A- i 1 t J- ml m jjj' 1. 1 f August Shoe Sale and Special Inducement Offer. TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That it why people come here for men'a and by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt liuo is oar spec ialty. Here is where price and quality are combined. ., E. P. Staple . , , E. E. Roml.' , Thin Sale will be conducted along entirely new lines, Of coarse every shoe Dunlop Ex cepted will be REDUCED in price, but I have many abort linei which will be offered at LESS TH AN HOST in nnler In maWn rnnm for mi.- new fall stock. A novel feature of the .sale will be FREE DISTRIBUTION OF SHOES to my customers. I will give one pair of $5 00 shoe's and one pair of $3 60 alines away during the month of AugUBt. Each purchaser to the amount of tl 00 will have an opportunity to receive one of these giftp. Call at the QUALITY SHOE STORE and learn complete details and alao fee the BARGAINS in Ladies. Gents n Cbildrena Shoen, - tj,.il- i- ' i ,yf -i i- A FEW PRICES ! Ladiea (3.50 shoes are now reduced to $2 GO Ladies 8.00 shoes " ' " " ' 185 Men'a $4.00 Shoes Are Now Reduced to (3 .00 Men's 8.60 Shoes reduced to $2 75 and $2 50 THE QTJiA- LITY. T. M. Btubblefield Prop ; Half a Carload of l New Wall Paper. 5 I We have just received half a car load of the newest - and latest wall paper. . Half a carload means 20,000 k rolls. This Is more paper than any one firm ever 9 ) thought of bringing into this county In a single season. d ) (4 ) This paper la all for sale and mast be sold tble season. We I bar brought two first class paper hangers direct from Chicago, ) who are without d.oabt the most klilfnl workmen Id Eastern s who, with the UTt flret olaae P.i" i hangers already In onr em. J? J Plor, Biveans the best working ( n I he Inland Empire. 1 Stackland & McLaclilen S PAINTS. 0lbS AND SLAbS Special Sale On Hard Wood Bed Steads We have a large lot of these gooda on hand which we must sell to make room, therefore we will sell all of our wood beds at your own price. . We can fix you up with a bed and spring for l and deliver it to your bouse if it is not over two miles from our store. Come and look at our bargaius. We carry the lurgeat slock of new and second hand goods of any linn iu Eastern Oregon. Come and see for yourself. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Remember we still buy and tell all) kind of Second Hand Goodjt jt jt ji 'Phone J58I LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest. TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfulfu grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa. fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House inUnion County. V Oliver Housekeeping rooms lor rent at Mrs. Shearer's opposite the Star Grocery. WANTED Girl (or general boose work. Inquire at thls'offloe. Fred Yantis Is visiting in Baker City this week. - FOR RENT-A large roomy barn. In quire of Mrs. Zuber. Deputy district attorney Cochran has return e.t from a buainess trip to Baker City. FOR SALE A complete threabln out lit inquire of Jud Draper at th Andross Ranch. Mr. and Mrs. W F Snodgrasa, Miss Maud 8nodgraa and E Green left yea terday foran outing on Beaver ereek. Z Mr. and Mrs. Adna Rogers and Cecil Wilsun left yesterday for an ontlng on the tributaries of Grande Ronnd river. Mr. and Mrs. Litey, Ethel Cowen, Sidney Haynes and Will Neil, who left last Monday for Fly creek, have re turned. . We are informed that the first threshing maohlne to start in the valley this season oommenoed yester day either on the C C Frasler or Mc Donald farm on the tiandrldge. The outing party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. A C Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. G H Currey and children re turned last evening from the Prospect ranch where they bad been for the past two weeks. They report having bad a delightful time. Remember tho Silver Medal oontest which takes place this evening at the Praabyterian ohurrh. The program appears elsewhere and will' certainly prove to be vary interesting. The ad mission la only ten cents. Mr and Mrs Win. Weber and daugh ter, of Joseph, were In the city yester day. Mr Weber is returning from Port land and other coast oitiea and was met here by his wife and daughter. Measers Palmer and Cleaver id t f La Grands Nutiunal Bank have pur. chased propertp near the tcb I honse and will build thereon this summer. Judge Eakin has runtod the J F HslLey residence oo the corner o' Main and Third street and expeote to occupy the same about the first of the month. The Railway employes til t ie O. It A,H Co has arranged foran excursion and picoio to be held at Meaclism on the 21 of this month Spicial uaiu will be run from Pendleton , La Grande Elgio aud Union. Reduced rates have beeo secured aud it is expected that over 61KJ people will be pteseni ou this occasion The features sofai arranged include a shooting contest bue. bill and a backet dinner. Train will leave this city p. bout 7,15 and return in the evening about the same hour Mr Bush the veteral mioer ol upper Grande Bonds is iu the oiiy. Vr Bush baa been oontinotiely eiigngeri 10 mining in this mineral belt for ti e last thirty years and owns both placer and quarts mines. Several teams are engaged in haul ing' the two oar. loads of 18 in h water pipe which is being pi mod in position by the La Grande Power and Storage Company, leading from the Morgan Lake site to this city. S W Maxwell and F If Foster of Union, who oamo over last evening, will return this evening and then take an outing on the Mi nam for sevenil days. ROMIG & STAPLES --GROCERIES- ' A full and comp.ete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and luDch goods; Tinware, graniteware and woodenvrare. