. HBII0DMBillll Sllldll 1 B HBBOnflfll! " BB BB . I FOREIGN ,rWS WITHOUT CARGOES It ' III) living or. o of freedom ""and of nationality. And goal as It ia lor the people at large. It Is equally good lor 'be pe .pie I Utah. 11 4 ;' . Maru ili- Aug.- 27 Ar. a remili o( tbe strike c f tilr and dock l b r er nil foreign alnp. ail J today with out citig if. Tne h'p ownera heve ULtifitd I he prehc; il M I'teil'iDUOi to yield t ' the demandi ul iheamk tra no tiinttir whit 'he ti n quenci p may b . . w.n til t'le ileliunnoj eUudt--k n b l tip nm'ua it ii- ai.it! that thr If-dttt ul the tlrikiig i!i en laborer? iv Ii bpgin nfgoliat'.ors linking to sililrmeul in winch ihey b? w 1 lit (j to make concetrioo. ' t " I ;i .; r ' r i-i IMPORTANT WOOL - SHIPPING POINT That Klgin ia one of the important wtol hipp:ng points in ibis paitol Ii e tlate ia ri ven by Ihe foil. .wine fi;nnH, hicli The Bee r" r ntuitiid Ihioupti Chaa Prctb'Hl I . k keeper fi r I he Hgin Foiwaiding Co The wool aeaann b'gan tiiia year on li e Otn ol J to -! on bich date the tir-t load arrived llom Wallowa ooui t and continued until the 10 o ol the rseut uiontb.. During this period there was baled and shipped 2,752, 104 poundaof well. Engaged in haul i g this wool wire on an average leur t au men, whnae wages rnnged from 91 per day for truckers to 1(4 50 par (lay for riadert and baler forenier. A lilarw at th -" figures lndinattB that Klg:n iii one of the principal wool thip pii g centers of the Eaattrii por tion of thi! Mute, and lhat the wirk ol banding it U quite an imporiact iteir in the hunineM irriufttrice of the town. Good Yield J U flngg, one of the BucoeB'fu) farneis of the Flat, waa a visitor at tbe print shop Tusadny. He br.d just Hu shed threshing his wheat and ol tained a yield of 10 bushels por acre. Tbe variety waa "forty fold." Recorder. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Iuterlor Land OlBce at La tiruocte, Oregon July 18, 1904. Notice is hereby given that tbe fol lowing named utttler haa tiled notl e of bla intention to make final proof in support f bis claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe Register and Receiver of the U S Land Office, at La Grande. Oregon, on Sept 7, 1904, v.z.HFNo. B67b, Henry Dean, of Btarkey, Oretri.n, for the N NWW Hee 20 & NEW IH, Tp 3 S, H :(G E. W M, He names the following witnesses to prove biB contiuuom residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: Kd ward M Coombs, Harvey F Ilriggs, WinUeld S .McMillan. Henry Ilay. of Hturkcy, Oreg.m. K w Davist Hfgister. NOTICK t-OK 1'ljHLlCATION Uepartint nt of the Interior Land Oirtce, l.a Grande, Ore., July Iff, 19(M. Notice Itt hwrfby (riven that the fuliuwinK named iclller liai filed untice of bis inteutiun lu litake Jlnat tiriul in suoimri of hiicluim. and Lli .t Haiti proof Will lie in tide before the itogUter aim ituceiviTm irie i; f u-m umce at ia O ran tie. ()rckcin.on ;iihum :il V.M.. vit U ENo. KI67, Uhkc Hatrin, of Iaii (Jruude Oruuon.forthe 8 W J4 HKli M?l lull , K!i NWJi, NE4 nvtTtioii in. luwiitiiiiu ,mi, a. wJUin, KUiue no. 37 R W .M. lie uaintH the fullowina wltucNtteH to nrove bis COtillt uuiiat rei-iiiciice iijuiii and cuttivation of Haul land, via: fc-riiest II IK-IaiIih, XkU bntrop, Frank riliultttroui, Ikn HhiiUtiom of llllitard, Ore, r v . jjuvim, kuk uiicr. a n a m a a v a The Observer Does all i . I if ' 'i i m I V4 M; ! Horses Have Typhoid. There aeema to be an epidemic ol ty phoid fever anions, farm horea in a?v Vial aentiona of the country at the I rcaent time and according to repor'e alifgenumher of animal have alio enmbed to the dineaee. In Umatilli counly a number of horeea were af I' i ted in a mil I form and only a very few oaaea have proven fatal. Other reotiona of eastern Oregon however, have been leas fortunate in thia ra cpeot, farmera