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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1904)
-see B tl a u a u n u " u u a a a a ,' u n a a a u a u a a -y a u a a a. WE CARE People get more than they ask for when they have us fill their prescript ions. .The public at large isuot half so particular ae we are in these mat ters. We know that our drugs are both pure and of standard strength. We take no chances whatever, and never hesitate to pay the cost of making are. Your physician writes a prescription expecting definite results; we see to it that he is not disappointed. NEWLIN DRUG CO. J E. P. Staple E. E. Romig ROMIG & STAPLES I -GROCERIES- A full and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and wooden w are. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest. . ,- now Lan 1 urc my INDIGESTION? , .. THIS IS .A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS 1 yes, thousands and lens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Asiist the Stouoacu and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Assiuiulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Involved. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CUKE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL- TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore 1' 'H WANTED - WANTED - All kind9 of Spron 1 II. -1 Goods. It her t lint we will pay yo-.i '.nil for ! iU'Mni; ju hu. ;o si'll and can furnish " u uh , nvl;'. -ig iti mir imt. rlu ty r than anyone else in i-n. Set Work Harno - M". : 1 . U 2 (lout's Bicycle 5 uO, Vv n 1 , '; i v. ( rti.urs tool chest 2 5U, trunk 2 0'.', t n .4 u m l () ., up, Woo J bed simls oOr, L m m t M:-. Tonight and Sunday pattly cloudy ts the weather forecast . Judge Eakln and eon Robert of Un ion are in the city today. Ke&d tho Obaervorand keep ahreast of the times .All the lounl news while it in new. Mrs. Geo. Gourley, who has been quite 111 for aome time, U able to be up and about. Remember the dunce t be given at the Armory hall Monday evening by Company L, Mra. Fred Schilke and daughter, Mlaa Edna, expect to visit Ponlaii l it lends next week. Mrs M II HttSHctt, who id here from i'ortlaud, ia spending tho day with Stiiumerville friends. A V Andrews J J C'arr, E E Rotnitr, Fred Scott ru ' Jim Mcl'lure returnm! l int evening from thoir outing to the Mamm. Dr. (i V Hi'KcrH, who him been vis itiu his siHterfJJn Lake Pond aOrell, Malm, has returned. He enjoyed h'.H oucinir very mnh J W Iickcy canto down from Iiak -r City hist evening ami is busily en traced in sh ikitiK hands with his many Men 's who are pleased to know thac he will make this city his home again, Mrs. T B U ydaud dftiiickter, Miss Ceoil Boyd, nf Athoua, are isitln at the bomo of Mr. and Mrs. (i c On. burn. Jnhu and Hector McDonald sold n bom two hundred and fifty h ad of bft'f catt e last wet k to T C Hcnson, roprt'scntutivo of tho Union Meat Co., of Portland. Wallowa News. Mr. and Mrs. 0 O Holmes and family of tho Cove came in by private conveyance Tuesday for u few days visit with relatives In this city. Wal lowa ChioTtniu, II C Cottier, J M Hilts, Evan Edward John Klannery, Hen Cotner, and J C Culver leave in tbj morniuK for the t'ooper creek mines and win do con siderable work before returning The Ladles Aid Hot iety of tbe Metb. odlst church will give a tea at tbe par 00 age next Wednesday afternoon from 2:30 nntIL7:3( p. m. The Misses Edith and Fva Xeely of Union, who have been Tin the city r'siting their aunt, Mrs. S Edmonds, left this morula for their home. Fred Sheets, one of the La Grande Observer's printers, wai a caller at the Chieftain ottk-e M- nday. He is tnkinc a few dnys vacation and vlhitintr with hts parents, Mr. and Mrr. A F Sheet of Joseph. Chieftain. Mrs II T Lemons, accompanied by her children. Nellie and Osctr, is In the city from Taooma, visiting Mr and Mrs L U Shet-k, Mrs Jxjnnna will go to La Grande before returning home. Pendleton E O. J T Kllia wbo for the past four years has beeu in tbe employe of the A It 0 laundry, leaves to uiht for Boise City where he has oce opted a position with tho Idaho laundry. Mra Ellis will join him in about three weeks. Oscar Lund of Cove war a La Grnndo visitor yesterday. Mr Lund has din cove rod a quartz lead near his place in I Cove which promises to he a h indsome payer. Mr Lund has given bis mine a oa no which cert duly should mike It a puccep-s. It