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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1904)
WEATHER FORECAST "Jj Tonight nn'l .: ' , , Tomorrow fair.' ' r THE TRAINS ' Y 1 4 9 J LA EVENING' OBSERVER, i No 2 East bound 0:10 p monUrns A VT far a, .1 a . T ayq v west " o;p p iu um nuiu VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON. SATURDAY 4 EVENING, , AUGUST 6. 1904 NUMBER 23s GRANDE EDITH WILLIS VICTOR As Betyvn Six Bright Young Ladies Miss Willis' Is Winner in a Medal Contest TheSiWe M Wt f!. ntestlt even, tag at the I resbyteri m oburoh ac tzoeediutly w- II attended, and tbo present were exceedingly well eat.f tuned. Tbeee ooot U ere growing io favor Id tbis aity in proportion to the peed with which the peopl ol the oity beoome familiar with them.. The contest last ev enlng ' batween iii young gills, every one ol whom did exoeptlooul y well. Theie was not a ingle lipae of memory nor wet there any evl lenoe of stage (right. The judge oerlainly bid a difficult taak to determine to whom t! e medal aboold be awarded, but tbey anally decided that Kite Edith Willia waa tbevioloa and ao made tbe award.' , 1'hia action of the Judges met with universal ap probet on, and Mm Willie bee reaaoo to feel proud ot lierioiory. ; The IoIIowiiik ie tie program i PROUUA H , ' -' Antbem . . ... .Teach me oh Lord By Choir. Reoitatioo ....... . .On, Which 8'de Edith Willia Rtoitation.... Tbe Sparrow Moat Go Enid Tbomaeon ' ' Dnet. The Natione Boya Mr and Mrs Balaton Recitation. . . .Wbo Struck the BlowT ' ... Hat tie MoMurrey ; Beeitation. .. .......... Two fires Rachel Turner ' Trfo.r--nMrirltrthiMH Mite Woretell, Miss Teit, Mise Aldrfoh Beeitation Ao Angel io a Saloon Harriet Harris Radiation . . . . Teetotaler' Storey Jesn Mris Daet ."Zerlta" Lizzie aud Mggiu Noble Presentatiou of Medal. Duet ielotd) Miss Aldrioh Mrs Williama. The Race Question TheDemocratic press is quick to note acta of cruelty perpetrated by tbe Tuiks againt OlirlsHans, the Bqesiana ageiott tbe Je8, or Euglish against tbe Irish, all of whii b are b .rribie, but when mrniloo Is made of tbe treatm nt of the black American citizen in tbe South 'hereby hundreds are withe ut trial by jory for tbe ufoat trivial of fences sent to the chain gangs to labor under the I4sh on tbe roads, or hun dreds ot tbouewila are disfrunchfseJ, the Democratic pieas and Democrat c platforma denounce It aa an effort to tart a race war. Read the Demorratio National plat form and teen tbe following frum Law NotaS. . Tbe petitioner iu tue case cit ed la a black man and tbe cby ordi nance refered to ia one, of tue many avhemea in the South to get tbe black man a labor for , nothing. Tbe oaee, as staled In the Law Notes for August 1904, ia given below.., Iu the District Court of the United Slatea for the western divisiun of the southern die'rlot of beorgia, Jud'-e Emory Hpeer, In tbe case of Jamison v Wimbieb, on a writ of habeas corpus, paased upon tbe legality if a s-nteuoe by a police magistrate to a term of bard labor on a local cbaiugang for a petty munioipul offense. Iu the Be corder'a court of the city of Macon, lia., on March 14, IBM, tbe petitioner wee oharged with tuyiog been d unk an. disorderly, and it waa ordered that be pay a fine ut twenty five dollars or iu default thereof be committed to the county cbaingang for ninety days. On tbe same day be waa oharged with dia orderly coodnetin the barracks, and it waa ordered that be pay a fine of th r- ty Ore dollars or in dt fault thereof be oommittsd to the eounty obaingang for 120 days, to begin at the expiration of the ninety days la the previous oase The principal authority for this vigor ous scheme of municipal penology, as the opinion oharaoteriees it, la section 49 of tbe oharter of the city of Macou, Georgia Laws 1803, p 257. This pro videatbak the recorder of raid city "ball have the power to Impose Ones tor tbe violation of any law or ordi nance of the olty of Macon passed in accord anoe with its charter, to an a- monot not to exceed $500, to imprison otfendera In tbe oiiy barracks for the space of