La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, August 06, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    wtjaawsesmisaaa ""
Oa i U ja.l upou the farm, .way
limn lha hunlo and bustle of tb. city.
Voti'll Unci farm life more enjoyable
and In aexuiling- Tbla will mraa iDJ
pioveiueut Id yourtiealth
Our Offerings
id reM e.'ut. include many farm lands
mill bouses nod aie well worth favor
able consideration. The prices are
verv attractive aDd with a compara
tively a nail amount you'll be able to a nice farm borne. Write us
lor lull particulars.
aCa Srande Snvesiment Company,
1110 Adama Avenue, La Grande, Oregon
Uao. Pauses. ............ .President
J. H. BrniBT Via President
J. M.Cbuboh,. Cashier
J. M. Berry, J. M, Ohuroh
A. B. Conley, Geo. L. Clea
ver, Geo. Palmer
F. L. Hetsm and Geo h Cleaver . Asst. Cashiers
:0:lrv 2 3655, ! . ;'
La Grande National B nk
La Grande, Oregon , . , . .
Transact, a general banking business. Buys and sells exchange en
. all parte of the world. Collections a specialty.
Mall Matter.
Published daily except Sunday
One year in advance. .. ... $6 50
Six modus in advance. . . .3 60
Per montb ...,65c
Single copy .6c
La Grande Evening Observer the par r VtanrH H frmilsly
CVRBET BROS., Editor. Prop. tbat lJB m0,,e-V I'"8''0" f
mmmm,,mm for the p.'egn in eU-yaii'-b l
BnteiWl at tb. Port Offle. at Uivie" " tbe"B f'1"! fc. '
Urauda. Oranon. as fieoond Class not lb Dart of Wl?d ill) I"
abandon our vigilance in tufe
guardiug the iuu-grity : unrj
money system We mint Iihvhi
not only a Pr-aMent who U 111 -alter
ibly committed to the g 1.1
standard, but both houses of
Congress in entire accord with
bun upou the subject.
"The wisdom of our protective
policy finds complete just fica
tion in Ihe iudustrinl develop
ment of the country. This polio)
bus become a most vital part of
our industrial system, and tuurt
be inuiutaiiied unimpaired
When altered conditions, maku
changes in schedules desirable
their modification cun be safely
entrusted to the republics.!
party. U they ate to be changprt,
by thi enemies of the system
along free 'trade lines, uncer
tainty would take the place of
certainty, mid a reaction would
surely follow to the injury of the
wage-earners and all who are
now profitably employed. Un
certainty, undermines confi
dence, and loss of .confidence
breeds eoufusion and distress in
commercial affairs.
Meat Market
Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors.
Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry.
Coal For Hot Weather
Our Rock Spring coal will give satisfaction
We always baye it on band. Castle Gate and Clear
Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. We al
- ways have coal, all kinds and at lowest puces. If
you want wood we can furnish you the kind that burns
longest and best.
Phone INo 1611
We will call for it and bring it
home whenpromisedj
We guarantee satisfaction and oulv ttuk for a
trial ordor'to demonstrate to you that we un
derstand tho laundry business. You oun stop
our wagon at any time or phone tho Laundry
and your work will be called for tit once. We
make a specialty of fuuiily' washing, and can
do your washing better aud cheaper than
you. A trial order solicited.
Union Steam Laundry
PHONE 1081.
The Grftoilo Hondo VftHey Fruit
Farm contain 320 itcres and ia to hi
Bold in lots of five notes and up to suit
the purohnBt-r. U U situatfd right
rrilflB porthciiBt of La Untmlr. OrcKon ,
uetr the Elgin hram h o( the O. H. A
N. Railroad.
We furnish the purebittMr at the rml
of three yearn a thri'tly growuix appi-
! iu tiri' itmly pnymeiitf, bear inn in
; i ri'r-i tit iht rm of nx per o.nt per
:i tl till II
Tin purohwHcr Ctn remaiti where le
in nmkc no itnnifilinto ohnnge in bin
husnn'cH ir homo interests oinkiug hid
pre rut bnneis pay for his invtAtrnent
-lionlTi'ir.j; no Untf whilo the orchard
in hcinu hnniht into hearing condi
tion and rvnt Hurcd thatikilled bor
t onlturttli-tH will do the woik better
thiin lie can tin I im br h bad borti1
For Kodak and Kodak Supplies
. A rouiplrle slwk nf professional paptr.
answered promptly.
