaS&lslBBBHa OOO DO O l! U Q Wnt: ilia 5 s; B:! ';v-5 i , Mr. Parker's view that candi-' ilati s ehould be seen Mid Dot hoard is regiiTded as quite anti qua'ed by the Gentleman from Nebraska. . - ' PT-T TT T . AI TP A T tDff i " ft ! f Chain ; wood by the Cord : : Z ," .;,. -128 cubio feet to the . cord, -t 16-lnch, drj Lbua V wood per cord. This is cheaper than t y the load, -You pay for what you got and get what you 'pay for. ' - -; Phone s7i. - . . H. W. NIBLEY t8w - llfltltllllllll Beautiful Columbia River Folder A puHSviiur dopartment of the Oro gon Htiiln,a-t & Navigation Company hm just IriHiied a beau'. if ul and costly ixmorrtinic fuldor entitled 'The Col timliia ltlvert thruiigb tbe Cascade jJotiiitains, to the Pacific 0eau." iT Jtn Arlington to Portland and from I'ortli.uil to tho I'aclQo Ocettn, every curve of tho rher and every point of interest are -hown while Mt Hood Mt AdaiiM. and Mx St ilelene, potpo tuully covered with snow, stood- out in thore beauty. On tho bank of the i n up if im intaretttintt atory in detail of the trip from Huntington to Port land and front Portland to the ocean, not overlooking tho beaches and the San 1' rant ihco trip by ocean- A copy of t iiia folder may be secured by Bond 'ng fnur cents In stiuups to pay postage to A LCraiK) (enerfll Passenger Agent of tho Oregon Railroad & navigation Com pan .rortland, Orugon, Py send ing tiio address of come friend in the Kant, and four cents in postage the folder will bo promptly mailed. A Fejw Clmici Bargains in Wal i Iowa Couaty Real Estate'."! I (1) 200acisof tan l. 13) ajea oaptble ot cnltlvatloa, 1190 ; to fall eown wheat, Uouk, tarn and ottaar baildin,--A gr - snpan $2,500 ; j '!) 240 Mores.siOkll oTt lisrfl, h.tiiM. Intra and good outbuildtaet, 80 itm In 'fell . i somii giain; sru.ili ntriiiu u( walcr do LliroUKh pl0e A great barftUa akjUfiOO I ncrda it land part oi whintl ia the flneit of moadow; good hoK and ; I ouitiiiild tuts Rood hay she-U. "iw tons of hay aa be out on Im plaM wiii tk ffwiipuaiiic in iranc uh una Miiini. i rivu iu wr avru 4 iw i us, itv uiiuhjc mnu 1 ri'.e eiu per ikiitj. J, ail I s 60ael4 ol !luc laud itt $Ui par rtcr. 1 TltuHO are a low 1 I iirtvc 10 uuor ui in way ot toiLi comic uarKains, M'DFinlel WALLOWA, e$l0 per iwnj. Tbti ii ft great bauttda. ire a lew ot ino many bum w For further particular twaaa. 6c 0 many bum W irtlcuUr llrtaa, , M'Donald OREGON' " ' MAKING REPUTATION A.. V. JEFFERSON AVE. ' While Oregon is- spending a large sum of money in placing an exhibit of its product' illus trative of its cliimUe and oppor tunities, the purpose of which is to induce people of a deeireable class 10 come to Oregon; and al so while lhe stale has appropri ated $50,000 to aid the Lawis and Clark Fair at Portland and the citizens of Oregon have con tributed nearly a million more to ninke the fair a success, a few law breakers and dennticioers of morality are more than oUNetting all this expensive effort to people Orejou. Genuine houimeckers, V; when they select a place iu whu li to transplant their lam llien, will turn in (lixgiint from a country where propoity is inse- t tire and life unsafe. The rep utation that the masked men who slaughter great flocks of ehppp in Eastern Oregon and ride eff in apparent security is making for Eastern Oregon that which will keep fur more immi grants from st oking Oregon than all the expositions that millions of dollars outfit will induce Special Excursion lo the World's rair. Tbo Donver and Kio Grande, in oon Doctiua witb tbe Missouri Pacillo, will rim u Horitia of perrotmlly oou diictud UNCiirsions to tbo World's fair during Juuo. Thcuo excursions will run throilf'li to tit. Louis without climik'o uf cars, makiiiK short stops at priucipat poiiiiHonroute. The Drat of theso excursions wiii loave Portland June 7, and the second June 17. Tbe rate from La l.ruudo fill bo tOO to St. Louis and return. Kxcursionists go ing .ia the Denver Si Kio Uraudo have the piiviloge nf returning by a differ ent routo. Thin is the moot pleasant way, as well ua the most delightful route to cross Hie continent. 1 he stops arranged give uu opportunity of visitlnu in and about Kansas City. If you wlab to accompany one of tbese excursions wriio at once to W C Mo Bride. 124 Third Btreet, Portland, for Sleeping car roRervations I Notice to Contractors Sealed IjidH will lo received until 2 o'clock 1 M Saturday August 0-1(104 for the i-finiiruction ol a two story frame rfui lcce building according to jilan-' and HpefifirHtio'iH which maybe c'en at. tlie ri'fl'KuicH of Mm ft ratty oral th.i n-sidi'iice of O It Thorrtou, ...!.:.,... I n k.....n ill lal.ti'r plsce hi'lit will fio oi.-ou' d. UiddtTS it.vit'i I to be pr:-nt. Th owner re- frvus tlit right to reject any and all Id is. Mrs Z Patty. How diar to my heart is the old-fashioned washboard ', , That mother nsed to wash on when I was a boy, - ' ' ; , S y With Its zinc-covered ridges tbu suds used to play In Y ' And sojp buiihlos gambol -d to my ohlldlsli joy . ' .'";; Ofttimes hrive I watr.hral her when wearius her knuckles. :. ! s As over th i ridi-os our duds slio would rub, . ,, I ne'er will fur not how she snlashel aud the slatherop ' ' ' The old fuahioaed wash board that stood in the tnb. . CHORUS The old fftnliloned washliouril; , . . J Tie zinc-covered washboard; ' " ' The back-breaking washboard that alood in tba tub. -" . . Borne folks nlay kick about up-to dats laa-ldrlss, ' ' ' And say they wear out th.-ir clothes every d.iy; J But give t Ii Jin to me, so I will have a hot dinner At home, with Ihu Binxll of the soup suds away, s. I know that the washing machine Is muoh easier 2 tin all of our clothes than to take tliern aud rub : Till the buti-oiiB an i bosoms are lost and worn out ' ' ".. lly the old faahioned washboard that stood in the tab, . . . -. We are not tbo old fashioned kind. A B C LAUNDRY City Property For Sale Find) located, Well Improved 5-Room House For.'' Sale. Also Other City Property "At ' v : r ' GRANT & HERR0NS Mi-sttasat t-axii-4- 'H-t "TTTtTttllttlltminmt WE AjjE HEADQUARTERS; For Kodak and Kodfik Supplies A complete stock of professional paper. Plates ot wholesale prices. . Mailorder! aiiBwcreil promptly. -'. La Grande Drug Co. and Red Cross Drug Co