0COCOOCC X:wcATa rcr: 4-' LA GRA ' ToaujU r THE TRAINS No 9 East bound 0:10 p B ocUow VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON. FRIDAY, EVENING, AUGUST 12, 1904 NUMSES23i 1NDE EVENING PEACE OR WAR Diplomats Speculate on Effect the Fall of Port Arthur Would Have on the Situation way for tbe guarantee (or the admin tstrative autity ol China to which a' I tha powera subscribed in principle may alter all become tbe means cf making peace. If Japan, pushing Ibe Rus sian military lorcee out of Manchuria and obtaining undisputed possession. should then form nil relinquiab tbe province la Obina, ita real owner and call upon tbe powers under their guar anty to protect thu entity of tha oe- leatial empire, I do not think tbe the powera eould escape reaponeib lity. 8' Peterrburg A ng. 12 Discounting me lau oi fort Arthur and tbe disas trans defeat of General Kuropalkln at me hands of tin oombined Japanese armies, some diplomat are already peculating upon the aitaation ia wbioh tbe oombataoU would be left and tbe question as lo whether ft it possible that a way would be opened for peace. Tbe almost unanimous opinion is that wilb ber present record of viotones, oombined with tbe Buen- oial difficulties o! oontinning the war looenutteiy, japan would welcome peaoe, and tbe almost equal unani mous veidiot is that Russia would adopt a contrary ooorse. Even ebould eery Russian soldiej be driven from Manchuria the diplo ma a b-llsve that Russia could not afford to yield but would be compelled to doggedly continue tbe war, collect another simp in Siberia and take tbe ofTeosive next year. Several keeo diplomate, however, are of tbe opinion thet Japan, by a clever coup, might perhaps force tbe powera to inteivene in a way tbat Russia could not resist. Ooe diplo mat representing a European power at tho oourt of E perjr Nionolaa said 1 1 the A 88' oiated Press : "Secretary Hay's note opening a i Ohe Foo Aug. 12 Tbe captain of tbe Ryeehiteloi does not deny that the Ru tian warships hate gone to join the Vladivottook squadron. He sim ply reluaes to answer questions on the subject, claiming it would be impropir 'or him to do so. Olbrr sources affirm thatabaolutfly all Ibe big ships exoept the tiayan, which is injured, lelt Port Arthur ye terdsy, exchanging shots with the Japanese fleet at long range and it seems likely that the long expeoted junction of the two Russian squadrons will now occur ant governor 8 LSteevee of Washing' ton, secretary of atata Will H G.bson 01 Fremont renominated, treasurer H N CotBu of Ada renominated, at torney general J JGubeenof Bannock, and. tor Robert Bragiw of Koctnai. superintendent of schools Miss May Sootl of Bingham renominated, miue nspector Rib-r; Bell of Custer renom inated, presidential electors F J Hag eobaath of FMiuom, U WKieler of Bingbam, and EW Oliver ol Idsho. Fiddlers Contest. One of the interesting features of the Fair this fall will be vbe country fiddlare match in which it is expected tbat there will bs some twenty-five or thirty fiddlers from .different part of tbe oounty oompeting. Every fiddler in Ibe oounty is invited to participate in this contest. Wallow Demoorat. Idaho Republicans The following tioket was nominated in the Idaho republican atate conven tion : Governor Frauk R Gooding ol Lincoln oounty, congressman Burton L Frenoh o' Latab renominated, justice of the supreme court I N Sulli van of Blaine, renominated, lieuten- HOW ARE YOUR EYES? Examination Free! DR. WM. HERZOG, the well knowD scientific optician is here on his annual visit, stopping at the Sounner Hotel, where he will remain until Monday Aug, 15. Call and have your eyes examined, find out how your eyes are-it costs you nothing. Glasses especially ground to correct most difficult cases. SATISFACTION A BSOLUTELY GUARANTEED All glasses previously fitted may be exohanged free of charge. Band Concert Tonlglit near the Fuly House on Adams Avenue the La Grande Con cert Band will play the I. Mowing pro gram: Maroll "JrnuiiiK 6 h Rigiment Band." .. Piihian Clumoter Two it-p "A Southern Belle.'" Eugene Baritone Obligato "Marengo.". .Ripley Air Vane for cnriji t "Old Kentuoky Home." Knight Patrol "Blue anil Gry.". Dalby March "King Over All." .. ...Soouten Prof. Hendricks Bandmaster. Tbe bind appreciates very much the larger atteuJanca at these con certs, also tbe financial support given by the oit'zsns a lull statement of which will be published alter OctobDr 1st 19U4.. HARPER. & HILL Sprinkle At Night Walla Walla, Wash , Aug. 12. Aftar no end of troub e with the city water supply, the couuoil has struck upon a plan which promises to title the people over the extreme dry weather. It ie to operate the street sprinklers duiing tbe night instead ol during the daytime For nearly a week the sprinklers wore oil altogether' and the people set up so much couiplaint thnt some action hud to be taken. . No