La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, August 17, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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tih ZjC.' Jthem. v.Vfailw4t
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Va.;" '
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It (U Fwnn Ofcaaerveri .. . , !
UmXI CtBKT WW, Caiun ! jn boi-dred tbomand who.
t.(i html ; rutli itniwrtajttri ana mj
- ' Money In ItaivfJ
- W-tV-i KA feci M14J M
fit vw wt I, bat as
- Is lA P l I"5 y WlH BSlag
yjy ta i.rA.t'Ar nacwita itaev.A
, u d r- o-e omU mil
f jr 1 a g tj . 1 U av.
fetfAK 3 lUUtMrllr ptrptaUUC M
taIo So .: safe. Ok
e aoi iit mt y t U? Call at
' !( ft.oJf. We've ex
, investment Company,
ir Li Grande, Oregon
Published daily ticopt Saoday
Past OOep at l ia much K'tatt-r tbao ibe artr-
Claa; In A!bn.a IS arerr
100,000 f ech a buorfi a i
oert io Ariznoa 21, iu Florida
15, Georgia 16, io Louitaa IS,
io Xortb CroIioa 9 and iu
8ooU Cairfiiia 16. Io lb-
r (
eeotory mark aod orer. Io
Maine bat 2 ia 100,000 reach .
100 years, io Miscboit-ot !,'
io Hiebigau 1, io Obio 2, io'
Uianeoa 1 i
noa rear in adranea.
8ix mocdu ia adraaea. . . .3 50
Per month toe
Single eopy..... 5c
J. M. Ert7, J. M- CfcoeA
B. f.oosr, I-
iANDE National, B nk
, ' 1p MIW
AL AND SURPLUS, J 72,00000
iwnl hmeUm tmAam. Ban ai eefcacj(
iii pau of tim world. OJiwoon a t-MiiT.
Fir Kodak and Kodak Sup pi
A eonipleu aux-k of profioo! r.iir. I'laUa at irbolesale ii i e. M,.il i.r.l. r
autvf red prooit!y.
La Grande Diw Co. and Red Cross Drug Go
MHi 7m I
III .i
fBAT Market
I " XhU ltia!!jrll & Vsndermuelen, Proprietor,
hara brodgUTtwo HrW(!i88 --,N.iit.Tc
waorara withoat doobt the m7JlEflkorkwen rHEPS.
f.who, with the flt flret olasa d.l i haulers already ia t,f,v,fcrg
, plo, glveeoithe beat worklatf ( m 11 ihelmaod Emp'
v "" ' poaltry.-
Stackland & ; McLachlec
Mt:-rfl IMTC nMr- c i n c r
,nui 1 j uiuo nu aLnoc;
:J';Boiigbt ttnd Bold. We have the followiug bars. If
on haud: ";: ; talburos
!" ,0uk bed room suit $10. . Born ranee. 20. J
;;,:pump 14, bed steads 00 cents dud up, bed- spring
, cents Bnd up, baby ciltv'$3, Bicydles 5 and up, O
U?-. Mton Veda f2 75 mid 50 gallon c'idor barrels $1 S-
,v2 seat buggy $10, 2i wagon $0, dry 10 inch wood $E
;:;v;Clocks 25 ceiiis aud up. , '
.Money louned on collaterals.
The La Grande Pawnbrokers
Corner Fir and Adams ' 0
'Phone J58J II,
,; Rtmember we atlll buy aod sell kind,
e;'.ol Second Hand Goodajl j jl jt
Alfalfa grows without irri-
The Dry Land
MSPprl rifkVPP Alfa fa an4 oil Lln l
! i.V',y wif i iiiuiiu ui ivj u 1 1 IUJ VI
Garden Seed in bulk
Wheat, Baled
JBrley, Oats, Etc'
ii;The only Seed House
inUnion County.
.W.-jS., '
U-V. Oliver
IS ' .-SJ or r ctoUJN Ave.
IMione 1571
People are prooa ia eomplaiB
f mora at bot weatbar tbaa . cold.
It baj become a Cad with many
to growl at bot weaibei aa though
there ia poiaon is swaabiaa aod
diaeaaa io beat and death ia the'
air when. tb mercury get up to
tba nineties. The facta of life
do not atutaia lbs jwneral . no-
tiyn that what we call hat
weather is daogeroas to bamao
health aod a Doteatial cau-te of
fickneas and death.
Let oa take a
the grave yards io the United
State aod see oo what months
the reaper Death is moat indoe
trioosly engaged . In (he year
1900 there ware 1,039,094 deaths
iu the United State.