not mora than aixty days) or at labor on the publio .works .In ' tbe onunty cl alogong far not . more than aix montba." . Neither tbe cbarUr of Maeun ear any other enactment by the by jury-in thia uurt-lhulMiiai mi the district court was rendered on June 28, 1904 Tho question involved was whether the recorder of Macon could, without any sort of criminal pleading, and without the intervention of a jury, oonvict a citizen twice for one violation of a uiinor municipal or dinance and sentence him to seven months at hard labor on the public uliaingang, tbe punishment to be suff ered in a branch of the Btate peniten tlary. That an order of the recorder direotlng that a person shall serve a term in tbe county obaingang is a sen tence to infamous punishment was con aidered settled by the ca e of Ex p Wi'son, 114 U. S. 417, in which it waa held that whether or not a crime li in lamma must duiHud upon tbe question wbslbea, by the statute defluing it, an infamous puuUhmeLt can be awarded, in the course of the osin.on . in whi.'b case the court said : "For more than a century imprisonment at bur l la1 or in j toe state prison i t peuitsntiary, or other aimilur institution, has b en considered at. infamous puuishnient in England and America." It was held that such a sentence us that irapneed upon the petitioner by the recorder of M aeon, by virtue of tho provision . nf tbe city charter, whs a denrlvat'nn of the petitioner's liberty ' without dun prooejs of law lit the vour.e of en elaborate opinion, Judge Sneer Slid: "It may be with er.tire ao-uracy de olared tbe volumiuoua and exhaus'lve preparation of the city attorney, and tbe subsequent - examination by ' tii oourt, has evoked no shred of author ity, either Aineriran or Englleb, where a sentence for petty olFeii"e, bv a p lice magistrate, to a public elmingang, with the ignominious accessories o fetters, the trices, lash, and of the degradation of convict . life, has been sustained or even pall'.nted.' U :der tbe system tbe cbaiuang baa no place in the jurisdiction and procedure of polit e oourt where trial by jury la not a riulit of the accused." BEET : SUGAR WORK Short ot Water ' Bitiville, Wash., August 6 Ritsville is snfferinx from a w..ler femi-e caused by tbe breakdown of the city pumping plant nearly two weeks agb and which is not yet in working Order. During that lime no sprinkling of lawns or tres has been allowed, and the lawns that were tho pride nf the town are, in allege measure, destroyed and until next year ttie town will bear a burned appearance. ' , Have Wrong Man Helena, Man'., Aug 5 -G lorge Hammond, who is in jil here hnir positively that John Christie, air tni. by Northern Pacific officials at Hope, on tbe charge of being implicated iu in the recent nold-up of the North Coaat Limited at B'lr iwirt waa hi" .ptt$tAw''-? rrfray-,. bis aa'iatant in tiiat afTair, be eajs bas gone to Canada. Hammond alan sai 1 he bad hidden in a safe place securities taken from th express safe worth folly l'J0,00O. He says that lie will not divulge the place of oonceilment until after hie trial and tbat if he is giceu the ex treme penalty under the .train rob bing charge, 'he never will disclose it. Northern Pacific ofIhiul auto that the recu'eties refirred to by Hammond arevalm leg", consisting of cancelled express money orders. B4jxUakeaiaGtt Supt. -Woodhouse Get ting hings in ,;! Shape For the Fall ? Sugar Campaign The Observer man hd looaiionto tiair. tbo sugar lactry tbi morning. He waa delighted with, the- etideooe ofinduttry wbioh ia every wnere ap parent. Supt. Woodhouse ia crowding thing along as last a possible In or der to (tart tbe mill on the syrup run and have it ready tor the, naming cam paign. Many new imnrovami-nU ar -being made and considerable new ma ohinrryia biing installed..,.! Tbe company hai rei5co to believe that this o ming oompalgo will bt t e m ist satisfactory in the history of tf e factory. Tbe beet orap fives promise ol being the l.r,est overgrown netn and taking it all round tbe outlook oi the bsec bueiueas tbit .year is ex ceedingly brigb. . . .; . . noibr