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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
oa Srancte investment Company, 1110 Adama Avenue, . . La Graude, Oregon OFFICERS: Uao. Paum.... .President J. M. BaaBT ..... .Vice, President J. M.CucaOH... ........Cashier F.L.METEBS and Geo It Cleaver I 3655 ; 5 La Grande National B nk ; I ' : La Grande, Oregon ', a ! CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 t I Transact a general banking business. : Boys and sella exchange en I all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS. Highest market price pnid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Coal For Hot Weather Our Bock Spring coal will give satisfaction We always have it on bund. Caatle Gute aud Clear Creek coal, too, if you would rather have it. We al ways have coal, all kinds aud at loweet puces. If you want wood we can furnish you the kind that burns longest and best. , G. E. FOWLER, TRANSFER AND DEUVEHY Phone io 1611 IDIODDBDaBDBOQEIMC JOHN JAMISON W E STULL We will call for it and bring it home whenpromisedj We guarantee satisfaction aud nak for a trial order to deinonHtrate to you that we un derstand the laundry business, Xu can stop our wagon at any lime or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We make a speciulty of family wushin,;, and can do your washing better and cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. Union Steam Laundry M PHONE 1081. GRANDE RONDE VALLEY FRUIT FARM The Grande ltouile Val " ' 1 1 Kjrm omitains 30 nores ami is ii Pi 'sold in lot" of live tunes and up to suit the purohaBer. H in situated eight iriles northeast of.La Grande, Oregon, near the Elgin branch if the O. 11. ! I N. Railroad. We lurnish the purchaser at the end , of three years a thriltly trow urn apple . orchard, one that has been cured lor from si -itinit. in the most appiuved . manner, cultivating the land an to ' eight times a year, keeping the gr.uind , well Diilveiiaed. and at all times tree from weeds, grass and oi hi r reg tation between May 1st and August 15ih rf eob year; keeping thetiees pruned Ilia most scientific, manner: removing and burning all cuttings and nickers, audio short do any and ai; wmk winch will be for the beat interest of the Und and trees. We replant all trees that may die in tb first, second and third years, and pay all taxes on tbe laud for three years. We furnish the land l.bir and niaterisland trees and tbree years' car?, at th. price of llHO per sore, giving tbree years in which to , pay for It. Oar terms of payment are 65 per coot ol purouase price, cash balauoe REAL COMFORT Cai be Jid upon the farm, away (torn Ilia hustle and bustle of the city. You'll Und farm life mora enjoyable and le a exciting Tbia will mean lm ptovemont In your health ,. Our Offerings fit reTestaU Include many (arm landa and nouBca aud aia well worth lavor able consideration. Tbe prices are Tuiv attractive aud with a compara tively s nail amount you'll be able to nur?base a nice Inrm borne, write us lor lull ;artionlara. D1KECTOR8 : J, M. Berry, J. M. Church A. B. Conley, Geo. L. Clea- ver, Geo. Palmer Asst. Cashiers ELVA JAMISON 712 FIR STREET. in three yearly payment!, bearing in terest at tl.o rate of si por o ut per annum Tin purchaser can remain where be is make no immediate change in his business or home interests making his present business pay fur bis investment sacrificing no time while the orohard is being brought into bearing condi tion slid rest assured that skilled bur tictilturalisls will dn the wmk better than he oan unless he has had horti- cultural experience under couditlous ensting lu Oregon . Alter trees have bad scientilin care pruning aud sbap- ing for three years, the rubsepuent work is much more meebodical and can ne successfully done by these witb- As an investment it i guilt edge; aud is the nearest possible approach to a guaranteed annuit y. i have all our woik done bv oon trant and the contractors are under heavy bonds to us for the faithful pre- formauoe of their work. We hare executed a bond to the amount of f 10,000 and have appoint ed Hon. J M Church, oashier of the La Grande National Bank, trustee to indemnify any parties purchasing laud on the Grande Roods Valley Fruit Farm from us vho may suffer by our not fulfilling our obligations La Grande Evening Observer Cl'RBET BROB., Editors A Props Entered at tbe Grande, Oregon, Mall Matter. Published daily except Sunday Que year in advance $6 60 tiiz inocthe in advance. . , .3 61) Per month.. .....65c Single copy 5c FRIDAY EVENING. AUG 5. 