4- rei Mi ea t'" i, a 18 II PI 'rf i ! ?f ? a IT .1 ' - 'I Hot Weather MEALS It Bring your wife BPd r. family to tb Spokwie '' Cafe lor Dinner. Your wife will ap preciate the change '. and freedom from the hot kitchen. You will all enjoy the meal the best in town. First. ., class service. SPOKANE CAFE ' ' , J, F. Johnson Depot St La Grande.Or. Change of ' Management. 'The undersigned has purchased the busin s known as the Harris ;ash Meat Markt and will here after conduct the came. We wish to inform the public that we aw prepared to furnish -all kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistent with first-clas articles "-We have our own delivery And mskn two trins duilv to the kOld Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. i Harris meal market across the ' track. Phone 1601. ' TURNER & WALTER m iamoui irrru nut Nr jatik relief from MHouimm, Heaaaehe, Torpid Utw, JauB Hulraiti, and all treublea ana log tow aa Inactive or lugglih Hvar, DaWla'a UHle Early Rkwra an n- They aet tnmptly and never frtpa. They ana dainty that ilia a plaaaure lalai . One te two asl aa a naM kaaMrni Iro or fear aot'aa a plaiaaataad atfaetlve eaihartlo. They vegetable and abaolvtely They loolo the Uvar. B. k BaWitt Cel.. data SoH By AH Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS If so, purchaBe yonr ticket via tl.o ROCK ISLAND FRISCO SYSTEMS. Choice of routes going or rcturuins: : ST. PAUL. DENVER, COLORADO BI'KINUS, or PUEHLO. For rntea oall on your loial A tout Pate of sale: June 16-17-18 July 1-2-3 Aug. 8-9-10 Sept. 6-6-7 Oct. 3-4-6. For further information and rlrepin)i car reservations call upon or address A H Mc Dnnald Gen'l Agent 140 Third St., Portland, Ore C'tv Scavenger Vaults, Cesspools and Well: Cleaned i All work done by Scavengers DST- 1ST. Mason 'Phone 1841 la G run Jo O Columbia University follegia!. I'r. i urn'i I IV'tmnerC'l. IV il ' .1 n in nr i : 'imrraiT.:wi i ,.ur. ... Boartllngachoo! tciryouiit mm A 1 Box 348 University Park Staiior Poitlind n i spices, o MAKING POWDER, niiWOBWfi EXTRACTS km uhPdrirv. Fines! Flivor, fn lmrSfren4fh.f?easorTkMFrke!L laXlSSETaDEYERS PORTLAND, OP800N. Earl v Risers Classified Ads WANTED HaiD sewing and bem itlUJJng. Mrs I Q Freu, 1017 1th 81. Housekeeping rooina for rent at Mri Sbearer'a oppoaito tlix Star Grooery. WASTED Girt t-t general bonm work. Inquire at i bla uUloe. Fred Yantla la visiting lo Hakor City tha week. ' FOB BEN r-A larva roomy barp. In. quire of Mra. Zuber. FOK BALE A complete threabin out til inquire of Jud Urapor at tb , Androua Hunch. FORE SALE Good work teams. Uuveone lisntteam. fur full Par ticulars, tfruie abd Drlcpa addreaa K Vehem II V U No 1 U Graude Oregon. J-'l. FOR 8ALF 1'rfnh milch oow and calf, enquiry of li 8 Cavaoa, F. R I D. No 1. FOB RENT Kurnlalied bouse. In quire of Mra Zuber. KOH.NISllhO KOOMS-Parties deairn iufi nic-ely furnished rooma apply to u irriminone corner a ana ai a&reeta FOK SALE Second bund furniture is fur sale at Salvation Army bead- quarters, lau this week. PIBL WANTEIJ Light bouse keep nj good wages apply to Mrs C W Nib ey retry, Oregon. FURNISHED ROOM a Peasant lo- oation, known aa Whitney House ner poet olilce. Mrs. E Ueimick Aug 22 WANTED four girls at once at the Knitting Factory, Soinmer House building. LOST Scotch Coolie pup, male, yl lon frith wblte tip ou tail, white breast. 