La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, August 10, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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-, Tonight mi - " ,
Toaaonow fair. Cooler tool;- ) . (
Noiltbouml:10paantine ,
No 6 WMt 8:6 p m on tUf t
Has To Much ..' Business
of a Personal Nature
to Attend to Affairs
of the City.
Mayor .T K Fol-y yetterday evening
anoomojd that he found bis personal
business interests were such thai be
uonld uot do himself it tbe city jam
to longer by coting as obeif executive
of tbe oity and tbat he had notified the
councilman tbat at the next matting
lie would baud in bit regimation.
He notified tbem ao tbey ooold have
plenty of time to select bit successor.
The faot leaked out last evening
and today there baa baen no email
amouiit of comment, some knowing
that the Mayor was just alerting on
extensive improvements gave him
credit for Ibe truth of hia statement
others are of the opinion that he and
the oouooil do not exactly agree on
oertain policies, the . principal one
bsing that the mayor is in favor o!
raising saloon liscanes the primary
objeot bsing not only to increase the
revenue to the city but to decrease
the number of taloons. The mayor
is baoked up by not a few of our citi
zens who in the abHract are not op
posed to saloons, but are afraid tbat
since we have bad 18 to 20 saloue
for several yaars, wiioh only pay a
Iicenaeot$i03. unless the numb-r is
materially decreased a looal option
wave might wipe tbem all ont.
Howevej Mr Foley states that per
sonal business interests compel bin
tj resign and it is presumed that bis
resignation will be accepted at the
next regular meeting in September
unless a special meeting is palled for
this purpose and from now until then
for warm weatber recreation we can
alignesa wbo will be La Grand's new
Large Catch
Cods' able J H McLeohlen and
family and Don MoLaohlen returned
last evening from Prospect ranob
where they bad been outing for Ibe
put three weeks. Tbey not only, bad
A-t Stupendous Reducfions
a grand time but returned with the
largest catch of large trout that has
poeaib'y never bn exceeded to this
oily many of tbem measured 14 inches
Not a few of the fisherman of the city
bar' tbe pleasure of viewing them and
without exception tbey all stated tbvy
never saw iU equal here, The Obser
ver oan alo state they tasted jutt as
oioe a tbey looked and tbey were
Mr Collier Returns.
Mr Joho Collier has just returned
!rom New York and Chicago marke'a
where be purchased a luge fall aod
winter etook of meichandise. This is
Mr Collier's teoood trip aod be believ
es that when bis stock arrives their
patrooa will rgrea with bim tbat a
personal vitit lo the great markets
give bim a better olianoe to make se
lections and at prioss tbat ourt bi ob
tained in no other way.
' He reports the weather very warm
in the east but aside fron dulleuss in
business usual at this time of the year
wbioh may also be attributed partially
to presidential year tbe business r en
are preparing for an nnususlly heavy
fall trade in all lines. Mr Collier
spent two days at the St Louis fair and
like all others wbo have returned re
ports it immense and regrets tbat he
oould not bave remained longer.
Purchased Property.
Late last eveningdeputy sheriff Tom
Johnson purchased bait a block on
the hill of engineer Gardinier and will
immediately oommenoe constructing
a dwelling. That portion of tbe
city is becoming quite popular for res
idences. Many of the recent pur
chasers however arecounty are baying
with a convenience to the court
Waived Examination.
..Earnest Tborson, proprietor of tbe
Bl ue Front Saloon to Jefferson ave
nue was arrested th:s afternoon on a
charge of selling liquor to rcirors on
complaint of deputy marshal Wade.
Tbe oase wss set for two o'olook this
afternoon when be waived examina
tion and was bound over to appear
before tbe circuit oourtintbe turn of
Cattle Sailing.
Several airloads of fat steers and
other beeves bave been sold from Alba
and immediate vicinity within the
past few days, bringing thrae oeits
per pound, wbioh is somewhat better
Every waist at regnlar prices as adver
tised now going are you ready at prices
only a little more thttu HALF
$4 0C waists nt 2 85
3 00 " 2 2
2 75 " 1 98
2 50 " I 89
2 25 " I 09
2 00 " 1 49
f 25 " 93
1 00 " 79
85 ' - 64
All Men's
Suits At
Reduced Prices
than niott (at ot lie hve brought in
this oounty since the strikes were in
augurated. East Orrgoniap.
Old Folks Day ..;
The dato for the Old Folks excursion
wMch will take place this year at Baker
City will bo on the 1-th. Those who are
PS years nnd pan'- are entitled to tree
transportation ff tbey will send their
names to Thos. Walnh, president of the
Commercial Club. .