1904 857.525 HOMES John Quincy Adams Richard son rode over yesterday from bis farm, tbe bomeHead he located on in December 1862, half year after President Lin coln approved tbe Homestead law. Tbe Richardson farm with its broad fields of grain and meadows, orchard bending with fruits, garden wberein all edi bles grow in luxurious wealth, comfortable dwelling, convenient outbuildings and spacious barns, is in marked contrast with tbe wild prairie it was when he said "woah" to bis weary team and told bis wife aud children to "get out for . this is home," 42 years ago. The difference in the place now and tben repre sents the work done thereon over a living. A chat with the old home steader, as he told of his crops and referred with honorable pride to the fact that he yet re sided on his homestead and that tbe gift by the government of a wild tract of land in a remote valley 300 miles from tide water, was to him tbe gift of a verit able home, or at least the basis of a home, set our, thoughts to wandering back to the daye when there was no homestead law. FreBh to our minds came tbe long years of struggle in Congress for a homestead law, led by Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, which lasted for ten years, from 1851 to 1862 when he had the proud satisfac tion of siguing the homestead bill as speaker of the House of of Representatives, the same bill that President Lincoln approved May 20, 1862. lu bis ten years fight for the homestead law he succeeded in getting a bill through both houses of Congress but President Buchanan vetoed it, and the democracy said amen. But the republicans by their platform in 1856 and 1860 pledged, if given a chance, they would pass nomesteaa law, and wueu on March 4, 1861, Liucoln was in augurated, whioh so oflended many democratic members of Congress that they abandoned their seats and went out and assisted in organizing the South em Confederacy tbat the repub licans had a go"d working majority in Congress. Notwithstanding the perplex! ties incident to the Civil war tbe republicans did not forget Ibeir pledge to the people aud homestead law was pissed May 20, 1802, the same law that Richardson the following December away out here in Grande Ronde valley secured his present home under. Our people are familiar with the homestead law but there are few who ever stop to think how rnauy people that law enabled to become owners of their own homes in fee eitsple. People ought to know aud we will tell thorn From tbe passage of the homestead law May 20, 1862, to June 30. 190240 years, 608,- 625 homesteaders made final proofs aud acquired titles to their homes covering 89,637,704 acros. Since 1902, iu the year ending June 30, there were homestead entries in the several land offices in tbe United States coveting 11,193,120 acres We have not the official figures for the year eudiug June 30, 1904 but feel warranted in placing the number of acres filed ou by homeste ders at 10,000,000. By adding the entries for the last two years to the area envered by dual proofs to last of 1902 and I it will ippear that Ht 'ea-t have sfeureil 1 857,525 pt-r.-oiB b trues by re. son if I lie act, Po.ti.omo. at U covering IJO,80,84 W as eeeond Class' To real'ze what ah that uutn jber of homes metum let it he re- 'i called tbat in all Orecoii in towns, cities, mines, t.hi.ut taw mill ami on farms in l'MM , were but 87,525 homes in Ore- gon, annul one-tentli tne number of homes acquired under the Homesteud Act. Reckoning two-thinluof tbe homesteaders to be heads of families of the average size, 4.7 persons to the family, we lind that more than two and a half million of people have been belped to homes by the Home stead Act, tbbt the democrats opposed for over teu yeais prior to i s passage. v Forest Fires Kalispell, Moos, Aug 6 I nminc forest fires sre raging and for a week bsve b eu biyond control in ibe vie mity uf Wbitifi-h. Wire communi cation with that place lias now beep snliielv destroyed. It Is if p' r id tbat several lu Mings in ihela t r town have bien destinytd aud tbat the wbul-village is tl r.atJi el. Hundridsol men have b en KM fn m the dj uning railways and v 1 ages to nglil the bl ze, but it 1,0 eeros thai thei.