5 reward tor return to 11 Kirtley's livery stable. Oone thr e weeks. 3t FOUND Gold watcb on county road in ront my farm Owner oan have same by giving proper deBoription and paying for tula notice. James Mosa, B F D, No. 1 WANTED io young ladies to do copy ing. Must urite a plain neat band. The work to undone in toe town of Union. Address, O M Smith, Port land, Oregon For Sale QuuJ uuretry lorsalu wOl taockd with tieea. Pteuty of water. Two HouHca cioee to town. For pniticulure apply to 0 Plant l.a Grantlo Oregon write box vol J-.B, Orunue Oreguu. Pasture l'leuty o( good pii8ture)$l per head per month. I'Uone 12.0. FOR SALE One Gue oiilcb cow very geutle F S Newborn 309 L Htrt iNorth car Shop1. Dressmaking Firat Class dressmaking at renponahle prhes. hujuire for iMina Mary Coon, laio of Sottttif, at. MrB Mienr v rooma. All Kinds of Work Wesley Davis does all kinds of seav enfier work, auch aa cleaning wells, cohs poils, eti:. litve him a call. 4 24 tf New Lumber Yard. I am now prepared to fill orders all kinda of lumber. If you ured lum ber see pr.cea belore ordering. E KoHi'iilianm' Prop. Kimibow tstoro. Pianc Instruction. Firs class instruction on the piano, Harriet K Voung, Phone 1034 July 37, Wood Saw Ordors (orfRwiiiir promptly executed Phone lSlti. re-idunce oo Us born St. terms reaconablo. U V Allen Sweet Cream ComineiK'iiiThutsday June ltlth'the iraodn Kondu Creamerv 'o will le irepaed to furnit-h swwut cream in inanity to Hint, wholesale ana retail le'iietntier ihe place llutillng onfe nr w id ldi"g next do-T to lire huilding. f Machinery for Sale i.c '2" II e Qro box hoiler, J I eaae lie Pi inch eiiuliie wiine innke tne icunwiii iiiiHMiiiie inc rip mi ii in: in -eiiine 1. ... wooil.'ll f .il;:c li'll' ller III" 0 m il billed moii!ilcr II in Kiii -Duipc. r.d'.'n nut to in , t II hiicer plant -I., hi' i.l l.iim'.nT co. La liniudo for Na'c ! ! oi ' iii ii ics to nr foilrt ' ' s ri.or.i ii.-.. iv Hi ied hoth " J 1- linker. VOU 8.LK AM' KENT Ou account of I I. f -. mil I 11 ll ! .it. ' i which ii domiJ .-oolu - ' nces to responai. i i tin I.- r , , vc.im. Will ; ,,i!l tie1 fni ;r .t ronsonablo lit!- hor p.. i ir. ,.ftl on or . .dio' W. II. F.rK.i ..n, I.i (trande, eton. ! v m v 18 tf in !i M y Concern j ,'ii I hi ".. : HI, elKl.t (8) , i Mi ., .'ay" work for . ii .1. ii- ill plaatererB this I' ' Win. llnnson, Tres. II inn lutein, 8eo. j isoin and Plasterer", i on No. 3. -v I seventh birthday SURPRISE PARTY Tbe many little friends of Krankie Holm gave him a pleasant surprise ou bit seventh b:rtbdy. The afierroon as spent in playing games and swing ing. At ball past four they ma ched into ibe d niuic room where they p r took of a dainty lunoh. The room waa darkened and lighted up by small wax eandlea. Ibe ttble was daintily decorated with sweet pea's and California pop pies. Fettoonj ol ribbon bung Iroro the cbandilier to the corner ol tbe thble and fastened with larva bows ol fluwera. Alter mere games they de parted wishing tbeir litile host many Lappy returns ol the day. Those pre sent were: Miss Minnie Aab Fredcrika Scliilke Margaret Boorey, Hufd Andefinn, Es ther Pitta Beatrice Patty Ruth Taj lor Pearl Taylor, Ruth Ardvey, Mildred Hayes Rnth Hayee HszelJones Etbel Wright Ethel Connors, Dorothy Con nolly, Masters Lester Pitts Julian Af ta Arthur Ash Frank Patty Ernest Patty Paul Camp Charlie Brooks Viotor Ad cook ClUord Uourey, Alvine Jacobson, Gilbert Bwart Frank Holm Mrs Bojrey Mrs Anderson Mrs Swart Mr aud Mrs Holm. Two Negroes Hung. Rolling Folk Miss. Aug. 25 David Fields and Albert Davis colored were pnbMcly banged here today for wile murder. Returns to Rome. Rome Aug. 25 Cttrdintil Hht)'h iu rivtd today from aa eitendeJ tour of America aud id preparing a report on tbe condition of the church in Amp;: oa for the pope. The pope today ratified the ipoi rit mentof Fiither Ambrose Ai i-, hs apodtolio delgatto (lie Philippine.