La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, August 09, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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., w. I.
X . Tonight .3 '., y
' ' ' f .l-il. '..! :.i.i. i,
No a Eut boaod 9:U p n odMom A
No 6 Watt ' iilpmon ubw
- -g '.-
U4 V i Till H n-lsll II U V fl-40M X
Secretary Hay Objects
American Fuel And
Cotton Being Used as
Contraband .' . v
V-'ashington, Aug. 9 -"The reoognl
, tlou in principle of the treatment of
ooal and other fuel and raw cotton an
absolutely contraband of war might
' ultimately lead to a total inhibition of
theaale by neulrala 10 the people of
belligerent stales ot all artlcl, s wblcb
oould be flually converted to military
uses. Such an extention nf the prin
ciple by treating coal and other fuel
and raw cotton as absolutely contra
band of war simply bemuse they ire
shipped by a neutral to a non-bloc k
adtd port of a belligerent would not
appear to be In accord with the reason
able and lawful rights cf a neutral
This is a summary ot a declaration
by Secretary Hay on the rijtht of neu
tral nations during war. Ii waa em
bodied in a circular to the American
ambassadors in Europe, which waa is
sued from the state department June
10 last, but for some reason was with
held from the public, althouglioertain
shippers who inquired at the depart
ment after their rights were su pplied
with copies. '1'be circular is ba ed on
a declaration by the Russian govern
ment that coat, naphtha, alcohol and
other fuel have been declared contra
Secretary Hay dircots attention to
the West African conference in 1891,
when Russia ."took occasion to dissent
vigorously from the inclnsion of coal
amongst articles contraband; of war,
and declared that she would categori
cally refuse her consent to any artiole
in any treaty or instinment whatever
which would imply ita recognition as
- ,
Foley House Enlarged
' : J E Foley let the rontraot for a six-
1 , tn foot addition to the Foley House on
the east, three stories high. Also ex
tending the addition another story that
, :, was built three yeais ago, making the
entire structure uniform. In addition
to three business rooms on the lower
( . r floor the improvements will provide
for 60 more rooms to the hotel. The
A.t Stupendous Reductions
oost Including the furnishing of the
rooms will be in escesa of 820,003. S
Plays Poker
The Portland Journal, a Democratic
news paper, publishes an article clipp
ed Iron the New York Herald, another
democratic paper, stating that H G
Davis, Democratic nominee for the vice
presidency plays poker, at bis borne
every night exoept Sunday, with bis
family and iinests.
Portland Wheat
Portland Ang. 9 Wheat Sbipi ing
Walla Walla, 71 at 73; bluestem, 75 at
76; valley 76.
New York Aug. 9 The Building
Trade alliauor, at a meeting this after
noon adopted resolutions providing,
for the repudiation of the general arbi
tration plan eiened about one year ago
by repientaties of tbe Building
Trades Employers' association and
members of the Buildit g Trades al
liance.. ' .,"
In iffect tbe resolution caili for tbe
complete denial on the part of tbe uu
iona of any arbitration plan or any
plan binding tbtm to the employers
It was stated at tbe conclusion of the
meeting that all tbe men on all of the
big job) In the city would sir ke to
morrow. The number of me a affected by the
lookout is variously estimated at from
5C.0O0 to 100,000. About halfnfth'te
are skilled workmen.
Washington Aug. 9 The depsrt-
menl of st te has initiated measures
whereby it is hoped to furthei improve
our (ureign trade by means of cooper
ation between (he diplomatic and con
sular services. -
Tbe action of tbe department is
tentative as yet and takes the form
of an instruction from acting Secre
tary Loomie to tbe diplomatic officials
oaliing fur reports as to tbe Isaeibil-
ity of tbe plan. Tbe instructions
"I have tbe honor to request that
you will came to b) prepared at your
eailieet convenience, for the informa
tion of this department, a memoran
dum upon the capabilities of tbe dip
lomatio service for tbe promotion of
our trade interests in tbe country or
Every waist at regalar prices as adver
tised now going are you ready at prices
only a little more thnu HALF
$4 OC wuistsat $2 B5
3 00 2 28
2 75 " 1 98
2 60 " 1 89
2 25 " 1 09
2 00 " 1 49
I 25 " 93
1 00 " 79
85 " 64
All Men's
Suits At
Reduced Prices
Jim Jutj
couu rios to which youaie accredited.