The death rata by months in
1900, as given by the United
State census report vol IV,
vital statistic, page 882-883 i
in January 89,912, February
39,757, March' 107,490, April
it m A. n I no KM T Al
lyj.oio, May o,ji, vuuo or
453, July 82,972, August 86,030,
September 79,290, October 77,
738, November 72, 86 and Dec
ember 79,510
During the census year, 1,999
deaths were noted as unknown.
meaning toa month was un
By comparing the monthly'
death our readers will perhaps
be surprise 1 to find that 20,459
more death occured in January
than in June, and that there
were 6,785 more deaths- in the
Btiort winter month of February
than in the summer month of
Take January, February and
March as the cold months and
we God ibat 287,159 persons died
during those three months,
compare tbee winter months
with tbe threw summer -mouths
June, Jul; and August and we
God there were 238,455 funeral
ia summer or 47,704 more per
sons died daring tbe winter
months than in the summer
Another fact will be discover
ed, that pxt to June, November
the month of fruit, nuts, pump
know1"'11 P'PS "D1 W r'D". the
beau healthiest month in the year
8U?I whilo March tba equal of Nov-
iinber for bluster and wind has
UrKe opye dealU8 lt"" any month in
end will -year, being credited in 1000
iatic idnth 107,490 death? followed by
!!L! with 1H618 funerals. It
eohoipighl be urged that the mortal-
A pv.tif tbe two spring mouths te
E E the result of the "invionratit.o
lea (uum i'r"""ug winter
Wifli By way of encouragement to
to vlslour oM readers who may be de
ow ''"J'tefsed with the f.tlae notion
Kir A
c.niin-al sunshine and beat are life
vlsitiDi rrteners, the Obsirveb wi'lf
piet moote some tigures from pag
Chain wood by Jthe Cord
12S cubic feet to the cord. 16-ineh dry chain
wood 13 per cord. This i cheaper than 1 y the load.
Yoo pay for what you get ai-d get what yon pay for.
Tbe stiggestios of Soprio-;
Loooey, of the Oregon Beforici:
School to change the name of,
that institution to tbe Oregon :
Industrial School is good. Tbej
trst and highest object of tbat
institution is edocaUon -ad ytmrluer
Phone sji
i,, nitf
If tou a. Ulwi-iui. dL.i&4 Ml
iu-pfabw lor work. t iodnlei ttn.1
nr luer at oat of or tier. titrtMie
trwiniog.pd no", pa.nuhm.nt 'nVui ZSTSZSLT;:
Tb horror which tjlO B&mi-to ""KifesBand reoU er.egie
. . . ... . , . atSntaittTO'aoaid and tirfect bea tb
"Ref.rm Sthool" in the minds j ( iioboui Temple, Texaa, write,
lof both parents and children fT1 1 'T "tTI a
, . always Kteera as a-stigms. and me n good than a'l tbe d tor.
atroll through i T. .. ' jVbeefl ie ba-i aod bare tlial t.;i
e.' 6" -j Teeliiw Uke dose of lie bioe.
pnv ils tbat it is a bleak prison I ,b jaedieina erer made-lor
r ...... ftliilia and lere' " 5ucU a bottle.
for youth aod the bad biy of eo . Sold br Newuu lro Co.
goe there witb the determina
tion to crowd last as much
meannss into bis term
Classified Ads
- a
mm i
Chani?4 of
as poF-t jr J
rible and come out already fitted
fur the oeniU-ntiary. Tbo legu ;
lature" should cheerfully change? Tbe undersigned has purchased
the name of the ' institution in ' the busin so ktifvwri as the Harris
hopes' that attendance there-" c.Mh M61 Market 8Dd willllere
, ,. , . , i. after aoauct tbe same.
may oe reneyeo o. . o. . We wUh to inform the public
nog, ii me icmir juuug tnat we are furnish
' i
... . T"t"Tl t.l . ....4 IjMB.
V A I :..U vsm L-J.
Mill bicg. Mr I Q rrw, Ki: lih St.
Hbo-kf-p tjt r ocrj fa' rtet t Slr
sbar a ocpoi lb- Oraeerf
WASTED-O'rt f-r tacal hosm
wort. Iiiqau l ihi 'Jn.
FieiJ Yaatii Tiiitiaj is taker CJ
this week. .
VOR RES I A Utk txnmj Utra. Ia
qaire of Mi Zar.
