LA' EVENING OBSERVER. VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 23, 1904 NUMBER 2 5 GRANDE V LOSS VERY HEAVY oi l, todnl.d behind, and getting close to the hordes, was kitted and Instantly killed. Mr. ai d Mis. Wi.od hivo the sym pathy of the petiple ot our roramnni ties In tills ead bereavemont. Flora Journal. Tornado in IV.innesota Does Damage to the Amount of $1,500,000 Buildings Wrecked. Minneapolis Augu-t 23. Tho lues In tbifl city frO'ii Saturday oiuht's tor nado is estimated at 1,500, 000. Th burners eeotion at Nieoteile a d 'ixtl I venue was badly d imaged Noni ! all the windows In tnH district wero blown In ami goods suffered much from the wind Trolley wires were blown down in all oarta of ihe citv and street ours wnre tied up u ill noon unday. The suburb of l-t. Louis Park, about six miles from this city suffered much damage. The tort Snolliig government build Ings escaped witbunt severe Injury from the tornado ol t-uturilny night Fires In B C Vancouver, B C, Aug. Dostruc A Moonlight Picnic Last evening Messrs. S D Crowe, J R Smith, Mi-tea Allie Stephens and Mary Kanisey entertained the Damen Krnnz and some friends with a Moon light PI n c at Proebstel's erove, where arge b nti e n l W4er melons were euj yed to 'he fulleet extent. Those pro?et)t were: Bessie Worstell. Gnce Kinzie, Moina Aiken, Kmma Ol rk. Mnrie Clark, Jessie Grimmett, Edna Hunter, Opal flame , Eva Neill, Elixabetb Beaver, Getrude Heaver, Gertrude Mit il.ell, Fred Goible, Dell McLain, Ea-I Kizie, Frtnk Dnvla, Nick Beaver, Cheater Newlln, Oris Staokland, Leslie Parker. HANGS IN THE BALANCE Tremendous Battle is Charge For Board Kantus City, August 23. Beginning toilay the Oi'daby Packing company will charge its emplovea wholndgound board in the plnnt 13 a week. I'resi dsnt Donnelly Is expeoted hore this i vi nlng. "Ars. Botkin Sentenced Osteopath Returns Dr Moore the Osteopath baa retutned from the Kast after an enjvahle as UAI ai f.,'n a.,) ia in . . . .. : tillory Or rtrntimi imn ,H, in iLiMin, fill th,tcn . J who vih to consult or be ex .mined. "Re sults tell," is the nioltu. San Francisoo, August 23. Mrs. i.'ordlia Uotkln was this morning 'euied a new trial for Ihe murdtr of Mm I n., .....1 .'A,,annAi1 Roini at Port Al thill"'" ife imprisonment. ! In passing Beaten e the court said ' ho woman should have been sot toured o bang and that the jurv erre I ng the f .r life. with Victory Swaying ; in the Balance. AVERY NARROW ESCAPE structions. The officials here are con vinced that the Jap mesa have no In tention of violating Chinese neutrality lor desire to jeopard.ze the immensely j valuable foreign Interests of Shanghai by making the harbor a naval uattle- I ground. A dispatch to the statt department this morning , from Cuisnl General I Qoodnnw at Shanghai confirms the ' press dispatch relative to the entrance ! of the harbor by a Japanese torpedo I boat followed by the Amor lean vetse lOhauncey The Russian oonsul still punishment at in flx- Imprieonmeiit Congress of Negroes Natch z, Miss- Aug. 23. The Negro Vouuk People's Oliriat an Educationul tie fires are still burn i ult au l it is Co-mres. whih was lnnnoh-d in Ai- est aiateil in otfl Ul soarves that the lbsa to date will tt;ivg:ra 82,500,001) lantic two yers with an atteo lan e of 1 500 btvan a weeks ueesion In tins c ty t -day. The objoi-t of the orj-ani zaii' n Is to follow out hooker Wasli iiitrton'B toaoliins by encouraging tbe young n'embers of the race to hit idea's ui right livlii Boviaily morally, religiously hlhI inluatrially. "We Are Alright" N'S we ran't report daily murders prize flcbts. euiciiles and buldnns in Un last riuuday morning August u, flora he hasn't attained that dis 1004, the oldest child of Mr, and Mrs. tinotioii and will have to content our D G Wood, i.f Grouse, was kicked and selves br extracting theie ch ilce moi killed by b horse. Mr W ind was d(.s irom our hlg iladies for a time at leading his hoses to water and the east--aml in tne meantltne we are al- little boy, but little ove.