coniideritl n' militla aisaiiat tb i resumption of normal oinditinoa to trade and manufacture. oinatituiion explains why Judge Alton B Prkrr resigned bii pO'itionasOhief Jurtiusof tbe Curt of Appeal in New York. "The Judges ol the oourt of appeals and the jusiioes of the supreme cour shall not bold any other offioe of pub lio trust. All V tee for any of then for any other than a jndioial office given by the legislature or the p'ople, ball nevoid." ' The term of chief judge of oourt o appeal! wbioh Parker was serving el J.ired December 31 1911 and oar i lad : with it a salary of U4 StW. It ia high havt Lost 2000 Men Tokio, August G ---It la now estimat ed that the Russians lost 3000 men in the flgbtiug at Siiuoacheng. Ihe Japaneee sani'ary corps recovered and bnried TOO budiosfn the valloya through wbioh tbe Russians fought an I r-trent' ed. . Prisoners and Chinese reiwrt that many of the Russian dead aiul wound- ej were r rem nved by ' the NiissUvis ut forth. New York 1 . -, , . ... ... U ..I . . p and 33prl onera. Japanese os'ialltie at Blmoneheng amounied to 8G0 men, Including eight offlcers killed and it ofTjoora wounded,, 1 : ... ... : . ...t;'-: "' ''X: General Knroki's attack upon the late Lieutenant General Count Keller waa timed to forestall the aasuini.tio of tbe . offensive on the part of the Russians General Kuroki telegraphed tbat tbe Ruislana were gradually nr inforoej until they bad tour division-. The renter moved out on Lia Yam: road to Anping, 13 m lea from IJ o Yaug. A day or two previous to tie Sttnouobeug fight' which occurred on July 30 and 31, the Ku-e.aus left at Yuahulikzu allowed.' sinns of activity, the advance 'guard' oocupyln eertaiu higl)tain rout ot ti.c main potltons. Why Parker Resigns. ' "The following olause in the static c .Demotion, Parker would not iriigned. ' ," . :' ,i ?" ; Russian Losses St Petersburg, Auz. B General 8ak ba toff. reports that 30 offi era and over HX men were killed or wounded in the engagement ol July 30 and July 31. Chehalis Dead Chohnlii, the pride of the West,, is This famous pacer with a record if 2:01 If, died a few days ago in Ver imii.t at the age ot 14, after a diatin uulfheil oareer In which Frank Kiazier ot Pendleton was responsible in dart ing . ,'! ". : ;.'"' " . v.'".'. Chehalla was foaled at. Vancouver, Wash., In 1890 aud belonged to Jay Beaob. ' When a colt be waa porohaaed by Mr Krank f'O'ior, jtio raln,coV end for several ye- rs ca ed htm. Mr Frzier disposed ot tb i bcse atiout f-mr yeara ago. Since tbat time tbe-stallio never performed as well as when dr.vm by his original train r. lielialls was the Ire of several promising colts, i . ,; Portland Wheat , Portland, Aug. 5 Shipping Wheat Walla Walla 70at71o, bluestom 73at 740, valley 73at74c. ' Vest Near Death Sweet Springs Mo, Aug.,-0 l:x- Senator Oeore B. Vest nnsfuilina pre oeptloly this nttermon and it wee be lieved heoould not survive, many hoi. re Excursion to Ekin. The L Grind ti l tnrn, " ill r'a-, Elgin Fuoday. A rpeoial train will go down in tbe mornn.); n t m: r n th) evening, it uud trip tlok t i II be $1. C"':'-- ; Parkers. Brother , Astoria, Aug. 8--A b-otlio. pf Judge alton II. Parker, d. m-c-utid U' mince for president, was nueai-lbod' hira io day iu the person of Eneyde 4viHarkif,v a grocery clerk in tbe etoio of A. V,: Allen, He bas resided here for ihn paetycar, coming from K. nltle, " Read this paper and Th Weekly AN EDITOR AND A DOCTOR Arthur Unknowni "The" difference bstwecn an editor and a donor ia that, it ao editor mtkea a mistake be ba. bas to ap ilogia e for it, but If a doctor makes one he baries it If the edito makes one there is a lawsuit,: swear ing and a en elling of sulpner, but if tbe dooicr makes one there is a turner al out flowers and tbe smell ol varnish fbe doctor can use a word a yard long itbout knowing whet. ivjpeana,' but. if tbe editor naes it he hue to spell it. If the doctor goos to eee another man wife he oharges for the v.sit, but If the editor g.eato Bea anoth r man's wife he gets a charge ol buoksbm Any old medioal oolleg- oan make a doctor, but can't make an editor. He bas to be born. When a doctor gets drunk, it's a oase nl oreroome by heat and if be dies it ia heart trouble. When an ed.tor gets drunk it is a oase of too muob booz-), and It he dies it' a oaee of delirium tremens "-Ex t';'-!'";"-'"--;':,.'"