La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, August 30, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    . I
i; 31
i, :
i tint weather
Bring your-wife and
family to tb Spokane
Cafe for Dinner.
Your wife will up-
4 preoUto - ,be change
and freedom from the '
-,- hoi kitchen.- You will
it': all enjoy the meal the.
if beat in towu. , First-
j-' daw lervio.- ' ; '
it F. Johnson
Depot St v La Grande.Or .
Classified Ads
Change of
The undenigued has purchased
' the busin as known as the Harris
: Cash Meat Market and will here
after conduct the fame.
We wish to inform the public
: .m nmnarnri In furnish
1 sua wo ' r r
all kinds of meats,' game and
poultry at the very lowest prioeB
We have our own delivery
and make two trips daily to the
Old Town. Highest market
price paid for all cattle, hogs and
sheep. We solicit a share oi
your patronage and guarantee
the very best satisfaction.
rbone oraers receive prum
and earefnl attention.
y Harris meat market across the
track. Phone 1601.
WANTED Plain savins and ham.
tltchlng. Mrs IQFreese, 1617 1th St.
auuHeBeiK iuw 1 ua iui nw. at mi.
-hearur'n opposite the Star Grocery.
work, Inquire at this oUioe.
Fred Yaotls is -letting Id Baker City
this week.
FOB BENT A Urge roomy barn. In
quire of Mrs. -uber.
mil D If L' A IhMakln
, out nt inquire 01 J ad Draper nt tn
Androse Rantti. v
VftRlil RAT.I frond - work- taama.
HtnMiM liahtfaam. b'ur fnll Dar-
Honiara, terms and prices address
EE Vehers K F D No 1 La Grande
Oregon. J21.
FOR BALE Fresh milch cow and
calf, enquire ot H 8 Cavana, F. E.
' D.Sol. , '.
FOB RENT Furnished boose. In
quire ol Mrs. Zuber.
VTTDVTUII C Tl RnnUH Povt.laa -a
log nicely lurnisnea rooms appiy 10
G D Pimmona corner 8 and M streets
FOK SALE Beooud hand furniture Is
for' sale ac oaivauon Army, neau-
quartora. Call this week.,
GIRL WANTED Light house keep-
ng aood wages apply to Mrs U W mb-
ey ferry, urtgou.
cution, known as Whitney House
near post office. Mrs. E Belmick
Aug 22
WANTED Four girls at once at the
Knittina Euotorv. . Sommer Honse
building. -
LOST Sootoh Coolie pap, male, yet
low with white tip on tan, wniie
breast. 15 reward tor return to M
H Kirtlei's livery stable. Clone
thr e weeks. 3t
Appointments of Pastors Are Made to the Va
rious Charges in the District as Seemed
wise to the Confer? nee.
r- 'tilOUBE TO BENT The pi
NUI ICC ur UlMUl DO rM 8eonre , ant rItt88
Notice is lM . . b
p.rtnersn.pnerevu.u ....... - - reB
cue unaerBiBuou mu- - - -
of MVCoy A Mcfwlnne, in tl Birch street.
oneinefB, ai ,a itnuiuw, u
. nintnnl acrrOAin - V
hufiiuess will be contiuuod D .
":," n AiiumOR RENT FiuDibIt
.ui: i in it. no " i V , , ,
jnuit rent Apply UJ Mrs.
8 12-923 w- Mg 1306 O street. Phone SCI
For Sale
Earl v Risers
FOUND Gold watoh on county road
In front pay farm Owner can have
same by giving proper description
' and paying for this notice.
James Moss, BCD, No. 1
WANTED IB young ladies to doeopy
ins. Must write a plain neat baud.
The work to be done in the town of
Union. Address, O M Smith, Port
land, Oregon.
The Methodist conference announc
ed appointments at Hailey today, and
the list is as follows :
Boise District.
Presiding Elder W W Van Dusen
of Boise.