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products slways fresh. Good service and quick delivery. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET i ; Phone 431 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Nellie G Nelll, administratrix uf tho estate ol Alfred T Nelll, deceased, baB Died her float report in the ailmiuitiation of said estato, and the County Court uf Union oounty, Oregon, has set Sept ember 6th, A. I)., 1901, at two o'clock, p. m., for the hearing of the fame. The railroad plonio to be given on the lgoi 8-.V9- ymwii "i 1 1 1 Rest Your Aunt 1 And your uncle, ton, by treat-1 J ing tbera to one of our 25 cent! Dinners. They'll have tliat!t pleasant after dinner feeling if they dine with us. The quality 1 of our viands is unsurpassed . ; They ure cooked lo perfection . j , Sne how healthy and happy the! Model Restaurant diners a' e. J Don't vou wish yu ate at (heir tables? Well, we can make roouo for all who come, ami still luive something left for tho straggling business delayed diners. jMLOD el, RESTAURANT J. A. AKBIHIKI.E, Pron. OPEN DAY AND NU. M l' We pell weekly Meal . e Tickets, C1if.l1 .... 4-5U How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; aud at the same time Astist the Stomach and Diges- tive Orgaus in ' Digesting and Assimulatuig Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Invoked. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is. KODOL DYSPEPSIA Cl'llE. If you want to know more nhoul Kodol, come iu and WE WILL 7 ELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore SUMMERVILLE f RociHpc h8vins the of p, f UWIUW canned goods, Allen & Lewis LIVERY W. I. Hnn!"-r A So 1 liavo LfHsed the .VKKitizie S'ubles htid are prepared to serve the publio in a first class munner at reasonable rales . 21 at of this month promises to be the big event of this month, and will take place at Meacham. The rate of 7b conts for the round trip has been se oured. Special features will be an nounced later. Mr. and Mrs. A B Huelat of Island City, and Mrs Molden of this' city, are the only campers at present at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land OIQce at La Grande, Oregon July IS, 11)01. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler lias Hied not! e of his intention to make fluul proof in annnnrtnf hia rluttn. nnrl t.l.nr oai.l frruapect raucn. a a cinea a one ; prool will be made before the Kegister A. JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 Wo liuve a lew Manila Choice lor straw I11.I9 left. You BOSS. & ANDREWS TAILORS AND GENT FURNISHINGS. large deer a few days ago which liberally earn pled by all who were for tunately camped there. Mr and Mra Garrity and family, Mra. Fred Kiddle and Mr. C II Bidwell, who were former- ly of the party, have returned Henry Grossman of Summerville was a business caller at our office to day and reports that many farmers who thought they were badly damaged by the frost now find that they have sustained very little injury and that orchards that were considered a total loss are loaded with fruit. Mr. Oress- man BtateB that the potato orop will be Bhort in this valley this year, how ever he does not think that we will have to import any and many growers will have good yields. Parties who have returned from point np the river report a very light buckle berry orop. Tbey say this Is the kind of weather that puts the sugar Into the beets if ihatthrorv is correct with th afuinf! I flnrgt) timing this itvtnu the tntiry 1 w llli" able to fill their warehouse to the coiliug While tnauv of our citiezna are go ing to the mountains this year Irotn this city, few are going to the springs' Pendlitnn seems to bo the heaviest patron this season. l)r I,rrny,who for many years wis resident o' this city but for the past two years has been engsged as Field Aknt of tho Oregon Information Bureau of PoitUnd is here. They have their offices In the Union, Depot where exhibits are maintained ol the resources of the Hate and hundreds of tourists visit these rooms where they era furnished with such informstion as they desns. and Receiver of the U S Land Office, at La Grande. Oregon, 011 &pt 7, 191)1, vlz:HFNo. 8o7t. Henrv Dean, of Starkey, Oregon, for ihe NJe NVi Sec 2t A EX NEJi Sec 27, Tp 3 S, R SO B. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence nnnn and cultivation of said land, viz: Kd- waia- M uoomus, Harvey r Itriggs, Wiufleld 8 McMillan. Henrv llnaov. of Starkey, Oregon. K w Oavii, Register. A FORETASTE OF HEAVEN! A touch of an Augel's Wing Sorbello Sandwiches Get The Habit Of trudiug at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always the beBt, our prices are the lowest and our stock is complete. ' Preferred" goods, Allen & Lewis special brand on all their leading lines. We have just re- t ceiveil a new and complete line of Men's and Women's utid Shoes which we invite you to iuspect. 1 CM RALSTON f NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE y Oor. Fir and Jefferson Sts. REFRIGERATORS We are sole agents for the ICE KING, galvanized and porcelain enamel lined; will not break, scratch, Last a nie time, always sweet and clean. or corrode. Noted As Aq lee Saver Ornamental as well as useful 1 LOY MAKES 'EM All sizes aud prices E. ANDROSS Phone9 ' 1. Re5idence Phone367 Undertakers and Embalmers HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Ave tin II Htt ODDS, Two Weeks ENDS AMD BROKEN STOCK SALE Two Weeks This if house cleaning time with us and every ODD and END, REMNANT and BROKEN LOT of gooda in this store will be put 011 bargmn tallies aud a price put on encn tout will sell ibetu Our cost couuts for Sale The ODDS, ENDS and REMNANTS must go We Will Clean House Por Two Weeks nothing in this The Golden Rule Company Largest Store Smallest Prices X4f ' A r a .,'K s tl I . -V.. v