- tu. r s wl be list less and that the llamcs will have to end through lack of material onl Silver Medal Contest program" Anthem Teach me oh Loid By Choir Recitation On Which Side Edith Willis Recitation. ... 1 he Sparrow Must Go Enid 'i'bomasun Duet The Natiooa Boys Mr and Mrs Ralston Reoitation Who Struck the Blow? Hatliu McMnrrey Recitation Two Fires Rachel Turner Trio D iwn in the Dell Miss Worstell, Miss Tail, Miss AMrlch Recitation Ao-AognliD a Hi. loon Harriet Uanis Recitation . ... A Teetotaler'a Htorey Jean Maris Duet "Zirita" , Lizzie and Maggie Noble Presentation of Medal. Duet elected) i Misj Aldr ch Mis Williiins. Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the wora-out tissues of the kid neys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. U you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEYCURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent t fatal malady. It is pleasant to taiceana oenctiti the whole system. How to Find Out. Yoa can easily determine If yonr kid aevs are out of order bv setting aslda lor 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed a pon arising'. If upon examination It b cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles Boat about hi It, yonr kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB should be taken at once. 8. B. Barftsns Tastlfls. After Fear Year, t. S. Isrstst sf Cimik enter. S. V, arltta HAlwMit fniir rnr. .n T .) mi iimIh. I ami been pnttrelr oured of a eva.e Itulnc, Irou tils by tatem less than Iwn bottles o( Kbler's Kldner Cure. It entlrelv Sloeeed tha brlpk- lust sllmiit and naln and sjrmi.uimsof kldnet 4ltease disappeared. 1 am slad to M-r tbat I save nevr-r Daii a return or anr or tnone trmp. oini aunnjr me rour yrars mat nave eiap and I am srldentlr eared la star cured. tomi during the four rears that have elatrd. And I am avldmtlr rnntl tn rut cum.1. mni aeartllr reeomoiead Foley's Kidney Cure to sal mm auinrine rrom aianer or oisuuer irouoia. Two lies, BOo ma IOO. SOU HP IECQHMEIDEO IY A T HILL, Druggist EIGHTS (DISEASE M-IIV'S WE: auh: I LEADQUAKTKliS For Kodak and Kodak Supplies A complete stock of professional answered promptly. La Grande Drug Co. and Red full measure Chain wood by the Cord 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is chenper than 1 y the loud. You pay for what you get ai-d gel what you pay for. Phone 571 Special Excursion to the World's Fair. The Denver and Bio Grande, in con nection with the Missouri Pacific, will run a series of personally con ducted excursions to tbe World's fair during June. These excursions will run through to St. Louis without change of cars, making short stops at principal points enroute. Tbe Hrst of these excursions will leave Portland June 7, and the second Jnne 17. The rate from La Grande fill be 200 to St. Louis and return. Excursionists go ing Aia tbe Denver Sl Bio (Jrande have tbe privilege of returning by a differ ent route. This is tke most pleasant way, aa well as tbe most delightful route to cross tbe continent. 1 he stops arranged give an opportunity of visiting in and about Kansas I ity. If you wisb to accompany one of these excursions write at once to W G Mo Bride. 124 Third street, Portland, for Sleeping car reservations The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot allbrd to overlook ttie advantages otl'ered by the Miasocu Pacis-io Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gated ways, has been appropriately names 'The World's Fair Kotite.'' Pae-eugera from the Nurtures! 