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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1904)
St5. ' '. .-, V I- v. . t. r' W K:A: i A: ' j 7 August 1 ( Y v waiMBgrr1.-wa Shoe Sale and Special Inducement Offer. TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That ia why people come here for men's aud by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt line ia our spec ialty. Here is where price and quality are combined. , . This Stile will be conducted alone entirely new Hoes, Of course every shoe Dunlop E4 cepled-i-Vill be, REDUCED in price, but I have many short line which will be offered at LESS' THA"N -COST iii order to make room for our new fall stock. A novel feature of the sale- will he FREE DISTRIBUTION QF8HOE8 to my cutomers. I ill give one pair of $5 00 shoes and one pair of $3 6Q. shoes away during the month of August., Each purchaser to the aracuut of $ 1.00 will have an opportunity to receive one of thtse gifts Call at the QUALITY jH.OE STORE and learn complete details and also see the BARGAINS in Laddies', Men's and Ohildrens Shoes,, y1 A FEW PRICES i .. ' T .Ladies (3.50 shoes are now redded to 2o0 ; , ' Ladies 8.00 shoes " ''- ''H1'8! It' j" Men's (4.00 Shoes Are Now Reduced to $3 00 Men's 8.60 8hoes reduced to (2 75 and (2 50 THE QUA: LITY. T. ML Htubblefield Prop Half a- Carload of New Wall Paper. We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever thought of bringing into this county in a single season. Xhis paper Is all for sale and mast be sold this seaeon. We 1 hava brought two Brut olass paper hungers direct from Chicago, who are without doubt the mt skillful workmeD In Eastern : who, with the Uv. first class 0. . i bangers already in oar em ptor, a''8 as the best working ( " the inland Empire. Stackland & . McLaciilen PAINTS.! eiLis and'glais, DIAMOND We have a Indie's DIAMOND RING 'which has been left unredeemed. It ia a gold ring with a dia mond setting and it will bo sold to the ti ret one to take advantage of this bargain. H will bear in spection. Money loaned on coilutor.uls. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Remember wt still buy and sell ill) kinds of Second Hand Goodsj J J J 'Phone 1581 LOCAL ITEMS OF RRIfi INTEREST Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items V'. of Local Interest. Is) Many people who are neglecting symptoms - of k i d n e y trouble, hoping "k will wear away," are drifting towardS'Bright's Disease, Which is kidney trouble in one oi Its worst torras, mm cure' stops irregularities,' strengthens J.TURKESTAN ALFALFA i The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa. fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bu!K Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House intJnion County. A.. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 It you have any signs of Kidney Of Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis order In a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out." Yon can easily determloo If yonr k(d eys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination If b cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and l-OL&Y'S KlONfcl kUKS should be taken at once. We have u lew Manila Choi'.e ior draw lu.ts left. Ytu 5' EOSS & ANDREWS TAILORS AND GENT FURNISHINGS, Assessor 4 U Morton is of er from Oniou today,' ; Mrs Rosenthal aid daughter, ot Spo kane arrived last night to Visit s few days with ber sister Mrs A. I. Morris. L M Parker arrived this morning from Newbura- Oregon and Is a (nest of Mr and Mrs AT Hill. f Misa Minnie Abbott who has been visiting ber sister thejast twoTuontbs, Mrs Geo. L Biggers, returned to her home ia Hiitsboro Oregon, yesterday. ,' General superintendent J P O'Brien, superintendent J M Buckley and J B of the OKA N Co passed through this ,he """ary organs and builds up morning enrout to Weatherby. , the wora-out tissues of the kid- n.,t. .ww t tk, 1. 1. 1... ' "'J" they wl" perform their Depnty sheriff Tom Johuson is in th. ulJct,ons 'eriy, Wealthy kid- ettrtadsv with viswof curlg . out the impurities location. H. will .Hherbny o, nuild frJm ft b,ood aJ it P not baring deflmUly mad. np his thr0Ugh them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste J W Titos, father of Mrs JB Page matter is carried by the circulation arrived yesterday from Lory City, to every part of the body, causing Mo., and will remain for several months dizziness, backache, stomach We acknowledge a very pleasant oall trouble, sluggish liver, irregular irom me gentleman, aooompsniea oy Heart action, etc Mr rage. It is simply justice to Mr Ad Gllhsm who has filled tlie position ot assistant postmaster for the last four years un der postmaster Ardry, to state that Mr Kltbey tendered bim the same po sition, but he declined the position. Cougrai'smao J N Williamson passed through on this mornings' train eorotite to Ontario and expects to stop off here upon his return, Hh stated that the delegation met yesterday in Portland and triod to deidde upon District attor uiy Hall's successor but they were un able to igree. Hou. Geo. Webb, Mr. and Mr. J H Stevens, Gene MoDonald and Mrs Kata Fraeler of Pendleton, left this morning for a two weeks outing on eeuver sreek. Mr and Mrs. Jacob Newman left this morning to visit the St. Louis (air. Waller blooh, who for the past six teen months has been in the employ of J K Gill Company, wholesale stat ioners ot Portland, is in the city visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M Blocb. Miss Bernyoe Ellsworth, one of the Observer compositors, left Sunday morning fur a two weeks visit with fortland