- two years rigtit. Fl'.ra Journal, Carnival BroKe Spokane Au'25 !ho "Independent ca-nlval' wentte pie es here vi't-terdny and the shows promised until Tliura day will not ba givon, Child Killed Chefoo, August 23, The Orst de Uiled news of the g'neral assault oo Port Arthur indicates that a trem-nd-diih t'onflkt is waging and that vi. ton 's hanuiug in tl.a balance. OtiiifW' who loft Port Art linr yester day and artived bore today btate thut the Japanese, by making ileperate ebaruos, whioh were reinforced by an artillery tire fr.m Shusl.iyeu and Lou isa bay. swept frum the no th into the. Pilii'on buy torri'ory and drove the liussiaus bick fmm the- main forts rim irrniind holnicoin narati vely flat in i this vicinity, the Japanese were unable , o hold it in the face of the llussiaQ nr- and tln'y retired north, an eiahtli of a mile beyond Ibo zone of fire. CAPTUI1E AN'D LOSE A FORT The Chinese declare that t',e Japan eao captured one important fort, locat ed ou the Itzshin hills midway be tweu the wei-t eoast and the railway, on a due drawn approximitoly from a point midway between Pigeon and Louisa bays. Tha Japanese Infant's :'ss ulied the fort and compelled the llusaiaus to retire. The Kussiiin ar- llory then directed a ht nvy fire on tho, compelling the Japanese in turn to retito. Women's Championship ( bicago, Augn-t 23 An army of I'air golfers thronged the Glen View 'inks today at the opening of the v. mon'a western championship tour nfiinent. The tournament opened with the elmmpi. n group teams against bo ;ey at 18 boles for the rhnmpiouohip. Hie piny will continue through the entire week and promises to be unus ually successful. Narrow Led&e of ocRrn'a,uatommp'7w''h'ienr'arto'' ! man' le or leave tho harbor. Action of Ciwoc Urtrm-i f.nm ! Secretary of State Adee nnd Acting JilVCS WOlNman irOm SeoreUry of the Navy Darling are now . In conlerenee on tbo subjects present- Plunging Down a 200 ' a Foot Shaft FIVE MEN DIG OUT OF JAIL DECIDED TO RESIST THE MOVE Still No Hope Worcester, Aug. '23, Senator Hoir ia res-iiii: i-omro:ttit)lv this uiominte, but is tfrnduiiUy tfMwlfiic weuker Un remains olneriul an 1 riewa h o-imiiiK death i.hilosopliically. Thysiciaus saw that while his lif may be prolonged for hours aud pon sibly for daya there is no hope for r c vury. i linker City, Ore. Au. A largely attended meeting of men, eato"iikoopers cainblers, and othr citizens opposed to a 4 'closed town1' W 'S held last even inf, and it was decided lo res int. the move Fifty rei'resfmtative men si tin ed an agreement to stu 1 pat and make a legal fight on the question. Th.y claim they llt force tin authorities to iW uneu or enforce ad the laws, siu-h as ' p'oaoouilnn the owners of buildlnis ii whioh bawdy houses are kept, etc, dlferiff It row n, on the othor hand, de clares arrests will be made of all those conducting gHiubling uines including slot utnehines, after un lulht tonight together with thoe who keep their lioiHce open on Sundays contrary to law. tie claims. U'tAuvsr. that no complaint bad b-on ma in ti him can- c.Tiiii.g bavdy housi and until such complaiuts are filed they