Important Fight Liao Vang, It is ollicinlly stated tbat no imporiant fighting ban occurod In the vioinity of Mukden, The Jupnnese outposts are 40 miles away, and only aklrjniahea-bavejiccurred there. Japanese Exhausted Che Poo, Aug. 12 Wednesday is said to have been chosen for tbe osoape of tbe Russian warships at Port Arthur because the Japanese ileet was then ex hausted by the constant bombardments of the two prriviouB nights, Tukiishau mountain, near Port' Arthur, which was taken by tho Jupauese Monduy night, was recaptured by tbe Russians the next day Burdett aud Llewellyn Thoruason and Sidney Ilaynes loft this morning for tbe Minam on a tot: days fishing trip. 1 LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS A.t Stupendous Reductions IN PRICES VISIT OUR fjjM ioc JaL Every waist at regular prices as adver tised now going are you ready at pricts only a little more than HALF $4 OC waists at i 85 3 00 " '2 28 2 75 " 1 98 2 50 " 1 89 2 25 ' I 69 2 00 " 1 49 1 25 " 93 1 00 " "9 85 " H All Men's Suits At Reduced Prices COUNTER N"ew Ladies Slcirta We have ju-t opened an advance xliip ment of the famous BEVERLY SKIRTS These famous tailors of high art skirts have fairly outdone any of their former efforts in style, lit and workmanship. lu fact they are truly HIGH ART SKIRTS Come in and see them A. T. Hill Associates Himself with Mr. Har per in the La Grande Creamery. ) . Mr. A T Hill has purchased of Mr. U 12 Harper a halt interest in tha La Grando creamery.. Mr.. Harper also disposed of bis intvrestln the Union creamery and will give Ills entire at. tenuon to toe ooBlnesa here. Mr Harper has just returned from Portland where he purchased new maohinery and everything complete lor a first class and up-to-date cream ery which will arrive within a very few days i The oreamery business to be suooess ful depends to a very large extent up on experienced management. This be ing true, the new La Grande creamery 'e In excellent hands. Mr. Harper has demonstrated his ability, having start ed the Cove oreamery . tfve years ago and worked the business to the extent that it became necessary to move It to Union to be in closer touoh with trans portation faollitieB, aud under bis man' ageinent the Union business grew and expanded uutil it was entirely nnder hiB persuasion that they started the creamery or rather shipping station here nearly eighteen njonths ago and were Intending to make this the prln cipal point in the valley. Mr. Harper reoognhting tbe central position that La Giande occupies to this valley, took advantage of the op portunity and disposed of his other interests and will concentrate both his capital and attention here. Mr. Hill for a number of years haa been an enthusiastio oreameryman, that ie, desired very much to see a first class creamery established in this oity and when under tbe direction of Mr, Harper the Union oreamery made ar rangements to temporially open a cream depot here, Mr. Hill consented to handle the business for them. In this manner be came in direct contact with the produoera which resulted in becoming a greater enthusiast than ever. They start in under the most favor uble oircumstances, already having 70 or more patrons who furnish them with the product of about SOU oows and this number will be greatly inoreased when tb-y oommeuce manufacturing here. The proprietors enjoy tbe complete conRdenco of the farmers and business meu. The former know the advant. ngos they will derive by bavin? a creamery in this city run by exper ienced and trustworthy men. The business interests of this city also roalizo tbe advantages that always fol low a well patronized creamery. Un der snob oonditiona there can be no question tlir.t while the creamery busi ness at present is no small item of revenue to the patrons It will increase and will add another industry that will result in no small dezree la the advancement of our city and county. United States is the greatest preaa glassware country lo the world, says Tbe Cosmopolitan, i : la 1890 a novice in (the plate glass industry, Henry Fleck ner, of Pitts burg whose only knowledge of glass bad beso acquired in window fao lory invented an annealing "iehr" tbe moat important tingle imnrovemenl ever introduced in plate glass manufac lure lo three bouri by the leor tbe same work ia dons wbioh nnder tbe old kilio system required three daya In four years thairnportationeof fore ign orown and piste glass into the United 8tatea fell invelus from S2.000 000 to $200,00. About tbe same year Plnlin Ahm. baat,of Pittsburg alo a uovioe in glass makiog invented a prwesa by bottles and jars may be made entirely by maohinery the costly blow over process being avoided and tbe expense of bottle-making reduced . onebalf. The result has been that more bo'tles at-d jars are used in a month now tban in twelve months ten years ago Gallant Stand Liao Yeog, Aug. IS! A refugee from Port Arlhu.