The 'department; Is prompted in mak
ini this inquiry by two considera
tions. :t''Firt Thatnar embassies and le
gations, as shnwu by the frequent el
forts to assist tbe spread of our trade
intelligence among our peocla, would
seem to need only a definite plan of
actum and proper instruments to oe
oome powerful auxiliaries in the
great and oonstanily growing work ol
equiping our manufacturers and ex
porters for effective eonipetitir.n in in
world commerce. -
."" ' ' ' "
Wv Information Seeking, v
Second 1 be limitation upon tb
consular service in ita lack ol diplo
matio'atatu', in obtaining official in
formation at firt hands. Such inhu
mation can be secured by a consul of
fleer osly through the onoperatiou
of our diplomatic agnir.e or by court
esy of an official of the oouutry in
which be is located. ,
"It will be apparent to you that il
tbe United States is to gain- and'hold
its ptoper plao suiung the Industrial
ly competing uatiuna in tbe world's
market", nothing1" should le left to
chance but that the machintry for
collecting information as-io business
couditioniu other countries should be
make as efficient and as safe ly system
alio as, the means will allow . It is lis
lievtd that if the diplomatic service
could bs brought int cooperation
with it, the United Sutis would phs
sees an instrument of trade expausirn
whioh it would bsdilllcult to rival."
Finger Amputated.
About one month ago 'Mrs. F, M
Housh ran a sinilj sliver into the
index Bog' r of hdr It ft hand. ' She
oaid no speoial attention at tbe time
until Beveral duja h t;r it, b -gun -to
pain ber u nil tinally she was com
pelled to call in a physician w bo gavel
releif and it was thought thefingir
wonld get well, hut later blood-poison-ing
set in and became necessary to re
move it yesterday ' afternoon. Mrs.
Houtb is resting easy today.
Pay Up.
The barbers through the state are
being notified that they niUHt pay the'r
dues to tbe state birber board. Dur
ing tho time the courts were settling
the oanstitutionnlity nf the. law pay
ments were not forced, hut now that
the que-tion has been settled t bey
must pay up.
Raad tbls paper and The. Weekly ,
the eevcaLV jKla.-r.t
'New Ladies Skirts
We have jutt opened an advnnre nliip
ment of the faruoua BEVEKI.Y SKIIiT.S
These famous tailors of liiuli art skirts
have fairly outdone any of ilicir t'.rtrirr
efforls in style, fit aiid worktintnsliip. ' lu
fncttey are truly
Come in and see them
Not a Large Attend
ance But Much inter
est was Manifested,, iri
The meeting of the botticnlturlsts
last night at tbe Commercial Club was
uot well attended owing to the limited
uotioe of only a tew boura.' :"
However those who were present were
amply repaid by the remark of Prol. 8
B Green, ol ibe Minnetota agriculioral
oollege.' H ; prefaoed ', bis talk bj
stating tbat he was simply visit ujk this
section of the state during hi vacation
fur his on personal benefit and- 'was
highly pleased with the remits of bis
observations through the many, or
chards which he bad 'visaed; Monday
and waa free to say that the oulture
of the apple and peat in this seolion
had reached a rare degree' of develop-;
ment. . . . ... . . '
lie urged the neoeeslty of tbe organ
ization ot the 'fruit growers, the re
sults of wbicb wonld assist them In the
bettor exchange of ideas and aiBO en
able them to aeoure more ' stringent
laws egalnst the importation of dla
eased nursery stock and the enforce
ment ol tbe present laws. ' t . t ;
He alto laid partlcnlar atress npon
the idea of Inculcating into - the boys
and girls, the beauties and possibilities
ol agiiculture He admitted tbat waa
his hobby and during his sixteen years
service as professor of the agricultural
brani-b ot bis cojjege v. blob, last year
enrolled over JoO students in this de
partment and tbe results ol thlt line of
elforl ot bis state be realised the re-
Bultof suoh teaching.' ' :'
He told a story, as he called 4t, oi
the result of the interest taken In
d drying and other agricultural pur
suits in hia state which took place' a
tew months ago which certainly
carried out the logloal results of bis
hobby as be termed it. The meeting
rqferod to was in McLeod county, over
2000 interested agriculturalists being
present. The city waa decorated, lu
yellow bunting, emblematic- ot cboioe
butter. The governor of the state was
present, also other state officials. The
procession was beaded with a Jersey
cow on which was a silk baLner con
taining the inscription "I raised the
price of land In MeLeod county from
15to (lOOperacre.V The facts as re
lated by Mr. Green are that during the
period ot wheat growing in that county
that ihe chinch bug bed destroyed the
wheat crop tor a term ol succeisive
years, that the farmers became so dis
counted that the prioe of land fell to
$19 but under diversified farmsng dur
ing the past fifteen years the price had
reached ttOO and better per acre. , The
creamery was (the - major factor in
bringing this result. - .
