La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, August 18, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    - w -
volume hi
Reach La Grande Today Chief Engineer
Brown Has ; Great Faith ; In Its
Early Completion ys
AO Cliver, ex-regialcr.ol the Lai The company Tiavo lreailjf bud one
Glfiode office arrivej in the oHy last engineer who made a oansuai rxaniin
n. . ... ation aud In bis opinion anywhere from
evening In company with Mr Brown, tl)n . ,,,. ,h"A JnVo. m
new eleitrio oan be maintaintd (he year around. A
II reaob thU i current , meter la now eurou'e from
New lotk and when it arrives the
actual power to be oWRinod will b ene.
lly ascerlarrieaV '- :
Tliet facts of the tfhnle tiling resolvos
itself to this;: The proposition is oim
intf so easy and moans so much toward
the dorrlo meut of this entire country
that our p oplo can hardly make them
selves believe that it will be a reality.
In any evtt no one is trtihncially In
volved ext ept . tho parties themselves.
I'biol engineer on the
road. The surveyors i
oity today and by the Utter part ol
, tbe week they ezpeot to gel back to
tbelr starting point, Union
Both gentlemen sra. very sanguine
of the feasibility and o mpletionol
tbe linn -within the limits ol thcii
Iranohise wbic'i is Oo'ober 1st 1905.. .
is we have stated in these columns
before the entire proposition depends
upon the report ol tbe committee who
are now ascertaining lue traffic ob
tainable, in 'other words if there is
tufficient business that such a road
would naturally handle to justify the
expenditure, these gentlemen ttih
there it no question but what the road I
will be constructed.
It i evident that as far as the prop
osition bas developed it has been
etriotly business methods. In
no particular is it connected with any
grafts bmuBen or anything of tbis na-i
The charge was placed on the front
poroh dirtotly nnder t room In whioh
tbe family were sleeping
The explosion tore a large hole
through the floor and dug a hole in the
ground aeveral feet below.
The fan ily all escaped serious injury
The employees of tbe Aosten Coal and
Coke Companies have been on strike
sinoe tbe 1st of January, and Mr
Norohler believes that strikers are
g illty of the outrage . .'.
75 Cent Wheat -
Ilsrriugtou' Wash, Aug. 18 Borne
of the wheat buyers were offering as
blgh as 75 oents (or wheat; here today.
A number of farmers have oontraoted
their wheat for 70 cents, and several
thouusnd bnshels were oontraoted to
day for 75 oents. The farmers are haul
ing ont grain saoks Ly the four horse
wagon load. ' ' . '.
The Turkish Way
Constantinople, Ang. 18 A band of
Armenians has been attached by Turk
ish trooos in tbe village of Sohamlrun,
Ave hours', travel north of Illtlis, Asla
tlo Turketv . J
Kurds are alleged to have taken part in
the atta' k Two villages are reported
to have been destroyed. ! ' 1
Btimpter, Aug. 18-Ech of thesljijts
working on the cave et the Cilumbia
win, undor which lies the b-dy of
Joe Austeail, have bppn incessantly at
work since last Sunday morning, and
np b last uitlit hail not renchrd tl.e
4. u ,,ru-uu., int p, they expe(jtod to .
nfBuchent-ryrises. Ittiertaiiilymust:coveI,nigllody : .
be as tbe meo who are b ehind tbe i Thoy expect to reach there oomo time
proposition siale that ths men who are t0(iy. All the men that can be ad
to build the road hive sufQVlent faith vantaaeonsly worked on each shift are
in the ultimate result that they hava being employed by Alanngcr Baiilie,
advanced 20,000 to make the investi- ;wi,0 has givon iustructiona to nsa all
gatlon and the work, they are doing is possible haste.
permaneut and will rtsult in no loss i . . . ; f '
whatever to the company if it provos j
to be feasible as they have eveiy reason TflP AlDPrirfin WpV
tu believe it will. .. J
Mr Brown states that they have at .Wheeling, W Va., Aii IS Uniden
Icast a months wor. before them which tilled perrons ear'y today nttompied to
wi.l include the solving of the engin- 'kill Captain P M Norcbler, of the
coring problem of developing power on and Coke Company, and
the Mmsm whioh they have already his family by blowing np tba house at
located. I Austi;u with dynamite.
Se nator Hoar 0yiri
Senator George Frisby Hoar, who
has been ill for some time with lum
bago has siiffored a serious relapse aud
today his physician said the venerable
senator Is dying and probably can not
laBt more than three days.