-. JUDGE M'KEON WAS KIDNAPPED Omaha Neb Aug, 25 Judge Me Kecn of New York, said lo have hi'di kidnapped evi ral week ago a'nl c' ried to California for random arnvo l i bin morning to vie it bin eitt -r. ! U i. ft il in a nervous conditio the lectult of hit) o-iptiviiy. He ays he i!l pro ofed against his kidnappers 7heti lie reaches New York. Asa Thompson Hurt. rtna Thomp-on, formerly recR V t of the land office at. L Grand., a prom ineiit Butter creek c t'h'tnan, is in Pfodleton receiving treatment f-r broken shoulder hi ul Mr Thump-on was injured a 'pw days ago wniie ui temriLmg to break a wild borne. He wac tl rown and struck on his ig t Mhoolder. Of Col i altndintt him Mr- Tpompson accompanied h r but bind t' thin c ty. Strikers Lose Point I Chicago Alia . Jurlno Itrt'iitano to-lny Uu'l uu injutict on ivptrniir iujj Iho city . f ' hicnRo fro n mlt'der r'tti w-fh the loiljnij rf nou unioii omplnyea in the packinir hon?os at the slock yar.lt. Th.'city liasannunuc ed un appeal will he lakon. J1 . I .III I mil a 1..., .. , I I DTAtfbs SllSilT'S DISE&Si I Many people who are neglecting symptoms of drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is MM Til i :.Li - f7f ;ji J -. V v .VV.i'Sv r7 &'' pa 11 i-ii. 1 yS.iHuuiui mi a" "r-J VI1 ''"''" 1 ';T' -i , ,. i t i ,i i r -1 - - Holds His Own Worcester. Maes, Aus. 24. Serator Hoar had a coriif .rtal le night and it is stated this uiornlrg that tin tenator 1 holding b. s own but is very weak A telegram of a mpati y hns lie n re covied from Archbishop Ireland. LAND DRAWiNG ATTRACTS CROWD St Paul. Ann 21. The drawing for land in tho Port Totten reserve beyim tills morning at Devils Luke in the pre-enco f a big bnwd. The first allotmout of tbe vkI ie of '0, " drawn by lirtlco Warren, .f Forest Kiver, N D' For Sale An extra good cow and culf. Inquire at the OU Town Sioto V Smiib. Furniture For Sale And I oue lo rent apply to Mrs Shearer opposite Stnrlirecery N'nrih ol track . Furnished Room Centrally loiated i-ori erot Washing ton and tith rtreet6. Known ns (Jeo BbII'b lodging house. j Bluosteui Ti; Valiuy 78. The World's Fair R,0Ute ! Catllo Best steers 3 a t3.2n; mo Those autici.j.il.uu an Kueteru trip, or diuui f3, cows 2 u 2.26. a visit to the Louisiana l ur. lmKe ejtpo-, SitiOn at St. IajIUS, camiol all'ird 10 mmmmMmmm-mammmm .overtook tin advuntugea oilereu by ti.ej Missoi-m Pacific Hah.w.w, widen, on! CURES OLI' BORES account ol its vam.ua routes and K.ued ....,,..,.,, Kana. Mav f 1902. I wajs, lias in ai.proi.riaiely names Thf World a lair Uouiu, i'a-f nner.- (nnu ibe KurtLwefll lake the Mwsouhi.I'acific trains tiom iJuu ver or lJuellu wilii th iMn-icv ol i-itlier going direct thruuti the KmitJae City, via WichiUi. tort bcoit and iJieutaiit Hill. Two traiiH daily from Denver tttid Fuehlu to M. yjiiis without ciiane, carrying ull ulae-en ol rnoiit'in eijuip uieul, incivitiiny: cl'-i'trit: lighted oU.