St Petersburg Aag'. 0-The Russians
estimates that tbe Japanese losses thus
far as a result of tba siege of PTt Ar
thur aggregate 24,000 men " ' '
Vlotor, Colorado Aug. 10 Former"
Mayor W J Donnollv. has deolded to
remove with lil family from the Crip
pi Greek district in cousequenoeof re
peated warnings. "
"1 believe uiy safety is in danger and
I fear my store and house would be
burned if I remained, s:iid . Mr Don
nelly today. ' '-'
The objection to M r Donnelly's pres.
enoe irl the district oonios from the loss
of the Western Fede'rri! Ion of Miners
with which he ' has been an - avowed
sympathizer since the deportation of
union miners was inaugurated.
Twenty one oVrlofttfs of Entrn Ore
gon stock rattle from the Powder river
country and from 1110 interjor to the
eouthward of the Powder rive parsed
through bfre yesterday on route ti) feed
inn grounds nnr the coast, where tlivy
wHI be full fed.'"" "
Buying Pears
A A Gunat during the lost few dnys
has purchased about 3(100 boxes of
pears for ahipmont from growers In
this vicinity, paying ?20 per ton for
them to be delivered when the fruit is
marketable. .
Cooked Food Sale
The ladies of the Methodist Church
will give a cooked food sale next.Satur
day at Bock and Thomas' meat market
All kinds of good things for your Sun
day dinner.
THE BtvcaLV JKia.V
New Lad iea Skirts '
We have just opnnod on riilvnnofi kIi i p
ment of tbe famous BEVERLY SKIRTS
These famous tailors of high nrt '. iiti
havo fairly outdone any of ilirir lormer
efforts in btyle, fit and workmanship. Iu
fact they are truly
Come in and see them
School Board Will Put
One in at. High School
Jack Childs Has
the Contract.
The school board, met last evening
and let a coutraolisritb J H Childs for
tbe cooslruotiop of a septic sewer for
the High Wohool building. " .:
Tbe result of this experiment will be
oarelully watohed Ay many of, our oit-
irens aud if it prove a sncoest,-and it
surely will aa it has wherever adopted'
it will become general, for It is certain
ly ah advanced step in the heretofore
troublesome and expensive sewerage
ayarem. '. '; . ,& ' ! '' ' ."
The oontraot price is- 206, tbe size
of the sewei is 16 feet long, 8 feet deep
and ft feet wide. - Now it will bs read
ilv seen that if a aewer these dimen
sions is sufBoienllf large to accomo
date our high school, one of a similar
size will accomodate any single block
in the city and the expense of so doing
would not b as muob individually as
tbe oeee pools which are now scatter
ed all cer tbe oity and to say tbe
least are disease breeders. .'
The fewer system is worthy of our
undivided attention fisT if It proves
as successful aa its ' fojaitftfls el,ewhere
clsim it is, universally adopted.
The oity of Mosoow Idaho is now
putting in tbis system lor the entire
oity. It Is not ooly obeaper but baiter
than all heretofore known manners of
diepdsingof Oity refute. " T.
Business Change
Mr. W McEarlsne, wbo some mouths
since bought au Interest in the well
known and popular grocery store of
James McCoy on Adams Avenue, baa
purchased the entire business and in
the future will conduot it himself. '
Mr, McFarlane was a comparative
stranger in La Grande, and by hia
striot attention to business, fair deal
iug and gentlemanly oonduct baa made
a host of friends who wish him every
success in the future. . ......
, . ; r wl.tvi .
A Rare Opportunity
M RoBenbanm of the Rainbow store,
has purchased the stock of goods from
the La Urande Mercantile Company at
about halt tbe original price, and will
move the goods at the Rainbow store
to the present La Grande Mercantile
Company Bland. Not having room for
both stocks, will offer tbe entire fgooda
at the Rainbow store, this week only,
regardless of oost.
As soon as we are through taking
stock at the Mercantile store, about
the 10th, will offer the entire stock at
about one half the regular price for
thirty days.
Full and complete stocks of Pry
Goods, Ladies and 'iente furnishings.
The lurgest stock and best shoes in l a
U Hudo, such aa Selz Schwab & Co.
Krfiipendorf Dittman Company, A
Brown & C'o., School Dietii. t No. 70
the best school Bboe made. AU the' a
j bnvesiioes are guaranteed by the man- (
! iifucturers. Also ?1600 worth of
watches, clocks, and all kinds of jew
j ' elry at 50 cents on tbe dollar,
j If yu wish to make your money do
double service, call and we lll show
I you-
In 1891 there was imported into the
United States Is35, 844,210 worth of
foreign goods, lo foreign vestals and
the same year the imports In American
veasi-le amounted to 1123,668,83. For-
eign ships in 11)03 carries 70.1 per oent
ol our Importi, that reached ua while
but 7.1 per rent was carried to us
American ships and 17 per cent came
n land vehicles.