Plates at wholesale prices Mail orders
La Grande Druu Co. and Red Cross Drug Go
At 8enator Oharle. W. Fair
bank's borne in Indianapolis,
Indiaua, in the presence of
5,000 persons, former. Secretary
of War, Root, in a brief address
gave formal rot ice to Senator
Fairbanks of bis nomination by
the Republican National Con
vention for the Vice-Presidency.
Iu bis acceptance be said:
"Mr. Root and Gentleman of
the Committee: I thank you
for the very generous term in
which you have conveyed the
official notiQo.tion of my nomi
nation' for Vice President of the
United States. Tbe unsolicited
and unanimous nomination by
the republican party is a call to
duty wbiuh I am pleased to
" I accept tbe commission
which you bring with a prn-j
fouud sense of the dignity aud
responsibilities of tbe exalted
position for which I have been
uominated. My utmost endeavor
will be to discharge In full
measure the trust, if the action
of the convention shall meet
tbe approval of tbe American
"The platform adopted by tbe
convention is an explicit and
emphatic declaration of the
principles iu entire harmony
with those policies of our party
which bave brought great honor
aud prosperity to our common
country, and which if continued
will bring us like blessings in
the future.
"The monetary and economic
policies which bave been so
forcibly reannounced lie at the
very foundation of our industrial
life, and are essential to tbe
fullest development of our
national strength. They give
vitality to our manufactures and
commerce, and if impaired or
overthrown, there would inevit
ably ensue a period of industrial
depression', to tbe serious injury
of the vast interests of both
labor and capital.
"Tbe enemies of sound money
were powerful enough to sup
press mention of the gold stand
ard in the platform lately
adopted by the national demo
cratic convention The leader
of democracy in two great
national campaigns has declared
since lue adjournment of tbe
convention that as soon as the
election is over, he will under
take to organize the forces with-
u the democratic party for the
next national oontest, for the
purpose of advanoiug the radical
policies for which his elemeutof
Chain wood by '.the
128 cubic feet to the cord. Ui-iiu-h dry chain
wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than I y the load.
You pay for what you get ai.d get what you pay for.
Phone 571
Parker Resigns j Classified Ads
Albauy, August C Ju.Ige I'arkrr'd
reifg lation as chief jrBtice of th
court of appeals was Qleil with tba
secretary of state this afternoon.
First Class dressmaking nt reasonable
prices. Inquire for Mis Mury Coon,
lale of Seattle, at Mrs Shearers rooms.
FCRN18HKD ROOMS Parties desire
ini nicely furnUhed rooniB apply to
G 1) Siuimous corner 8 aud 51 streets
l'lciily of cool pasture $1 per head
per month, Phone 1270.
If you ar latiqoid, depressed and
iucapable for work, st Indicates that
your liAer ia out of- order. Herbiue
,ni .!.. . i "in assist nature to lurow on Dean-
-me couvenuou was wise not aches, rheumatism aud ailments akin
Only iu iti enunciation of party I to nervousness and restore the onersie
. , . . . I and vitality of sound and perfect hoalth
pohcie", but in Its nomination ,J J Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writes,
of a oandid ite for the Presi
dency. , Duriug the last, three
years President Roosevelt bus
been confr nted with Urge end
serious questions. The e he
has met and solved with hieh
wiedom and courage. The
charges nude against him in
the democratic plal form find an
irrefutable answer iu his splen
did administration, never sur
passed in,all tbe history of the
republic, and never equalled by
the party who seeks to discredit
' The election of the President
is imperatively domanded by
those whose success depends
upou the continuance of a safe,
conservative and efficient ad
ministration of public f flairs.
"Wn have an ample record of
deeds done, of beneficent things
accomplished in the public in
terest. The vast business of the
government has been well ad
ministered. The luws have
been enforced feurleasly and
impartially. Tbe treasury has
been adequately supplied with
revenue, and the financial credit
of our government was never
better. Our foreign trade bal
ance continues to increase our
national wealth. We have
adopted au irrigation policy
which will build homes iu the
arid regions of the West. The
Panama canal, the hope of cen
turies, is in course of construc
tion under the sole protection of
the American flag."
March 23 19o2: "I have used Herbino
for the past two years, Ithasj done
me more good than all the doctors.
Wheu I feel bad and have that tiled
feelinK I take a dose of Herbiuo. It
is tbe best medicine ever made for
chills and fever." 50cts a bottle.
Sold by Newlln Drug Co.