-r-vauou parlor eatu (lijiin t:aru. ien ilaily trauid ix-twcen Kaudrta City uinl rSt i-oui9. Write, or cull on Y . C. Melirhie, (-ieiieral Aetn, 12-1 Mind Ht, I'orliaml for de'aiu-d niiortitntioii -ind iilus'.mie literature. Congrrtu!atons Mr Jo hn 11 odinui. Editor of the i iltl lUll I, lei tor oi i i'uxan, Nevnf has writttui af .onraiul ttioi s to the ui.inii-1 fji tnro oi t. otiiiili' ild us Coim li He- ' inetly. us tohnvr. : "M.ufn year aiiO J hIhu o ir tir.-t thii.i w.m a oa y he us 1 sulijn.-t tu t:rniiry s(KHd ..u-l we won id j he vtry uiir-.i- a mut .on-. o lie;.iU iiiflii .o.t.iiix . iaij Coiuii lu'iiitilv in t7, ami uuiitiu t 1-ui.iHi reii iblo re medy tor n.it!diinlcr up we have never ifeu v! lion m i!m i out' mine that titii-. W l- li ive Ji v j uhu .red and have tiiven it to ail l iheui wilti gnnd re. sulfa." 1'or salt liy all drume, glllftll Route, Dnvliht lihh Dizzy Crag, Cceii Oimims. A Oolileii 0ipiiriunity Ste n Hi tiro In all linr glorious lionuty, ai)d then the acme ol mn'i's haniliwoik. The tiri is foil ml alriif the line of the Denver A RiotJr.uole Kail'-oail and the hitler at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will 'e one of ple i.-urc m -ike liie un.st of it. For information and lllus trnled literature write W. C. Mi;15i; I !).;, Gen. Agt. rurtland, Cliegon '1 E V ' stops irreeularities, strencrthens the ' Wt. ?! ki6"e.ys ? ey will . "K u"m 1UC! 11 ura tne 01000 : r . V i "usin oizzmcss, oacicacne, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. N1 haye any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence takintr FOLEY'S f VUK.U at once. as A J atal malady. It is pleasant Koiv to Find Out. .You cr.n eft-lYdctfrmine if yonr kidneys ar out of otJrr fcj setting aide for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick riu-t sediment or small particles float about in it, yo u ItUnrv are diseased, and FOLEY'S K'DNEY CURE should be takea A T HILL, J.UT1CE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is horeby given (hat Nellie G Neill, administratrix of the estate ol Alfred T .Neill, deoeasert, has Hied her flnat report in the alminittiation of said eatte, and tbe County Court of Union colintv, Oregon, ha set Sept euil)erCtb, A. I'., liJW. at twoo'olwk, u in (or the lienrinirol Hie raine, Uute.1 this 1st day ol August, A D.f 1904 6-8-2 Real estate Snap Two mire trect, seven blocks from center of La Grande. Goid alx room ed cottigrf furnii-hed completely and well, if desired. Two barua, large hen house and wire enclosed park over cue ndred chickens, over 100 beariig nit tree" inilu ling winter and aiim- r aiiples, peai a, prunes, peaches and oevernl varilies of ohorries, one thousand raspberries, oU) firuwberrieB twent" Hve slmdn trees, lawn. llowetB and lurge garden ready fur use, three wells, two pumps, leu shares in good wnter ditch. House insured for 700 for three years. Part down. For particulars inquire at this office. THE MARKETS (July 30) New Vork Silver 68 5 SL'nion Psciflo 95 5-8,1'fd 0)1-2 Chicago Sept wheat opened 89 3 8 a 8'J 5-8 and cIobwI at DO 1-4 Bailey 42 a on, flux 1.17 l-2,nothwestern 81f!4 S.in Erai'.cisc i ' ash wheat SI. 87 Portland -Wheat Nulla Walla 07; , B M , ,,u.)w 1inellt Co. onr Snow Lm luent i u.ed au old sore on the side of uiy chin that wub tup posed to be a cancer iuu ao.