1.1I e tbe Misuohi pacific trmti fiom iJeu- mrnr PiiMhl.i u ill. tli.t .......... ..f nltlxi going direct ihruuub the C'ilv, via Wichita, Fori Scott ami Pleaaanl Hill. Two trains dally from Denver 11 ml Pueblo 10 St. Louis without rliaii'i-, carrying all classes ol modern equip- ment, including electric lighted ohs. r- vation parlor cafe liinmir t:is. ten daily trains Ivtwi-cii K;i,',n.v 1 iu .ml St Louis. Write, ;or call nn ' . (.!, Mi lli- l, General Agent, 1:M third tt, l'oiti .11.1 for detailed information and ilhistnuu literature. if. Dressmaking First Class dressmaking m reauotmli!e prices. Inquire for Misa Mury t'oon, late of Seattle, at Mrs Shearers rooms, THAT T1HEI1 PKULIMJ If you ard lanquid, dopressed aud lucupable for work, Bt indicates that your liAOr is out of order. Heroine will assist nature to throw off head aches, rheumatism aud ullments ukiu to nervousness and restore the energio and vitality of sound and perfect health J J Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writes, March 22 19il2: "1 have used 1 1 or bine for the past two years. iy.has;,done me more good than all tlio doctors. When I feel bad and have tbat tiled fueling I take a dose of Ilerbine. It is the best medicine over made for chills and fever." 60ets a bottle. Sold by Newlin Drug Co. Change of Management. The undersigned has purchu-rd the busin ss known as the Harris Cash Meat Market und will here after conduct the same. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistaut with (irst-clua articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Hiehest market price paid for all cuttle, hoas and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage ami guarantee the very best satisfaction. 1'hone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meal market across the track. Phone 1001. TURNER & WALTER THE MARKETS (July 3d) New Vork Silver 58 5 Sl'nion Pscilic 95 5-8,Pfd9.l 1-2 Cbioauo Sept wheat opened 89 :i 8 a 8!i 5-.1 aud closed at 90 1-4 Barley 42 a 0t, flax 1.17 1-2, northwestern II Jl Sun Francisco Cash wheat il.37 Portland-Wheat Walla Walla 07; Bluestem "J; Valley 78. Cattle Best steers JCl a !.".!; me dium !, cows 92 a fJ.i'i. BEST CUl'OH MEKICINK FOK CHILDREN'. When you buy a cough medicine for mall children von want one in which you ran place implicit confidence. Vou want one that not only relieves but cures. You want one that is nnoiie. tionahl) harmless. You waul one that is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Remedy meets sll of these con- dltioni. There is nothinir so uriod for he coughs and oolds incident to child. ' ood. For Mis by All Drumilaia. paper. H. W. NIBLEY Classified Ads FURVIPHKD HOOMS Parties desire ink nicely furnished rooms apply to (I iSimrnon8 corner 8 and M streets Pasture l'leuty of goal pasture 1 per head per month, Phone 127(1. KOK HALE One fine milob cow very gi tie F 8 Newsnm 30'J i; Street North car Shops. All Kinds of Work Wesley Davis does all kinds of scav enger work, such as cleaning wells, cesi polls, etc. UEve him a call. 4 24 tf New Lumber Yard. I am now prepared to fill orders ' all kinds of lumber. II u need lum ber see prces before 01 Y. ing. E Ki.senbanm Prop Haiubow Store. Pianc Instruction. Firs class instruction on tbe piano. liurriet E Voting, Phone 111 July 27. Wood Saw Ordors for sawing promptly executed ''hone 184(1. residence on Oaborn St. I Terms reusonahle. ( V Allen. 1 1 WPPt Cream OVVtCXt VICalli Commencing Thursday June lOthlthe i;r,i,. n,,n.iu i'r..,....u; r ,m 1- prepitreil to munch swwot Cream in inanity to unit, whole sale and retail Kememher the place Huutlugtnns new building next door to fire building. LOST On the atreuts of La Grande a sealed letter from tne BrownBville Bank addressed to O P Uoodnll, finder will plesso return to post olllce. FORE SALE Good work teauiB. lluveoue light team. For full par ticulars, terms and prices address K E Vehers R F D No 1 La Giande Oregon. J21. Machinery For Sale One 20 II i- liro box boiler, J I case One 1 iuch engine same make One resnwing machine One rip suwing machine One wooden fiamo tenonur One (J inch sidod moulder ' .U iu good shape. Taken out to In. stull larger plant Stoddard Lumber 00, La Grande Dr. I' A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Otlice at. A T Hill's Drug Store La