"FOB SALE A CTMsfk tia
oat di iiK)aire ct Jo J Unftt t
Aodro-H Hjlocb.
, FOBE SALK (wed week BtJM.
Have ooe Ls& taa. r'cc laul
ticotars, Irrart tiA pirknw fcjimtia
K H Veiktrt k f 1' ' 1 L oiijiO
Orvgoo.- J'Jl.
That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his 1
sjomach. Trv it br using 3
Celies Bros' cannel Iruits,
delicious beraies, lettttre1on
ioas. and radishes, just fresh
from the garden. We are
the first store the farmers
tall on and of course we get
the choke of everything.
We alvay! haTe the fr-sh-est
eggs, tutter, e'e
Special attention given to
Geddes Bros.
ca:(. -aire f H
D. Xo 1.
tallica CK'w U'd
s Caraat, F. K.
peop e who may eomd away
from it better and nobler for the
uplifting influences enjoyed
while there. E. O.
Teachers" .
TbeoUowiug ia tbe program for-the
AnonaJ Teachers Inatitdie of Union
coootj which' "ill be held ib FlgiD
Aocuat 29, 30, 31 aod be pt ember 1.
P M Moodar, Aug. 23.
Opeotaf Exerciee
Irithmelic L E l'raver
Addree.... J H Ackeraiaa
Metboda v.... L K Tratrer
Leo to re J H Ackermao
AM Tueed7, Aag. 30
Arithmetic L K Trarer
Address J H Ackrrmait
Geography : LR paver
pa- ' " .
LaDgoage '. '. L R Trrer
Address J H Ackerao
Geography. L R Traver
A M Wednesday", Anguat 31
AritbmFtio L R Tiaer
"A Lesson in American Hitoiy". .
all kinds of meats, game and
poultry at tbe very lowest prices
corsistant with first-cla articles
We hnve odV 011 delivery
and make two trips daily to the
Old Town.- ' Highest market
price paid for alfcattle, bogs and
sheep. iVe solicit a share of
yonr patroiine? mid guarantee
the very best Satiaf ction.
Phone orders mrvt- prompt
and caref-il attentini.
Harris meal market aetoss the
track. Phone 1601
wJOTM. Llr-
FOR BEXT ramiii
in DKfT im-tttL-tia nxjixrf M$yij w
FOR SA LF 5tiMtti farojtiw it
quarters, it t limwi.
iilRU WATl"-sUpsi hai k9-
1 rtiuii- tnnm &. whitnT Hooasft
Deux post odice. Mrs. Betinick
Aut; 'J J
I' !
For Sale
Ualy 30)
New Vork Silver 53 5 SL oion PciUc
95 5-8,lfdft 1.2
CbicatfO Sept wheat opened 89 3 8
a HA and cl.-i "I t '-! 1-t Barlev
? a 50, Box 1. 7 1 ?, vxil.on 11.21
San FraccifC ' :if 't tteat S1.37
Portland v. h at Walla G7;
Bloeatem 7i; Valley .
Cattle Beet ateera ) a (-3.2SJ me.
dium S3, cows 82 a $2.25.
Good oureery tor aale wll stocked
with trte. FleDty of water. Two
Housed nose io towo. For particulars
appiy loO Plant La Grande Oregon
wnte Bux 637 La Grande Oregon.
Plenty of goal ujtu-e,il per bead
per mouth, Pboue 127ti.
FOR SALE One fine milch cow very
F S Newom
30'J L" Sir.-et North ear Sbope,
The World's Fair Route
Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or
a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo
sition at St. Louis, cannot alford to
' overlook the advantages offered by the
II 4 ilockenberry :Mieeoc-u Picinc Railway, which, on
aecouni Ol iu various routes auu ifaieu
ways, has bnn appropriately names
'The World's Fair Route."
Pa-p-engers from tbe Northwest take
K reocn i ver or Poeblo m ith the choice o( either
L R Traver going direct through the Kansas City,
M I via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
, p I Hill.
I'M ' raver xo traina dallv from Denver and
'Tbe Value ol lUucational Publica- Pueblo to St. Louis ttithont change,
tlooa" ,T.: R C French carrying all classes of modern equip-
- Hetation of Primary to Scien- ) ffi'W car's. "IS
Uflo, Gcogrsgby B C French dftj.y train 4 between tKaoiaa City aod
A.M Tbortvday, Sept?tnber 1 St Louis.
H J Hcckenberry Gener agB0tt m Third ,t Portlan(i
faJ in Anthtnetic" . for dmaiied informatioo nd illustratejl
R U French lUeratora. tf.
