La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, August 13, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Hot Weather
Bring your wife and
family to the 8pokane
Oafe for. Dinner. ' "
. Your wife will ap-
predate the change
- and freedom from the
hot kitchen. You will
all enjoy the meal the
. best in town. First
class service.
J. F. Johnson
Depot St. LaGrande.Or.
o Union Picinc?
DXPUT Tm. M,da noM
no. a ;
8:50 p. m. Sail Lake, Denver Ft. -S?. L
NO S. Wortl1. Omaha, Kansas 5 M
BflOium. !"?t,8-uH, Chloao NO 4
una Kaat. 8:5 p.m
Portland, Dalles. Pen-
Noli dleton, Walla Walla, ,
Dayton, Po meroT, "O
8:50 a m OolStx, Mosoow.Bpb-
ca a lth via Hpo-
Portland. Dalles, Pen
NOt dlclon Umatilla Wal- Hn a
Moscow, Wallaoa War B.m. m
8:6 pm duer, Mnokaae and "
other points east and
nt)rtn via apokane.
NaWDally r,ttnd Clty A,M,
exeedt imbler, and Elgin m
Hunuay connections at Elgin &30pm
9:16 ft m with stage for points
In Wallowa oounty
Ooean Steamers between Portland and
Ban Francisco every live days
E. C. MOORE, Agent
Are like the "Smile that won't come
off." They are put on right and stay
right. I nse only Whitmore's paste
and gaarantee that If after thirty days
trial you Und that it has in any way
way Injured the leather I will present
the customer with a f5 pair of shoes
purchased at any store lie may aeleot.
- It you desire really first class work
call and get a shino. Ladies wore a
specialty. Remember the place, Kirt.
ley's Barber Shop, where everything
is first class from the boot black up.
khool - miK
Opposite the Somtner House.
One of the best musical Institutions
in the elate, Four rooms used (or
musical instruction, 15 grades of music
taught. Depaimeut 1, 2 rooms used
for the 3 first grades. Children at the
age of fi and older oome one hour every
day. Department 2, '2 rooms for grades
4 to 15 tor pupils of all ages The lat
est course best ptaotioal musical In
struction M laical contests for med
als every few weeks,
E PORTER DAY Principal
MRS DAY. Assistant
Real estate Snap
Two acre trect, seven blocks from
center of La Grande. Good six room
ed cottogd furnished completely and
well, If desired. Two barns, large ben
hnnse and wire enclosed park over one
wired ohiokens, over 100 bearing
Inilt trees including winter and sum-
r apples, pea' 8, prunes, peaobes
and several rarities of cherrieB, one
thousand raspberries, 500 strawberries
twenty five shade trees, lawn, flowers
and large gulden ready for use, three
wells, two pumps, ten shares in good
water ditch, (louse insured for S7UO
for three years. I'art down.
Kor paitnulars inquire at this office.
Only costs aliout 5c per yard
more than common plaster, and
worth many times over.
No dnnger of freezing as it
can be used in zero wenm
o;., floviViln instead of brit-
tie aa all (mud mortors are
it will dent like wooo wueu
i. i.nninprl. instead of
strut:. j1 .
breaking Doors, windows, pipe
holes, etc are cosily cat xnruugu
it It is a non conductor of elec
tricity and thus prevents short
r. n,ll,a..a Anna Ik
Circuiting " a"""'"" -n-
well to brick, stone or comi."ii
lath It contains no acids i.r
chemicals to corrods It will
not burn nor disintegrate by fire
being a perfect protection for
wood frame work It will under
no condition pit or blister
Parties having plastering to
do should consult me regarding
this class of work Estimates
cheerfully given
E. R.E1SLAN0, Phon 371
Tbe.following is the program for the
annual teachers Institute of Union
oounty which will be held in Elgin
August 2, 30, 81 and September 1.
P M Monday, Aug. 29.
Opening Exeroiaea .
Arlthmeiio L B 1'raver
d,iiea , J H Aokerman
Methods...... L U I'raver
Lemurs J H Aokerman
AM Tuesday, Aug. SO
Arithmetic L R Traver
Address . ...J H Ackarman
Geography ., LR Traver
Language L R Traver
Address.. .. J II Aokerman
Geography.. i L R Traver
Lecture H J Hockenberry
A M Weduesday, August 31 '
Arithmetic L R Tiaver
"A Lesson in American History"..