Albion W 0 Mitchell
Amealcan Falls 0 A Edwards
Blackfoot 0 A White
Boise I F Boach
Oaldwell 0 E Helman
Cambridge To be supplied by J L
Dtlamar and Silver City To be
Erumctt A W Hsrtsborn
Glenn's Ferry Thomas Johns
Hailey W J Harvey
Huntington Ore. Carl L Bent
Idaho City A A ''howsrd
Idaho Falls G W Barnes
Idabo Falls oiroult To be supplied
Junolion To be supplied by John
Dubois To be supplied
Long Valley F J Long
Mackey G G Haley
aw ask seHef from aUHeasnass,
lok Haasaeha, Torpid Uwr, Jean-
ESaataau. anil all troubles arls-
i aa Inaaltva ar alunlsh Hvr,
DsWM'a Utile. Bany russrs mn v
Hnllii .'
n aat aramallv and nsvtr rrtpa.
Tha an as dalBtr that It la a pleasure
Is ask stem. Ona ta two aat as a
asM laaawrel two ar four aol as
. ailaailva aalhartlo. Thay
a pares vect n4 ll,l'
aarlUsSi They Mm ins nvar.
sa, as. pwin ex., Chia
Meridian J H Boss
Middleton To bs supplied
Narapa H H Mower -Ontario
Ore. Olney Kondal
Payette To be supplied by Herbert
Fooatello D 0 McColm
-Salmon To be upplie1
St Anthony Harley Adams
Shoabone and l'tn Palls H W
Holdier J icob Muesol
8 wee' J M Hixon
' Vile Oie. J L Fendull
W9i.erW W Deal
La Qrande District
Presiding older J D Gillillan of La
Baker City F A Lawson
Elgin C P Smith
Eoterpris' To be supplied
Flora To ba nupplied.
John Dy G P A-dier
Joseph To be Hupplieii
Haines H B Oaster
L Grand J D Gillilan
Union J 0 Walker
Wallowa J M Johnson
. . i . I V . tum ftiuir uu.
Work single, double or sadtfNew rork-Silver 58 5 81 nion Psoillo
pole buggy and new liibt; 6-8,1'fd 93 1-2
oimplete. Inquire o( Mrs. B. cbioano-Sept wheat opened o9 3d
Whitney Housi-, Adams Aveqsg 5.8 Bnd close'J nt vu 1-1
ii a W, flax 1.17 i.z,noiuiweieiu
ks.m Fr.inoisoo Cash wheat 1.37
tPortland-ft'heat Walla Walla 67;
LOST The crown off of astem?:!! Valley 7.
Templar's emblem with a settle Beat steers 83 a t3.25j me
Bve email diamonds. Fil,,, cow6 32 a f2.2r.
please leave at J M Berry's t
receive reward.
Peaches Reai estate Snap
I wish to say to my Iriendsr.,, acre trect, seven blocks from
mlili thst I htve a large !,,, r. r.nindci. o d six room-
penohes this year. Our earlyj!,. furnished completely and
wi'l be ripe iu a'lOUt waek o .. d irea iw0 barns, large hen
from thta time weeao -njon - . . Bed k ovroue
,,cy better .uvoreapeacua,
er than you can buy them af in..llldinl! inter aud sum-
have bsen shipped in from otlr fmla pmmB peaches
pk.n nriiim ami nav fnr 20 i i itnr:tio nf iliRrrifs. one
uet 20 lbs good pound mea.ureusmid raspberries. 500 etniwU-rriea
laruo garden rraidy fur use, three
r ,l8. two pumps, ten shares iu Rood
ter ditch. House insured for $700
tl tn .1 J'. P.;. Dni. three years. Part down.
The Worm s rair sv rticullu.s lliqire at this omce.
Thoao anticipating an tasten
a visit to the Louisiana Furuh;
ail hi,, at. St. IxJlllB. cailllOl t
For Sale
Los A.ngeles Aug. 30 For the first
limn ainoe there have been two tail
nal oorp' of the
Wiia coninli-U'd
Good nursery lor sale well stocked
with trees. Plenty 01 water.' 1 wo
Houses ciose to town. For particulars
apply To O Plant La Grande Oregon
write Box 637 La Grande Oregon.