-.:.';''! . .. ( - i . "i! ;:-v' 'r ;, ":",- c"'"':-; ; :;" .?;:;..-" -'i'-. . MUMMER .' LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS A-t Stupendous Reductions IN PRICES Evt ty waist at regular prices as adver tised li.iw going are you ready at prices ouly h little more than HALF 4 0C waists ..t 2 85 3 00 " 2 28 2 75 " 1 98 2 60 " 1 89 2 25 " I CD 2 00 " H9 . 25 " 93 1 00 " 79 85 " 64 Revoke Licenses Dillon, Mont., August 0 -As the re suit of an Investigation Instituted by the city council it ie pioiosed by tbe oouuciluieu to revoke all saloon licens es iu order to put an end to gambling in tue city. n I T it 1 I Evt ty waist at regular prices as adver i J I Used n.) w going are you ready at prices f f I ouly a little more than HALF vt ' V J 4 0C waists i 2 85 If 300 a 2 I; I Si 200 " !!!!!!'.!'.'!!!!!!!!!.' 149 liuf -125 93 jV j I 'cfT Reduced Prices -1 fe&ljp New Lfadies Skirts vimT mill aJ We have jaat opened an advance nliip- If eSil ruent of the famous BEUOULY SKIKTS , , lifylll These famous tailors ot liiuh tut skirts 8 ( f 1 aTVr-"il Ir have fairly outdone any of ilwir li.rmrr I II . 'ni it lVV efforts iu style, fit aiid work in ni' ii. In 8 Air.f .'!tV? fact they are truly a', COUNTEIt IM HIGH ART SKIRTS jj St. flnm a !n nrtrl bad tlmm M I ' I y...Tr,,.7r.-ia Kl turn1 Harvest Time All through Eastern O'egon, bay ng and grain harvesting are in pro grrss and large crops will be tbe rule. Tbe travelers say tbat tbe scenes along tbe railroad ar quite inspiring. For the uext thirty days we will offer all Summer Goods at Greatly Induced i Prices.". " . - '. ,., .. tf you'are in need of anything for Summer Wearitwill be to your : advantage'to look over otir stock before purchasing eUewhere. All wash goods ou sule nt- one third off. : : . . All wash wash shirt waists ata reduction of 26 per ent. . -4 .-,, ' On Wrappers, Kimonaa, and Dressini, Saques we will save you 20' ! per cent. Just whut you will need for these warm days. The Chicago Store . Olfers $10,000 cuiai, rv.Hh, Aug. 6 Tbe city; ., mmmmssusssrmmma con icil ( (olfazb-sue ermined to se j oure artesian water for pity use, if :- possible, and baa offered a reward of tlU.OUO for t ie discoveiy ol artesian m er which oan be .piped into tbe i v rirt. rv ir an 1 will supply tbe town. LABOR TROUBLES ARE DRAWBACK New York, Aug- 6 It CI Dun A Co'a We. kly Review of Trsde to morrow will sat ; Labor controver sies are tbeserio drawbacks in busi ness most other important lectors tending totvarda improvement. Des pite some reduotion In the yield in wheat, crop prospects are most en couraging and tbe los io quantity ot wheat promises to be fully offset by higher prices, so tbat the agricultural commodities will be in a position to purchase commodities freely. De layed order lor Iron ana steel pro ducte are being ulaoed and at woolen mills there la a nutaMe increase In activity, R ilt rutngs in Joly were only 14 per cent 1 mtr than year pr vmu and at many eitlea there evid nee of returning oonS denoe. But teveral strikes are in pro gress and this together with others A PRESCRIPTION DECISION If you knew that tbe recovery of some sick ftiend depended on the slrennili and purity ol' certain drugs or on the accuracy of their compound-, inp, whut would vou consider when deciding where to tuke the pro scription? The essential requirements, we think, aie iheee, and all of thfiu apply to tliis store: Dions are sure to be freshest where trude i-t largest. Stuck is euro to be best where physicians go to buy. Roinedies are uio.-t relinb e where standardized and assayed drugs are used. Comprunding will be most accurate where ihe presoriptionist has bad greatest practiutl experience. NEWLIN DRUG CO . ti..":. '.'.-..;,.. ,"-'.,.',- .::. -V 7 ; ; Ll C " 'v'.', V.:' : -1. . .''.-V;'V.:i-",i t,;1- V, .. .