Kugilsh Grammar A J Beuder
An Esseotl
Firat Clat-s drensmAking at reasonable
price, inquire lor Alma Alary toon,
late of Seattle, at Mrs Shearers roouiB.
Ail Kinds of Work
Wesley Davie does all kinds of scav
enger work, toeli ae'cleaning we I 1b, cesa
pollB, Uive him a call. 4 24 tf
New Lumber Yard.
I am now prepared to fill orders
all kinds ol lumber. If yon need I a in
ner see prices be I ore ordering.
E RuBenbanm
Prop, Haiubow Store.
Notice is hereby given tbaf tbe no
demn-.ed bas lost a certain promissory
note lor TOO, dated May 10, 1U02. at
six DioDth. anct signed by the follow.
A S'ackw
til I.. inn inr
from lioa"- 'u""'wp people
Iu cutculn'be United States there are
of which)) persons 100 y bars old aud
vieiied thj
rheis n.
U .. (f"1 lvlhoes SI iy
twL . v s ri m 1.11 .kw. i -m.
, At? ' lll"V of the hasjf
'it. But in most of tbe south.
Vdt 1 uM -l i . . - .
and TrnrJerH
10ISj1 R?ltllrl
reholders ' - i'1-""0
i'oerol oanwng ana exchange
iliwf old bo eriom and foreign
.vW""1' '- -r-
" -?W JA4,AfK, 1'resnlcnt
'S t-' r "SORI BK, Cashier
'-r!V''( :PPJttU8lock fully paii
W f Ability Of Sha
ere en '
Weatmoraland. Vane. Mav f la
Raliard e)now Ldmuient Co. 1 nr Hnt
Liniment cared an old sore on the aide
of my obin tbat waa supposed to be a
cancer. Tba mm was stubborn and
would not yield to treatment, until
I tried Bnow Liniment, which ili.l th
work In short order. M y .liter, Mrs " fptemlier
Sophia J Carson, Allensvllre, Mlffln
Co, Pa, has a sore and mistrusts tbat
It la a cancer, riewse aeon h'ir a
G0e bottle. Bold by Kewlia Drug Co.
"1 would cough nearly all sight long,"
writes Mr. Chee Applegsle, ol A lei.
amine, Ind,, "end coord hardly get any
sleep. 1 had eonamnption so had that
If I walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood, but when
all other medicines tailed, three 11 00
bottles ol Pr. King's Mew Macovery
wholly eared m. and I galard ii
iwnnds." Its afcsolntely gwaraatred
to cur Cougks, Colds, La Grippe,
Bronchitis and all Throat aad Lang
bets. Pries 60c and Ia 0. xnal
lea tree at Kswllo iirag Go,
Mr John H Cullom, 'Editor of the
Garland, Texaa, News, Baa written a
leiter of oonnratulatiorie to the manu
facture of Chamberlain's Cough Re
medy, aa follows: "Sixteen years ago
when our firat child was a baiy he aaa
n, pan.: H B Pidcock. Wary Pid- Dy "iho'ut hinT W. tegan
cock, S Hrmwell and E Z Carbine. naimrGhamherlain'a Conah Remedv in
Aoi non ir persons Bnding same and finding it sncba reliable re.
are hereby .r:d from attempting to 'or "jld.andcrorjp we bavenever
n. ti.i . t n . , been wiihont in the hon?e since that
negotiate it. J R Kellogg. ; tme We have 8ve children and have
given it to all of them with good re
C,.JU a i stilt." For sale by all druggists.
bacred Heart Academy,
La irandf, (irxon This well
known intititutiuii, r d"C(ed by the NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION
Sisters of t Frar-c.. vTords excellent ' Notice is I arehy given, that Ibe co
ed..ctionl ad.anta.res Mnsic draw- P'tnerehip heretofore existiiig beteen
, . . ., "raw- undersigned under ihe Brm name
ing anil lamtini optional e'oJIes. !,.( M 'oy A McKarlaoe, in the gncery
Preparing young in .lie,. f.,r .he pn.fess- business, at La Grande, has been din
ion of teaching a specialt. Boarding solved by mutual agreement. The
and day s. hool opens ihe l.r.t Mondav ?l"!lt "U1 bf.0o"l,iu"!.'1..h. .-'''.'if-
- i jAcrariaue. u wu, rtuiBi uvi.
1 or catalogue rtddrrrai Iim. Mi-Cov
Piano Instruction.
