DAINTY treats in - eat-' ables, so ' folks 'y who sit daily at our tables '. refresh the inner man. Our 'estaurant will give your atom- veb. a re3t, because the foods t re carefully selected andcooked luder orders of chef of wide; reputation. Our bill of fare is) varied daily and always con-j tains some choice titbits. Live 1 not to eat but eat to live and' daily dine with us. It will be! a picnic to your interior . de partment, model; RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUCrCLE, Prop. OPES DAY AND NIOHT We roll weekly Meal . . Tickets, Cfli $4'50 TURKESTAN" ALFALFA i The Dry Laud Alfalfa grows 'without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of. Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Eic. The only Seed House inUaion County. A. V. OHvpp JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 Get The Habit Of trading at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you caunol break yourself of it. Dor goods :tre always the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock is complete. Besides having the brnud on all their leading lines. Wo hat e just re- V P ceived a new antl complete line of Men'n and Women's j and Shoes which we invito you to inspect. x C.5 RALSTON I NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sts. j 1 SPECIAL SHOE SALE 1! nut c!" and see t lie u il (unity to purchase THE QUA,ITY Shoe Store, t SUMMERVILLE LIVERY , V. I'Uun't-r & So i hnve L.-a.-e i the M. Kinzie S'ables hiul ire pfpnred tn snivtt the nuuiic u a iirsi tJass m. inner at i.uttsotiable ru ts ' TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE .That is why people come here fur men's mid by boys' shoe The J.i E. Tilt line is our spec ialty.. Here is where price and quality are combined. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET I lurgt-sl stock of " I'refei rod" canned goods, Alien & Lewis special Men's, Women's and Children's 100 pairs men's N-st bos calf anil and '2.7"' AO pairt ni'-nV 0') shoes for '2.P0. 120 pairs Ladies best kid shoes, (ioodyear writ, l'n rrptitrr HO vn!ue, Mile price $2 5ft. 80 peird nniiipi'i a.Oti shoes, sale price $1.85 40 pr.it? hny vhor-s, r utikr $2 5l values, Sale price $1.00 These arc all UW AND UP-TO DATE styles and EXTHAOUD1 N A H V VALUES rttpiirc an fxpert to i!,ie die values offered during this sale. This is pofitively a rare hinh iroil" shoes rtt -irrvptioiially low prices. SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES Services as They Will Occur at the Variuus Houses of Worship Tomorrow. CATHOLIC (1HUKCH Mass i very S tnday exoept the 4th at 7 Hiid Oa.m. i:..Hury uud ! enediotion od the samo da sat 7:30 p. m. Mass on the 4ih Sunday ut 7 a. m., no evening seivioo on l.h t day. .Masa on week days Bt 0:110 u. m. W. J. Whyio, Uoctor. lUKWiUtt .SCIENCE S Irene King. 1st Reader. . I lie Cliristinn Soiouoe services at tliu Advent church ev.ry Sunday at 11 a. in. All are cordially invitet. - LATTER DAY BAINTS Sunday School 10 a m. Kf gular Bervicea '2 p. m Mutual Improvement Association meets oonjointly at 1 :30 p. m. CENTRAL CHTJKUH OK CHRIST. Opposite Sommt-r House. Ui'ile School 10 a.ni, Morning Worship II a. m Preaching at Hilgard 3.3up' .m. Evening service 8 p. ni. Strmont Morning. "Chrit-tnn Lit city and the Lawol Love." Eveuing: " Works ol ihH Flish. " A ourdial invitition to all. KT FE'l i'.R.S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. iwelltb Sunday after Trinity. Sun day school ai 10 a. tu. Morning pray or and set moo at 1L o'clt ck a. nt. A Uy service. All invited. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. Preaching tit 10 o'clock by pastor. Preaching at 8a nil ridge in the evjr iug. I.a.t serviceo belore cooftreuce. M.K. CHUKCH. J. C. Walker Pa tor. gunday School 10 a, w. Pleaching hy Pastor Gl ue Meeting Kpworth Lengue Ltd by Charlie (i jre. IStrtu il iug alone for God. Preaching by Pastor The pub 10 Hocrriinlly all these st relets 11 a. m. 12:15 7 p. m. Subject- 8 p. ni. invited to PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prtacbiitg tomorrow at 11 a. m, hdc! 8 p. m, by Rtv Edwin B Hy. I M or it ing tbtmn "Jegun Feeding the M.ut tuptl' ; evening 1 Gracu With nut i MHneure. bund ay wclool at m a. in , devor 7 p. ni., Prayer meeting Tbure dtiy 8 p. m. A coidial invitation ia given to all who have no oliurch bumf to aitoud iheBe oervicsH. Outlook From Farms The monthly Crop Reporter for Ang- iUBt iBsutd by authority of the acro j try of Agrit-ultare reached the Ob I server Saturday mornng From it i the outlook ct the AmeHran farn.er 1b rather a choerf'il one botb as to crop ; y eld and prices. vici kid. Goodyear welt, regular $3.f0 values f i $2.60 ' The average yield' of winter wheat or the whole United titates per acre is given on Augost 1 at 2 3 bushels, Ore jail's arerui;e yield at 21.4 tfuehels per sore. Th . nverr-ge rondition of spring wheat on August 1 was 87.5 against 77.1 on saute ttate last year. The dei-artme tetiuialeB the spring whoat crop this year will be 333,400,000 bushels. The avorane tvndlion ot torn' was 87 3, la t AuK'i-t the average was 80.5 The range ot prioi-a this Augnat for hoth spring iind winter wheat is bettor tujjn on Augiv-f tost year. On Auuust 5, It' ll, No. 1 northern BpriD wheat was quoted in ( hlcnpi at 1.05 to $1.88 per bushel against ,77.'a to .00. for Auuuat 1303. , 2li. 2 ro'l winter wheat fob afloat on Aamist 5 was quoted at New , York at 1 01 to 1 07 aaiust .Kto .89;, cts for August 1003. . NOMINEE RESIGNS Idaho State Central Committee Thrown In to State of Great . Con sternation. Boise City, Anirust 20 There was conttu'uatioo ut iho headquarters of the Demon tin central uuinmlttoG when they recuived the resignation of their oonvrcBsioual uominee Uon. F H Hi lzh.MnitT. The following is a Oupy of thu letter aont to Chairmnn 0 U Juckeou. Hon C If .fneksnu, Cb lirman Dom .St ite oni Boise Idaho. Mv dy ir air: Who it 1 ucwittj the eoturesaioual iiou'iiiHtion M I lie bunds of the nemo cra'io .arty of the tate of Cdulto lu tonvitfci n uHornbltdt I fully believd ttiiit hv n though tlte resolution on the Mormon ('it's ion had bo-n incorpoiat- od tit "i-r ahite platfnn, the mat er could he v-eitUd and ban lied in a man ner with h would be sittisfaotoiy and hoiionible to nil eoiicerned Now however, coii'llti'-LB have arisen Bince my r.ominadon, tml whi-h ootiditions hnve atim'ii tun anno of, the fact that at the ii.ei'tini: of the Demot rntie stilo oointiiittee iiub) in LoAieton, aftr the convention atljournod, tho oamj aign to Ikj uu ed in our atate was outJiued and it appcarf thai the campaign, as it is K.iiil, is to be willed on a moral dlauc hh rt-'aiuHi the Mormon people and the said red' Ititi-m is to be made the paramount irisuu. This being true, an I as 