United States army
the attention of
Another Birthday.
ot Senator
r Aug
30 The condition
rractiolly un-
Plenty of good ;pnature;tl per head
per month, Phone 1270.
FOB SALE One fino milch oow very
F S Neweotn
309 U 8lret North car Shops.
First Class dressmaking nt reasonable
prlcos. Inquire for Misa Mary Coon,
late ol Seattle, nt Mrs Shearers rooms.
SoM By All Druggists
If so. DurohBse yonr ticket via the
Choice ot routes going or reiurmi.K
For rates call on your infill AK011'-;
Dates of sale: June 10-17-18 Jnly 1-2-3
Aug. 8-9-10 Sept. 6-41-7 Oct. 8-4-5.
For further information and sleeping
car reservations call upon or addross
A H Mo Donald
tsp IGen'l Agent
140 ThlrdBt., Portland, Ore ZZZ
CitV Scavenger
Vm.Ue focennnk and WellS
All work done by Scavengers
1ST. TSr. IVTnoi
Phone 1841 La Grnn.le Or:
All Kinds of Work
Wesley Davis does all klnilB of scav
enger work, such as cleaning wella, cesB
pollB, eui. Hive bim a call. 4 24 tf
lime sinoe tnare dbvo u:u .... .in..
.i .u. nhanued to.lav and it la reported tliat
roads built into Los Angeles from the , onaugeu w iay ana v
east there were no overlAnd trains in ; "" "
"... .. t. Irnent. He is seveuty eight years old
or out of the oity today. j'"
Traffic on the Southern ?aciflo is at tol"y:
ast indstill, owing to tne waening oul .
Ol the the truck on the deaart jester-j 3nOWITi3n UVine.
. . . A PI da...-.-. !
aay Di iween douuhiuui. uu .
' . . . . n..liin.lmd O Aitir 31 Pdthr oel'S.
Three miles ol traok was carried oui. .
mreemiua ui , u the ve er.m ahiiwnian, who was stnek-
nd traffio will not be resumed before pn wth pMti. lmrH,5.8i8 ,Mierdfty, is
tomorrow. ' barely able tn r.-cnguize his family.
The effect ol the water at the scene
ol the cloudburst yesterday was terri
fic and 80 pound steel rails wore
twiatoJ and broken and carried con -
liderable distanoes from their ongiual
resting pieces.
Considerable Block was drowned,
county bridges oarried away and roaie
washed out.
New Lumber Yard.
I am now prepared to fill orders 3
all kinds of lumber. If you need lum
ber Bee prices bolore ordering.
r. mmvuuuuui
Prip. Uninbow Store
Piano Instruction.
FlrB class instruction on the piano.
Harriet E Young,
Phone l'.m July 27.
.Wood Saw
Orders for sawing promptly executed
Phone 1810. residence on ysooru oi.
Terms reasonable. ti W Allen.
Sweet Cream
' nn.rritri school tor voting men A bny
Box 348 University Park Station,
Portland C"i,r
and Urmn
mar Guide
8eattle Wa h. Aug. 30 Amid the
nhoerinu ol 3'K) men and women, the
shrieking ot wliietlai and the playing
nf national anthem, the final spliciug
of the HjAttlr-91tk government cable
' was mtde at 3 :30 this afternoon in the
har ti r 10 miles out ol this oity. Ten
minutes later Mayor dallingar ol Seat
tie cut the ropes holding the jointed
end ol the cable ship Burnhide, Bnd
wirh a solash the completed cable lell
... ... Imitnm nf Pnirpf. uniind. and the
Ci.niiiioneing?Tlinrsday Juno ltitli the i fc (l( monlh, on the pait ol the ig
Urandi'lKonde Creamery t,o will lie
prepared to furnish swwol cream in
iiuiinitv to suit, whole sale aud retail
Honienilier iho idiu-e tlniitlng'ons new
biilldii.g lint dcior to llro uiiinnng.