Graude, Oregon Phone 1361 Resilience phone 701 For Sale Ono end one fourth aires near Court House with 8 rm house will .ell both lawu und house or either. J F Baker. FOlt SALE AND KENT-Ouaoiountof ili health we will lease our forty Ave room looming house, hicb is doing a good llrat clajshusiucss toresponsi hie pintles for a term of years. Will sell the furnituro at reasonable prioes Hor particulars call on or address W. H. Ferguson, La Grande, Oregon. Jistf Congrrtulations sir John .11 CullnuXEdltor nf the IntuXEdi ws, Tias anaii 1, lexas, .News, .lias written eiier ui congratulations to the manu facture of Chamberlain's Cough Re. meiiy, as follows: "Sixteen years ago when our tiret child was a baoy he was suhjen to croupv spells and we would be very uneasy about lilm. We began using Chamberlain 'a Couuh Rnmorii. i- I I8S7, ami linihn it such a reliable re- meiiy lor eoidsanilcr up we have never lieeu without in Hie house smro that time. We have live chil iren and have given it to all nl iluMn with gal re sulis." For sale by all druggists Notice to Contractors Seated I'M will he received until 2 o'clock P M Saturday August ti I0O4 lor the 1011 "miction of a two story frame rei leece building arcordinir to I' mi' and spei'iH. atiime which maybe i-rn 1,1 iiiu rcpiueiice it iurs L Pattv, or nt th- resid'lice nl t!K Tl,r,.i,,,. A chi e. i, IjtU'ainle, Oregon, at which latter place bfdswill be opened. Hidden invite 1 to tie present. The owner re serves the right to reject any and all Mrs i Patty. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. ;I would cough nearly all night lone, ; r ics .tirs v has Anulegaie, o! Alex- aiior a, nn., "anil could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bsd that II talked a block I would cough fngh'fullv and spit blood, but wben all other medicines failed, three $1 00 hollies of tir. hina's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained SS 'pounds." Its absolutely gusrantefd to cure t ounh., Colds, La Grippe, .llronch.tls snl all Throat and Lnng troubles Price tr ami il.00. Trie! I bottles free at Xewlin Drug Co. Plates at wholesale prices Mail nnlers Cross Drug Co. That the way to reach a man's heart is through his a stomacli. 1 ry it uv using Geddes Bros' canned Iruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the .. farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. ;- We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone ordr"1 . Geddes Bros. MEAT CLH1M8 a large place in the food question It is essential therefor Ui,it tbe incut bt Kood. Tough, gristly stink, or djy juiceless roasts will spoil any meal Suppose you consult ub on THE MEAT QUESTION We know and buy the best kind. You can rely on our knowledge aud our de sire to hold your trade to get you ihe finest meat you ever closed your teeth on. As for prices, well wo ate not so foolish as to have them high. Bock & Thomas Early Risers fi l.nI.,, Per skk relief from Biliousness, Stok Hssdaehe, Torpid Liver, Jaun dloe, Dtulneji, snd all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish Hvsr, DsWIIt's Ultle Early Rlsars are an aaallea. They aat aromptly snd never frtpe. They are so dalnry that 1 1 Is a pleasure to lake taam. One to two sot ss a aaJM lauthre; two or four aot as a sleasant aad effective cathartic They are surah vegetable snd sbsolatebx aaraUsea, Thejr lonlo the live . SISSA1ID SHLV ST B. C. OaWltt 4c Co., Chisago w1 By All Druggists ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS . 1, A' !?', Pnrchaso yonr ticket via the ROCK ISLAND FUIHCO SYSTEMS. Choice of routes goinir ot returning ST.PAUL. DENVER, COLORADO SI'RINOS, or PUEBLO. For rates cull ou your local Agent. Dates nf sale: .lune 10-17-18 Jnly 1-2-3 Aug. 8-9-10 Sept. 5-41.7 Oct. 3-4-fv tor further Information and sleeping car reservations cnll upnn or address A II Me Donald HO Third St., Portland, Orf oca ventre i Vaults, Ceronl-' and Wells Cleaned All work done bv Scavengers N- N". AInson "'lionel841 L i ramie Or. O' SPICES, 0 COFFEE.TEA, BAKING POWDER. FLAVORING EXTRACTS Awduh Airily, fiMsfFlavop, Ortat sl Strenjlh, PsasorMbk f ricei CLOSSET&DEYERS PORTLAND, ORECCN. if'