will be known as the Fool Svveet'o. i Tbe baud concert last evening was one of the real treats of the summer. Professor Hendricks and the band boys are certainly to be congratulated fur the way they are improving in their ability to make delightful muic. The public surely apprecitites their eifurts from the way they attend the concerts. The Union papers are very much agitated over the fear that whon Sept ember 3 arrives that La Grande will not have a safe place prepared for the county records They need not lose any ole-p whatever In the matter. The taxpuyers of La Grande are surely as muoh interested In this matter as are the good citiz ns of Union and when the time arrives tho records will be as safely hoti-od and much more so, than they lmvi beon at any tune during the past 30 years. Dr Bacon, Wilt Church and Robert Newlin of La (irandn were in Wallowa the last of last weuk on their way to tha South Fork of tho Wallowa river after big game. I hoy no doubt re ceived a cool reception last Saturduy and Suuday nights. Newa. PLENTY OP WOOD SOCIAL DANCE AT ARMORY HALL Monday Night, August 29 Excellent Music by Th'.uius Orchestra. Uailor nionngemert of members of Company L. Admission 50 cauls. Ladies Free. IN UMATILLA The Clock ie f OHipttitnir tbt is iiidlBpenpnlile to the borne. Jt murks the hour for ariB ing to cope with events nf the day, anil tue time lor retiring at niylit. There Is Somerr.'"' abent tbecta'k tbat t. .... . uo bean of all. It will some day mark Hie boar el death. My clocks nri' of liandFomeappearance lie at in design, and mude 01 rlccly p.ilislitd bronze netal ornaments Prices fn ni (1,00 tolf),0j. J ti Pea re I'nlun Co'e loadinii Jeweler Next Newlin Drug Store. Wach re pairing a (specially. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler REFRIGERATORS We are sole age tits for the ICE KING, galvanized and porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch, or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. Noted As An lee Saver That tlicro will not he a wood fa mine in Um.'.tillu county this winter ie iilniopt a po8tivo fact, unless ppi c ulutora get a corner on tbe fuel and dbpnso of it outside mirkou. At the pioHOiit i ime thori are 0,uu0 oords of wood pile I up along I ho O. K. & N. truck Ht Mi'U. hiim avvuitini: shipment Further hmk in tho liiuborfroin Mimli. am thcro are !civcrai th'unn I more cords which will be removed to tbe station us soon as it is found practical T W Duma, a wond Senior of M.nch am owns sovoral thotis.ind cords unil expects to bogiu shipping in a few dura. Mr Hums aays wooil will bo plentiful ibis y. ar, but holievox that the doinnnd .Til' lie ureutor than it was lust year. In tout c.ise price will iut be mut'b lowor and accordingly ' goodwood will bring nn,'d prices. I It i undi'rfctooil tbat Walla Walla! woid Ii-.i!i th have coiitracied for a j lurgu amount of w od with the Meacb-1 ii in cutters but Pendleton fuel men I b-ivo also eoutrncted for big supplies ! mid will bare much mure wood on I band ttuiu they bad ln?t year. Pend leton Tnbuno. Don't (org t the (Social Danoe at the Armory Hall Monday night Aug. 2'J Mmicby Thomas' Kitdlera. Court poua treatment accorded everyone. 20 2!) Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and prices E ANDROSS Phone9-' 1 niNlIXWJ Residence Phone 367 Undertakers and Embalmers IIOUSI2 FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Ave Mens Shoes A f ill line of the (..iiiJiii Wulk-Ovnr 3 50 and $4,00 Shoe Hituan & Son, none better mads, from $5.50 to $7.00 We only carry these lines but we have them in a variety of styles and widths and we know we ctn please you. ROSS & DREWS Money loane'l on rollni The La Granci e Coiner Fh ;.rc Remember we still boy and sell ll : of Second Hand Goods. J J . 1 53 J ' . 0ET THE (. HILDRKN READY FOK SCHOOL Only a sliort lime now until ti e Full term begins and tliey will need a new Hat, Dress, Suit, Shots or other Wearing Appimd, TahliMs, Slafes, Pencils, Pens, Ink, etc. We have them all and at right prices. Good Children's Caps .15 Good Children' Hose Good School Shoe 1.00 Good School Pntils 25 Good School Suits 1.50 Lead Pencils, nickle tip qj Pencil Tablets, 250 pages .05 Good Peus, per dozen 04 tiooil Ink, per bottle '05 Good Penholders "(j A large tl(n k of materials for children's dresses, from 5 cents per yard up The Golden Rule Company Lavirest Store Smallest Prices 'l-'l-t t. '