- who has just arrived said the defenders of the lor ireas. re mained all day at their posts despite the dreadful heat, the women heroi cally oarnog water to the parched soldiers although not a single spaoe Big Battleships Loudon, Aug. 11 The admiralty haa iuvited the Clyde ship builders to ten der bids for two battleships of 10,500 tons and high speed. It is said these veisels in the matter of armament and armor protection will eclipse anything yet attempted. wilhiDttoe'periuieUrof tbe forereea was rree trom outlets ana bursting abelle. Sometimes the whole fortress eeomed enveloped in tbeamoke from onuntleas aholl explosions.' - . , There was a memorable aisht from Wol.'s bill wben the JaDaneae altuik. ed there July 25. Five Japanese di visions moved across tha plain to the assault nnder the cover of their guns. The onset was ao desperate it al most verg d on freaiy. "' It If b Htd that FleH Mnr.hal O... ma ooR.nianded the Japanese forces in person aud several. Minna of hlnnri aud veteran generals led the attacking forces giving unequalled examples of courage and resource. Never before was there such a terrido storm of pro jectiles, but the efforts of tbe Jaoan- ese were unavailing against tba deter mined stand of the Buisians and tbe attaok was repulsed with . enormous losses. v. ber bare band.' The" reptile ioftwatlfv coiled ready to strike, and the sroroe fled. It is supposed tbe rig rao over theinsk wrapping it arouude bog gy wheel and throwing it mlav-lBa tagfyv Mon 1'ter returned us killed it. Engine Guard. - Snake in Her Lap. W nils she was driving" peaoalully alimg tbe oountry road betweeo En gene and Lorane reoently huge rat tlesnake suddenly desotoded into the lap of Mrs Doak Zumwalt, wbo was en route noma with her daughter Mrs. Ida Simpson. Mrs Zumwalt soreamad aud knook eii tbe rattler out into the road with For " Governor 8t Paul, Aug. 11- President James J Hill oUtae Great Northern railway ia being urged by L Boeing O D O' Brien aud other equally powerful de mocratic leaders to declare himself a , oandidate for tbe governship of Mian esota. The Hill boon has passed tbe formative stage and Is a factor be reokoned wltb in the present political situation Mr Hill has been an ardent demo crat all bis life, He has never held political office yet he baa baen on of the most trusted counsellors the party haa bad through the last decade -in Minnesota. "He baa . contributed liberally to campaign funds and was of material arslstauoe to tbe state central committee during the laat campaign, , v MID SUMMER: - CLEARANCE SALE For the next thirty days we will offer all Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. If you are in need of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to look over our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All wash goods on sale ut one third off. All wash wash shirt waists at a reduotion of 25 per cent. On Wrappers, Kimonas, and Dressing Saques we will save you 20 per cent. Just what you will need for these warm days. - The Chicago Store Declared Invalid Nt'W ork. Auizust rll. Thn nilhi hour law in tho etatn of New York has beiiu held invalid. Justice White of the Miptemo court, llrooklyu, yester day bunded down a decision in favor or contractors wbo were charged with re quiring their employee to wok more inun oignt Hours a Hay. Mo holds that the law is unconstitu tional and grants writs of mandamus to coxpel the city to pay the Uvalle Asphalt company the sum of $10,000, and the Brooklyn Alcatraz company 3u,;uu, milch had been withheld pending a dsclsion of the salt wherein i ho city coiitoudod the contractors had violated tho city law, when they worked tholr nen more than eight hours a day. Great Inventions. In 1827 a oirpsnter of gandwish Maps, wanting a piece of glass ol a peculiar size and shape, oonoeivad the idea that tbe molten metal could bs pressed into any form, muou the same a. lead might be. Up to that time all glassware bad been b owo, either off hand or in a mold, and considerable kill was required and tbe prooess was slow. Tbe glass manafacturere laughed at the carpenter, bnt be want ahead and built a prase, and now the tUMuaaaataaamxm...a...1...ttf,t1tt( i 1 1 1 1 1 1 H ja),t"s. A PRESCRIPTION DECISION If you knew that the recovery of some eiok fiiend depended ou the strength it ml purity of certain drugs or on the accuracy of their couipouuJ itig, what points would you consider when dociding where to take the pre scription? The essential requirements, we think, ate these, and all of them apply to this store: Drugs are sure to be freshest where trade is largest. Stock is sure to be best where physicians go to buy. Remedies are most reliab e where standardized and assayed drugs are used. Compounding will be most accurate wbo re the preeoriptionist has had greatest practical experience. NEWLIN DRUG CO.