Teacher Wanted ,t .:
School clerk M h Cartel of t(is Bed
Pepper eohool district was in (hi city
today sutiug so far the diteotors of his
dislriot bad been unable to seoure t
tssober'or their next term. Tbelr
sohool begins In October ' and oonlin
ues for fiveor U months, taityear
ihadistrict paid f45 per month.
; .More Burning
Savanah 'Ja. Aug. 1" Following
the enactment of the scenes that took
place at State&horo yesterday afternoon
in which two lieuroos were burned at
tbe stake by an infuriated mob, ooroos
the auuoLinceuientthiit the fury of tbe
populace was not aopeusod by the
death ol two vioilins. ' , - ;-
report rei oivea acre today says
that Handy Bill, negro alleged
to have been Implicated In the Hodges
murder, was bum 0.1 at the. stake last
night and a tlispHtch, lecoiyed, fiom
btatesboro this afiornoon snvs that A
K Talbot aud
prenohcre were
Bill. .. I. .i
i. The mode of oxciitlon of the two
latter Is not known but it is presumed
it s nular to those used
in the former (uses. , '. '
' Albert Robertson ;17 years of age a
Bon of one of (he. nesroes implicated
was taken fro'm'his hoiue near Regis er
and sh it beiiBiisti of too freeman oxprea
elou in regard to the burning of ..Oato
and Keid., .
Portions of
Mountain Jc ndWallowa
ForC;ReserveThatcHave "B
; 4 Openi For ; Settlement ; , -
- Good. Yield
. i :
Jack Wrjgbt who lives in the lower
Cove tbreabod 1100 saoks Irom a 70
acre field, whioh means 34J bnsbels to
tbe aore. " ' - ' ' '
- Died
Get; Miller, unele of Geo, Miller of
the Oove died oil last Monday .and ws
buried in the Summervifle cemetry
Tuesday. Deceased, was one of the
early PaoiSo coast pioneers, having
moved Irom Ohio in tbe early sixties
where be followed mining and lived
until about twelve years ago wheu he
moved to this oounjy." He was 7$
years ol age
Tbe United . States Land ' Oflice at
La Grande has reoeivod''' instructions'
from the general Land OAloe to restore
to entry tbe following dosoribed treats
heretofore' withdrawn v in the Blue
MounUin and Wallowa Fore' jBe
sorves: The Blue M6unta1n Koserite;'
In Tp 8, S R S3 E NW , BE Soo Si
-' n n OMt. c .,, ..In,..i
.A J GaineB, ooloredAct ,n 0 , 1
,., ,j ..... .,Seo 12, Seo 11), W Sec 30, nil 8;
. ta Tp3 8 B 38. Seo:18.
rtifkTpSSR83 BevtionsO & 7 WJt
Seo'8, boetions 10, 17, 18, 18,' NjVJi
Sen ill end all sections 30, si
; In Tp tj S K 33-b'eo 8, 4, : J
80, all bso 31 and Vv, and SliJi Bee 32.
JUvTp 7 3 & 33-Hections , 6, 0.
Seotlons 7, 8 and 9 ,v a
In Tp 10 8 R 33-WK 18, all 19, W
.nd BEJi 20, BWJi 21, 20, all 2(,
and N)f eeutlons 28 and .'(). r .
In Tp 4 8 R NEV4 L N W 2,
XEi 12, all seo 80. , . . ,
In Tp 11 8 R 31-Seo 13, , N
wj Sectiona'H and 24 and ii 2. s
In Tp 2 S R 35 -Sections 21 and' 3(1,
In Tp 0 8 R 35-teou 1.
In Tp II S R 35 Sections 11-30 In
clusive, NEi 31, all 3D and 8U.
In Tp 12 8 K 36 wKI 1 and E4 2.
In Tp 6 S li 14 Heotloiis 1 ' iu,d 2
K 12. . .
InTplOSRSTi-fjoo l,. E" 12, S
sections 21 add 22, all'2(i, 26, iT; 2a',
8:t,.iM, 35, & 38.
., Tp 11 8 R ,35i-Sec 4
, Tp 0 S K 30-Soo 0, N 7,
Tpa-BHSO-Bco 13,
Tp 10 8 R S8-E BEJi
Tp 11 S R aO-ES, N
NEJi 6, BEJi 13, EX
Creamery Machinery
A ear load of new machinery for tbe
La Grande Crcumory urrlvid this morn
ifrg and the proprietors, will be busy
the next few days In installing the new
phint which is tirst class and up - to
date in every respect!''
