? August Shoe Sale and Special Inducement Offer. ..Thin Sule wil! be conducted along entirely new lines, Of oo'trse every ihoe Duiilup Ex cepted will be REDUCED in price, but I have many short linee which will be offered ui LESS THAN COST in order to make room for our new fall itock. A novel feature of the sale will ha FREE DISTRIBUTION OF SHOES to my customer. I ill uive one pair of 15 00 ihoes nod one pair of 3 00 shoes away during the month of August. Each purchaser to the anacunt of $1.00 will bare an opportunity to receive one of those gifts Call at the QUALITY SHOE STORE and learn complete detail and also see (be BARGAINS in Laddies', Men's and Childrens Shoes. TiUoe Follow the price That Is why people come bore tor men's and j hoys' shoe The I. E. Tilt Hit" i tmr spec iitlty. Her is where price quality are combined. Htid eta iii Jj ' Mi """.filgEg LMiS rrrr rr'T " , .... . .- - E E Komt0' E. P. Staples A FEW PRICES I si i i : Ladies $3.50 shoes are now redu.ed to $2 50 Lsdiee 3.00 shoes " " " "1 85 J Men's $4-00 Shoes Are Now Reduced to $3 00 Men's 8.60 Shoes reduced to $2 75 and $2 50 THE QUA. LITY. T.'IVE. Htubblefield Prop ) Half a Carload of - New Wall Paper. We have just received half a car Joad of the newest and latest wall paper. Haifa carload means 20.000 rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever thought of bringing into this county in a single season. This paper Is all lor sale and most be sold tills season. We fj) have brought two Brtt elass paper bangort direct tiom Chicago, g who are without doubt the mjtt eklilfnl workmen in Eastern A who, with the flv Unit class 0-i bangers elready lo oor em- V ploy, girea as the best working t ' ti t he Inland Empire. Stackland & McLachlen I PAINTS. 0IL2S AND GLAbS 2 LOCAL ITEMS OF liNTEREST CooceniiDg People Who Come And go and Other terns of Local Interest. County teaebtaa taking plae tbia was n Ca County aomaiaaiaaar Blua left thit) awning fa lb WorMa Order Is tbC-Kii,ty Court of t'l. ion t 'oi ni : f regon, iu . ob.tr. la tda maite'. of the ena diai. -ahipof the persfis in eactes I of Earimt N Wily, Z kkairtva Orde-. Fat awl Frank A CUT, I r Miaora. i It appear.'n lo the Court tr. m the ,petitioo of Zora E Patty gcard an of the pcraotM aad eetelea xf Earnest S Patty, Z Beatrice Putty and rrank A Patty, Minors, that said minors are owaen of tr.e foiioaiag dtacribrd real- jSvtatav mbjaet to tfca dow.r right of isud goardiaa Zora E P.tty a the ; widow of Tbocua F fatty daeued, to i wit; Um SEJi of Se44 Tip. 3 5 of R ;J9 E W M in Cntoo Cont?, Oregon, and it fa.t&er ppenBg to the eoart tint it H seeaeary and teat it oold r,e C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET R0MIG & STAPLES ..... t -,. ; - -GROCERIES-- A full and coinp.ete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tic ware, gnitiiieware and woodenware. Fruits nnd vegetables in season. . Bakery products always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone .431 How Can I Cure My . DAINTY trraU in cat- ab'es, so folks , say who sit daily at our tables to refresh the ioner man. Our restaurant will give your stora ; arh a rest, because tlie foods' are carefully selected and cooked under ordera of a chef of widely repatation Our bill of fare 13 Miaa Boa Sallifaai B raising iuttn-)la't1 Usat acb rrtH varied daily and always dletoo, tbegtwatof MuwtfeadaCaart.! " pnrxfi tnrxr tains some choice titbits. t w w- bo or mTeieo in DIAMOND ' We have a ludio's DIAMOND RING which has been left unredeemed. It is a gold ring with a . dia mond setting und it will be sold to the tirtt one to take advantage of this bargain. It will bear in spection . Money loaned on collaterals. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams 'Phone 1581 Remember we still buy and sell all klndt of Second Hand Goods. J J J Em UTDOiOl HfB BIB UBiQIH : - - -J-. k - m . una tww sr. j mKcntDe wnBorrow KM tarn ti JO run. Uiu Edna Scbilka M viritinc rela tive and friends in Waabiagton for a I (ewd-y. Hits Settle Conklln and Him May atearot ol tbe Co8 were in La Grar.de yesterday tbop, ing. Hist Bulab Dial, of Spokane it a gaeatofMraod Mrs F A Charlton Hits Dial is a daughter of Wm Dial a former well known O B. 4 N. con ductor wbo resided Id this oily. Peter Allen of Mt Glen suffered a fracture of an arm and Ibe diiloeat- ion of his wrist by filling from a wag on. He was brought to tbit oity yet terday afternoon and Dr Holitor re duced tbs fracture. So bad raeult are anticipated. W U Butttrd arrived this morning to vitit bit son W H Butttrd. Ha it un bis way lo bis Lome in Illinoi . eon- Live ' J INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yen, ihoubr.mlsand tens of thousands of people There is but one way lo do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain reel it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Assiinulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Invoiced. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know mot e about Kodol, come iu and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore not to eat but eat to liv I la by th Conrt orferd tbit tbe daily dine with us ft will he; tttttttftsstttef jour lutt-rior o Ticket. Ca.-I. oext of km isi au p ram inters-ted picnic to in said eectta at at.i aunn be tad Dartmcnt tbev ate hereby TemrA ia a r. r- r 1 tt tbe office at b; udrMfAt County Jodgaoi l' oo Ouuty, vxrn on! Taeaday tbe dm dy at amr M ; at two o'clock p n of is da7 t ib-w caate why a licenae fboii.t aot ijt- granted to aid (juard.an to let iji.i I above described real oatale. Aud it it , further ordered thai a copy ut thia order j be pabliahed in the Eaeiern Oregon Ob-1 server tor three successive weeks. Done and dated at L'niun, Oregon, thia 6th day of August lOOi M A Uarrteou County Judge TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 178 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. S. Lund Office, La Uruodr, Oregon. AuKU.t , Ml. Notice It hereby given that In eumpiiance with Uia uruvUlunu or the act of Co. grt-sti ul Junes, 187H, entitled "An act for the Mile of timber lunda In the fctutca of (.'alllontlu, Ore gon, Nevada, and WaHhluelou Territory," tm cAwuuru mi nil iuc i'uoiic iMi.il niuica oy art MODEL RESTAl'RANT J. A. AKKOCKI.E. Prot,. OPKN DAY AND Nli. Il l We ell weekly Meal , $4.50 Mr Bustaid was on of the organisers county or Umuuiia, mate or unvon, h!i m uuy mi iu iuim ouice iiur aworu atattv ol the republican party in 1856. Mitt Birdie MoDtniel of Baker City patteil th.oub tbe oity lat evening on her way from Cove where tbe bad bjen viiiting relatives to ber borne id Baker. TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land AlfuU'n grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House inUnion County. A.. VV Oliver Phone 1571 Lawn Social. The ladies of tbe Oathollo church will give a lawn social at tbe borne ol Mr and Mrs F L Myers Friday evening. Everybody ourJially invited. lot cream and otke wil. be served. FOR SALE Second hand furniture is fur sale at Salvation Army head quarters. Call this week. OldToTks Excursion in tin r An tilfJi r..- ti.u i. . i. NWWuod 8X'llon ia in Tuwnuip 0.4i4iutb, Kuiige No. ft, K. W. M. Autt will Utr proof to kIkjw tlint the la ml sought m moru valuable fur iu liuiiwr or vloi.t' ttiun for injrlcuimml puriKcMHiKl to etilHbiiRli her ciuni. lo said Ittnrt hofuitj thu HtUler and Uitvler of thin oft i en ut Im Uruiide, Oretxon, on Monduy, the tth day or She i.jtiucs ui wlitietcs: Xetl MchUitt, Dan iel Madd.n, of I'ciHllrton, Oregon: Johti.li Dohertv, BarOfv Mcl.anlilin, ot iiwni.urvKOM. Aurand all jwittmiB t'lHitiilntt atlv,;rm-iy tllo above dt'M-rllK-ti lauds art' rttnirsted to Die Lhelr cliilniN In I hit ull'u-e on r before nuld ttli