losing many valunble bnraea. In the Prc-fonlfc oount'-y, in Walla Walla county there, it laid to be al- mot an epidnnio ol typhoid fever iimo ig fork horaoa, reauiting in the lsola large nu bur of animal, fi'onohitia ia alo very common tbia y nr in Borne locaHlee, NOl'KJE OL1' FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given to all whom it may concorn. that Christian W Murphy, haa llled her fiuai account aa auminiatratrix ot toe eataie of Thomaa N Murphy, tluceaaed and the County Court of Union county Oregon haa aet Tueauay, the Hlh day of Sept ember, A. Li. 1IKJI, at two o'clock i' Si lor tne nearing ot sm n report. Chrlatiuu V Murphv. Administratrix, Cattle Sale LI Hk -r City, Aug. 27 Monri'. Albert Hiudrom, Thomaa Moore, and other 1 over Burnt river c'-ittlpnwnera cloaed t n rale yentetday in thia city of their i' fut (wo and tliree-yenr-nld ateera and ?J owe, atoiit 20 oar Inada in all, to Car- ' liton Brotiera, of Seal'la, delivery in .i -xv B.ikcr City to be made on Auguai 6. n! t 2 $ La Grande Youth Killed ACUTE KHEUMAHHJ1. lieep tearing or wrenohiug pains! occasioned .by getting wet ttirouKh; woiae when at rest, or on first movinjr mo 1IUIUB UIIU IU CUIU Ul UUIlip WUUIU er, is cured quiokly by Ballard's Snow Liniment. Osour Olcson, Gibson City llli. ois. writea, heb Iti l'J02: "A year ago 1 waa troubled with a paiu ill my ba k. tt soon got ao bad I could nut Dend over, uno bottio or uaiiard'a Snow Liiniment cured me." 2:c, SOo l 00. Sold by Newlin Drug Co. Dr. 1' A CHARLTOiN VETERINARY SURGEON, Oflloo at A T Hill's Drug Store La Uraudo, Oregon Fhoue 1361 Kesulence phone 701 FARMERS ATTENTION I have pit rt'b. need the SPO KANE CAl'E mid it is my in tention to iiinke n" spociul effort to plt-nse tlio I'ai uiers, In oidei to do thib I have decided to furnish a speoiul meul Saturday of each week whicli I cull the Farmers' Diuner. This meal will include till that, the market afford? utid will he served iu regular family style. This will be the beat meal ever offered in La Grande for 25 cents. When in the city cull at the Spokane The 1'irtlnnJ Morning Oregonian givea tho following acoiunt ol the dealb of Uic'iard H. Oroaaen of thia l'.? t'ft ' the Wi.rliln Fair: Loui M- Au 25 T "3dy Cale and see exurtly how good a jf ' Richard H. Crosaen aged 20, oi La j meal you call buy lor 25 cents, p. Ora.nde, Or. who waa fatally injured REMEMBER we pay cash ' while floating on Ins back. Tuesday I , ... i , , i i.i .u. . . for butter, eet;s and chickens. . night iD the Natatirium amniniing 'b :taukwben a 14-year-uUl hoy dived s head. foremost ih o the water landing J F Johnson. tipon OrOfB n'Batomach, knocking the " I H litter unoonacinua and cnti'iug ii jur- A CROWN! . jj ios from whioh he died last uiglit, at ; i; the City Hopial aa today turnul i . over to me ucmner lor an ioquet. The pntioe waa aearohing for the by jL r who Injured Oroeaen. At t.li time of ' tbjaccidnut it waa not tboulit Croa ,' :' B- n waa badly hurt, aa he waa M i to ' i.- olimb from the p ol tinarsiati'd ami 0 dome. ; Or jraen came to 8t. I.ouis from La Grande Augunt 19, anil re- . ', aided with Ilia brother, Leroy Cronaen, , ' at 2240 Washington avenue. iiu,; Condensed History 1 1. : -. ; The Sixth Rosolutlon of the olal ;!fnrm adopted by the Kepnbllotn State Councotion hue condensed the 111 yea s ot history which the Kepubli- cuu party has made. "Hepuhli uutsill, the glory of tho na. linn that it ia saved; which haa ma le nun,., this country a world powe', ha cirriod rtV . f retd um and self reapoot to millions of ., idowntro ldeo . people la the West idieaand in the Phllippinae, he M n n " 'd nation respected end deferred ' " X-.wat before, hn male foremost nation of every delicate . lal right anil flrat conenlt nd gladly basanity, A CROWN I A CROWN ! A piano of many