H6t Weather MEALS Bring your wife and family to the Spokane Cafe for Dinner. Your wife will ap preciate the change and freedom from the hot kitchen. You will all enjoy the meal the best iu town. First- class service. SPOKANE CAFE J. F. Johnson Depot SU La Grande.Or Change of Management. The undersigned has purchased ihe busin 8s known as the Harris Cash Meat Murket and will here after conduct the samp. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistaut with (irst-olus articles 'We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, bogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt aud careful attention. Harris meal market across the track. Phone 1.601,. TURNER & WALTER Earlv Risers tmm iwivuh . m . .. Par e,wlok relief from Biliousness, Sok Headaohe, Torpid Uver, JaiM loe, Dlulnsss, and all troubles aris ing from an Inaotlve or sluggish Ivor, DoWIK'a Little Early Risers are u eaealled. They act promptly and never grips. They an ao dalmy that it la a pleasure te take tkom. One to two aot aa a mrta laxattvs; two or four aot aa a' pleaeanl and effective cathartic. They an punk vegetable and absolutely barillas. They tonlo the Uver. ssifasid est sv E. C. OeWIH Co., CHUaaJe Bv All Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS If so, purchase your ticket via the ROCK ISLAND FRISCO SYSTEMS. Choice of routes going or returning 8T.PAUL. DENVER. COLORADO SPRINGS, or i'OEHLO. Vnr niton call on vour hwnl Agent, Dates of sale: June 16-17-18 July 1-2-3 Auk. 8-9-10 Set t. 5-6-7 Oct. .1-1-5. For further information and sleeping car reservations call upon or address A H Mc Donald Gen'l Agent 140 Third St., Portland, Ore Ctv Scavenger Vaults. Cesspools and Wells Cleaned All work done by Scavengers !N"- 1ST. Mason Phone 1841 La Grande Or Columbia Collegiate, Preparatory Commercial University and Gram mar Grade apply y:a mtalcjuk Cources JBoar.ling school tor younp men & boys. Box 348 University Park Station, Portland Oregon w SPICES, o C0FFEE.TEA, DMll lliw rwn FUVORIISOEXTRACTS n..i..i.a.1d PineclFlxvnr. Ott&rtit Sirenith.OtmobkfYkei CLOSSET a UtYtK3 pORTUANPt OBtflON, - Classified Ads WANTED-J'laln sewing and hem stitching. Mrs I Q Freese, 1617 ith St. Housekeeping rooms for rent at Mrs. shearer's opposite the 8Ur Grocery. WANTED Girl for general bona work. Inquire at this office. Fred Yautis ii visiting In baker City this week. FOR RENr-A large roomy barn. In. quire of Mrs. Znber. FOR SALE A complete . threshin out St inquire ol Jud Draper at to Androsa Ranch. FORE BALE Good work teams. Haveone lightteam. Por fall par ticulars, terms and prices address ' E E Vebers R K D No 1 La Grande ' . uregon. J'il. FOR SALE Fresh mllob oow and oalf, enquire of H 8 Oavana, F. R. D. No 1. FOR RENT Furnished quire of Mrs Zuber. bouse. In- FURNI8HED ROOMS Parties desire ini, nicely furnished rooms apply to O D Simmons corner 8 and M streets FOR SALE Second hand furniture is fur sale at Salvation Army head quarters. Call this week. GIRL WANTED Light house keep ng good wugea spply to Mrs 0 W Nib ey Perry, Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS Pleasant lo cation, known aa Whitney House near post office. Mrs. E Helmlck Aug 22 LOST Grey horse branded O P on thigh very Bway backed, when lost was hobbled with rope. Lattt seen in mountains about 8 mileB southwest of La Grande. Suitable reward will be paid tinder ,. . MZCarbiue La Grande E D No 1 Phone No 1937 For Sale Good nursery for sale welt stocked with trees. Plenty of water. Two Houses oioee to town. For particulars apply to 0 Plant La Grande Oregon write Box oil La Grande Oregon. Pasture Plenty of good pastu reltl per bead per month, Phone 1276. FOR SALE One fine milch oow very gentle F S Neweom 309 V 8 r el Norm oar Shops, Dressmaking First Class dresBmak.nK at reasonable prices. Inquire for Mist Mary Coon, late ol boat tie, at Mrs Hhearers rooms. . . All Kinds of Work Wesley DavlB does all kinds ot scav enger work, such an cleaning wells, cess pons, eui;. wive nim a can. 4 ti New lumber Yard. " I am now prepared to fill orders M all kinds of lumber. If yoa need lum ber see prices helore ordering. : '; t , at Uoeennenm i Prop. Rainbow Store. Pianc "Instruction." " Firs claBS instruction on the piano. a,. . . - . Harriet E Young, Phone 1931 . . July 27. Wood Saw Orders for sawing promptly executed Phone 