Machnrry Por Sale
Oi.u -u II r the 1 "x 1 nll,'r J 1 u"3' 1
Oin- h' eimineMUiie uniKo
llni. u'Kiiwiui: nnn'lilne
One up sawing nun'iiino
Oni ''tl f moe ti'lioller
One u In Ii inuii.der ... I
Ml in gnil "iispe. fak-n out to in-.
8t,.U plnnt
Stodiliird Lumber eo, La Ornndo
Debs at Portland.
overlouk the advautaguB oilered
Missoeai Pacivic Kailway, w
account, ol its various ruuwjo public:
wavB. has been, appropriate! .... . ...n
The World's Fair Kout. se not ar011(y ,vi.ed that we Ii
Paflnnntrera from the Lortna ,.ja:nj n.wi.-.,.
the Missouri pacific trains iwGrand(. e ,lal to aiiy in tiec0,aiiry.
veror Pueblo with theuljoics tbai)eiald roniiti,,ua
going direct through the aueji gucn a1 el,terpl.i,6 an,i ,v
via wicnita, run owu , mousanagor nouiira in e
Hill. i4 iiuent Bli I iinproreineuti..
Two trains daily trom uene al0 n,,t niv ,,ri.pan-il to fill your
Pueblo to fit. Louis without Hrs for null work but we rnu fnr-
carryinjr all classes ol niouoij ai jujg 0f u,ber on short
meut, iucluuing electric iiBuie,c.j.
.....inn tmrlitr t!life Uinill2 CS hn. in mi.iinlii .n u'o n.n In..
daily trains between tKansaaj, ju car 0tsto be delivered direct
St Louis, ,can give ytiu prompt shipment ana
Write, tor call on vv. u. prices as low ns the lowest conanlcr
Geueral Agent, 124 Third Bt, the Quality of the stoi-k and the
lor detailed information md UuiptiHiss of delivery,
literature. i',ie price varie- aa to tl.o am itnit
uuy ano tne eosi Ol uundling.
n,aaaI!;!a!!B!Mliir'e pluciUi; your onler outnido
" .niit your projmsition to us and soe
ConiirrtulationS :. we cau handle your business to
a ise you.
Mr John II Oollom, Editte are a La lirande institution but
Garland, Texas, News, has vln uat eldm anything on that no
lettor of eougratulHtioi.s to th'ntonly tu have an equal show with
factnre of ChsmberlaiU's Ct rompetitor.
medy, as lollows: "bixteen jf ter estaWisliini; an expensive 1 1-
wheu our brut cuuu wub a oanenterpn-e we want the busines? io
subject to croupy spells and our -J0 odd nieu nt work.
l.t... V. .... .. .. . ...
oe very uuenpj "u. re oov otKilinii lor lavors out lo
using Chamberlain's Cough Iv.uterprises sbouid be built up to
iaoit uuoiu6 auk..- -.Viyy um mune lit IIUI1I4 lllli'lld Ol
EoirnR V D bi, s.icialint candidate
lor president ol the United States will
make a tour oi the wait, during the
campaign being alrendy bilierj lor an
address at Por'land on Boptembsr i!b.
Great Textile Strike
Fall River. Mass. Aug. 30 The
silth week oltbe textile etnko involv
ing 20,000 employes was uhered in to
day. Tliero are no more indications
of a resumption ol operations than
mhnn l.p hitter cnntegt bcean and the
strike has so lar cost the workers , beauty, lind
a.i.w. nnn.. J . -..A lh n... aiunl I n l.n..j;
. auk..- iU, u.ii iniuiie tit IIUI1I4 lllli'lld OI
dCroUOWH lUillU all thfi Mil) ,er IluMi- for
heeu without in the bone 8infctured in other plae'es.
medy for oldsand croup we Iu
time. We have five chlljren sie inonav
given it to all of them with .k tu ui aud it builds up other com
rurouie o i uftiniiea av ou r expense
Voura for b'ipliiiiss,
Stoddaid Lumber Co.