...RO French
Methods L R Traver
Pictures L R Traver
"The Value of Eduoational Publics- .
Mom" R C Frenoh
"The Relation of Primary to Scien
tific Geography" R C Frenoh
A M Thursday, September 1
Address H J Hockenberry
"An Essential In Arithmetic"
R O Frenoh
English Grammar A J Beuder
In Baker
Like a bolt cl lightinig Irom a clear
sky oame the announcement yester.
day that Sheriff Harvey K Brown will
begin next Munday to enforce the
state Uw in regard to gambling, Hun
day closing of saloons, opium joints,
morphine joints, dance halls, and
houses nl ill fame.
It was not crediied that th- state
ment was made in good faith but
wheo interviewed by the Democrat
last night Sheriff Browu said;
"The report is praotical.y correct.
If the municipal officer in daker
county cannot it will not eofuroe the
laws, I will, so lar as I am able. I
slnll begin action next Monday by
officially oalMng upon the police offi
cers ol Baker City, Sumpt r and other
towns of the oounty to do their duty
When asked if this action bad tneu
instigated by the district Mtorney
Mr Brown said :
"No, I have not consulted thedi'-
trict attorney at all and have not the
slightest idea whether be will btck ma
up or not. I waa elected by the peo
ple of this county and sworn in to see
that the laws are enforced. If the
laws are bid ones it is cot my fault.
Open saloons on Sunday are extreme
ly pernioious, but gamb'ing is much
worse. California and Idaho are strict
ly enforoing thes laws as are other
portions of Oregon. It has been my
intention all along to attend to these
matters but for the past two years all
ol my time has been occupied in he
straightening out the county tax rolls
aud collecting delinquent taxes. Now
I am not so busy aod tbeee i ther
tbioga shall bave immediate atten
tion." When asked of the scope of these
actions to be taken next Monday Mr
Brown said that all state 1 iwd now
being violated would be rigidly enforc
ed. This includes all species of gamb
ling, slot machines, card games, rou-
letoe, lotteries, opium and morphine
selling except for medicinal purposes
dance halls, housBs of prostitution
and oper. saloons on Sunday. Baker
City Democrat.
Aolivr i-perations have at last cotr.-meac-t'
t ibeTendi-rfootmine, Hup't
Tripi e bs a lores of twenty-five mer
wO'kiti-on the road getting it in
sh ip" so that the machinery now
p., route by 'earns Irom bigin can
pass thio igh .loseph and on to the
mine wittioul stopping; they are ex
pecteJ to piss through here today and
are loadi'.l with the oomplete saw mill
pi n n gether with some of the con-o-iitrtinr
niacninery and a quantity
ii pipinu. Two carloads of machiu ry
c .mpr s'lix me zu stamp uim rii.
in t.Uin l'oe-dy aud the company's
.S-otai f t uiint is ananging t
nsve it loiwinied at once.
I n.- tepir:i g of the road wiil take
np.ei) ii t. time of the men now
at Work ou it as all they have to do to
cNar off lbs snow (hat 'ays in places
and fl'l in few slight washouts, when
this wi rk is accomplifhed Mr Tnppe
will clear the grouufl uear ths mine
preparatory to the construction of lb
several buildings wh'ch w'll be erect
ed as soon ai possible snd tbsmsobin
srj Installed.
fls" sVwavVa
As tta'ed ahovts theie are at present
ti men at work bill it i the o wn pants
inUnlion to ncrrae the force ai fast
pisaih'e aid p.iali ilia work with
ibe bi-pti of liavirg ibe fctaaips in
their mill dropping bv lbs first of
January Joseph HeraH.
' Umatilla Wheat .
P.ndletnn Aug 13 Wheat buyers
express themselves as biing well pleat
ed with the market ailuatiuu at the
present lime and believe at that ir.oes
will reach a very acceptable mrk with
in a vary few weika. Quotatious are
quite eatirfaotory at the presert time
aud consequently a number of f iroiers
bave alieady sold this year's ctois. It
l ertiniated tint between 500,000 aud
750,m0 bushels of wheat bava been
disposed of since the b'giuning of har
vest Thegrsater part ol this estimat
ed amount, however, repiceenta small
lots of grain, many fludlngit necessary
to sell portions ol their crops to pay
havest bands au d meet current ex
penses. Further tlnu this farmers
are not disposed to sell a? the pros reots
are good for very fair prices. Club
ws quoted yesteidny at 63 l-2o aud
bldestem at 08c.