tones and all of them appeal to tbe culti vated taste. You have the piano tun", the harp, guitar, banjo, mandolin, zither, auto harp, cello, and many other tones at your command when Tfie La v Loni.t you have u CROWN PIANO Tin- handsomest of those ins truments, mnke nn impression upon i vory nun who sees them, and the price is very moderate. Write tie lor catalogue EILERS PINO HOUSE ' SiOSBl,ond Washington St. " V ; . " ;l' Port Ini. !, Oregqn. The plarf win-re instrumentr are Bbeet bn l in crenlest var iety! prices lowsi, tern 9 of pay ment fiodertiio, ,'iml treatment fairaud most cnuitoous. a a ta si a 1 a a n u a m a m Kinds of Job Work a a m s -a a, a j U t3 a a a a a ;a a a a a a a a a a a a si E3 a a a a B a ia a ta a a m a ?3 a a iimitumm riBaBaaBSBiBfliBaaiyaaiia BLOCKLAND BROS. Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE and FOLANDCHINA SWINE. Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we brerd them for the Farmir, and ask you to compare our paices before buying some where else. We have now two fine young Berkshire boars on hand, July pigs ready for use only 20. For short time only. ) t) ) ) ) ( ) re We want your Hay and Grain AND WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET" PRICE We will take all you have, no matter whether it is only a few tons or if it is several hundred tons. We want all the hay in the valley and then some. A. V. OLIVER WHOLESALE and RETAIL HAY and GRAIN DEALER Half a Carload of I New Wall Paper. I : 1 ( We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload mean? 20,000 2 rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever thought of bringing into this county in a single season. 9 0 This paper te ell for sale and moat be sold this season. We g have brought two Brat olaas paper bangers direct from Chicago, . bo are wltboat doubt the moat eklilfnl workmen In Eastern ' who, with tbe flvc first olasa P 1 hangers already la oar em. v' ploy, gives as tbe beat, working ' n the Inland Empire. 1 Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. 6IL2S AND GLASS J B1IIPI1IIIMBI B ! WHITE ROSE ? FLOUR B a a a B a E3 B h milled with the idea of pleasingvery dealer's high. B olass trade-custo, who appreciate quality. The B j name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re- D liability and highest grade in every sack of flour n I bearing tbe White Rose brand. Pioneer Flouringi Mill Co. B m us thi-n-e t Take Care of Your Trophies I i-:n t. ry irom rz loflO for male deei heads h led according to ,1 1 ... .(;..., n., , , " on nijueo noes on Dacit of neck and hea I ,how where to rip the akin. To blee 1 vour i7iiiia nut t. i i " "jnguiaraa low down aa poealbl ; "over cm the throat. Commence to akin by making a cut from the hose of the horn to back ot the head thence down the biolr nl (h i. ... ., . ro., . ... . . . """""""P m snoiiuera rom the ho.e of the horns her, li J "ork the "kln carefully awiy afterwards remove the flesh' w lint he W?? uJ1 ' nt ,uose the outalde and raiae up tl e eve, H to Z , f re?:'.h"1 ran tu8 Haer " rrul" reached whi. h i. near h "orn of , h .?ld 0,,"",K " h eD '" 'lit ia with the point of the kn fe , tl .M":,"Sk.l.he 8llin"t,of 1 1 1, 1,1.-1. ' 1 tne lip also nil your work Is allelost n ), , drying the skin keep it trZ wrinHil''0,"'' mTe,th8 U'",er J ta" reasonable prices "rinaimg 1 will i!0 mount your trophl and back through and expose the teeth i n. fi f. '8. mo,,t th, oartilege on tbe no.,. Ku t . the h,&ck ""'ng on the ah.rt iTi ,.' n neavily and roll nnfor 9J Use nothing but U .'?'!" "T. ?'"!.'" -hade your work ' 1. a eloni work the brain out the hole at back nf l,.T c 0,Ltbe head as Pneeibleniul drying the akin keep it from wrhikl,., i"d M!Te.the un,ler Jaw bones hen WM HAWS Taxidermist Remember w '' of Second Hand ft.- o -, mm: -o i-rt V C I t v