-o was tstuuhoru ana would uot y eid to tieatmeut, ui til 1 ttied fch.ow Linimout, which did tho work in shoit Older. My aisle.. Mis tSui'hia J a &ou, AUehaville, Milliu o, Hu, has a sure aud mistrusts that it is a cHiuer. ricaso ueua uer n 00c bottlo. i?old by owliu Urug Co. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. 1 would cough nearly ail night long",' wriiea Mrs Chua Amdeiiaie, of Alex- andna, lnd., "and eeuld hardly get any aleep. 1 )md coiisuitiptiifii so bad ttmt if 1 talked a bloek 1 would eouyli Irih'fuliy and epil blood, but wheu all other medieinea failed, three $1.00 bottlea of Dr King's New Discovery wholly cured me aud 1 gained f8 potiiuU." Its Hhflolhtely guaranteed to euro omibt), Colds, La tirippe, HroncliitU and all Throat and Lung tro .bea. Price one and $1 00. Trial Ironies free at Xewliu drug Co. THAT TlUED KEELINU If you aro tutiqu id, dopressod and tucaj ah.e for work, at iudicutea that your hAer is out of order. Horbine will Htsbist natuie to throw off head aches, rheumatism and ailments akin j to 'lervouauotta and restore the enorgio and vitality oi soucd and perfect health J J Hubbard. Tempie, 'lexaa, writOB, March tl lUo'2: "1 havo used Horbine for the pant two years Itbas done me muiu good than all the dovtors, hen 1 (ee bad and have that ti;ed j fueling 1 take a dose of Hoibiue. It' la the beat medicino evei made for IniiS and fever " GOcls a bottle. ! Bold by Nbwi.h Drug Co. BSST COl'Ull MKDICIN'K FOR CIUI.DKEX. When yon huv a eoiih meiliiine for snnill rliiltlr.-n o i want one in which vou ran place implicit confidence, i'ou Kant one Unit not only relieve bin cures. Yon want one that is nnquon. tioi.alily lurmlj.-. lou warn one that ia Ite:ililll tO iHkH. I '.l Hml...rL.ina CoiiRh Kunied r n.nrla all ol these con- ililiona. Tiiera la nothing eo good for I heionulis anil oolda mci lent to child. oou 1'or w.e liy All urngia ta. kidney trouble, hoping "it kidney trouble in one of perform their functions properly. I ax v k m. mm mm m kb vn an r a u ija mm as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and a vdiwcu uy me circulation t will cure a slieht disorder in to take and benefits th whnU G. B. Burhans Testifies After Tour Years. G. B. Burhans or Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years aco I wrote you atatlng tht 1 hd bn entirely cured or ivere kidney trouble by taking lett thn two bottles of Poley-t Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the ick-dust eediment and pain and ymptocna of kidney diaeaae diaappeai... 1 am (lad to aay that I have never had a return of any of thoae aymptoma during the four yean that have elapaed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recom-nend Foley1 Kidney Cure to any one suffering from Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00. s:ld i.;;D recokliekoed by zrss2 Druggist A Postal Will Do It The nurrhaseof a piano byTnall mat! safe, Bimple ana economical, . . . i t i KvtieahDii Willi a reliable concern piano can now oe pnrcuased witnotf ever seeing it, with perhv t aattsfactitj and safety, r.very insirnmoui aoia I Eller'B Piano Uonw a fully guarunte aud a further agreement g's with to refund all nwiiey puia in case tl inbtrumeQt rails in tuy wav to nrof exactly r.s rmrest-nrod, ho uiM Duy. re nerfectiv i-ecare. II you aru liihkiiv ui i.iureuAging oiano or au orttan. oro:i u a line on postal, giving your add re eg and vouw immailiatelv receiffo