. ' if m m "V i i We Handle Homes lor all people. Many styles, ui'uy prices, iu iiiuiiy l.ialitlei. We lave uo doubt u kid unit your taslea nd ii lapl our oils)- payment plan to our i.et!un.tii-g. It is eertaii ly wise to Own a Home tte can ad will help you, if y.iuwill ormit us, to uicure freidom from the isits o' tlie lauilluicl, and make you, .ke Itoliiiirioii Cruseo, "monarch of nil oil survey. " Why not be king of j out rdrttlo? JOa Srandc Snvestment Company, La Gruude, Oregon 1110 Adams Avenue, Grande Evening Observer CTRREY UROS., Editors & rrops Entered at the Urnudu, Oregon, Mail Matter. Post Office at La ba treootid Clasa Published daily except Sunduy One year in advitiice $6 fiO Six months in advance. . . .3 50 Per mouth . . . '. '. . . ', , , ,05c Single copy 5c FRIDAY EVENING. AUG 26, 1904 OFKIOEKS: DIRECTORS: Uo. Palm KB .... President J. M. Berry, J. M. Chimb J. M. ItRBKV Vila President A. B. C'onley, U.-o. L.. ricu- t. M.CiiUson Cashier ver, Heo. Palmer F. L. Mkykbs aud Geo L Cleaver Ami . Oa.liiera 3655 ,aQrande National B THE DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE. that his first vote be for the right cause, and be can make no.mistuke in casting that first ballot in favor of the principles, professions and pi act ice" of Theodore Roosevelt. Honest, fearless, energetio aud an Amer ican to the core, be is the young mur.'s idoul candidate. Spokes man Review. If people could ouly find money as easily as they find fault we aU would be million aires iu ashoi-t time. New. SOMMER HOUSE NX I La Grande, Oregon " J CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 J I Transact a general Imukinn business. Buys and sella ox ch tinge on & I all part of the worlil. Collections a specialty. 'hihsr .a.Maaiiaitiiitt ca BOSS Meat Market Stollwell & Vanilermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AN!) RETAIL BUTCHERS. Highest market price p:iid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and lurs. Also chickens & poultry. Coai For Hot Weather Our Rock Spring coal will give sntif"",ii.ii We always have it on hand. Castle Gate mid '."ear Creek coal, ton, if you would rather have it. We al ways have coal, nil kinds aud at lowest, piic.s. If you want wood we can fui nish you the kind that burns longest and best. G. E- FOWLER, TRANSFER AND DELIVERY Phone No 1611 aonaaaaannanBaoc" B ft P a 9 s c 9 b n w 9 0 a JOHN JAMISON WESTULL ELVA JAMISON We will call for it and bring it home when promised We guarantee satisfaction and onlv aak for a trial order to demonstrate to yon that we un derstand the laundry business, iVm can stop our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for tit once. We make u specially of family washing, and cati do your washing better and cheaper than 0U. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry PHONE 19SI. 742 FIR STREET. m r m m m m Ii D t) c c 6 y n o o o o n n n D D D n a mm t TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gai ion. BRCME GRASS Red Cover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wi.-at, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc. Ti '-' only Seed House inUnion County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. The Oiiskkvrk is in hearty sj m;ii".thy with the avowed pur , ose of the Oregon Dovelop m mt League and is anxious that it suorieed, and believes it will if it lollows ihe lines indicated by .hose who organized it, aud work for the betterment of all Orejou. It li t undertaken a .1 -lid and patriotic but hercu-u- u job; one that should re ceive the hearty and industrious co-operation of every citizen of Oregon. To suc.eed it must view without bias or hliuk the actual conditions iu O egou, though some of these conditions are far from pleasant, in fact humiliating and discouraging We will at this time, instance, our trade with the noo-contig. aous parts of theUnitod Slates on aud iu the Pacific ocean with the hope that the Oregon Devel opment League cau devise some way of scouring to Oregon, at loast, a reasonable share of that tra.le. The export from the United S ates of domestic merchandise for the year ending with Juue 1904 to Alaska was $9,809,721, to Hawaii $11,002,080, to Philip pine Islands $1,831,800. to Guam $95,885, to Midway Islands $03, 627 aud to Tutuila $:i9,583, ag gregating $26,502,075, Oregon's share of e sports of domestic merchandise, for the year ending with Juno, 1904, to Alaska fiom the United States was $36,039. California in the I same lime exported to Alaska