M&tjfieota is a great dairy state, there
being no less than 700 creameries and
the majority of whichareoo-operatlve.
The point which Mr. Ureen wished
to draw out and we call special atten
tion to it for tbe same reason was the
inteiest those Minnesota farmers look
in what we are accustomed to rail
Farmer's Institutes. Think ot It, the'l
city was decorated for the occasion.
Thero were 2U00 farmers and their
wives present. The governor cf tbe
state also. This all shows that tbe
larmers are olive to their interests, 'not
only now but have been for a number
of years. Such conditions are only
produced by years of continually
sttiv us to better their condition and
working along comm-.n lines of
- ;:
Review Suspends
'Ihe Lostine Review published at
Lcstit.e, by James Dorris, Jr., has
suspi niled publication and Mr, T)orrls
will take up other work ot a less stren
uous nature. The Review was a good
county paper, bat It did not meet
wiii tho support ot tbe entire business
Interests of the town and community,
and the misiinderttandlngs finally
terminated in (icrsonsl difficulties and
, litluation. Mr. Dorris baS0! aotion
l-tiiiiiug hi me cuuuit court
' damages, against It C Maya
sonal fmuriea snatained from
sault an 1 battery. Wallowa DemSfJrH
Wheat Passes $ Mak..t
Chictg ), Aug 8 This wat a moil
i oat onil day in wh at.
During the day Beptember options
sdVsnoed 4 cents, New. Srp'.ember
wheat opened very Arm, witb prioes
I showing a rapge from 97f to 97) cents
Tbe marketVegaD to ascend at ' once,
and after several advances went down
to tbe opening mark. ..Then it recover
ed and the elnee was strong at 11.01.
, Old September wheeii had a Arm
opening at 90 99J oents and as Id
tbe new option the rise bsgan shortly
after tbe opening., 'The market sorn
touohed the top at $.U2, During the
day tbs prine reacted back to 98J ots.
...The closing figure, whiou was, 'very
strong, wss at I1.02J, an advance from
the low point of the day ol 3 oents.
8in'oe the dosing of Saturday,- tb-i
tt'Kilret has advsniWd !) ants.
! 200 Cars, of Apples
4in Mr flnnat ' nsnnrintni. nf thnn.nlinn
1 1 6
and stotaga bpuseof tbiscity estimates . . ' " . T "V
.u.. .T.. -i i. . pired of. Friends came to bis I
thai, the -commercial pack of thelr .. , .... ., ,
apple crop of tbe . valley this year
Will reVoh between 150 and 200 oars.
Last year tue'output was- abrat 123
oars, of this number 86 were shipped
from La Grande. JTuequalitv aa well
as tbe quantity will exoeed last years
He was Innocent
Ayounglady slew days ''ago waa
taking in the sights at a lije in a
neighboiing town .and lm doing to
kept getting iq ihe way of tl e bosz'e
men, when one of them told her if
,,J- S.-.fii; :
..I u -?!'