friends "Hottest night in thirty years" is the wsy Walla Wallans put In when tbey arcsu Saturday morning, for the thermometer hadn't fallen below 80 degrees all night; and up at Pendleton it was 10D Friday and never left the 80s during the night, ranging olose to 88 lor lovrral hours. I he eleitilc light company hss re ceived a large and varied arsortmeut of llxturei, the flnet ever rarried In the city. If interested it will pay you to look their II oe over. J C Henry sod family will occupy, when completed, the new residence of Mrs. T N Murphy on Main street. Next Sunday Elgin will play the La Grande ball team in Ibis city when our boys i)l strive to regain honors lost at Elgin last Sunday. A six lal dance will be given by Thomas' or' bestra of five plates at the Armoiy I all rriday evening. Admis sion f0 cents. Ladles free. County Cleik J B Gilbam oame over lust evening from Union ai d returned th e inon.liig. Editor K B t'urrey and lamlly and George C arpey and family left this morning for an outing on Catharine creek. . Mrs. Kebeoca Biephtnson left Bon day (or Portland to obtain medical treatment for ber eyes. FOK SALE Beoond hand furniture Is tor sale at Salvation Army head quarters, can tnis wees VC, PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET . : . ' o.-A rT CP KUiyiiUjO.siAi'i-c.'i .( "GroBeries-- A full and competej line Jf slaple and .faucy gro ceries. Fancy canned " and : lunoh , goods; Tlcware, graniieware and wooden ware. ... : Fruits and vegetables in season. always frtsh. Good service' and quick delivery Bakery Phone 431 prndnrts .' I c j.;.V y, ':; . : t' tv . dainty tables Ourj stom-: foods ! Q. B. Barhans Testifies Alter Four Years. . K Strasss sfosriux Cuter. N. V. mltcn "About tour reant kio I wrot you ttatlnuths t had been eotlrelr oured of a neve.e kldocy lnubte by taking ieaa than two oottlcaof Foley's Kldaer Cura. H eotlrelr stomed tbs brlck- euafc sediment and pain and syniplomaofkldner Sltease dliappeared. I am glad to thai 1 nave never bad a return or any of those aymp. eot- folks say who sit daily at our to refresh the iuner man. restaurant will give your ach a rest, because the are carefully eelected and cooked under orders of a chef of wide j reputation Our bill of fare it varied daily and alwavs con-l tains some choice titbits. Livu not toeal but eat to live nn'1 daily dine with Us It will le a picn,ift to yonr interior de-partmpnt. MODEL. RESTAl'RANT J. A. AH BUCK I.E. Prnp. OPKN HAY AND NliiHT We eell weekly Meal . n Ticket. ' $4 50 4 . How Can I Cure My " . : INDIGESTION?; this is a Question that has been ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, ihoustndsand tens of thousands of people There is but one way to'do' thisf namely, relieve the Stomach of it's uerynus . 8train-rest it; and , at the same time Asasi the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in , Digesting ' and " Assimulating hutliciont rood to tfebuuu ine Tissues. support ing the Organs Invoiced. ..'There is but, one remedy that will Ho this, and that remedy is ,'KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. . If you want to know more about Kodol, come iu and , '. WE WILL TELL YOU A. ,T. HILL, Prescription druggist La Grande, Ore If SUMMERVILLE LIVERY - V. I. Hnnler Rp'ji ' liHve LphpcH the McKinzie .-8'iib'es and are prepnred to serve the publio in a first class - manner at reasonable rates 'f ! Gel The Habit ' f : $ y Of trading at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you 'X cannot break yourself of it. Our goods ni-e always , the best, our prices are the lowest and our stuck is ? ' X complete. it ' : ' ! RpiHi having the largest stock of "Preferred", 0 l" -'3Vv3 canned goods, Allen & Lewis special1 ! 1 u......l n al1: i j . i. " ; . uiauu uu uii iueir ivHuing iinea. .we nave just re-' ceived u new and complete line of Men's and Women's und Shoes which we invite you to inspect. Y lomtdurinff the four yean that have clnpscd. vnd I km evidently ourotl to may cured, and heartily reoomaiend Foley 'b Kidney Cure to am auflarlDC trom kidney or bladder trouble. n Two Size a, 6O0 and 100. MD 110 BEC0MME10ED BY A T HILL. DrusKlsr MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's notlitiitr like doinir a tliinir thnrmtfflllv Ot all tlm Hnlvin vnn ni'nr beard ol, Bnok'en's Arnha Salvo in ths best. Jtsweens awav ami fiiros HnrnB.. Sores, Bruises, Cuts, lloilf. Ulwrs, Skin Eruptions ami Files It's only '.'5c and guaranteed to give a .t i-fm-ti. n by ui uranue iruir tu.. Hiui iew ill L Co., Druggist. A FORETASTE OF HEAVEN! A toui h of an Angel's Wing Sorbello Sandwich C.1. RALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sts. REFRIGERATORS We are sole agents for the ICE KING, galvanized J aud porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch, Last a life time, always sweet and clean. I Noted As An lee Saver . : ; or corrode. Ornamental as well as useful All sizes and prices LOY MAKES 'EM E. ANDROSS JSsVLuti Undertakers and Embalmers j .house furnishings i 1202 Adams va UIRL WANTED Light boats ksep. 44,44Kf 4k.4H"M-4"H' rtHHI'tUHIHIHIt SIIIW ODDS, ENDS AAD BMEiN STOlK SALE Two Weeks y Two Weeks This if house clemuni' time with us and evr-ry ODD and END, RKMNANT and BROKEN LOT of goods store will o fun on tmrgaiii mnies aua a price put on men tuttt will hi II them Oar ecst counts for Si.le Thw ODI;S, ENDS and REMNANTS must go " " We Will Clean House For Two Weeks in this nothing in U,j9 The Golden Rule Company Largest Store Smallest Prices : MB : mm. If 1 If ill It k i i.: 1" if- V food sraaea apply to Mrs u W Wlb- ier rerrj, Oragoo. psnlelpurotiasaprios, ing j