au abundance iruulartt and hanuaouie b utu ta ibov fug a varieiy of iuctrumeuta and tiivir fill I description oi ti.em. A lett from the bead of the Mail Older 14 part inenf will also aotompnny ihorf giving full information convert. lug o low prh ea aud easy paynn nt ytem If we have auv special eaivaiu- tecondhaDd iuatrameiita which our it nu-nae buau.esa i rontinuatlv hriuuil to ua, those also will Ue fully ileBcnlf and pritejtfivtu. lour reply, wneiner it ue a reqiH for Eurthei liiiortuaiion, or an order an instrument will be uromntlv n courteounly attended to. hen mail orders are lilleu, the1 btrumeuta are personally aeleeted hy head of our tnail order derurtair who is an expenemd and exr-ett nta1 jiide. He thoroughly nUieee evt piano Bolil by mail uua oeee tu.it it I in perfect couditioi helore be penir it to leave me store. We make a spemaHy of pack In a instruments eo that do matter if ttj have to be hauled by wavtoii a lonv (I tituce. no injury cun possibly cornel i hem. Kememberthis is tbe house i kiiowh di:e 1 to be the lowent priced a moat roli.tblo on tbe coant Drop uk postal. Thousands have done it to their a Ivant-go. Filers Piano House :i51 Washing on Street corner Park, Large stores also Sao Kranoiscn and Sacramento eul., Spokane aud Seattle, Wa.-biugtoii AN OPEN LETTER To tbe public: . We wiah to oall the attention- ot th-'.se not already advised that we have 4 entahtis -ed a wood working plant io La Grande equal to any in ttie country, u e believed the limes and eoudiu us demand d such an enterprise an i hHvo spent thousands ot Hollars iu e quipuient an t improvement-. e are not niily prepared to fill yaur orders for mill work but wo rati tur nifh all klmla of lui.bor on ehort UOtlCi. It you buy i" quantity fo we can fur nibh iu tar iota to tie d livored di.iet we can give v u prouipt ahipm-nt tmd at pruua as 1 .w ua tin lowest co- s d r ing the titialiiy of the stork Htid the piumptnebs of delivery. The priu ' varies aa to the ata ou buy and t' o coat of handling. before plaoiut; your order out! submit your proin-sitloo to us and j if we can handle your busincsaf pleaHe you. We are a La Grande institution we do not el dm anvthing on th it & iiutouiy to have au equal boow 1 our rorupoiitor. After estahlishint! an oxpeusivo : cal eute'prie we want the lmt-im'b.- keen our i!0 odj men at work. Wo are not h-guing for favors but i cul euterpnsi s ahuuid be Unit up; employ our people at home insti aiU sending ull tne mo oy away lor si m iinif.iot.nred in other planes. The uiouev sent awnv d ea not back to ui aud it builds up other cd j mumties at our expense. Yours for businas. btoddaid Lumber Lodge Director KAOLUS U Grande Airio r 359 I' o r. iii BVurv Y rni.iV nilil in K 1 hall al 8 V'l.illn.. Iin.tl.nr.. 1n.ltu.l In .llml C C IWclwtL, Wl' AN Uayvllle, W KORKHTERS OP A M KKIOA Court S Marion. No lilcelK each TucMiay iu II bull. ItrutbBte arc Invited lo ntUMid. VI Hi lsncr t'lnci Kanccr) C J Vanderpuol, kectiee IO0 F l.a Grande I.odge, No 16 meld their liall every niourday niiht. Vibltlng m bera cordially iovited U atlvll'i. i UJ Vanaerimol, N Q. j 1 R Hnook, S0C ' A. F. & A. M. La Grande I.o No 41. meets every let and :ird Aok. (lay of each month. A U Williams Sco, O 1) lliiffman W. M. will wear away,' its worst forms. are Healthy kidneys strain out to every Dart ox tne ooay, a few riavs and nrevent a ctrcf.m J