They exl'iect to lmve,stnnm in there
ntfw boiler nnd engine and start their
big churn on September thu first.
'. Fate In Doubt
-. - . t .
St. Potorsburg, 'Auirust 18. The ad
miralty is beginning to manifest nerv
oneness at the (nle of the Kossla and
Orombol of the Vladivostok squadrons
whirl have not bi en reported since tbe
engagement Kundny nith the Jacaoese
squadron iu the straits uf Korea.
TdSS j7-8ee 364;'
t HS a.a Phi? .(M aA rf7-
iTp.6'8 88 EM 28j Bp 81, ill SS.fT' 1
,t9 8 S R. 38-EH SEXV' NJ 8 Nf . J 1
ii 3a.. . .-. ;y.. ,.,,;,--,' tiS -q. ;
t Tp 9 S R38-8eo 1, 31, 32, 88t 4b i ". ; s
-Tp8 3R;3-CkM 8, 17, 21, V oV
. Also portions of the Wallowa, JJJJ ' ' .
'4jtp 8 R.41-w; SO, all 8J, Bw?lto ..iiilff
i.Tp 1.8 Rli-Secs 4, 6418. rbor , S hm
Tp 5 8 R 4avBeo ID, NJ .30 tbey ;v
n a a dM 'dty ik ' j'ann dis ' 'V
.-r.T-. wi nou
.Tp 7 8 R.46 wtf 15, aluprics '
' Tp 3 8 R'47-Nw),', 13, jWT .
21, all 23, all 27. -' V
.. In Tp 4 8 R 4B--lf surv''Wf v
all 1), 10, EM-20, TX of foe J f;
Um t im ..11 on 1 ;
mi, 4 Ma uiiu.mii.u. i 'v. ;
in uii8urveyed Tp 6
34, 35 4 80.
In unaurveyed ' Tp- JJ t.
most normern one tnira. v t
alsec 30 . ,; , ; .
St. Petorv;-'
hiia it it t on ii
nfiiillrtn r
we can bbme x
anflA VOU.
We are a ua m . . SK
at claim
o tut'
lot 1 , : L-.. . SA .
. 2- ). V 8fore plaoirAo,, f . ; . J ; ' ,Si
A U Ad gj 4k (JU OUU 1U 11 u,-4 J.I i VI I J II
2i ; , yd p
Tp 4 8 R 37 Sec;21 and 30. LZm
We bave received a shipment of the
consisting of all fcizes and widths.
above well knowti fine thoes for men,
Every waist at regular prices as adver
tised njw going are you Toady at prices
only a little more than HALF; '''j'J.:'"''-,-'
(4 0C waists at.'.
3 00 " .
. Nettleton lasts are crentirftis of stud v and thur
ongh knowledge of the analoiny of the human
foot. '
If you have had trouble with your foot try pair
of Nettletnn's fine shoee ; then you will realize where
the trouble was.
. Prices $6.00, 10.50 and $7.00.
Pat. Calf, Valore Calf, . Pat Eid, Pal Colt, Pat
Cordovan, Chrome Wax, Kangaroo and many
See our Nettleton Shoe Window, where you will see a combination of lueta
patterns. Fit, Comfort, Style, Individuality and effect ere all combined in
Nettleton Shoe.
The Chicago Store
Adams Ave,, La La Grande, Oregon.
IB ,
I .' . I ititvsia!nrjaar,' I -
. - Hr
A.i Sturvehdous jaeductiontjS. :JU':n' - ''''t:'
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. . . 1 4!)
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All Men's
' V'; Suits
-:? i a
H.RHTB1U4 0'.'-v
f-ial SSB
rt ; V I .' sea-
. '.- . life
f We have just oppf 1
mentj) the fam
ThnnA fnmmid '
r.ftu.rft.irlV. Ai..,1irVm8bXiP
ellorts tu htyn, fj
fart they aro tni ctf t"(S
Dotiw-tful BooaJ
( ntoM
1 J Crfo""'
VrOl .I- .VTl to . L
.' v r iu-"-.
S..OT, i tea' NO ft
.A-thsf the P-m
Oome in at " and tl la'wr vuTioVlewbouc
. TSiE World's Fair, ytur trPP?
.ni IUO hi a
rrne; one of plowures
of iiFoanformi?. . J
jio :
SsLVl& ' ill VA' m&
, 1 1 t '
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IBWIIgtsffiisTTTglrl W