May Not Rebuild
At a meeting of tho North Powder
Mercantile and Milling- company held
Friday evening of last week, it was
decided not tj ti build the mill lately
burned at Mori h Powder, witbin the
present year, and it ia the nimiiuu ol
a prominent memb r of the oompany
that .he company may not rt build t
First ClasB dressmaking at reasonable
prices. Inquire for Miss Mary Coon,
lale of Seattle, at Mrs Hliearers rooms.
The World's Fair Route
Those anticipating an Kiisutu trip, or
visit to the Louisiana 1'uixhRee expo
sition at St. Louis, cannot a (lord to
overlook the advantages otiered by the
Missocai Pacific Kailway, which, on
account of U various routes and tinted
ways, has i)hsii nipropnntely nainun
'Thy World's fair Houte."
Pas-enors from the Northwi'Bt take
the Mi8HouHi!pAcmo trains from Den
ver or Pueblo with the choice of either
going direct through the Kansas City,
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Two traiu n dallv from Denver and
Pueblo to St, Louis without change,
carrying all tJaB?ea ol m&tern cUip-
meut, mciuuiu eiecmu iikihgu ousit
vation parlor cafe (lii.tng cars. Ten
daily traiud between JvaonaB City and
St Louis.
Write. Eor call on W. O. McBrlde.
General Aent, 124 Third st, Portland
for detailed information nud iliuetrule.
literature. tf.
For Sale
One and one fourth ai res nrar Court
House with 8 room houeo will tell both
lawn and bouse or either.
J b Baker.
FOB SALE AND KENT On aovouutof
ill health wo will leu so our forty live
room rooming hourie, which is doing
a good first class busiueBs to responsi
ble patties (or a term of ye irs. Will
sell . the furniture ut reasonable
prices tor particulars call on or
address W, H . Fergucon, La Grande,
Oregon J iHif
"I would cough nearly all night lone'
writes Mrs CIiub Applegalu, of Alex
andria, Iud., "aud could hardly get any
sleep. 1 had consumption bo bad thut
if 1 walked a block I would cough
frightfully and epit blood, but when
all other medicines failed, three $ 1.00
bottleS'Oi Dr. King k JShvv discovery
wholly cured me and I gained 58
pounds. " Its absolutidy guaranteed
to cure Roughs, ('olds, La Uripne,
Bronchiils and all 41' h mat and Lnng
troubles Price 6Dc and $1 .00. Trial
bottles free at Newlui Dnitt Co.
Old Folks
Residents o( Bk r ind Unioc
Counties ever liie Aj.m if txty-Hve
years dceiroue j f y Ttt-kiug ol the hos
pitality of the eoi il i -ople ol Bukcr
Ci'y on Old F- iki .. , -ire tequerUed
to cut out an-t liU in thq fi If wing
coupon acd mml tie. mh;,1 to Mannle
Fox, Bakr n y if y-iti ni- j. rident
nf Btiktr r.mnty nntl in ' lomas
Walsh, L (Jrnnde if ynii arc resi
dent of Union County Auend to
this matt r t rrr tl.Ht y(ur
name will he uii iI.h lirii in time to
make arrangempnts lor yoor enttr
taintrent ; if you iir-nlot thi you
mu't blame yourK if you are It ft
Jost ph Bait'jn,
Chairman Old Folkn Committer.
Tnie is the coupon to be filled out.
Fill on I this coupon find send
to Maiinie lux, bakei City, if
you live in linker County, and to
Thos. Walsh, La (Irande, if you
live in Union County.
I am years of age and
reside at
I was born on the day
of in the year
and I want to be present on Old
Folks Day. sign name in full.
Notice is I ereby given, that tha co
partnership heretofore exlGting between
the undersigned under Ibe firm- name
of Mi Coy 4 MoParlace. lu tha sreoery
business, at La Grande, baa been' die
solved by mutual agreement. The
buslues will be oontiuued by William
Murarlane. I) a ted, August 12, 1804.
...... jamaa Juouop
8 12 9 23 W. MoKarlana
There's nothing like dolug a thing
thoroughly- Of all the Salves you ever
ueard ol, Buokieii's Arnica Halve is the
best. It aweepa away and cures Burns,
Soros, Bruises, Cuts. Boils, Ulcere.
Skiu Eruptions and Piles. It's only 26c
anu guaranteed to give eaitsiaction oy
ua uranue urns uo.. ana newnn
Co., Droggist. . ; . i . .
