Money In Hand Mako- uu fuul pleased and well satis Um.i til Hie wnrl i, but much betl.-i itild It l if it was lUVfsted In lb-ul fctatH )fou could not only Invest it in purohual g a lioine icr ynurHelf, but y.jn louid go even a aiep further and luy on or Heal t state holdings, which vim could reut. In this -way your moi.ey will brim vou in sutiKluctory relume in the aiape of .olject.d reuia. and you cuulil soil y mr properly at any tin e at an iuon b. cl amount over wh.t you paid. Reul Lalute is louataiitly aixiri-i lailng lu value No iiivesiuimt in safer. Cuii moi.ot inter, at you in it? Cull at oihio ior lud pi titulars. Vle've gut gome spleu.ild ottering. Xa Srande Sn vestment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, La Graude, Oregon L-1 Grande Evening Observer IL'KREV BU08., Editors i. I'rnpa j Entered at the Post Office at La : Umnde', Oregon, as t-ecoud Claas i Mud Matter. Published daily exempt Sunday One yeur in advance $6 50 Six uioutlis in advance. .. .3 50 Per mouth. . . .Hoc Single copy ...... ...... 5c MONDAY EVENING, AUG 22, 1904 BEATITUDE OF FiFTH DECADE OFFICERS: (Jao. Palmes President J. M. BsHUr...,.,Vice President J. M. Ciiubch Cashier F. L. Mkyksd i I DIRECTORS: J. M. Berry, J. M. Church . B. Conley, Geo.L. Clea ver, Geo. Palmer i L Cleaver Asst. Caebiers 3&55 . La Grande National B nk La Gramie, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transact a general bauking business. Bnys and sella exchange on all parte of ilia world. Collections a specialty. I BOSS Meat Market Stollwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL BUTCHEPS. Highest market prion prii I for M kinds of bulcliers' stock Hide, pells and fur-. AUn chicken's & poultry. Eggaagaawfc 1 111 111 1 111 mmsmaKaammmmm We t $10, I, 00 cents a Coal For Hoi Weather Our Rook Spring coal will give satisfttctioii W't1) n 11... ,J We ahvHVS have il (;n Imnd. Onsllo Gate and Clear "P.. 50 gallon cioek C()l)( to()( jr you wmlM rulller have Ui We aU wagou $5, dry lllV(, al khl, . 11U1 ,(l ()Wt,st jict,8- if "P" ; vSint wo, id we can fiiiiiiah you the kind that burns t and I. est. collaterals. G. E- FOWLER, TKANSFKK AND DELIVERY ande Pa ; Fir and a Phone xo 1611 y and sell l kin) '' 'AN A4 Land Alfuh 3UN JAMISON W E STULL ELVA JAMISON We will call for it and bring it home whenpromised ASS ; , Alfa, fa a :d in bulk ' aaaoaooDaoaQtts(iiiiiii t c C t t f r We guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a B trial order In demonstrate to yon that we un- D derManil ihe lauivlry business, ou can stop our wagon at imy time or phone the Laundry and your work will be. called for at once. We make a specialty uf family washing, and can do your washing Letter and cheaper than ou. A trial order solicited. Seed pmoi. Steam Laundry Jounty. PHONE 5. I'lion taBatmeaastsTat i KIR STREET. E D t r t c ,t e 1 r c D t 14 mtiit-m h .CSV mMuC j ItAPETS! CARPETS!! .'1 j irou beds f'y$ 2 seat"'"1 . 11 ni,,i fiue liuo''V Beautifuf'hil and '.'pho'slcry vileums cui, niadi' au l hud 1 Goods Uicds. We very low prices. order. hite Maple Dresser Connno le $13 -j--, Worth $30 Oo cart 3 0(, -erfcction tiil stove 8 un, Dininc Table 6 50, Best Oil Kunge 1050, Lounge 12 75, Gasoline Stoves 2 75, Lvk 7 of, Camp Stoves 1 40. ' Two sets Double Harness, 2 fine Shot Guns', '2 Win chester Rifles, 1 Iron Bed, 1 ten-gullou churn, it) Cook Uloves at vcrv low prices. Remember we do upholsieriup, furniture repairing and boueo clo.iniug. Phone for estimates. I The opening speech of the campaign was made oy senator H G Daviii, democratic candi date foi vice president, wherein he pictured the beatitudes of' lie closing decade of democrat ii rule, from LS50 to 1800. The Obskkvkk quoted the leading paragraph in Saturduy' Daper oi the Senator's rosea picture of those halcyou dayi together with some statistic showinn ibat be had very disin genuously hid the actual fi:c.. by the delusive coloring of pe cent. Lest some of our readers mat thiuk that party rancot va bies our judgpjenl we will re produce a picture of that peiioi drawn ut the eloe thereof, I ; James Bueh iuan, President ol he United Slates, in his four I atiuuul inessiigo to OimgieM', dled December 3, 1S00. I should be remembered tin; Buchanan entered upon lii oflice as Pre.