1840. residence on Osborn St. Terms reasonable. G W Allen. $veet Cream I. CommencingjTliurfiday June llillijthe Grande Hondo Crenmery Co will be ore ta fed to . farnibb swwet cream in qufioity to suit, whole sale and retail Ke member ihe place riuntlugtonb new : building next dour to fire building. I Machinery Por Sale One 20 H r fire box boiler, J I case One ltt inch engine same make One resawinK maohine One rap sawing machine ' ' One wooden fiame tenoner One 6 in'h sided moulder ill in good Bhsjie. Taken out to in stall larger plant Stoddard Lumber co. La Grande - for Sale ' One end one fourth acres near Court House with B room house will sell both lawd and bouse or either. " J F Baker. FOKBALE AND KENT On account of ill health we will lease our forty five room looming house, ahirb is doing .a good flrstclass business to responsi ble parties lor a term of years. Will self tbe furniture at reaaonable prices For partieulara call on or address W. H. Fergoson, La Grande, Oregon J 18 tf Lost Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has lost a certain promissory note for TOO, dated May 10,' 1U02, at six months, aud signed by the follow, i ing parties: H B Pidcock, Mary Pid- cock, F 8 Brkmwell and E Z Carbine. ! Any person or persons finding same are hereby warne l from nUempting to , negotiate it. 1 Kellogg. ; NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notiro is I eret'y given, that the co-1 psrtnemhip heretofore existing between I the nndcrsignpd nnder the firm name! of McCoy Jc Mcfarlnne, in the grocery I : , V. 1 . ' 1 V. I A i . DIlBlllfCB, lB niaiiun, una uth uib- snlveri by mntual agreement. The bnsiness will be continued by William Mehirtmie. - D ated, August 12, 1!XM. James Mi-Coy 8 U-UK . . , ; , W.. Mah'srlaas Fire fight int Device T J Hilts Demonstrates Utility of Acme Dry Powder Fire Exting uisher T J Hilts is here iu the interest of the Acme Fire Extinguishing! Co, of Baker City aud gave an ezhidltion, a pratioal demonstrations of their inven tion on our streets Tuesday evening, wbiob eonslated of igniting a large box saturated with coal tar, turpentine and kerosene, set upon end and lighted and when burning in full blast an ad d'tional gallon of coil was thro .to in to the blaze which shot the flames ub ward about fifty feet and when they had had reaohed their highest point Mr Hilts stepped forward and oompl tly extinguished the tire with "his dry powder within five seconds the as tonishment of the large crowd whioh r,7 .i;-"-'-"CD II mm -at msw- if J. H. Pcare, the Jeweler had gathered to wltneas the exhibition There' la n6 question bat' what the result of this publio demonstration proves to bea wonderful discovery tor tbe prevention of fires and over bouse should be supplied. J Mr Hilts baa placed these n maay of the residences school houseich arches faotorUs and miles among a largo Dam ber of testimonies from those who after wltne-alng ths demonstrotlons and critically examining ths aame, we publish tbe following rblob speaks for ltsdf . Demonstrations and critically examing tbe aame we publish tbe following wbiob for Itself. Hot Lake Sao torium Hot lake Ore Aug 16 1904. To whom it may concern. ' Alter wiaiting several testa rf tbe Aome Fire Extinguisher were thor oughly satisfied of ita superiority be fore purchasing tbe Acme Extinguisher We made a Hat with the Hand Grsn- ad is which we purchased a year ago and found them worthless. We gladly teccommeud the Acme Fire Extingulshor. Hot Lake Santatorlam . Dr W T Pby Sec and Tress Mr 'lilts will be In the oity several da; s ta traducing Ibe extinguisher and will ubtless seonre a large number $260 at 170, $200 at re AJWilk. l . ttr' V . -XT of or 'ere,' He is prepared -to make immediate delivery. TV The Clock is something thst is lndlsp i-able to the home. It marks the hni.i for aris ing to cope with evonteof the day, and the time lor retiring at ni-ht. There Is Sonv" ;"n aliout theclcn k that t. ..... . heart of all It will some day murk ths boar tif death. My clocktare ol handfomssppearaaco ntat in derign, and made ot nleely polirhed bronze metal ornaments Prices from 11,0(1 10 $16,00. J II Peare lnl.n (Jo' leading Jeweler NextNewlln Drug Store. Wieh re pairing s Bpecially, t ' , v It Is pretty generally understood that Sheriff Brown will bein"tbe en. foroomsnt of the Gambling