Change of
The undersigned has piiicliu-e.
the businBo known us the Harris
Cash Meat Murki t and will he rP
after conduct tiio sa'n
We wish to i"lcirin in. ..-il:,-that
we are pri'ir'H in lnn.irli
ail kinds of meai. g.mii
poultry nt the very lowest price
cnnsisiunt with lii -t-ela? ai li'-ii a
We have our mvn delivery
and make two trips daily to the
Old Town. Highest market
price paid for all cattle, lings and
sheep. We solicit a share nf
"your patronaav ninT' guarantee
the very best satisfaction.
Phone orders receive prompt
and careful attention.
Harris meal market across the
track. Phone 1601.
FOR SALE One tine milch cow very
Ki tie
F & Netveoiu
301) U Street Nurlh oar Shop.
All Kinds of Work
Wesley Davis does all kinds of scav
enger work, Hiieli as cleaning wells, cess
polls, etc. t-vive him a call. 4 24 tf
New Lumber Yard.
I aui now prepared lill orders
all kinds of lumber, lljuuneed lum
ber see prices belore ordering.
K itusenbaniu
I'n.p. Kaiuliow Htore,
Pianc Instruction.
Firs class instruction on the piano.
Harriet E 1'ounc,
Phone 1!):H July 27.
Wood Saw
Urdnrs for sawing promptly executed
I'hone 18tii. rcshleucu on Osborn St.
Terms rwiconuble. (i W Allen.
Successful Ascension
San Francisco, August 0. "Profess
or" T 8 llaldwin made a euccfsfnl as-
oon.ion with bis airship at Mora Park,
Dear Oakland, today. The airship
went up 50O feet, performed some evo
lutions, and allgb ed successfully.
Baldwin will take it to St. Louis to
contest for the $100,000 prize
(July 30)
New Vork Silver 58 5 SUnion Pacific
95 5-8,193 1-2
Chicago Sept wheat opened 89 3 8
a 80 5-8 and closed at 90 1-4 Barley
42 a 50, flax 1.17 1-2, northwestern 81.24
8.1 n Francisco Cash wheat SI. 37
Portland -Wheat Walla Walla 67;
Bluestem 72; Valley 78.
Cattle BeBt steers 83 u $3,25; me
dium (3, cows $2 a $2.'ir.
best cough medicine for
When you buy a cough medicine for
small children von want one in which
yon can place implicit contidence. You
want one that not only relieves but
cures. Yon want one that ia unques
tionably harmless. You want one that
is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy meets all of these con
ditions. There is nothing so good for
he coughs and oolds Incident to child.
ooil For sale by All Druggists.
Sweet Cream
Comuiuncing Thursday June lulhjthe
(irandu Kmnle Crimmery Co will he
prepared to furnuh swwet crcuui iu
quiuiit y lo suit, whole sale and relail
Kemeuilier ihe place Huniiugions new
building next duor to lire building.
Housekeeping moms for rent at Mrs.
Shearer's opposite th Star Grocery,
WANTED Girl fcr general house
work. Inquire ut ibis otlloe.
Fred VaiUhyjstjugJn jigker City
this week.
FOR KEN T A large roomy barn. In
quire of Mis. Zuber.'
FOR SALE A complete Ihreshin
out Ui inquire of Ju.l Draper at th
Andio.-s Ranch.
Hi HE SALE Good work teams.
Have one lighttoam. For lull par
ticulars, terms ut.d prices address
E E Vehers R F D No 1 La Grunde
Oregon. Jl.
Machinery For Sale
One 20 H e fire box boiler, J I case
One 10 inch engine same make
One rosawiug machine
One rip sawing; machine
One wooden fiame teuoner
One 6 in h sidod moulder
"11 iu good shape. Taken out to in
stall larger plant
Stoddard Lumber oo. La Qraudo
For Sale
One and one fourth acrea near Court
House with 8 room house will tell both
lanu and bouse or either.
J F Baker.
FOR SALE AND KENT' On account of
ili health we will lease our forty five
room looming house, bich is doing
a good tlrst rlasabusiuess toresponsi.
hie pintles lor a torm of years. Will
sell tho furniture at reasonable
prices For particulars call on
address W. H. Ferguson, La Grande,
uregon J18tf
orohardfOae that baa been cared !r cultural experience- under couditions
from setting, in the most approved
manner, cultivating the laud ix to
eight timee a year, keeping tlirgr t:e;l
well pulvetised, and at all tinns fne
from wesds, grass and oi lit r vcg tation
between May 1st aud August Iftlli il
eaob year; keeping tbe trees pruned iu
the moat scientific manner : removing
and burning all cuttings and m keis,
and in abort do any aud all wui a which
will be for tho best interest of ihe land
nd trees. We replant all trees that
may die in tbs first, second and third
years, and pay all taxes oo the land
for three yean. We furnish the land
labur aud material and trees and thruo
years' care, at tbe price of $120 per
aare, giving three years in which to
p.y lor it.