-ident March 4 1857, and in his annual message he used these word-", and that he was a democrat as was hi; pre dicessor, Franklin Pierce. L 'When I entered upnu the duties of the presidential otli'.'e, the aspect neither of our foreign u ir domestic affairs was at all lUsfuctcrv'. We were mvolvud n dangerous complications with cveral nations, anil two of our (erritorlos were in a state ol 'evolution against the govnrii nent. A restoration of the African slave trade had numer ous and powerful advocates. Uulawlul military expeditions were countenanced by many of our citizens, and were suffered in defiance of the efforts of tte govern neut to oscapo from our shores for ihe purpose of mak ing war upon the unoffending people of neighboring republics wub whom we were at peace. In addition to these and other difllculties wo experienced a avulsion in monetary 11 Hairs -oon after my advent to power of unexampled severity and if serious consequence to all the great interests of the country." Wo usk our readers to care fully read the quotation from Piesident Buchanan's last mes sage and compare the dismal picture he drew of the condition of the country during thedecude between 1850-18CO, and the picture of the same decade as painted by the democratic can did tte for vice president. Both picture cannot be true. Statis tics, history and tradition sub stantiates Buchanan's. There is nothing in history, statistics or tradition that sustains the assumption of Senator Davis. -V, v -nrrV,, rtern ..v . JJf.H IV.. 1 H.B.Haisten '5I Forme, ly 0 A M Noble's Store. F. D. Hasten all know the story 01 the man who taught his horse how to live without eating, but the blamed animal went and dijd just when it had learned bow Don't make that mistake. Al ways eat, but eat air, grnal quantities of :ir, it contains all the life giving qualities, so its devotees allege. Au inter esting experiment aliug this line can be witnessed in Idaho at present, where Senator Dubois is simply stuffing bis followers with "hot air" While the Japs ae engaged now and then in mowing down the Russian soldiers, we are reminded of the fact that it is about time for the farmer to cut down the Russian thistles. !ACE WAR IN GEORGIA Statcaboro, On . Aug. 22. Oue oo-j ro f und dead by tha roadside Ave tnilus eusr of town, his body pierced I by two rifle bullf ts; two negroes, "one j f the old time darkies," and his son 17 years old, shot, In their cabin dur- p.' the hre boars last night by on !;tiowu mara idere; half a dozen cases f flogging shod was the history of be day. The noene of excitement has shifted trum this city to tbe rich agricultural rgins surrounding it. At KUge hilt roral well to do white planter met today Hud plauned to rhl the neigh bor!. iud of 'ib.ioxious negroi-e. Incii idunl nogr es were marked (or laeb inus and f night a prt f the progiatn i being carried Lut. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 31878. M1TK K FOIt ITHI.IVTION. ,U. f . Land Olllcv, at Ui Uniifte, Or., May 14, 11(01. Notice la hcrchy friven Hint In rum pi mure villi the (inivtsloDK uf the lift of I'nntfriiw uf luncH, 1H7K, untitled "An not for thettuleot uiulkT liimls In the SlntPs of (-'ullfui iilii, Ore nii, NrvmJi. and Waxhlntnn Territory," is rxit'iidcxl tu ah the Public Lund Statitj bv it-l ol AiiKUHt 4, imi, Miiry H Murphy, ol Perry, county of Union, talu of Oregon, linn thin day filmflu this oil leu bt"- Horn stalc nunt No .iUH, (or tlie purchase ol fie Wj N W1 '4iid NW s WJ4 of Seetioi1 No. 2b in Township o. 4. It No. E. V. .l.,iuul will offer pnxtf loshow that the land Nought Ih inure viiltiuhle inr Us timber or Hlonc than for aKrlfultiinil tmrpttF-es, and to oMnhlMi