and Sunday dosing law next Sunday morning in tbe oloek strikes one. Herald. Rev J H Ross of Elglu will tonduct services next Sunday at 3 o'clock in tbe afternoon and will organize a Sunday school and complete tbe organization f or a Mutho IU t churoh at Im'iler. Mr. and Mrs. E lamon aud Mr. and Mrs. L w Damon have returned Irom a two weeks outing In wallowu county, having visited the lake and other points. They wore delighted wlib the county, an Immense orop of alfalfa hay baa been barvestrd and tbe second growth Is now iu blossom, Mr.. Dam on states among the rurprisos was that while there were 280,000 sheep on the ranges In all their travels they never saw a band, " Mrs. Frank Pike and daughter Ger trude, and Mrs Weatherby are down from Telocoset visiting friends today. Mr and Mrs. J K Romlg are' in Baker City. Real estate Snap Twoaote trect, seven blocks from center of La Grande, Good six room ed cottage furnished completely and well, if dealred. Two barns, urge hen hnnssand wire enclosed park over one ndred ohlokeua, over 100 bearlrg nlt trees Including winter and aum r apples, peais, prunos, peaobes and several varitles of olierrlrs, one 1 thousand raspberries, 500 strawberries yeniy nve snaue trees, mwii. noneta nd large garden ready for use, three veils, two pumps, ten shares in good , water ditch. House insured for 700 I tor three years. . Part down. For particulars inquire at this offloo. THE MARKETS (July 30) ' . ' New fork 8llver 68 5 8Unlon Psoiflo 96 6-8,Pfd03 1.2 Obioago Sept wheat opened 89 3 8 80 6-8 and olosed at 90 1-4 Barley 13 a 60, flax 1.17 1-2, northwestern 11.24 Ban Francisco Cash wheat (1.87 Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 67; Bluestem 72; Valley 78. Cattle Best steers $3 a (3.25; me- diam (3, oowa 82 at2.2T). CURES OLD BOKBS Westmoreland. Kans. May C 1902, Ballard Snow Liniment Co. i onr Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the side of my chin that was supposed to be a cancer. The bob was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until 1 triod Suow Liniment, which did the work in short Older. My Bister, Mrs SoDhfa J Carson. Ailoneville. Mlflin Co, Pa, has a sore and mistrusts that 'it is a cancer. Please send her a 50c bottle. Bold by Kewlin Drug Co. ' NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. "I woOld cotuth nearly all niiibt lone." writes Mrs Chae AppleuaU). of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that If I walked a bloik I would con all frightfully and spit blood, but whon all other niedicinea failed, three $1.00 Dottles 01 lir King s Mew Discovery wholly cured me and I gained AH pounds." Its absolutely guaranteed to cure CotigUs, Colds, La Grippe, tsroacnitia anu an inroai ana Lmns troubles. Price '60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Newlin Drug Co. . THAT TIRED KEELING If you are lanauid. depressod and incapable for work, st' Indicates that your liAer la out ot order. Horblne will SBBist nature to throw of head- aohes, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervuusness and restore the energie and vitality ol sound and porfeot health J J Hubbard, Temple. Texas, writes. March 2-2 1002: "I have used Herbine for the past two years. It;. bus done me more eood than all the doctors. Wheal feei bad and have that tiled fooling 1 take a doso of Ilerblno. It is the beat medicine ever made for chills and fever" GOcta a liottle. Sold, by Newlin Drug Co. BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOB CHILDREN. When you buy a cough medicine for mall children von want one in which yon can place implloit confidence, xou want one that not only relieves but. -iina. Yon' want one that Is undue. tionabli harmlMSj xoa want one that ! nlauwnt la take. Ohamberlain'i Coiiah Reined r meets all of these con ditions. . There la nothing so good for be coughs end colds Ineident to child. oxi. rorsaieoyAji isrugguu The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, 'or a visit to lot. iouisiana rurcnase expo sltion at Bt. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered By the uissocti raoino Kaii.wat, which, on aoconnv of its various routes and gated aya, has been appropriately names Th World's Fair Route." . Passengers from the Northwest 'take the MtssoDai'pAOirio trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice ot either going direct through the Kansas Citv. via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant niu. Two trains dally from Denver -and raeoio 10 nu Louis without chanira. carrying all classes of modern equip- ment, including electric lighted 01 obser vat on parlor .afe dining cars. osuy trains between .Kansas City St Louis. Write, lor call nn W. O. McBriile, General Annt 124 Thi.i v.,rtinl for detailed Information -xnd 'lluit.Kl Con jrrtulatioM Mr John H OuUom, Editor of tao Garland, Texas, News, Ess written letter of congratulations to the mans- ' facture of Chamberlain's- Cong h . utedy, as follows: . "Slxteea Mar ago -when onr first child was a baby be was subject to croapy spoils and we would " be very uneasy about him. We begaa uaiug Chamberlain's Coaah Remedy in 1887, snd finding it socba tellaMe ro '. roedy forcoldsanderoap we have soror heeu without in the boaae siaes that time. We have five chlldron and have given it to all of them with ;good re sulu." Porsaleby all dragglsta. VA Postal Will Do M V The purchase of a piano by mall made safe, simple and economical. By dealing with a reliable concern a piano can now be pore based without ever seeing It, witb perfect satisfaction and safety. Every tnitromoot sold by Eiler'e Piano House Is fully guaranteed aud a further agreement goes with it to refund all monev naid in oaaa the instrument fails in any way to prove exactly sa represented, so leak buyers are penwtiy secure. If yon are thinking of purchasing a piano or an organ, drop us a line on a postal, giving your address and yoa will immediately reoelve an abaadanca of . circulars and handsome booklets show ing a variety ot instruments and giving full description of them. A letter from the head of tbe Mail Order De partment will also accompany them. giving full Information ling oil Tow prices and easy payment system. ' 11 we second It we have any special bargains In hand lnatroments which ourlm- mouse business Is continually bringing to us, those also will be tally deserib pea no prices giveu. Your reply, whether It be request for f urtbei information, or aa ordar for an instrument will be promptly and courteously attended to. - When mail orders are filled, the In strumeutsiire personally selected by tbe ', neau 01 our maii oraer aepanmens. who is an exDerleuoed and exneriniano . : jnoge. ne inorongniy insaeota every piauo sola oy mall ana sees usl it is n perfect condltloa before Be permits it to leave the store. We make a eneuialtv of oaoklna oar instruments so that ao matter Iftbey sve to be-hauled by waaon a long dis- . tance. no iniutv can rjoaaiblw aome tc tuern. nemem oer ttna w IH none uowledued to be ths lowsst Drieed most reliable on tbe coast. Dt -postal. Thousands have dooO , thoir advantage. Kllers Piano s .. 301 Waebingion Btreot eornt fc .y . . v Large stores also Ban rranos oiiuramento cai.v opoxano aoc watningion. AN OPEN To the public: We wish to oat those not already advl . 1. 1 1 . .. .1 : 1. A. La Grande equ Wo bolieved thei1 demandrd buc' "3;' US ess to have snout lL .-A a ". !,lendr.;riavors but lo- quipiuent we aro orders all 'JJ- homa insl fe away I01 nish all notice. , laoes II you " as not biv- nish iu cui "Tther we can giy ?f f1 at prioes lug cue, .duilou a prompter ri'lie nrloe 'varlf you buy and ther'am, Beforo DlaoitrSiid sutimlt your P. ,hf 1 W' tl we can haif t m. ., please you. -,f C"5i( ' t w 11 am a ii i . - ..-mo we do nst claim otuntonly to ha' oar compel ltorvsi- keen our oi."'?.' We are not oal enterprises employ our p' sondliig all mHiiiitscturea The money 1 back to ns ani ...nitlnA ili Id- j!ff"" '.-v'S.v mi J ssi ifOKESTEtM W, , U.v4n. Nn 92 tn . e , A OJVaade.,-r- IOO)l M K tlielr lis .Say . -' A.'F-.J-vJ No. 41. n.. wr day of eat It " . " rv f. ae'onfc. (. uuo in. tits 1 Wt a. I hsfat irlilt - .-'.. -'W r 1 1- "3 ! ' ' "-m 11 i.j m. LI limjaf - ! i ataain fll' Pt , .... 1 ' goiiui nouveohiKiil Dizzy Crags, AJT JefulljL A- In A Goldeu Oopoi.' '- to J0. 1. nature In an " -noi. 1. 1... bouuty, and then the, ,ho w p-" man's handiwork. TSjsohe. found along the lii'Mr0 s Denver" A Rio0rancj,k is a'vp m and Ml 11 . . ttoict ls ibont IS SB P" - i oria s rair. ' oiil?rbur tiopi trpph Ten ftT nleaeure j NO S snrl - 7 in(ormQ Ol K w trated literatnre wtfefril V. 0. MCBltlUlkiW - AVI , 1 r i- vT. t K.-30 I ,' , tf.