Firs class instruction on the piano.
llurrict K Voung,
Phone lLW July 27.
Wood Saw
Orders for pawing promptly executed
none ifHii. rtMiience oo Unborn bu
Terms reatonahle. G W Allen.
Sweet Cream
ConuneiH iiiKiTliursday June llithjthe
Grande Komle Creamery Oo will be
prea'ed to urnifli swwet cream in
qunnity to suit, whole sale and retail
Kemeiuher the place Huntlngtnns new
building next dour to tire building.
Machinery For Sale
One 33 H v Are Imx boiler, J I case
One Io' inch engine same make
One resnwiiii; machine
One rip sawing miichiue
One wooden (trimo tenoner
Ono ti lu ll aided moulder
II in good shape. Taken out to in.
stall larger plaut
Stoddard Lunilier oo. La Grande
For Sale
One end one fourth ai res near Court
nouse wnn n nmm house will tell both
lawn and bouse or either.
J F Baker.
Sitter Superiw.
t on 4 Oct i
8 12 9 23 W
WateBSSan wieijjulBJBSaWBaWaaWS8Bs I
Mad !Wbs? t twrBCBawn t
A Few Choice Bareatns in Wal
lowa County Real Estate
i(tl),iIW",''r9".0' I,n 13 capable of cnltivatlon, 113 aO
W fsll t..wn wheat. -Hutu, rn and other bnlldlngs. A r
fnsn an . 1 .
turn si-, (nod oottmlldioi.
-It ptar A UTOa. Dirj(
11 V..tfw..f i ,.,
ombuilrl nn iaodh s
luvrS.1..: nd V""',n "-I" " I o( tb man. snaps W.
ivi LjR.r.iei
0 in tfall
rwalti al 1) Ma) nf mrHilr.W: ViHld hcm" D'l
utof hiv ra be rai oa ihm pi will Uka
M' Don aid
l-OR SALE AND RKNT-Onaocoontof
ill health we will leae our forty five
room looming house, abich it doing
a ,ooa nrst ernes imsinesa to responsi.
tre patties lor a term of years. Will
sell the rurniture t reasonable
prices tor particulars call on or
address n . H . Fergnon, La Grande,
uregon J18tf
when you buv a cough medicine for
tmall children von a ant one in which
vno can place implicit confidence. Sou
want one tnat not only relieves but
cures. Yoo want one that is unouet-
tionaWt harmla?, log want one that
is pleasaut to use. Chamberlain's
tougn Kemeri r meets all oi then eoa
.litione. There li nothing so good for
he cough and Ind lent to child,
ood. For sal by All Druggists. ..
a targe place 10 the fcxl question It
is sHtfisvntia) therefor ihst the meat bt
pod. Toatin, gristly sttak, r djy
jaicele roats wilt' spoil any njt-al
Suppose jou consult n on
Itlb MMl yUriM IU,
We know and buv the be-dt kiud. You
can rely on onr knowledge nd oar de
sire to hold yonr trade to gt you the
Quest meat yoo ev.T closed yonr teeth
on. As fur prices, well we are not &o
foolish as to have them high.
Bock & Thomas
Early Risers
Per gvsok relief from Biliousness.
Sok Headache, Torpid Uvar, Jaun
dioe, Diltlnaas, and all troubles aria
Itif from an Inactive or sluggish Hvsr,
DaWln's Utile Early Risers are en
eejaalksa. Thsy sot aromptly and never grip.
They are ao dainty that It la a pleasure
Is take them. One to two sol a a
anils suathre; two or four act aa a
pleasant aad effective cathartic They
are puraky vegetable and absolutely
kinaliea, They lonle the liver.
B. S3. O.WUt At Co., CIlo.m
H By AH Druggists
It so, purchase your ticket via the
Choice of routes going or returning
For rntos call on your Im-nl Agent.
Dates of sale: .Inne 10-17-18 Jtilv 1-2-3
Aug. 8 0-lQSe t. 5-0-7 Oct. S-W.
For farther inrormation and sleeping
car reservations call npnn or address
A U Mr. Donald
Gen'l Agent
140 Third St., Portland, Ore
City Scavenger
Vaults, Cesspools and Wells
All work done bv Scavengers
3ST- IsT. Mason
Phone 1841 I,r Grande Or.
fuaORiNO extract:
rUuf Purify, fines! flavor,
OrwrtirSlTtth..tasonM i
f'fs.lasiH - -
iai wlfae W cashj; UUna bf ut nu