Notice U hereby given that the an-
dersigned has lost a certain promissory
note for 700, dated May 10, 1902.' at
six months, and signed by the follow
lug parties: H B Pidoook, Mary Pid-
oock, F 8 Bramwell and Z Carbine.
Any person or persons finding same
are hereby warned from attempting to
negotiate It. JR Kellogg. -
FOK SALE Second hand furniture is
for aale at Salvation Army head
quarters, uau mis wees .
(jlKI. waktjsu Isight bouse keep-
ni; good wages apply to Mrs O W Nib-
ey Ferry, Oregon. i i
cation, known as Whitney House
near post office. Mrs. E Belmlok
Aug 22
A Rare Opportunity
M Rosenbaum of the Rainbow store
has purohased the stock of goods from
the La Urande Mercantile Oompany at
nbout half the original price, and will
move Ibe goods at the Rainbow store
to the present La Grande Mercantile
Company stand. Not having room for
both stocks, will offer the entire foods
at the Rainbow store, this week only,
regardless of ooBt.
As soon as we are through taking
sto. t at the Mercantile store, about
the 10th, will offer the entire stock at
about one half the regular prioe for
thirty days.
Full and complois stocks of Pry
Goods, Ladies and louts furnishings.
The largest stock aud best shoes In La
, . uj.,
I. aude, such as Sell Schwab & Co.
Ki'ppsndorf Dittman (Jompauy, A E
Brown & Co., School District No. 70
the best school shoe made. Alt the
. . ' ,.
uovesnoes are gnaraniecu ny me man-
ufuoturers. Also tlfXX) worth of
watches, clocks, and all kinds of jew
elry at 50 cents on the dollar. :
If you wish to make your money do
double service, call and we will show
you. 2t
To the public: ,
We wish to oall the attention
those not already advised that we have
established a wood working plant in
La Giande equal to any in tbe country;
We believed the limes and conditions
demanded suoh an enterprise and we
Imvo spent thousands of dollars in e
qulpment snd improvements. ,
W e are not only prepared to fill your
orders for mill work but we can fur
nish all kinds of lumber on short
If you buy in quantity so we can fur
nisb in car lots to be delivered direct
we can give you prompt shipmsnt and
at prices as low as the lowest consider
ing the quality of the stock and tbe
promptness of delivery.
The prioe varies aa to the amoant
you buy and the cost of handling.
Before placing your order outside
submit your proposition to us and Bee
f we cau handle your business to
please you. vr ;
VViiare a La Grande institution, but
wo do not claim anything on that ao
ot unt only to have an equal show with
our competitor.
After establishing sn expensive lo
cal eutei prise we want the business to
keop our 20 odd men at work.
We are not begging for favors but lo
cal enterprises should be built up to
employ our people at home instead of
sending all the money away for stuff
manufactured in other places. '
1 be money sent away does not
back to us and it boilda up other com-1
niunilics at our expense.
yours ror bnsinsss,
Btoddaid Lumber Co.
and Gram
mar Grade
Itoitnltng school tor young men & hoys,
Box 348 University Park Station,
Portland Oregon
Office at A T Hill's Drug Store
La Grande, Oregon Phone 13G1
Residence phone 701
ehtful Route. Daylight Ride
Uuzy Urags, Deep Canons.
A Golden Opportunity See
nature In all her elorious
'ic-nuty, and then the acme of
. , "
man's handiwork. The first is
found along the line of the
Duiiver & Kio Grande RailroHd
mid thn luttHr at the St, Louis
World's Fair. Your trip will be
one of pleasure make the most
ol it. For information and illus
trai.fid lileratnre write
W, C. MoBRIDE, Gen. AgU ;
Portland, Oregon
Sacred Heart Academy
La Y Urande, t.Oregon 'This well
knowp "institution, conducted by the
Sisters of St ; r ranoia, affords excellent
educaiioaM advantage. Music, draw
ing .and tainting optional studies.
Preparing young ladies lor tbe profess
ion of touching a specialty. Boarding
snd nay school opens the first Monday
(n September, jfar catalogue address.
oistcsraaperiw, I j . t Aug 4 uct 4
tliii :.II.Hh
The Big Circus.
The announcement that Ringlin
Brothers World's Greatest shows will
exhibit in Baker City Aug 16 will be
received witli more than usual interest
by the.ppople of tnal neighborhood.