domestic merchandise tc the value of $2,997,299 and for the sumo time Washington sold to A'aska the same class of gonds I) the value of $0,730,383 worth. Of t'ao tolal exporis of domest ic merchandise from the United States to li iwaii, amounting tc $1 1,002,080, for the year, Ore gon's share was $35,002, Cali fornia's $10,439,228 und Wash ington's $704,343 Of the $4,831,860 worth of domestic merchandise shipped from the United States to the - bilippine Islands in the year 1901, Oregon furnished $141,-' 397 worth, California $939,038 and Washington $1,504,869 worth. Neither Oregon nor Washing ton shipped anything to Guim, the Midway Islands or Tutuila but California did to the auiount of $5,458 worth. The ubovo figures aro taken from the last otlicial publication and are reliable. Oregon being situated between California and Washington with an extensive C Hartljolmew E W Davis J R James C E tUodfetlor T M Spencer l.r A Brown K Bragdou Walter Fisher Mis:; Stella Oerber I K Levy LDenhaiu J A Batetnnn Win Howltt E Goddaid O E Shaw 0 E Mantel N R lrwln J Crloiighly A S Miller O K Conuel " W B Krausa E y Fnlkenhurg Portland do do do do do do Bnmllierville Colfax W Sau Franclsoo Elgin Union Tacoma Omaha Boise ---atdo Chicago San Francisco Nyaaa Boise Seattle St. Louia . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. B. I .and Office, La Grand., Or. May M, lwu. Nolln Ik h.rrbe nlven that tn coninllauee wtlh the imivtiiliuw of the uet of- Ooaaretdi of Junes, linH. entltleil "An act for the Hale or llllllMT IUUIIH III llie nmiiw H iMliKirmu, UIT Koll, Nevada ami wilHlilneten rerrllory," a. exUmded to ull the Putaic Intuit state by aet of AtixuNt 4,-Iki-j, ptuM'he llullta el .Veiry, ixiuniy or union, nuiie unituii, uiix lilt, dav tiled til till utHeo tier .ivoni .Ulle. meet, No. MOO, Tor die iinnMia-ie of ttie HU S WH Keiattin ill and S'k S K'.i of Section Nu. 37, liiTownlllnNo4S, V.No. M RW.M.,nnd win oner nnKir ui Know nun im lane tumuni iy mum viilnuhlo r.ir 11k ilmtieFlnr Klonslliun foraKrioullunil purito.ee.tind to luatibllMti her ouitin lo taild lend liofuru the IteKlNternnd lle oelver or thl. om-eat I omiine, ureson, on Honuay, ine iri uuy 01 aukiui. uvt. Hho nninert at wltneieioN : A. 1. Ileun. John J, Murphy, Kuleh 11. Iluian, aud Mary B. Murnliv. .11 of I'crrv. OnifOii. Any and all peraonn elnlniliift inlverscly the abovfMleMrrlbed liintla are rtMlieMK-d to ate thetrolutmsln thts ofllce on or uelur. aald tut day or auauHt, huh. E. W. Dnvli, BegUter. Fire Proof Safe For rale w. XtJO' nric S0. Call or writ 1 Grande Pawnbmkar, Fbone 1681. . ... : " NOTICE FOR PDBUtJATIOH, , ' Oenrtaaant of th. InterW. Uiud oiBo. ai L Oranile, Oncon. June ii, ISO,. Notice Ii hereby glyen that the following named netller baa filed notice of hla lnlntlon. to liuike Anal nroof In anDnort or his nlalm. and thataatd proof will U mad. before lb. Kenlatrr.ndKeeelverofth. U KOD. nrarel J Job XI K. W. U, at Is c;r.nde, Orexon. on Aucu.l 4. IfUi. rU: 'oldi fur ft. KM UUU ft KXSKX See. ii Tp 2 S- R. ii H. E. No. Tb!, VariarethaSiutiloger. La Grand. ure.nn. wioovoijoan aiuiainxer. ueeeaeea, :i He natnM the (nil owl n vIIumm. tn r hi. contlnuoiuj realdence apoa and enl He. " lion of aald land, TlK Kr.uk IkHnhcal, ,4 Keller. Conart Strocbar, Ulnard KalllD I'ef La Grande Ortgoo. . . K. W. DAVIS, Reflator. DHIIBIBBHIIBBBBBDB0 DO D J Farmers' and Traders J National Bank. a LAGRANDE, OREGON D Capital Stock fully paid Surplus fund -Liability of Shareholders Responsibility . ' We do a general banking and exchange butineil. Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. 60,000 ? 18.000 60,000 188,000 IT II The Commercial olub dance last eve ning was greatly enjoyed by all present. Bund concert this evening at the cor ner of Fir and Adams avenue. For Sale An extra good con and oalt. Inquire nt the OU Town Store. V Smith. Furniture For Sale And l ouse to ront apply to Mrs Sliouror opposite Star Grocery North oi track. 0 ! JOSEPH PALMER, President . p B J. W. SCRIBES, Cashier p BBBBRIIBIIBBBB 01100 0 ODD FULL MEASURE V Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inoh ' dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than ty the ' load. , You pay for what you get and get what you pay for. Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY Furnished Room Centrally locatod corner of Washing ton and Gth streets. Known as Geo. Hull's lodging house. For Sale Liirlil buy buggy team (gentle). Work aitile, double or suddle. New I'Ole biiy and new light harness u. uii'li te. Inquire ot Mrs. E Whitney, Whitney llouee, Adams Avenuw. I A Few Choice Bargains in Wal- : I Iowa County Real Estate 1 (1) 200 acres of land, 12) awes oapable ot cultivation, 113 ao in fall sown wheat. Honae, tarn and other buildings. A gr m annniln t'j.nlKl ii) W ai:ru amall orcnarn, n.iiiae, uaro aim goou uuiouikudk.) mi am i. town ffiam; aiiLttl atreiou of water flow throuah place A great Urgala at $),6Q0 H 21 acrea .if 'and jmrt ol whtc.fi ia the Sliest of moaduw; good homac an Apple Boxes Wu havo about 200 apple boxes left from litat year which we will Bell cheap us wu want the room. LaGrandoPawn Brokers LOhT Tlio crown oft' of a Knight TtMiiplar'fl emblem with a setting of flv uniall diamonds. Finder will pieaHO it-arc at J M Horry's store and retcivo rewurd. tf 'f.n ouit.uiMiiiuft KmKlhtsliU. 'Mi Um of hay can be out on Ui plW Will Utte laitlc i-i itBilt! on tills property. I'rlce 910 per Oro ofotioitw land I'ric J10 per ncre. Thif it realMrgsU. c luOaeifj of tlni l-iikI At tl or lien ThuM are a few ol the nuny lUDl w have to oiTur tn th vvny of iDiit etttaU ImrKUhiH. Kor Turthor particular! tddraM, M'Da,niel 6c M' Don aid WALLOWA, - - OREGON olfiSaSMKBIinl'! MEMBl?aiEBa5agBEljtTO Peaches I 'vinli to Buy lo my friends and the publi that I In vo a large crop ol P 'aciu s tliia year. Our early Peaches wi J 1 1- tipe in about a week or 10 days lr on tlr.a time wecan sell yon a more juicy beiti'r lUvored peaoh and cheap -or th-in you ran buy them after they Iihvi bei'ii shipped in frotn other parts Then wli. n yon pay for 20 lbs yon get '20 Ihe gi.ud pound measure. J K Kellogg. Notice to Contractors Soalod hidfl will be received until 2 j o'clock lJ M Sitturday August G 100-4 lor mo i-ontruoiioii oi a two story frame rellonco building according to plan- tind Hpertlli-atioiia which maybe aeon at the residence of Mrs Z Patty, or at tin reeideuoe of C R Thorrtou, Arcliiiei-t. Ijitirande. flreeon. at which latter place bide will be opened. Bidder invite t lo lie preaent. The owner ro- crvos the right to roject any and all bids. Mrs 2 Patty. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION iSiitir-o iri r ore by given, tnat the co- pBrt ij-.-fliip liert'Uif'iro existing between tliM uii'i.THiciied under the firm nam1 . tl !. I. l .. 1 1 : .a.. , . , in ,n v iij ut iiici' nriniiu. 111 nio nr. ucr w em hoaru ana two ports ol en- buei !., at La urande, has been dia- ;iHiRoln-i hy mutual agreement. The i : n .:ll i... .1. 1 U-. iimo iiiirnn-aB viii or o'liiiuiue.. vy iiiinui j j try, it looks trungo thut Li j share of the trade should be How dear to my hoart is the old-fashioned washboard a That mother nsed to wash on when 1 was a boy, With its zioc-oovered ridges the suds used to play In And ao.ip butiSlos gamboled tu toy ohildisli joy . . s Olttlmos h ive 1 watched ber when wearing her knuckles. J, - As uvor the ridges our duds she would rub, I ne'er will forget how she enlushod and aba slatberop The old fashioned wash board that stood In the tab. CHORUS -J! The old fashioned washboard; T ie zinc-covered washboard j . The back-breaking washboard that stood in the tub, Some folks alwayi kiok about up-to-date tan ldriea, And any tlioy wenr out their clothes every day ; J J Bat give thsm to me, so I will have a hot dinner V. At home, with the ami-ll of the soap suds away. ' I know that the wtiah ng miichtue is tnuob enalor . 'S On all of our clothes than to take them and rub . .'' Till the bntiona an I b isoms are lost and worn out Hy the old fashioned washboard that stood in the tab. .. We are not the old fushloned kind. Iabc laundry I PHONE j x85i ssssssssss sasaa4 Phone 1571 80 smull, only 1312.493, while our neighbors on cither the north or south enjoy so much more of the trade with our non-contig uous possessions and the On kkrvkr is in hopes that the Ore gem Development League will be able to find aud remove the ban so that our bhure ol that P trade will be more in proportion t; ! to our area and population llian I; ' it now is iMolitr.une. 8 12 0 23 Dated, Auguet 12, 1!XM. James MiMJoy W. Mct-'arlane City Property For Sale I Finely located, Well Improved 5-Koom House For t Sale. Also Other Citv 1'roDertv.TAt GRANT & HERR0NS Sv aVAiAadl w w u w w ip v v f s Mn.it every young man desires WE Aniii HEADQUARTERS For Kodak mid Ivodalc Supplies aper. PlateB nt wholesale prices, A complete stock of professiona answered promptly. Mail orders. La Grande Drug Co. and Red Cross Upi;; .4 ;:'