1 am nut in sympathy or in full act on! with tb 'cutne, I ranuotln hon or t" ni. rtctf . after tlte potdtlon 1 took in the Democratic v jtivontlon, both in cominit'ec iutl upon the floor of the convt'ittit n roioa u ii(in the ticket, am) inakt the neeoHa try lampaign out Hu d t:y our state rommiitce, and thereiore muni at ih in time, and there fore do now, t.'ii'lcr to the state coin inittce ibrniigb you us chnirnian, my resignation a- the ct.uwropsional nond u o f tiie . state of Idaho upon the DeiritK'ra'lc t ckot. Having a deep s n e of r.itit'ido fr the high . bonur con term 1 uiou m-, 1 Imvo arrived ut this v. irtdn.sion, only utter oirtful de liboiution. 1 ho roiitldemre shown me by ny p irty in one I t which any man nitii justly feel proud, but tho only way 1 evi'i h ie to rctflin that nnn fldoiu'O in the fuiure which I believe to i o tlii' only liouomble one that 1 can pur due. Thin u tioti of mine is o pmely iHrfotiiil oi e and will effect on ly no, but will make it possible for the st.tto committee to placo upon our state ticket come one who can consistently maki llit? campaign us outlined, and be in full accoid with the state committee. I believe in our grand old DemoOtatic sole, Call oppnr- M. ST' WA.WVm.W I'ron. party and the priurlplea for which it stands and will do all In my power for its snot ess iu the nut.' of lttuho, know lug that right will prevail. iun( holiuv ing as I do, that only through- that party the greatest good' will come to the people of this county. Witu no thing but good wishes lot Democratic success 1 bare the honor to rehiain, " Yours very truly, IT II llolzhelm.-r. Brought Home New York Auk. 20 Antonio Mauino the little Italian boy', whowas kidnafV ed by conspirators of ti e II luck Hand rociety, has .been returned to his patents. Dot-pite I lie detient anil bonat-, ful manner adopted hy the members! ot the society, it now uppears to be evident that the notion taken by tlte re spectable and law abiding class of the we.tlthy ltjillnn residentu of this olty, in calling a meeting to take active steps toward putting tin end to the re cent outrages, hits b me fruit.. HARD WALL PLASTER Ouly costs about 5n per yard more thau common piaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES No danger of .freezing as it can bo used'iti zoro weathor Being floxible Instead of Orit- tle os all sand moVtors . arejj it will dent liko wobtl when struck or jamuictl, iu.stead of breaking -Doors, windows, pjj'e holes, elc are easily cot tbrtnisrli it II is a noil couiltietor of elec tricity ami ihus prevents siitnt hjircuitmg It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath It contains no acids nor chemicals to coirtids It will uot bum nor disintegrate by file i,..;,,., a i,,, .t ,1,,,.,;,,,, dr. wood traiue work 11 will under no condition nit or blister ,- . : . i ... . . I ariies navuiK niaainriug to do should couMilt me rcgnrtling this class of woik Estimates cheerfully givoic- E. RE1SLAND, Phone 371 ifan5.f5iRtl! ..t !ifl5i (PDfr A it, ii wu. Uppoaito lint Soinmor Houbo One of the Ut miiHlcnl institutions In the ut a to, b'our room used for musical instruction, Itirniles of taught. Ufpaiuioni 1, rooms tired for the .1 tirst grailen, t hiUlreu nt tint age of 5 and older como otic hour ever duy. Department 'J, '2 rooms for grades 4 to 15 for pupils of all ages i'he lat ost cotirae bey t