Mr. and Mrs. Dune Woodell of Bum
mervillo were in the city today and
a ated tbat the hum of tbe threshing
machines was beginning to be common
Mrs. J K Pare, wuu.-baa baea , eaat
on an extended visit, bag returned
boms ' '.
Booorder Newlln report that he has
not bad a case k fore bim,' aside from
tbe regular fines during t'-e month of
August 'Few oitles can boast of as
good a record; . v . "'I v:
Tbe 'Mlssfona'ry Society of 'Central
Churoh will meet on- Friday afternoon
at tbe. borne of , Mrs John. MoAUater.
All are cordially invited . ,
J IT Vfriirh't anil fumllv am nn An.
joying ' the' cool breezes at ' Camp
wngiif on Beaver creek. ; ,t .
, Vou matt not overlook the opportun
ity of attending the, railroad boya ex
ouraion to Meauham,pn the 2l8t ,
house bpwn up ; ;
Butte Aug. 10 Tbe residence ol
Mrs Belle Powars wasa blown to pieces
early today.: The bouse was occupied
by several families and five people
were more or lss" severely injured.
Three unknown men,'.' wbo 1 were seen
to leave the .: house,' plaoed a - large
charge of giant powder m a closet and
lighted the fuse., Their motive is un
kown. Tbe police believe the dyna
mite woe meant for Colorado refugees,
scores of whom bave come" to Butte,
and tbat the dynamiters mistook the
bouse." The injured are Guy Sweet
and wife, Thomas Howie, Swan John
son and wife...., .:. ... , .
! ' For the next thirty days we will offer all Summer Gooda at Greatly Reduced
Prices.' - .
If you are iu need of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to
look over our stock before purchasing ehewhere. All wash goods on sale at one
third off. 5 . '-I:-.
All wash wash shirt waists at a reduction of 25 per cent.
" On Wrappers, Kimonas, and Dressing Saques we will save you 20 per cent.
Just what you will need for these warm days.
w If you knew that the recovery of some sick liiend depended on the
strength and purity of oertuin drugs or on the accuracy of their compound
ing, wbut poiuls would you consider when deciding, where to take the pre-
script'.ou? The essential requirements, we think, ate these, aud all of them
apply to this sture: Dings are sure to be freshest where tfade is largest.
Stock is sure to be hebt where physicians goto buy. Remedies are most
reliab.e where standardized and assayed drugs are used. Compounding
... will be most accurate where the presoriptionist has had greatest practical
experience. .
Mourns Death
Of So Many of Her
People in the Terrible
Train Wreck
PimMo, Aug 9. A deep gloom baa
stt'led down upon this city following
the railroad horroi wbioh destroyed so
m i ny lives yesterday. Many business
huiisea were olosed out of respect for
the dead and more than 40 home, are
darkened and in mourning. The
wreck victims are probably not the
buly ones to be pitied, as already cases
of total lnss'of miud as a result of the
awful shook are reported. Alloitisens
btva joined in one immense funeral
prooxsaion fioni one morgue to another
Soarcely a person in the city who do
not suffer pereonal loss, knowing
some of the viotims as friends.
All night long tbe search wa kept
np and an oocaslnoal body . located,
but In Ibe darkness tbe work was alow.
Tbat most treacherous of etraan'
Fountain river baa fallen lo near nor
mal and the work of reaeue will to
made easier, tbougb still dangeroua
from quicksand. Bodice bave bees
recovered more than 10 miles froee
tbe teene of tbe disaster.
Electric Storm
Tbe wont . electric atorra in
the history of Colorado visited
Pueblo Sunday night, when th
it rests were flooded end many
bridges washed out. '
legist: ring For Land
Devils Lake, N.'IJ., Aug. 10 Worn
3000 4000 strangers were in Devils Lake
today when the government opened
the registration booth. Twelve hun
dred persona registered today.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has lost a certain promissory
note for WOO, dated May 10. 1902. at
six months, and signed by the follow,
ing parties: H fi Pidoock, Mary Pid
oock, F 8 Bramwell and E Z Carbine.
Any person or persons finding tame
are hereby warned from attempting to
negotiate it. ' J R Kellogg. ' .
1 1 !
1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1
io their neighborhood .
T W and P W Bishop of Baker City
are io the oity on business witb th
Land OUloe.
Tjaypre.'t,).''!' ve;;i'ai,fry-,,gT!'?r?i If?- f'