will not be in jlested. NETTLETON'S FINE - SHOES - FOR - MEN HIGH GRADE ONLY We have received a shipment of the above well known fine 811003 for men, consisting of all fcizes and widths. Only a narrow ledge of rock project ing from the aide of a shaft Baved Ed mund Jueaaen from being mangled at the bottom of a 250 foot hole in the Bnowahoe mine nt Libby, Mont. Mr Jueaaen, who la of the thm of Jueaaen & Clarke, mining engluonrs of Spokane wan mailing an examination of tne Snowahoelaat Tliuraday. In the itlnrm of the workings be stepped into the shaft and crashed down 10 foet when be struck n-iconiiuiona upon a narrow projecting lodge. On slowly regaining oon oi'iusuess he found h-s head hang ing over the ledgo above a yawning ahaft that only readied bottom 250 feet deeper. It is a miracle that hi es caped death . Although badly hurt Mr Juessen managod to call aome miners near by and they got b m out with difficulty. One sh-mMer waa dislo cated, one leg bruiaed aud a hand was battered, The minora had mueh rtllll oolty in getting him out to Libby, wh re he waa put on a train and taken, to Spokane. He Ib ra. oveiing Pendleton, Or, Aon, 23 Five var iants esoaped from the e ty jail last night by digging thiough the oonorete floor of tbe corridor. Ihe men have not been oiptured. R H Ulnohley and G W Greeley are under arrest uh urged with robbing Jack Nlion,an O. R & N. ynrdman . of 120. A purse In po sesaioo of the prisoners has bien recognized as property. CHINA'S POSITION CAUSES CONCERN A Great Discovery. Pittsburg Aug 23 Homer Williams superintendent of the Duquenue Steel works and an old Carnegie stool man has perfeut d a proeesa whh-b means the rovnlutlonizlnx of the mnnn'aoiuio of steel and will put millions' f dollais Int 1 the ootf era of the oompany. Ho bus succeeded in reducing tho phosp horus tn the molten iron while It la still in tho ladlo, thus making it ready for the Ho98omer convert' r. Tbe obom i ale ha puts in the ludlo neutralizes the phosph tub. ' Washington, August 23 Itie ass-rt ed positively at tbe i.avy de .artmont that the American lloet at Uhangh 1 is not charged with the protection of Chinese ueu trinity by any specific he ar Dishman of Elgin who returnod home this morning stated that the saw mills of the noith end id the county were about through with ibeir seasons ran whioh would ngr-gaie ab at lg, 000,000 feet. Must of which bad pass ed out of tho hands of the saw mill but was atiil to a largo extent la Ihe bunds of the dealers. Mmi '1 i'f '"I Nettleton lasts are creations of study nnd thor ough knowledge of the anatomy .of the humau foot. If you have had trouble with your feet try a pair, of Nettleton's fine shoes; then you will realize where the trouble was. Prices $6.00, 10 50 and $7.00. Put. Calf, VtlorcCalf, Pat E id, Pat Colt, Pat Cordovan, Chrome Wax, Kangaroo and many Clothing Sale 1 See our Nettleton Shoe Window, whero you will see act. inbinatiou of luels and patterns. Fit, Comfort, Style, Individuality and effect are all combined iu the Nettleton Shoe. The Chicago Store THE BUSIEST STOKE IN TOWN Adams Ave., La La Grande, Oregon. f I Thi3 is the last week of our Clothing Sale Every Suit in our entire line is sacrificed. Come and getryour pick. These are aU new and Up-to-date Goods. All $20 00 Suits go for $10 00 All 18 Suits go for 15 All 16 ' Suits go for. .... 12 All 12 60 8uits go for 10 r All other prices in proportion. PICK Tf-iliM: TUP ! ! ! Many Odds and Ends of Summer nnd sen fo table goods thai are txeepl ional val'ies must be closed out in tho next two week?. 1 i orr: a2S5BJ