duy of October, 1ni. K 'ADavis, Kogister. JEFFERSON AVE. We luive it It'w Miintlit si raw Choice tor lll.lK It'll. tu K0SS- & ANDREWS TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. Revidentt of Baker and Uniur Counliet rver tbe age of tsty-five vot.t desirous of p-rttklog ol tbebot pitalit of the goi d people of Biker Oity on Old Folks Day, are requested to cut out and till in tba fulbwing ooupon and mail the tame to Hannip Kox, Baker City if you are a resident of Btker County and to Thomas Walah , La Qraude if you are a iei dent of Union County Attend lo this matter at once to that yout name will be on Ibe liat to time lo mine arrange mentt for your enWr ttitimenl; if you negleot tbi you must blame yourself If you are left out JiMepb Baiton, Cluirman Old Folkt Committee. This It the coupon to bj filled ont. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 11. M. Land Oftlcc, a Uniiiile, Or'im. August 1, 1WI. Notice Is hereby Klven Oiul the fullnwIriK uanied Melller Iihk IIIihI uulU'cot UIh inU'iiiluii to nuike Sniil (inior In Kiipixirl nr hin eiiilm and tluit khUI liruot will be made before Hie KOKlifler and lUt'el ver or tliu L' M UihI oillee ut I (Jrunde, Oregon, ou Sept. , IM, vlx H K NoK2. Kliuer K Oliver, ol Meai-liam, Oregon, ftir the NW.Seells, TI N, H;tj l:VM. He named the lollowlui; wllueisi-s to prove hlscolitlnuouti rehldeuee tip.,11 and eultlvalloti of Hald land, vli: ttaiotiel llryiieii, John Hanua, (ieorKe Van Ortiiliill and OM-ar vn Oradall, all of Mcucliam, OreKon. K W Uiivln, RejtlKler. MAKES A CLEAN tUVKEI' Theie't nothing like doiutt a tiling thoruuglily. Ol all the SalveB yuti ever beard of, Buokien't) Aruitii t-alve is Hie beat. It snuupa away anil rures Ituriia, Sorofl, Bruises, Cuts, HoiIb, Dieers, Skin Eruptions and Files. It's only and guarauteeii to give 8.ltifal'tion by La Uranile lirtig Co., and Newlin brug Co., Druggist. S Get The Habit Of trading at tbe Nebraska Grocery Store and you cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always y the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock is complete. , fRtcjHf having tbe largest stock of "Preferred" DtaiUtd canned good?, Allen & Lewis special brand on all their leading lines. We have just re ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's and Shoes which we invite you to iuspect. C.J. RALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE J Cor. Fir and Jeffersun Sts. A F0RFTASTE I ! s xx OF HEAVEN! R EFrTg'er"aTORs'I We are sole agents for tbe ICE KING, galvanized I and porcelaiu enamel lined; will not break, scratch, or corrode. Last a life lime, always sweet and clean. I Noted As An lee Saver ! -1 SUMMERViLLE LIVERY V. I. Unnli-r .t So i buve Leased tbe McKinzie 8'ables and are prepared to serve the public ii a nrt class manner at reasonable rates to 0 O o o I A tout b of un Angel's Wing Sorbello Sandwiches LOY MAKES 'EM if ! e Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and prices E ANDROSS Phone91 -niNliXV-Oa Residence Phone 367 Undertakers and Embalmers IIOUSK KURNISHLNQI 1202 Art,...,. Ave OLD FOLKS DAY. Fill ou; this coupon and tend lo Mannie rui, Btkei Oily, if you live in Baker County, and to Tbot. Walsh, La Grande, if you live Id Union County, I am years of age and reside at I wat bora on tbe day ol in tba year and I want lo be present on Old NFolks Day. sign Dame in fall. ODDS, Two Weeks ENDS ! ft I I I I I AiND BKuKEN STOlK SALE Two Weeks This if botii-e clennint; time with us and every ODD and EN'D, REMNANT and BROKEN LOT of goods siore win ne put on Darg .in tames ana a price put on eucli tlu't will sell ibom Our cost counts for Sale The ODDS, ENDS and REMNANTS musl go We Will Clean House For Two Weeks in tli is nothing in this The Golden Rule Company Largest Store Smallest Prices 7- Udf ""- . . i,.Kua J 61 out inn p.tjl Burotate prioe, catb j. b.lu4 , W v-7