)dse Directory.
ghtful Route, Davlii"Vl,a;,lncl,",!r,p-' L?,ftnw
,zy Crags, Dee,. C,tfe WS" w
A Golden Onportuui
nature In all her ft khtkrh Off AMVItrrvt .i .
then the ". rV.v'Tn a-.
JSOO.OOOio wages and they have spent 1 man's handiwork. l0nller ,. ." HeiinerciiieiiunWr.
150,000 from their treasury. It is found alonr the line
learned tnat aou'bern manufacturers ; Denver & Rio Grande E.
are seouiiug much bneiptss hitbfrto and tho latter nt the Sen .ir) smuni.y' ,?",,. ViluZVuein
handled by tho IocjI mills and the World's Fair. Your trip ' ci vliJSrSioi, n u.
manufacturers are becoming uneany ! 0ue of pleasure innke tfu0-.8"w.
aa a consequence. of it. if or information atv
! trated literatnre write ' La Grande T.i,i,
l.OST-?3S in bills. Finder will please j w C. McBIUDE, Genj" ry l6tand :rd Satur.
leave at this olDce aud get liberal ro
Willi...,, u. .
" I' Hullrntn W. M
warn il ?
taBaaTaVB 9"W
lues PI
out M
and f J
For Sale
" aa I ' V m
il ht fi iwiiTnrr -
O, U
irrrr TPA
Ooci'miroiio fmn Ih acres nmr C urt
House with n;..oin i.oin will 'd both
lnu and bouae or .itbcir.
J V linker.
KOliSALK A.NP UKS 1 Oninvo""1 1 '
,, b-allh - ' I' ""' "ir f'-ty v ,
rooir. ..1'inilng on.-.-, n i ll i- do inr
n goml fli at i-lti.HMiii.-s to re-pomi. j
Me litt 'or n a ot voire. Will
! sell tin- fnri.ilm.. -it rea-nim! !
prices. Io- -iiri:onliir rail on or i
address W. It. I rn.n, Inl'ivnile,
Oregon ' I
To Whi-m It May Concrrn ' !
EM it . pl. i..t-i 0. I!'t, ielgbl IS) .
p.,.vhn I i-oiiS'itiile a day. work f..rj
11 h-ii'klnvn . n'n and p'ttrers
lelortg!ug to 1hia Unt.iti. ,.
" Nl Win. llu'njen, P !.
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hopinvear away,"
drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is kidney trouble in otbrst forms.
r j
A j-Ar Hl.TTSL: the poisonou
Stops irregularities, sucugiucuo tuc uiumiy uiBiia ne worn-out Hoc
r .l. 1 : .1 r it.. ...ill Ml.rn.m f V. oi e ftmftnnQ "A- i
oi me niuncya ou tut-jr ... pv.. ...... ....... ................ y.y Kianeys strain
the impurities from the blood as it passes through th kidneys do nnr
ous v;aste matter is cameo, dv tne circiry part of th A X
riincss. backache, stomach trouble, slufreiiiar h.- .... Dody
have anv sicrns t
3f Kidnev or Bladder Trtr. t'c,
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disotdays and ornVS
fatal malady, it is pleasant to tae ana Denents tne; .---.. .
How to Find Out.
You can easily determine if your kidneys are
out ol order by setting aside for 24 hours a
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If
upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has
a brick dust sediment or small particles float
about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and
FOLEY'S K'ONEY CURE should be taken
B. BurlWrftn- tr
G.B. Burh,.N-y. ;e,"ari
'About four yars Hn .. , ,
cum) of Ids ' been b.
rol.y's Kldoer Cure, ' h" bottle, of
polo .0 j .ymptomt iU, 'T'."''"1 "'mfol ,A
1 h.r. neytr bad nt '"j, 1 " to ,,,
. i..t h.v. ij.i,''"" '"not tf-; r.;
nr-rin- momn una ---- cured i.i is
kidaty or bladder ua to .,,
- , p.
Two Sizes, SO Cents am
J II lilnmen teln, Bee.
A T uruggist
. .