Our terms ot payment aro 6S per
Mol ol purobaae price, casb ; balaow
existing iii Oregon . Alter tries have
had sctentitic c.irt pruning and shap
ing fur ihre years, the stihsrpucnt
work i much in. ire methodical and
can nc suecc-stoily dons by these witb
, out biniiciiitursl skill
I As an investment it i' guilt edge;
and is the nearest possible approach
to. guaranteed annuity.
i have sli our woik done bv con
tract and the contractors are under
heavy bonds to ns for the faithful pre
formanoe of their work.
We have executed . bond to the
a mount of $111,000 and have appoint
ed Hon, J M Church, cashier of the
La Grande Natinnsl llsrk, trustee to
indemnify any parlies purchasing
land on Ihe Orande Hondo Valley
Fruit Farm from us vbo may suffer
by out not fulfilling our obligations
When the Kidneys fall to perform their functionB properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as It passes through them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
Mr. Robwt O. Bsirfe. Bloom, ratc-f Co., N. V., writn:- am clad to have an opi
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the
wnoie system, and the diseases that have
resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear,
because the cause has been removed. Com
mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE
at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
having Bright's Disease or Diabetes,
Tina tnNorniTtavtniifa meaieinra mna several nnvairtani. Hefnr i huan
ii i naa to f i up rrom is 10 M tint Mien ont to rciiav my bladder. I was all bloated up
with dropay and My tyaalehl wit so Impaired that I coutd scarcely ?? one of my family
acroaa tht room. In fact, I was ac badly used up that I had ftveo up hone of living when I
waa UTf'd by a friend to try POLE t" 8 KIDNEY CURE. On 50-crnt bott'.a worked won
ders, and beroro 1 had taken the third bottle the superfluous flesh had none, ae well as all
other symptoms of Kidney trouble. My friends were surprised that 1 waa cured, aa they
all thought I
Mu to dla.
the nam of the wonderful medicine that tured me of Bright's Disease, and not one that
very few days some one comes from miles away to learn
Two Sizes. 60 Cents and $1.00.
A T HILL, Druggist
That the way to reach a
man's heart . is through his
stomach. Try it by using
Geddes Bros' canned fruits,
delicious beraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh 5
from the garden. We. are
the first store . the farmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everything.
We always have the fresh
est eggs, tatter, etc. ., '. , ' ,
Special attention given to
phone ordrr?.
Geddes Bros.
a large place in tho fooil qnut-'fjou It
in esaentiul therefor UmI ihe meat bs
gooil. Touch, uristly ttrult, nr. cUv
Jnicelees roasts will spoil any mnaf
Suppose yon consult tin on
We know and buy thn best kiml. You
can rely on our kuowlcde and our dn.
sire to hold your trade to K?t yon ihe
finest meat you eyr t-lnsed your teeth
on. Aa fur prices, well wu are not bo
foolish as lo bave them high.
Bock & Thomas
Early Risers
Tm a.lek relief from Blltouanaa.,
Sak Hstdacha, Torpid Uvar, Jaun
!os, Dullness, and all troubles arls
ln( (rem an Inactive or ilugglsh liver,
DeWItt'. Ullle Early Risers are an
equalled. They aot promptly and never ( rip..
They era to dalnry that It li a pleasur.
tak. them. Ono lo two aot aa .
" sttve; two or four aot as a
pleasant and elfectlvecathartlo. They
v. surely veEouble and absolutely
They tonlo Ihe liver.
mtPAtiD ohlv rr
B. O. O.Wlit & Co., Chloaatn
M By All Druggists
m "i?'iE?'lf!l!,,so ,n"r ,il kot vitt tt
via f r0u,!8 B"K rftaruing
For rnten call on your lonil Annt.
Oatesof sale: June 16-17-18 July 1-2-3
Auk. 8-9-10 Se, t. 5-6-7 Ort. H-iis.
For further inlornintion mill plcenini!
car reservallons coll upon or address
All Mi: Donald '
110 Third St., Portland, 0''
City Sea ventre r
Vaults, Cessj'ooU and Wells
All work rloup bv Scavengers
N- 1ST. Mason
I'hone 1841 La (Jran.lo Or.
0 5P!CES, 0
flhwIuhPurity, finesr Flivor,
Qmttti Smt). ?eO50MbkPricei
6 Wi"