'.r.r?r-A- TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come here for men's and by bnys' shoes The J. E. Tilt lin i our spec ialty. Here is where price and quality are combined. E. E. Romi E. P. Staples AL SHOE SALE h . . . a jw . I A and see tbera. It does not require an expert to note the values offered during tola sale tuLity to purchase first class high grade shoes at exceptionally low prices. THE QUA: LIT Y Shoe Store. ! Half a Carload of ? ! New Wall Paper. J 1 We have just received half a car load of the newest ' and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 v rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever thought o bringing into this county in a single season. t Tbls paper Is all for sale and mast be sold tula season. We a) have brought two Brat olass paper bangera direct from Chicago, g ) who an without doubt the mjat ski If ul workmen In Eastern s I who, with the flv.. flrst class Di. i batiHera already In our' em- V ploy, gives us the beat working ( " n iholnland Umpire. Stackland & McLaclilen PAINTS. 0I12S AND GLAbS ' -I DIAMOND Wo have a ladie's DIAMOND RING which has been left unredeemed. It is a gold ring with a dia mond setting and it will be sold to the first oue to take advantage of this bargain. It will bear inspection. Money loaned on colliiternls. The La Grande Corner Fir Remember wa still buy and of Second Hand Goods. TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Laud Alfalfa grows without irri , gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House inUnion County. 1 A.. V. - JEFFERSON AVE. ' ROSS & AJNrDUEWS V...... Mon's, Women's and Children's 300 pairs men's Vest box calf aud vioi kid. Goodyear welt, regular 3.C0 values for $2 60 and $2.75 . 60 pairs moo's 4 00 shoes for $2.90. 120 pairs Ladies best Vid shoes, Goodyear welt, turn sole, reg'ilnr $3 50 valueB, sale price $2 60. 80 pairs womeus $3.00 shoes, sale price $1.85 40 pairs boys shoes, regular $2.60 values, Sale price $1.60 These are all NEW AND UP-TO DATE styles and EXTRAORDINARY VALUES. Call Pawnbrokers and Adams sell all) kinds J Jt J 'Phone 1581 Oliver Phone 1571 Mens Shoes A fill I line of the luinous Walk-Over if:! f.O and $1.00 Shoe lliiinit) & S. in, none better made, from $5 50 to $7.00 We only carry these linen but we have them in a variety ol styles and widths and we know we cm please you a a i This is T M. LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest Mr and Mrs Cbaa Melqulat are visit ing at Joseph this week. Tbe dance given last evening by Tho mas' Orchestra was wall attended. Dr More and wife are expected baok from their eastern trip on tbe 20th. See the Newlln Drug Ad today any box of paper in this window for ten cents. Contractor Jack Childs commenced work this morning on tbe septic aewer for the High School building. Mrs Ingles left on last eveninga train for Portland to visit ber sister Mrs Bodmer, who la still very sick In tbe hospital. A letter from F B Currey who la camped on uatueriue creea siatea mat Dave Stewait iB knight of tbe rod among the many campers who are en joying themselves above Union. Tbe publlo fountain waa taken out of t e depot this morning and Is being unpacked near the site wbere it is be ing erected. It la viewed with admir ation by all. Preaa Lewis wbois operating a merry go round in Wallowa oonnty came out to looa over tbe hay situation from a shipping standpoint. He waa one of the leading bnyera in tbe valley laat year and nodoubt will again be this season Jack Childs will have a oar load of sewer pipa here tbe Brat of the week and will be in a position to conatruot septic sewera juat as fast as tbe orders roll in . Quite a number are Inveatlga ting tbe system and after a few demon strate the utility of the system, every -body will have nothing alas. E C Davie, the tombstone man of La Grande, was In Onion thia week. While heie Mr. Davis erected two handsome monument, one for A J Goodbrod'a child and Mrs. Goodbrod'e mother; the other over the grave of the late T O Gllflllan. Mr. Davie' work has proven quite satisfactory to bis many patrons in this city. Scout. G C Mapes arrived borne on Tues day's train from an extended visit in tbe Eaat. He bad a pleasant visit with relatives in New York and on the road home stopped oft at Obioago and St Louis. He statea that the people of the extreme East appear to know but little concerning the Lewis & Clark Oeuten nial at Portland next year and laot the opinion that tbe Fair management ie not advertising the event sufficiently in that section of the country. Elgin Recorder. Fred Braden of Ladd oreek drove into town thia forenoon with what at tfrat was supposed t i be a new patent for catching salmon ant of Ladd oreek but a critical Inspection disclosed the fact that he waa not in tbe flahing bnai iioss hut waa agent for a new and prac tical devise for pioking applet, which eliminates the use of ladders. He ia meeting with success as in moat in stances to show it ia to sell It. A K Huff 's n-i reside lOe at the head of Kntiith street it nearing oom ph tion. The new rasidonoe of Fred dweaney will be ready for ooeupanoy in a vary i few days. The various blacksmiths in the oity are being tax d to their utmost in iropartng the farmers for harvest. They are all busy. Pro'. Hookenbeiry, G rover Melvin. Una Davis, and Cbeie Bobnenkamp lava Monday for a lew days outing on the Minam, The lawn aooisl givso by lb ladiss of the OMtalio cburoh last evening wis well attended, and was a sneoesa bilh socially and financially. Pro' Oonklio.of tbe Pendleton pub lic schools returned (torn a flahing trip on the Minam with fifty unds nf