The Ringling B rot hats bava a name
thatstauds for all that is new, novel
and entcrtainiug in ths circus line,
and the management announoes that
this season the show has been enlarged
to such an extent that a whole extra
train is. used i,u addition to tbe, four
trains 'of last season. The stow is
now transported from place to place
in eighty-five seventy-foot cars, cou-
.struoled .especially. .fur ths Ringiing
Brothsrs: In connection with tbe
circus proper in which thesrenio per
formaoe Is marvelous, the Ringling
Brothers are this season presenting
the beautiful and sublime spectacular
production o! Jerusalem and the Cru
sades, 'This pantomimio play necessi
tates the use oi 1,200 actors and act
resses and of almott three hundred
horiee. II Is presented 00 tbe laigest
stage ever used for exhthitlonal pur
poses; ;8peoial exoursion , rates have
been arranged for all lines of travel by
Riugliug Brothers. "
A Postal Will Do It
The purchase of a piano by mail made
safe, simple and econoiuicau
. By dealing with a reliable concern a
piano can now be n purchased without
ever eeeing It, with perfect satlsfuctlon
and Balety.' - Every nstrument sold by
Kller's Piano Ilouse is fully guaranteed
and a further uureomoul iroea with it
l ',!"il.,!',n,ey PaiVn ?"9e the
; instrument fails in any way to prove
I exactly cs represented, so that buyers
' are perfectly secure. '
I" 1' y are thiiikinir of purchasing a
P'no or art organ( dro:. us a line on a
postal, giving your address and vou will
Immediately reoelve an abundance ol
circulars nod handsome booklets show
ing a variety of instruments aud giving
full description of them. A letter
from the bead of the Mail Order' De
partment will also aoeompany them,
? living full information concerning our
ow prices aud eusy payment system.
lt'we have auv snccial bargains in'
secondhand ihstrumenta which our im
mense business is continually bringing
to us, those also will be fullv described
and priceB given . , . ..,:,'
lour ropiv, wnetner it he a request
for furthei information, or an order for
an Inatrument will be promptly and
courteously attended; to, . . ,
wneu mui ordera are .11 led. the In
Btrnmentsare personally Selected by the
neao ol our. man i oiuor department,
who Is an exoerieuuedand exuertDiano
judge. He thbrouithly inspects every
piano sold by mnll and noes that it IB
in perfect conditiou before he permits
it to leave the store, .-io .'' .
We make a specialty of packing our
Instruments so that no matter it they
bave to be hauled by wagon a long dis
tance, no injury can possibly oomo to
ibem. Reinembertliie is the house ac
knowledged to be the lowest priced and
most reliable on the const. Drop us a
postal. Thousands:, have done It to
their advantage. Eilers Piano House
:151 Waehingion Street corner Park.
Large Btores aUo Ban Kranoiscn and
Baoramentrf cal.f Spokane and Seattle,
Washington, n,,,j , ,;.,: !,. : . ,
y ' OREGOX. ..
In the ranttor of tbe estate of 1 ' !
.., i ii-. ..... ' rCitution
ANCilE A WOOD, Deceased )
. To William H. Wood ,und, Percy M.
Wood, GREETING- ., ,
. In tbe name of the state of Oregon,
You are hereb). cited aud required to
appear in the County Couit of tbe
State of Oregon, for the County of
Union, at the Court Room thereof,' at
Union, in tbe .County of Union, on
Monday, the I Oth day ot August 1004,
at 1 Qi n..ln..l. !.. !.., f, nl .1 I
I w . w u uiuw, ,.( .up UIIQIHVUII .Ul bliai.
' dur, then and there to show enneo K
any you may have why ths petition of
J. K. Wright, as Administrator of the
OBtato ol Augie A. Wood, Defeased,
to sell Lot No eight (H) block sixty (00)
Chaplin's Addition to the City of La
(jraudo, Oregon, should not be grunted.
W1TNE88 The Hon. M. A. Harrison
Judge of tbe County (joint of the Htato
of Oregon, for the County of Union.
wuu tne Heal ol said :ourt alHxed this
13th day ot July low,. , , .,,
ATTESl' J . 15. Ciilhnm, Clerk.
., s :. CURES OLD SORES .:
. Wostmorelnnd.'i Kans. May C 190 '.