her t-lalin to Mild hi ml before the lUifistcr and Kee.elver ol llils ulllee at Im (ininde, Ori'Kim, on Monday, Hit' 1st dny tif aukiwI, limi. She iianicK a wltiieKsef: a. I. lit an, 1'hoebe itulli-, John J. Murphy, and Ralph H. Uullls, ill of 1'erry, Oregon. Any und all pi'iMHiH cltilinlnir Hdversely 1 Tif .ibove-th-xerihed landx are requested to tile thi-lr claims in thif. ulllee on or be fore said lot dny of Annual, 1101. E. W. Davis, Heglhter. riMMRK LAND, ACT . I UN 13 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR l'UHLlCATlON. U. H, LandOlllec, l,a (Jrande, Oreuoti. May. U, liH. Notli- in hereby given that In compliance Willi Hir- pm.'isiniiMof (lit aer of ('ouiiiCKK ot .lime .1, W, entitled "An art rr tin- Mile ot Umber hind in the States of rullfnrtiht, Ore L'nn, N H'mla, and W'ashlUL'toii Territory, un em nilcrl to nil tlie Public I-ilid .mh1-k bv art of Auiriist I, !S!I2, Uez. klall t: Coiner, of La (irantle. County of Union, State of Oregon, Iihj this day Hied In thin office his sworn stii'eiiH'iit o. f .r Hie nine base of Hie sk s 4 See. 21, and SJ N WVi and HW4 N 4 of St rtlon Tp No 4 .-, Ran. e No K W M. And will offer proof to hliow that the land nought ih more vi luabio for It tiniher or Ktnue than for agricultural purpoNes, and to establish hi claim lo t-atd bind before the ii ulster und Kecelver of this office at La HtarMe, Oicyou, on ThurHdiiy. tlie ilU day Aiuu-1. 1WM. lie name-' an wltliensoi: Jack Mef'arty K'uier SnlinR, John Smilh, and Frank ILir rid, all i-f I a Orallde, Oregon. Any and all persons clalniinK adversely the ihuve ilescilbed binds Hre rviui turd to file ihelrchilniH In thin oftlce on nr before laid t )i day of August. PUI. K. V. Daxla. KeelHter. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I', s. Iind Otlice, Im (n!tie, i dejim ,M..v it, lii. N'oiicoIk hereby Klven that In lompllai.rc with Die provisions .if Hie nel of I 'ii(jreK of .lone :t, 1-7S. entiiled "An act for the wile of limber lauds ih the Stales of Cn 1 1 lot n In, Ore gon, Nevii.ia, und W abinton T- ri i tory," ax t . U ntied to all the I'uhHe LhihI sim. s by act of AtiifUHt . Uv.i'i M.ti:i!ie sv nh rot of (ininiif. eourtty -t I'lilon, st.iie of Orecon, thin dav filed In tblH ulllee hur oWom statement No. ;t(KlU, for Hie purchase of Hie Wt S Ki A K,S WV; of .rtloll No. tt In To-iifthlp No. i H, llaileNo- K W'.M. And will offer proof to hIiow Hint thn Innd Koutiht Is more valuable for Hm timber or atone than lor atfrle ultural puri).sex, and to tKl-tbllKh li r claim lo Mild hind before Ihe ItettiHter and Keeelver ol ihiu ofHe hi Ii (riiinlc, Orison, on J'uenday, iho d.iy of Aoumd, 11MU, she nan'.cK an wltmKpi: Jein;e H. H .rmon, ilihiir I. Unlet, John ,1. iVeMer. an- Henry W. Peeblcr, a'l i f Lh iriK'dr, t reK"ii. Any mid all persons elahnlttif adversely the nb.ivc de cribed lands are re pies ted to til th 'ir claims in thin odlee ou or before enld Jnd day of August, LM. K. W. Dav 1b, Keijlnter. Are you keeping anywhere nbrewet of the times in the new lines of the heulth cult? Have ou ahtUHloned teu and coifee I'Tthegirtin and fruit brews; are you doing without break fast, fliniiuutiug meat from your b - fare, subsiituiing nuts ft'id fruit, fiiting !es? of rooked 1,n,ds rtipi plucking your mea'a d i" t in. in vines and tlees? If ym !,;iV. ,n9 (liTt yOU are f..r u n..X! fad. which is I livt on uir. l),(1,'t 8imp!y" I v,re b.tcot u. This ia the j tivtet veuture ut the cult. We NOTKK FOR pfH! If'ATIoN C S Laud Offieo at La OrHiide, Oregon, July I5I0I. Mnticj herc'y (jiv?n that Hir ftiPowtiii: 1 selHer has tiled noti e ol im lion t-iin.ikcfi al jiroof in -iipp rtof ! in cUiin, anil i li it .tid (iroof w ill 'c in.idt! before the Keumtcr Htid li-crn-pr uf th- l. S rindOfTi-e. ai I,R rt'til-.. Oregon, on Aaguft lo, vi. II. K. No 71'JI Ali.almm KeU, f l..i i .raiidc. Oregon. I, r the S. K. '4 Sve. p. 2 S It . K. W. . ' e li.klin-s ihe folio wiiiir witi.t sfS to prove hin toniiMuoiio ri'Sitlt-nee ii