, For the nexlf thirty days we will offer all Summer Goods st Greatly Reduced
; Prioes, ..,:' " ; " ' 1 .. . ..- v-
.y f If you are in need of anything for Summer Wear it will be to your advantage to "
. look over our stock before purchasing eUewhere. All wash goods on sale at one
-,: third off.,,,, - '-..'-. . - .. ,
- All wash wash shirt waists at a reduction of 25 per cent. ' , .,
. ,-On Wrappera, Kimouas, and Dressing Saqnes w will save you 20 ner cent.
T a 1. ... j r. i, . ' .
ouoi wuut yuu win uueu
I -The Chicago Store
tl .! ,-i - ft '...--' . ' yfiC, .; " '"'.-.' . -i-1 '"' . - H
li : . . :i . . . . - '.'' "-';V"'.i'C';.:-.' ' ' ';' ':'': i-i '
, '- ' : !-. . . ...i.." ' ' '' "''.!.'" - i . i a... nn m ,t , I I I 1 1 1 1 1
in r "" u-- t . -
P .I I . - . 1 . ' '... r I V
bk l. 1. - a . . . 1 '- 1 v- , . - I
If you knew that the recovery of some siok fiiend depended on the
strength and purity of certain drugs or on the accuracy of their cotupouud-,
ing, wliut points would you consider when deciding where to take the pre
script'ion? The essential requirements, we think, aie these, and all of them
apply to this store: Diugs are Bure to be freshest where ti'ade is largest.
Stock is sure to be best where physicians go to buy. Remedies aro most
, reliab e where standardized and assayed drugs are used. Compounding
( ( will be most accurate where tho presoriptionist has had greatest practical
r. '.t
. 'ice ti
she did not keep baok Ibe would tars
the boss on her bbe blushingly re
plied. Say Mister if )ou will let one
I will turn them myself when J gel
bome. I waa to badl) Molted when
I heard the fire aUiaa tbat I didn't
uotioe wbicb way I"aa putting tbtm
on." - '
. Red Mountain, Waal), Ang. 9.
After suffering extrsms agony under
going operationi for the grafting ol
more than 800 pieces of tkin on dif
feienl parti of bis body, 8 H Twetdell
is now on tbe road torecoisry.
Last February was severely burned
in a lime bin through anaooident and
mani ka hi. 11U hmm k.n
w th nortloos ot llieir outlole and
ihs attending surgeon now pronounoe
him on tnl danger, ,
- Lawn Social.
The ladies of tbs Catholic ebttren
wli give a lawnsooia! al the bom's ol
Mr and Mrs F L Bayers Friday evening.
Everybidy cordially , invitedf, Ioe
oreiim and oake will be served. ' .
HJRNISHED RUOofS-Plratani lo
oation, known as Whitney House
near post office. . Mrs. E Belmlok
Aug 22 -
... - v,
tor moso warm days. -
Special Meeting.
Then will bja special meeting of
the Oommeroial Omb tomorrow even- -ing.
All members are trquested to ho
present. Thomas Waltb President.
Business Change.
Tbe La Grande Mercantile Co. bave
told their stbok of dry goods to II. Ko
senbaum. They will eommenos in
voloing in few days. j
Ontario, Augnst 8. Bob Bess and
Fd Chester, two boraethievea, onde
M0O0 bonds each to appear befoM tlx
olrcuit court, made their , escape this
morning from the Vale jail la a. daring
manner.- Deputy Sheriff Thomas went
into the cell joom to obtain a basket
In whioh to osrry breakfast to the
firisoners and was overpowered, secure- .
y tied with totrelaand Hess and Chea
ter walked out. The former secured
tbe horse of the denuty sheriff and tbs
latter an animal belonging to the town
marshal and both struck out for tbs
hills. . ,....., 1;.
A large posse is now in pursuit, and
it Is expected it th fugitives r over
taken a de-iperate b tile will take plaoev
for bo h rliss and Chester sn baaartl '
armed and will fisht for their' liberty.
on account of the atate 'having cou-
elusive ease agoluBt them. . --
r-, , 4.