Ballard Know Liniment Co, our Hnow
Liniment cured au old sore ou the side
of my chin that wus supposed to be a
cancer.' The so-o was stubborn nnd
would not yield to treatment, until
I tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work in short order. My sister, Mrs
Sophia J CaiBon, Allonsvillo, Mlllln
Co, Pa, has a sore and mistrusts that
It Is a cancer, l'loaso send her a
bOc bottle, Hold by Newlln Drug Co.
Lodge Directory.
P.(U,VH Im Grande Atrie j;o P O It morta
evury Hrnly nlxht lu K. of V hell it I : m
J'o' K i'.cw S' Tm.. w
korehteuh of- AMniticA-ooort m.w'
J1.""?; 1 a "c,t T"c'dr m tin's
I iiii. am iiiviiihi in auenil.
fct Uul.l.a-1'l.lal U.n...
C J Vanderpooli kec Heo.
TOO f l.a Or.nns tilge, No l mrtts In
llielr hall v.ry Salarday Diahu Vliltlna main
bfira oordially Inrllcd to atleml.
UJ Vaudcrpool, N U.
I RBnook, see.' ' "
A., F. A A. M. La Grande Lodge
u, i. meets every let ana 3rd batur
day of each month.
A O Williams Bed, '
0 D Uuffmaa W. M.
1 A
Few Choice Bargaihs in Wal
lowa County Real Cstate
(1) 300 tat land, 130 soma capable of culU vation, 113 aA
In fall sown BMt.-UoDM, nam and other buildings. A gr
, .u.i.u -M,WI
111 i WO Km, aataH orttisril, huasa,
niluTit- i!f olwhl
ollll.uillliUKS Koodkav incilk IX) tous
SUU in oaltl
tie In bad. on this uaimt.
J u'i0t'S'0! i"11-"
x a, a. A. A w a. u . a, m VJa . BIS w M. w
National Bank.
Capital Stock fully paid . 60,000 ,
Surplus fund 13.000
Liability of Shareholder ' . 60,000 1
' Responsibility . 183,000
We do a general banking and exchange business. :
Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks.
J. .
H. Peare, the Jeweler
Or AllJCindsJDoue
; i i Phone, Main 1621
Linoleum, Shades, and Upholstery Goods. We
have a fine line if these goods at very low prioes.
I Carpets and Linoleums out, made aud laid to order.
Call and see these Goods
Beautiful White Maple Dresser & Commode $13 25
" Wort'n 30. Oo cart 3 00, herfootion Oil Stove 3 00,'
Dining Table 0 50, Best Oil Range 10 50, 4. New
:, Lounge 12 75, Gasoline Stoves 2 75, Desk 7 50, Camp
Stoves 1 40.
. Two sets Double Harness, 2 fine Shot Guns, 2 Win
chester Rifles, 1 Iron Bed, 1 ton-gallon ohuru, 10
Cook Stoves at very low prices,
Remember we do upholstering, furniture repairing
, . , and bouse cleaning. Phone for estimates.
fl. B, Haiten
We Do Not Claim
S That wo can please all of the people all of the titce.'but
S That our plant has been uuderthe same management for
nearly TEN YEARS
That during this time our aim has been to please as
I nearly all, at all timos as good work and courteous treat
J That we will do our beBt to please you if you will favor
us with your patronage
i That Packages left at Anderson & Myers or Kirtley's
S barber shops will receive tbe same prompt attontion that
J they would if left at the laundry.
5 PHONE j I85l
City Property For Sale
Finely Located, Well Improved 5-Room House For
Sale. Also Other City Property'At
bm and good oatballillDsa. SO ane in'bll
ofnioadowi aclal hobM -md
ol luv nan b. nut Ih. .ll ..!..
P.ln. Ilii r
M pr aore. TdU is a great bugata.
For further OarUcuUrs adUraM.
JOSEPH PALMER, President - -
; J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier
The Clock . .;. '
Is something that is indispensable to
the borne. It marks the hour for aris
ing to cops with events of the day, and
the time for retiring at night. . . ,
There Is Somethin
about theclock that t.... . - u. heart
of all. It will some day mark tbe boar
of death;
My clocks are of handsomeappearaDC
neat in design, and made ot nicely
polished bronze metal ornaments
Prices from 1,00 to $16,00.
M H Peare Union t'o'e leading Jawclar
NextNewlin Drug Store. Watch re
pairing a Specially. '
Pho2n05, F. D. Hasten
Formerly C & M Noble's Store.