ptacllo d iniiHicul iu- strurtiou M lai-td cuiitetiU for med als ovory few neeks, E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant A FORETASTE OF HEAVEN! A touch of an Angel's Wing Sorbelio Sandwiches TIM HE It LAND, AT JUNK 'l. HTh ' NOTICE FOU PLTJLK ATION I U. H. Laod OfflRoat Ia lr -ni-i-. trjg H-ll-t.l, .01. Nrttlro R ticrftiv Klvr-n tlnl in .nj.llitiii'f ' with the nrovlfl-tiiK ttf ilr if i ..! t'-.iiui.vs til Juin 'l, 1H71. enlillet) "An I-i Ii t'.f -iU- ul tltlltH r latlflK In the Kt i'- - -l iMft.i tila, ( in , K'n. Nevudit. itml Wi'i.t-.i't--u l n 1 i.nv." ih i fXlWl1c1 to ftll 111" I'll 1 (if Augunt 4, Ikj'Z, ! vtllf. cmtiitv of Win- ii' liy lift ft IH'Xt. t Wimn'iiT in tlllH lHV lllft i'i Nlnlinciit No. Hlti". I tton No. a tu To"' ti IW K. W. M. All'1 Will OiriT I'I'' ! HOUKllt III tii'tti- -t xtoui' than fur ; i: " i ul -btahllnh ti.-r i. ii. l Itf'Kl'ltT a'i'l !' 1 1 ' i (i'ftlltlo, tli-l."'!! I day of (i. n.l- i. trill. Ill tinnic a tti" W. IK-Iiry iiniwu, 'il . S-.nili ft.itiiii- .s... i i.it ii. f i iii-l ii.t iu iiirinr .m t(;.lth II l-i U- ,il... li ..l IontiPt I ti 1 n iny-in; KtiMiird tlan t t..i 'i-tin-i" A n V Hint nil ?hf tln fllf Ihi-lr '-'.-ilni' V'.th ilny of I WEATHER PORtCAST A . Tonight and a Tomorrow fair. , cooler tomorrow 4 tar A $ THE TRAINS A ASoi Kast bound 9 :10 p m ontiuie No 5 West ' 8:5 p m on time That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Pros' canned fruits, deiiciou kraies, lettuce, on ions, am! radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone o'rdnrs. Geddes Bros. MP ""-WoudB'frf ' Work. ti , a for Mors but .u U('d be built jU" it htriie lie is et-aeutiai good. Touiti VI homo iliBl iJ!, 'T'"'"".' away foi THE lit-- : laoea Wo know and bG, a Dot can rely on ou,k Ii-.. ... Iw.l.l J ,1.' -'other tin. As for prlJL2oiindatlont.nbe foollali as to B . ... bla ' fat-m r i rii t ,. -1 Mrv.k- v- 1 1 v my sij,:i? Are like the 'SinE.' T'Ja' '' 'i t . ' off." i hey are put 11m . riijht. I nee only M itml Kuurantee that fljlr trial you Uud that H'lJ. " way injured thaJeat'X- iinawaHBaaHaHBaMaaV LiES SdY. 4gi! U Mill-1 I""l I II II 'IH ,'l I :M Jiow wltb V , 1 pensive lo- A hn.tneBS to the cualomur with a tj ' ' purchaBotl at any stt.j . : . jjiUr If you dceiro realig q call and get a shine, v .- . llf"' leys liinoer a nop, wobij; is Hi at cu m from theboa' jok b.wji.w -hing Sal r Sacred V AiM ltll t-Q. l.a Uranuy. . X4fT - M known iDstiir-jA-fl Mro lV'' n'lA. SiniHrB of Aim-' C.I: -jr-' v . . ..Jt ; ma . ed'icntiomii ; i'K nd &:'J7--. Prunannic 1 ion f teacb nod day scl in t-ootombt aister hupeiv ft ti- y .0 r . M I faS.W II I r MAT' rn-out tiwuei , ami sen- 'i UNION K jiml vuluea DBI'AKT rmm Hhliil l,A UHANDL M", , - u n 1 n:;,0 ii m. Hith Lake, llcnver Ft. wt m ,.; tWnrth, Ornnhft, Kamu D Portland, Dalle. Pn vHi (lletnn, Walla Wnllit, Nn 1 hitvtnn, I'liinitms "v ftnn m 1 'irMJt, MoMOW.Spo. 9 w p m biimiiirit pw 1 ni Jilh Til Hpo j hnne. . 'firtlnnd. DallM, Pen NO " ; dlclon Umatilla Wnl- N0 A . I luin,l.ewlnton,ViirHi n Mi wow, W Hilar War fi'WU m S.a pin clm-r, Hnokaatt anil I other point emit and ; north via Bpokane. -. N'.rJiiilly f,BnJ cilyT AHMl. , ' J ix.--.lt imt.iep tn F.lrln JuntUy (w.nnoc(lona nt Klftn 9ef-K s ir. a m with HtuKB (or points r.Jf l , . : tn Wallowa county . f . t ., J :Han t tso iwo every iiw dy-i' " lo- ... i V 1 . W Uvin, H.t: tM. i