un d cultu.inon of .Hill I.I rxi ViZ John I. i asey, of IMkj.iM. Orri!ni: ("i Hrlr Ka'lo, nsic I'nltUT, ci Kii-h.irit 1, ll.innllou. i' I a lir.uiik-, UrtHjii. K W I'avi" KegUKT Furnished Room Centrally located cori.erol WashlDg ton and 6tb Btreeta. Known aa Geo. Ball's lodging bouse. Notice to Contractors Sealed bida will ha received until 2 o'clock P M Saturday August o 1D04 for tbe conuruotlon of a two story frame residence building arcordine to plana and apeciflVatious which may lie seen at the residence uf Mrs Z Fatty, or at the residence of 0 R Thor tou, Architect, La Urande, Oregon, at whiuh latter place blda will lie opened. Hiddtra invited to be present. 1 he owner re erveatbe right to reject any and all bids. Mrs Z Patty. Fire Proof Safe 'For aalewt. 2300 prlo.i0. Call or write La Grande Pawnbroker. Phone LW1. . Peaches X Yisb to s-iy lo oiy friends and the publi tht I hi ve large crop of pitches this year. Our erly Paacbm wi'i be ripe iu about weok or 10 dvs (mm this time we on sell you a more juicy better rUvored psaoa and ohaap. -er than you can buy ihem after they have baen shipped in from oilier pans Then when you pay for 20 lbs you get 20 lbs good pound measure. J R Kellogg. nnn inuaain Farmers' and Trndei s National Bank, LAORANDE. OREGON Capital Stock fully paid Surplus fund Liability of Sliareliolilcra Re8pousiL)iiity $ 60,000 13.000 00,000 133,000 ;We do a general banking and exchange busii.rss. Brafts bougUt and sold on eartern and foreign bunks. JOSEPH PALMEK, President J. V. SC1UBER, Cashier nnnBiBBHainttaHHBBKHi i n a o H n a s 13 a r m E5 I B FULL MEASURE Chain wood by ;the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This ia cheaper than 1 y the hmd. You pay for what you get aud gei what you pay f.r. Phone 571 H. W. NIBlEY A Jew Choice Bargains in Wal lowa County Keal Estate (1) 200 acres of InnH, 120 ives cp;ible of cultivation, 113 no in fall eowD wheat. Uoqp. tarn aud othar buildings. Ayr snrtptin 2,5(Ki i'li 'Hit acre, sioult orthntd. h.-tllO, barn and izoofl ouibtltldinri, HO acres in fall town giam; small Btreain of walur flu- Hirnnili pi act A liartfalu at $i,ru0 H 24o n, res of .'ami part ol rhlcfi is the. Illicit of nieuduW; k'ooil house and ouiliUildniKs Rood hy siwJ. iHJ tints of u.iy be cut ou the place will take iVwO in cattle in naUe on ill Is properly. Price 810 (wr aore.. 4 160 a res. W) ofo'ioice laiid Prl c 3I'l per ueiv 'I'll id m a gr-ftt barSntn. 5 IfiOaete, ol A lit find -it per iter The Re are j bw o( ihe many Sl.apB We have to offer In Hi way of renl estate h.rnii . n. For further particulitrti address, S6 M' Don aid OREGON M'DR.n iel WALLOWA, 1 How dittT to my hoart is tho old-fiishionoil washboard J Tnat mntlier used to wash on whon I was a lioy, With its zinc-covered ridges the suds used to p'ny in Add soap bubbles giimbol"d to ii y childish juy J Olttimos Iihvh I her when wt-iirinu her knuckles. a As ovor th ridires our ilnds sle would rub. 1 ne'er will forget how she S'-lashe t aud she slatherep Tbe old (a.ihioned wash board that stood iu the tnb. 5 CHORUS Tho old fashioned WHshlioaril; 9 w tibhhoaril ; The back-breaking washbuard Hint stood iu tho tub. Some folks always kick about up-tn-dnte lamldrios, S And any thoy wear out their clothes eveiy (Uy ; J But give ih-m to me, so 1 will have a hot dinner J At home, with the sun II uf the soap snils away. I know that thewxsh ng muchiuo is much easier a On all of our clothes than to take tlieni and rub J Till the butioiiB an I b)B ms are lost and worn out Hy the old fashioneJ washboard that etuod in tbe tub. We are not tbe old fashioned kind. j A B C LAUNDRY I PHONE i85r j I City Property For Sale I l -noly Located, Well Improved 5--K00DI House For I Sale. Also Other City Property "At 1 I GRANT & HERR0NS 1 r j WEAjii: HEADQUARTERS For Ivodak and Kodtik Supplies A complete stock of professional paper. Plates at wholesale prices. Mail orders answered promptly. La Grande Diuq Co. and Red Cross Drug Co