flan, luoludlog oo that measured 24 inches. positively a rare oppur- 8TUBBLEFIELD, Prop. Tdi-re ia an linn h! d nin.l o?e6io hnlp in ih-r tinoaandi n d Mirittif a rnM"mt ottn certainly tint ileir. b - no iiui., iiv calling at this i llici'. Our people evn- iwia 1.1 w ar. when onr band i.oy o ma out, T e orod innrt-aiir wit' each op-n eiroonoert aud Are never rudy firtlif dosing peimJ The mutio last even ing waa exceptional fine. J O Smiih is in the oily from Sum merville and states his prune O'l.p will be Ibe best 'or seveial years baa not determined wbdtber nr oot .ti dry or ahip green. His apple crop is al u ex- oellent. The picnio given today under the auspices of the WHO at Preubslel grove was enj lyed by ail who wire fortunate enough to be present. Tbe membtnof tba O A R b ing their guests upon this oocasion. Those who are t rjii ol trout can se cure a change ol diet by visiting Bull A Go's market and secure a peice of bear meat puroliaeed of L L Ferrv of Ml Glenn who ki l"d a vounc h-ar 'hat dressed 120 lbs in the mouuWii a btok of Irjnbler. The committeB charge of t: e O. R N. excursion to Meacham on the 21 is confident cf having one cf thetinie of their lives They have 7U0 ticket are not by anyiiiKaua sure but what they will have to reord r more, .u addition to the orowd that will be there from this vail y maty are bxpected from Pendleton. John Hyn.iorat was arrested this forenoon for assaulting water superin tendent Oilman. He pletded guilty andreoordir Newlio had no sooner passed the aentence that tbe city was enriched to the amount of $U'. Thi assault was seemingly uucalled lot and with the alaroty lu which (lie fine waa paid the dufundeut cou.-idc red oe got oft light. The wheat ettok inarktt opens at 7 cant this Beasou. If the same cus tom prevails tliii year as iaetwhirrb tbe mills furnished nioi-t of the zci for the wheat they pmobai-ed the far ar will not be compelled to b.iy many aacks, They will not only save tbe price of saoka but will receive a better price than the shipping mar ket until the mills secure their sup ply. Peaches I wish to say to my friends and the publi that I bi re larae crop ol peaches thia year. Our early Peachee wi'l be ripe iu about a week or 1U dayr from thia time we can sell you a more juioy better flavored peacn aud chesp er than you can buy tlirin afttr they have been shipped in from oiherpani. Then wben you pay for 20 lbs you get 20 lbs good pound men.ur. J K Kellogg. ODDS, Two Weeks Thin if house cleaning store will be put on barg tin tables aud a price put on each Sale The ODDS, ENDS and REMNANTS musl go We Will Clean House For Two Weeks The Golden Iiargest Store C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET DAINTY treats in eat ables, so folk? say who sit daily at our tables i to refresh the inner man. Ourj restaurant will give your stora- i ach a rest, because the foods J are carefully selected aud cooked j under orders of a chef of wide! reputation Uur bill of rare is varied daily and always con tains some choice titbits. Live nottoealbut eat to live und daily dine with us. It will be a picuic to your interior de partment. MOD E Lj RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKI,E..Prop. OPEN DAY AND NUiHT We fell weekfy Meal , $4.50 t ickets, l;BKh. SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunler & So i have Leased the McKinzie 8'ables and are pr p ired tn serve the public in a :ir? : - s muuner at reasonab'e nt - s A FORETASTE OF HEAVEN ! A tout h of an Angel's Wing Sorbello Sandwiches LOY MAKES 'EM I. 1 I p i. i. , i , ! ElNDS AiD BMEiN time with us and every ODD and ROMIO & STAPLES --GROCERIES- A full and couip.utfl line of staple and luucy gro ceries. Fancy canned aud lunch gnode; Tinware, graniieware aud woodenware. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? 1 1 is ,S A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN A.sKEI) TIME AND AUAIN BY HUNDREDS fs, iliousundsand tens of thousands of people Tbeie is bin one way lo do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and ut the same timo Assist tbe Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus iu Digesting and Assimulating Sufficient Food to Kebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Invoiced. There is but one remedy that will do Ibis, and that remedy is K.ODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know looi e about Kodol, come iu and j J; ' WE WILL A. T. Prescription Pruggist La Grande, Ore ttttTVtVVt'' ! Gel The Habit ! T Of trudiug at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you j X cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always x the best, our prices are the lowest and our slock is ? T complete-. X, If RcifJC having the largest stock of "Preferred" $ DtSIUcS canned goods, Allen & Lewis special braud on all their leading lines. We have just re- (r ceived a new aud complete Hue of Men's and Women's X and Sboes which we invite you to inspect. Y I C.9; RALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE W Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. g ! REFRIGERATORS We are sole agents for the ICE KING, galvanized aud porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch, or corrode. Last a life time, always sweet and clean. Noted As An lee Saver Ornamental as well as useful All sizes aud prices R ANDROSS Undertakers HOUSE FURNISHINGS SALE END, REMNANT and BROKEN that will sell tbem Our cost Rule Company Smallest Prices 431 TELL YOU HILL, Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 and Embalmers 1202 Adams Ave STOlK i Two Weeks LOT of good in this counts for nothing in this "'"''r r rtvr 'J- ; -